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Angelina Larson


Height​: 5’2 Weight​: 150 ​Hair​: Brown ​Eyes​: Grey/blue Age​:21

12 Angry Jurors Juror Number Six Coronado High School Theatre

The Insanity of Mary Girard Mrs. Lum Coronado High School Theatre
(Acting troupe won runner up at regional one act competition)

Check Please Mary Coronado High School Theatre

Once Upon a Mattress Maybel Coronado High School Theatre

The Least Offensive Play Ronda Coronado High School Theatre

in the Whole Darn World

Urin Town Kick Line Coronado High School Theatre


“Shipwrecked” Charlet Ghastly Rock Ledge Studios

“Career” Etta Rock Ledge Studios

Benjy Dobrin Studios
Benjy Dobrin
Special Skills:
Cheerleading, experience with painting, beginner violin player, kick line experience, experience
with weightlifting, photography, beginner soprano, Coding.

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