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Business and Technology

Short Term Project 1

Digital Portfolio
5 Days / 450 minutes

Standards: BMA-BT-2 Create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents using technology as a tool to increase
productivity. 2.3 Create a digital portfolio to showcase knowledge and skills learned throughout pathway courses. 2.4
Produce a document that began with pre-planning process until final produce. 2.5 Apply basic design principles to documents
to produce professional quality products.

Objectives: Create your very own digital career portfolio. We will review specifically what your portfolio must
include. You must have the following components:
• Intro: Employability Skills and professional picture
• Resume Keira, great job! All of your required
• Interview Questions
components are present! 100/100

Rubric for Scoring Career Portfolios

Criteria Unsatisfactory (1-4) Satisfactory (5-8) Excellent (9-12)

The student provides a notebook with the

The student does not student’s name in plain view; all items are
Presentation present the portfolio in . provided in correct order by sections, all
appropriate form. pages are neat, clean, and three-hole
punched. A table of contents is included.

The student presented a complete, neat,

The student did not
typewritten resume, which described
present a complete resume
Resume education and experience in professional
in appropriate format.
language. The format was consistent and
did not exceed one page.

Interview questions are thorough and

Interview Interview questions are not
complete. Student response are written in
Questions complete
professional language and tone.
Student displays professional picture and
Page is incomplete and/or
Intro Page employer sought characteristics

Example Student Portfolio:

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