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I.-Identifique las cláusulas independientes y dependientes, los elementos de enlaces y,

finalmente, diga qué tipo de oración es y haga una interpretación en español de las mismas.
Como ejemplo hemos resuelto la oración uno (1) como una orientación para resolver las

1. Most animals, like humans, have a single stomach, but birds and ruminants have
digestive organs composed of two or more chambers.

Cláusula independiente: Most animals, like humans, have a single stomach,

Clausula independiente: birds and ruminants have digestive organs composed of two or
more chambers
Elemento de enlace: but
Tipo de oración: compuesta
Interpretación en español: La mayoría de los animales, como los humanos, tienen un sólo
estomago; pero, las aves y los rumiantes tienen órganos digestivos compuestos por dos o
más cámaras.

2. It is especially important to have a high index of suspicion for these disorders in elderly
patients, because classic signs and symptoms may be nonexistent or minimal.

3. Infectious diarrhea usually is acquired by transmission through the fecal-oral route, most
commonly by ingesting food or water contaminated by human or animal feces.

4. One type secretes hydrochloric acid which not only neutralizes the alkaline reaction of
the saliva, but also renders the gastric contents distinctly acid and activates the gastric
digestive juices.

5. When a pathological or psychosomatic condition prevents the proper secretion of mucus,

the gastric mucosa becomes eroded and an ulcer forms.
6. Altered mental status is a broad term purposefully encompassing any disorder that causes
a change in mental functioning, with decreased mental clarity, reduced reasoning, and
diminished thinking process.

7. Acute confusion refers to a global loss of mental functioning (usually including

orientation, attention, memory, thought process, and consciousness).

8. The serum folate level is easily raised by recent dietary intake of folate, so the
homocysteine level can be used to document folate deficiency.

9. Chest pain is one of the most common complaints in primary care and emergency

10. The differential diagnosis of chest pain ranges from life-threatening conditions to more
benign etiologies.

11. Acute pericarditis may also cause chest pain that typically is located in the retrosternal

12. The pain is worsened by cough, deep inspiration (pleuritic pain), and supine position; it
is relieved by the patient sitting up and leaning forward.

13. A history of a recent viral infection may precede the occurrence of pericarditis.

14. Physical examination may reveal the presence of a pleural rub and tachycardia.

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