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Social media has become an integral part of our lives, it plays a dominant role in our daily life.

Posting inappropriate things such as profanity, illegal contents, abusive contents, etc. on social media
has been rampant nowadays especially to teenagers. We all know that we should be mindful of what
we are posting in our social media. As for the President it is unrightful that he while he is also
cursing other people, he even called God “stupid”. President Duterte should also reflect on his
abusive and offensive doings too. We shall all be equal and face all the consequences.
The reaction of the citizens were very shocking, as Duterte isn’t really fair to the man who called him
“buang”. Everyone has the right to give a freedom of speech in order to make a difference, but our
president isn’t really open minded nor respectful when it comes to us the ordinary citizens, he only
listens to the people with power and wealth, thus the citizens are shocked and enraged. And that is
why the president is hated these days, his promises were false, his speeches are filled with words that
are really inappropriate to children, and now he did this, he isn’t the only one who suffered from his
doings, a lot of people were also treated like this. Because he doesn’t want any criticism from his
people, which is wrong, because you’ll never learn from your mistake and that’s a fact. So for all the
victims of Duterte’s bad doings, I’m sorry for what he did to you, his own citizens, who want to
make a change.

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