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News Item Text Skrip

1. Tentang masjid kosong akibat pandemi

Di studio
 Pembukaan
Good Morning (sesuai situasi) back again with us at Banjaran tv News.
on ......
with me Ramadhan Saputra Gozali and my colleague Putri Nurlatifah on the latest news
around us.
we will accompany you for the next few minutes on the latest news around us that is actual,
sharp and reliable.
 Narasi
Housewife problems that arise due to COVID-19
Bandung (SG) - since the beginning of 2020 students and teaching staff in Indonesia have
been doing distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday, November 6, 2020, at 1 pm, a housewife has difficulty completing homework
because she has to help her child complete piling up schoolwork, because every day there are
always new assignments given by the teacher to students, not only about distance learning but
there are also economic problems.
For more detailed information, I will connect Nurul Alvi Lail as the reporter who will
interview ....... on the spot.

Ditempat lokasi
well, the viewers at my house, Nurul Alfi Lail, a Banjaran Tv News reporter, were at the
location of the incident, namely ... on ...
In this location, I've been with a housewife who has experienced several problems since
COVID-19. For more in-depth information, I am here with ... as ....
Selamat ……
Bagaimana kabarnya ibu ? Saya nurul dari Banjaran Tv News ingin mewawancarai ibu
mengenai permasalahan ibu rumah tangga yang timbul akibat COVID - 19.
 Apakah benar bahwa karena pandemi ini ibu menjadi kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan
pekerjaan rumah karena harus membantu anak mengerjakan tugas sekolah terlebih
dahulu ?
 Apakah benar bahwa karena pandemi ini keluarga ibu mengalami masalah juga dari
segi ekonomi ?
 Apa yang ingin ibu sampaikan terkait dengan masalah ini ?
Baik terimakasih ibu atas informasinya, back to Ramadhan and Putri at the Studio.

Di studi
 Penyampaian kesimpulan wawancara
Bla Bla bla (harus wawancara dulu soalnya hehe)

 Penutupan
it doesn't feel like our time is up, that's all we can say. watch again the latest news around us
every day at 12.30 WIB.
see you again at the next news event. Happy activities and stay healthy.

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