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Blue Bans

Employee Handbook

3160 Skillman Avenue

Oceanside, NY 11572
(516) 678 - 8501

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
1.1 - Introduction To Company
1.2 - Purpose of Handbook

Section 2: Company Overview

​ 2.1 - Mission Statement
2.2 - Privacy
2.3 - Overview
2.4 - Company Structure
2.5 - Benefits

Section 3: Company Policies and Procedures

​3.1 - Payroll
3.2 - Dress Code
3.3 - Drugs/Alcohol Policy
3.4 - Safety/Covid Policy
3.5 - Technology/ Online working
3.6 - Purchase Policies
3.7 - Ethic diversity and inclusion policy

Section 4: Attendance Policy

4.1 - General Attendance
4.2 - Tardiness
4.3 - Sick days
4.4 - Vacation Days

Section 5: Work Performance

​ 5.1 - Expectations (Departments)
5.2 - Performance Evaluations
5.3 - Invaluable Work Ethic
5.4 - Calling Meetings

Section 6: Discipline Policy

​ 6.1 - Grounds for Disciplinary Action
6.2 - Procedures for Breaking policy
6.3 - Conflict Resolution
6.4 - Termination Procedures

Section 1: Introduction

1.1 - Introduction to Company:

Blue Bans is a small company who creates and sells blue light glasses for people who
want to protect their eyes from blue light rays emitted from screens. Our glasses are
built to help combat the issues when looking at a computer or phone screen all day. We
offer a couple different types of glasses for the consumers satisfaction.

1.2 - The purpose of the Handbook:

The Employee Handbook was created by Oceanside’s VE Human resources

department in order to maintain stability in the workplace and create a safe
environment. The Handbook will go over company policies and procedures, work
performance, and disciplinary actions. We expect that everyone who works at Blue
Bans to follow these guidelines correctly and respectfully so that we can create a safe,
comfortable, and efficient workplace for everyone.

Section 2: Company Overview

2.1 - Mission Statement:

Our mission at Blue Bans is to bring people affordable blue light glasses to help stop the
headaches and sleep deprivation caused by prolonged exposure to blue light from
being on your phone or computer for a long period of time.

2.2 - Privacy:

Every employee at Blue Bans is entitled to complete privacy. Violating this privacy
includes but is not limited to: reading someone else’s emails, signing into someone
else’s computer, going through desks/backpacks and personal belongings. If any of
these actions are performed, there will be immediate disciplinary action.

2.3 - Overview:

Blue Bans is a company where everyone makes sure that you get your luxury pair of
blue light glasses for a great price. We ensure that every pair of glasses have a
comfortable fit, durable material, and a nice look that everyone is attracted to.

2.4 - Company Structure:

2.5 - Benefits:

Benefits are perks offered to the employee along with salary. Some benefits we have

-Medical Insurance
-Life Insurance
-Disability Insurance
-Retirement benefits

Medical Insurance:
Blue Bans’ medical insurance will cover the costs and fees for when an employee is
sick or injured. Some things we cover are the costs of a physician, surgeon fees,
hospital fees, and prescription drugs. We also offer dental insurance and eye care. Blue
Bans will pay 82% of the premium for employee medical insurance while the employees
will pay the rest of the 18%. Employees will pay for this in a monthly cost.

Life Insurance:
Blue Bans’ life insurance was created to protect our employees’s families if a fatal
accident was to happen. The insurance will be paid off immediately to the beneficiaries
of the policy.

Disability Insurance:
Blue Bans’ disability insurance will pay employees if an illness or injury prevents them
from doing their work.
​Short-term disability insurance:​ starts within a week the injury, illness, or other
incident has been reported. Workers will make $700 dollars per month when out on
short-term disability.
​Long-term disability insurance: ​provides the employee with benefits if a permanent
illness, injury, or other incident leaves the employee unable to work. Workers will make
$530 dollars per when out on long-term disability.

Retirement Benefits:
Retirement benefits occur when an employee of Blue Bans has come to the age of
retirement. Blue Bans provides the 401k. Employee and employer contributions are
specified, but the benefit amount is tied to how much you put in.

