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Mark stresses in the following words and explain the location of the stress.

Define word stress of

the words given below in respect of its position.

`Money, Two-syllable NOUNS have the first syllable stressed if the second syllable
contains a short vowel
de`sign Two-syllable NOUNS
, `childhood, Two-syllable NOUNS
com`plain, two-syllable VERBS/ the second syllable of the verb contains a diphthong
`go `on, Compound verbs (phrasal verbs) have two equal stresses
`good-`looking, compound adjectives have two equal stresses as both elements in them are
semantically important
`spring-`like, the significance of one of the elements of a compound adjective is weak- ened, its
accentual pattern is changed
`bathroom, compound nouns the first element which is more significant than the second one
`blackboard, compound nouns the first element which is more significant than the second one
nine`teen, Compound numerals the suffix –teen is not stressed
`twenty, numerals
`twenty-`four, Compound numerals have naturally two equal stresses, making both elements
bou`quet, stress- fixing suffix

volun`teer stress- fixing suffix .

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