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Location on Site: Unit 10 > Student Resources > Exercise 1 Summary of Results
Date/Time January 20, 2021 at 11:02 PM (UTC/GMT)
100% Correct of 10 Scored items:
10 Correct: 100%
0 Incorrect: 0%

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1. I'm going to wear (silk / blue / my) __________dress to the wedding.

Your Answer: my blue silk

2. Wilkie Collins is credited with writing the __________ (mystery / first / great) novel, The
Woman in White.

Your Answer: first great mystery

3. I can't wait to have some of (delicious / your / apple) __________ pie.

Your Answer: your delicious apple

4. My cousin is __________ (ten-year-old / pretty / the) girl over there in the corner.

Your Answer: the pretty ten-year-old

5. We got Lily a __________ (wool / lovely / handmade) scarf for her birthday.

Your Answer: lovely handmade wool

6. Tom has more than (jazz / one hundred / rare) __________ records in his collection.

Your Answer: one hundred rare jazz

7. Lucy is going to enroll in __________ (intensive / English / a six-month) course next year.

Your Answer: a six-month intensive English

8. It was a (summer / perfect / blue) __________ sky.

Your Answer: perfect blue summer

9. That's a __________ (diamond / beautiful / antique) ring!

Your Answer: beautiful antique diamond

10. That antique shop has (wooden / handmade / gorgeous) __________ furniture.

Your Answer: gorgeous handmade wooden

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