Section 3: Company Policies and Procedures

3.1 - Payroll:

Employees can work up to 40 hours a week with a compensation of overtime if they work more
than those 40 hours. Payday is twice a month and happens on the 15th and the last day of
every month.

3.2 - Dress Code:

All employees are expected to dress appropriately when they are in or near the

1. Know that clothing that shows skin is completely prohibited including but not
limited to tube tops, tank tops, net tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, plunging
necklines (front and/or back), revealing low-rise pants, see-through garments,
short skirts, (short) shorts, fishnets/stockings, and exposed midriffs are not
2. Shoes must be worn at all times. Any footwear that exposes the toes will not be
3. Durags, bandanas, and any other headwear is prohibited except if it is for
religious purposes
4. Sharp objects on clothing, earring, rings, necklaces, chains, and on any form of
jewelry will be prohibited since it can cause a workplace accident
5. Items that demean gender, religion, race, color, gender identity, and disability will
be strictly prohibited
6. Masks must be worn at all times. If you show up to work with no mask you will be
asked to leave.

3.3 - Drugs/ Alcohol Policy:

Here at Blue Bans we feel that employees will be at their best when the workplace is
free from drugs and alcohol. The usage of drugs and/or alcohol will inhibit the efficiency
of the workplace which will not only harm the user, but the company as well. If anyone is
caught under the influence of these substances or found with these substances on
them, their employment will be subject to immediate termination. Blue Bans has a strict
policy on drugs and alcohol because it has the potential of hurting the other employees

which will not be tolerated.

3.4 - Safety/COVID 19:

As the world still tries to keep this virus contained and everyone safe, Blue Bans will do
the same with safety and COVID 19 protocols. At Blue Bans, we strive to keep a healthy
and sanitary work environment where our employees can feel safe. Also under these
times, it's crucial that everyone wears their masks and stays 6 feet away from each
other. Employees will have to sit with a desk space in between them so the 6 feet rule
can be in effect.

​3.5 - Technology/ Online working:

Since COVID 19 has half of the people in the workplace everyday, technology usage is
vital to Blue Bans’ success. On the online meets profine words would not be allowed,
cameras must be on at all times, and most importantly cyber bullying will not be
tolerated. When in the workplace the technology should be used for professional use
only since other employees including yourself could get distracted. Employees will not
be able to use their phones unless an emergency arises. Emergencies could be
considered as sudden injuries, family emergencies, or transportation issues.

3.6 - Purchase Policies:

Since COVID 19 has all the in person trade shows cancelled, Blue Bans feels that it is
important to know how to purchase items from different companies. First, you need to
activate your debit card and access codes. You do this by going to the VE
HUB/Marketplace tools/your personal bank account/student debit card for U.S. trade
shows/then clicking the download link on numbers 1 and 2. After you download those
two items, the next step is knowing how to buy. To buy a product during the trade show
you log into the VE HUB/Marketplace tools/Online trade shows/Long Island Trade
show/Join any company meet/fill out the information provided on their website. It is
essential to know how to buy other products at Blue Bans since it encourages the
companies you bought from to buy from us.

3.7 - Ethic diversity and inclusion policy:

Discrimination in employment or in the provision of training and education on the

workplace grounds of any of the following protected characteristics: age, disability,
gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,
religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation is prohibited by the law and not tolerated in
the workplace. If such actions are observed strict disciplinary measures will be

3.8 - Motivation policy:

At Blue Bans we want all of our employees to work hard which will lead to their success
in the company. Every month Blue Bans names an employee of the month who is
picked by the CEO and will get their name and picture in the newsletter along with an
additional $50 dollars to the next paycheck. Another way Blue Bans tries to motivate its
employees is by giving them a raise. If an employee is working ambitiously and
passionately The CEO has the right to give a raise to that employee after talking it over
with the CFO. The final way Blue Bans tries to motivate its employees is by giving the
leading sales person of the trade an extra $25 in their next paycheck. Blue Bans feels
that if you make the most money for the company you should be rewarded.

Section 4: Attendance Policy

4.1 - General Attendance:

Each employee is expected to arrive at the workplace on time and prepared.

