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Applicants for a Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship offered by the Cambridge

Commonwealth, European and International Trust for the academic year commencing October 2021
are kindly asked to complete and return this form by email to as
soon as possible, to arrive no later than 31 January 2021


Last/family name (as on passport): BLOCK CAPITALS Nationality:

Any secondary nationality:

Title (e.g. Mr, Ms,
Other names (personal): Country of permanent residence:

Country of birth:
Full address: for correspondence

Address valid until (dd/mm/yyyy): Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

If a PO Box address, you must provide a telephone
number Gender:

If you have a partner and/or children, will they live

Tel: with you in Cambridge (please give details or write


Proposed course of study at Cambridge (BA, MPhil,


University Student No: Application No:


Please describe the reasons why you are applying for the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship
according to the following eligibility criteria:

 you are from an area of instability or zone of conflict,

 you are, or have been, at risk of discrimination, persecution, suffering, violence or other abuse of your
human rights

Please describe the severity of the challenges you have faced in accessing and pursuing further education:

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Many of the scholarships offered by the Cambridge Trust require evidence of demonstrated financial need, so
your assistance in filling in the financial section will be much appreciated. Applicants who are not successful in
winning a substantial scholarship will be considered for a means-tested, part-cost award by the Cambridge Trust,
if appropriate.

Financial guarantee required by Cambridge for your offer of admission if you have one:

University/Course fee £ Living costs £ Total £

Funds you are confident of raising annually to finance your course. Please give as much detail as possible
of the funds you are able to raise annually. Note: this information is only used by the relevant funding bodies and
will in no way affect your application for admission.

Source Details £ a year

Scholarships and grants

Please give details of any scholarships and/or grants
that you have secured for your course at Cambridge

Personal funds
Please give the source(s) and amount(s) of any
personal funds you are able to contribute towards the
cost of your course (e.g. income, savings, capital,
Other sources
Please give the source(s) and amount(s) of any other
funds you are able to contribute towards the cost of
your course

Total funds available annually towards the cost of your course £

Annual shortfall, if any, between the total funds available and the cost of your

Please give details of any scholarships tenable at Cambridge which you have applied for (or plan to
apply for)

Annual Value
Awarding body Date of Decision Tenure (years)

Note: Applicants must keep the Cambridge Trust informed if there are any changes to the information given in
the questions above. In particular, they must inform the Trust if they win any award tenable at Cambridge for
which they have already applied or which they are awarded subsequent to this application.

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I understand that my application will be considered for a Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship and for any
awards offered by the Cambridge Trust for which I am eligible. I have answered the questions contained in this
application form as fully as possible and undertake to keep the Trust informed of material changes in this

I confirm that I provide permission for the Cambridge Trust to use all of the above information and that provided
through my application to the University of Cambridge.

The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust handles your personal information while you are
an applicant in the same ways as those described in the University of Cambridge’s statement for applicants to
the University.

Name of applicant:

(in block capitals)

Signature of applicant: Date:

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