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Portfolio Activity No.

Activity 1

Direction: Circle the compound words in each sentence.

1) The girls were playing softball at veteran’s park.

2) Amelia bought some balloons for Samuel’s birthday

3) Will somebody please help me clean the dining room?

4) Susan made some delicious cupcakes.

5) Dominic got a sunburn when he was swimming in the pool.

Activity 2

Direction: Read the sentences and use the words in the box below to fill-in the missing

compound words.

1) A small cake baked in a cup shape is a ___________.

2) A chair that moves on wheels is a __________.

3) A person-shaped figure made out of snow is called a __________

4) The light from the moon is called __________

5) An insect that hops in the grass is a __________

6) A bean-shaped candy with a soft, jelly like center is called a __________.

7) A large container for bathing is called a __________.

8) An area where a river falls down over a high place is a __________.

9) A figure that keeps hungry crows away from garden fruits and vegetables is called a


10) A type of small, sweet berry that turns blue when ripe is a __________

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