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● Esteban Andrade L.
● Juan Sebastian Rodas
● Norbey Adrian Correa Narvaez
Materials and function

● This invention is created for people who cannot see and improve their quality of life.
● This invention is first rate, cutting edge, top of the line and unique innovative device
because it has nanotechnology materials.
● The eye will be used by the blind allowing them to see
● They have been created for to receive brain stimuli.
● This invention has been designed so that all people with vision problems can use it
Influence on human life

● It will change the lives of the blind by opening a new world to them
● This technology allows people who are losing their vision to prevent this
disease, in turn improve it
● The price for each one is 200,000 pesos so that everyone can buy it.
● The eyes are created by us

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