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Nafisa fausta fika 9B/21

1. Mila : “Good morning Geilly! Are you busy tomorrow?”

Geilly : “Good morning too, Mila. Hmm.. i’m not sure, why are you asking me?”
Mila : “I’m going to state library tomorrow and i want to invite you.”
Geilly : “What do you want to do in there?”
Mila : “There are many books about Indonesian history, i want to read them all.”
Geilly : “You’re so dilligent. Is it to help your work?”
Mila : “No, i’m just curious and want to increase knowledge.”
Geilly : “It sounds interesting maybe i will join you if i don’t busy.”
Mila : “I hope you will join me. By the way i have to go to the math class. Bye Geilly.”
Geilly.” Okay, bye Mila.”

2. Jessica : “Soon the hollidays will come.”

Robert : “Yeah I know. Yesterday was the last exam.”
Jessica : “Then what do you want to while on hollidays? Go to the beach again?”
Robert : “No, I’m already bored going there.”
Jessica : “Haha, I know that. Every hollidays you always go there.”
Robert : “Me and my family are planning to go somewhere different.”
Jessica : “Where? Do I know that?”
Robert : “Of course you not. I will go to Chiang Mai”
Jessica : “ What is Chiang Mai?”
Robert : “Chiang Mai is one of the cities in Thailand. Then, what do you want to do while on
Jessica : “Wow, it’s far from here. Maybe I will stay at home and make some musics.”
Robert : “It’s cool Jessica. Don’t forget to let me listen to your music”
Jessica : “Sure”

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