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February, 3, 2021


Ex. 2, p. 60

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland spreads on the British Isles in Western Europe. The British
Isles lie between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. In the South, the English Channel separates Great Britain from
France. In the west, the Irish Sea separates Great Britain from Ireland.

The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

More than 67 million people live in the UK now. The largest cities of the UK are London, Birmingham, Oxford, Liverpool,
Glasgow and Plymouth.

Many people say that the UK is like a large well-kept park. There are beautiful forests there. The best-known is Sherwood
Forest where Robin Hood once lived.

Ex. 8, p. 61

1. England is a far away country.

2. It’s cold today in London.
3. The Severn is the longest river in England.
4. The Atlantic Ocean makes the weather warm in UK.
5. We are going to spend our holiday in the South.
6. Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Scotland.

Ex. 5, p. 65
They built the Washington Monument to honour George Washington – the first president of the United States of America.

George Washington was commander-in-chief in the American Revolution and people considered him one of the founders
of the United States of America.

The monument is located in the park area near the White House and the Capitol Building in Washington.

Fifty flags circle the base of the monument, one for each state.

The Washington Monument is the symbol American strength and unity.

Ex. 7, p. 65

Mike and his friend Steve took part in a maths competition and won it. They got the first prize – a one month stay in
Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii.

1. When Mike and his friend were leaving home, it was raining hard.
2. When they got on the plane, the passengers were sitting in their seats.
3. When the plane landed at Honolulu airport, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. It doesn’t rained.
4. When Mike and his friend came into the dining-room, the guests were not eating. They were singing a song.
5. When Mike went to Waikiki Beach, he saw some dolphins that were playing in the ocean.
6. When Mike came to the beach, he saw some surfers. They were riding on surfboards.
7. Mike was reading a book when a small boy asked him for help.

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