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SUBASTA: ¿Eres capaz de pujar por las afirmaciones correctas?


1. Los instrumentos volumétricos son la bureta, la pipeta y el
vaso de precipitados.
2. La pipeta y la bureta son instrumentos muy precisos.
3. El vidrio de reloj sirve para pesar líquidos en una balanza.
4. Hay varias balanzas: balanza granataria, balanza de
5. El tubo de ensayo se tiene que soportar en el trípode.
6. El mechero Bunsen usa como combustible el alcohol.
7. El matraz Erlemenyer presenta un aforo para medir el
volumen que necesites.
8. El tubo de ensayo se calienta usando unas pinzas y con la
boquilla mirando hacia donde no haya nadie.
9. Para microscopía se usa el vidrio de reloj y el portaobjetos.
10. Los pictogramas son los símbolos que nos indican la
peligrosidad de los materiales.
This activity consisted in conducting an auction.
1. The students are into groups and give each group a sheet of sentences and their points limit (2000
points). There are true and false sentences but you don’t say how many true answers there are.

2. Ask the students to plan which sentences they are going to bid for.

3. Explain one student is in charge of write down in other piece of paper the sentences bought and
another student is in charge of write down the points left after every bought.

3. Conduct the auction in a brisk and fun way. You can use:

Who said 200 points?

I think I heard 350 points over there!

Going going gone!

400 points over here!

4. After all the sentences are sold, run through and get a class vote on which sentences are correct.
Confirm the answers.

5. Ask them to add up their points. Who has lost money on incorrect sentences?
6. Ask groups to decide why the sentences are not correct.

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