4.2 - Tardiness:

Tardiness is a sign to the company that you don’t care about it, its employees, and most
importantly its customers. These actions can lead to the decline of Blue Bans which is
horrible for the company. An employee will be considered late if they arrive 5 or more
minutes late to the workplace.
● 3 tardies per month = 1 strike
● 3 strikes = talk with COO
● 5 strikes = talk with CEO
● 7 strikes = termination

4.3 - Sick Days:

Employees will be granted 3 sick days per semester where they will be paid. After those
days are up, you will no longer be compensated. After each semester your number of
sick days will reset to 0. Compensation will only occur if you email the COO or anyone
in the HR department. All emails will be accepted, unless it is sent 5 minutes after work
has started because then it will be considered late.

4.4 - Vacation Days:

Employees will be compensated for any days that the office is closed due to holidays.
These holidays include:
● Rosh Hashanah
● Columbus Day
● Election Day
● Thanksgiving
● Christmas
● Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
● Spring break
● Winter Break
● Memorial Day
● Yom Kippur
● Veterans Day
● New Years Day
● Labor Day

Section 5: Work Performance

5.1 - Expectations (Departments):

Our employees are trained to provide excellent customer service to whoever may need.
As an employee of Blue Bans you are expected to be respectful, mindful, and polite
when dealing with customers. We know that all customs won’t always be satisfied, but
remaining calm and listening to their needs is the correct thing to do.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO):

The Chief Executive Officer, CEO, is the face of the company. They are in charge and
make the final decisions for the idea pointed out. Overall they are the head person who
oversees everything and creates the meeting schedule. They are also responsible for
giving the evaluations for the CMO, CFO, and COO

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO):

The CMO is head of the marketing department. They are responsible for overseeing the
website, social media page, and advertising. They are also responsible for giving
evaluations for the marketing department.

Chief Financial officer (CFO):

The CFO is head of the accounting department. They are responsible for paying the
employees at Blue Bans, takes care of Blue Bans’ expenses, and processes all the
sales Blue Bans makes. They are also responsible for giving evaluations to the
accounting department.

Chief Operating Officer (COO):

The COO is head of the human resources department. The COO is responsible for
taking the attendance of the class, and settling the disputes among the employees of
Blue Bans. They are also responsible for giving evaluations for the human resources

Marketing is in charge of the whole advertising of the company. They make sure that
Blue Bans’ name gets around to other companies. They are also responsible for design,
bundles, and the prices for everything.

Accounting is responsible for the financial aspect of the company. The accounting team
is responsible for the stability of the company. They have to sign up for the equity
investors, create goals for the long term of the company, and handle financial reports.

Human Resources:
Human resources is responsible for tracking the attendance, training, and settling
employee disputes/employee problems. They are the company's moderator because
they are the group people go to when something arises and they always have a neutral

5.2 - Performance Evaluations:

Once a month, performance evaluations will be conducted. These evaluations will

measure your productivity and efficiency in the workplace. The CEO will conduct
evaluations for the CFO, COO, and CMO. The CFO will conduct evaluations for the
marketing department, the COO will conduct evaluations for the human resources
department, and finally the CMO will conduct evaluations for the marketing department.

5.3 - Invaluable Work Ethic:

Having a positive attitude and a neat work environment is the expected work ethic at
Blue Bans. Wasting time and money at Blue Bans will not be tolerated by the company
and will lead to an immediate termination.

5.4 – Calling Meetings:

The CEO will let the department heads know when a meeting will happen in the future,
usually within a week before the meeting occurs. The procedure of how the meetings
will be conducted can be found in the meeting attendance and agenda. (see appendix).

Section 6: Discipline Policy

6.1 - Grounds for Disciplinary Action:

Employees here at Blue Bans are expected to follow all rules and policies. Those who
do not follow or break the rules can be subjected to disciplinary actions. These include
but is not limited to:
-Dishonesty toward the company and others
-Failure to follow health and safety rules and regulations
-Use of company resources without permission
-Violating a coworkers privacy
-Failure to follow company dress code
-Failure to follow company ethics and conduct required by the company
-Unauthorized use of technology

6.2 - Procedures for Breaking Policy:

There are many procedures set in place for any employee who violates company
policies. Some disciplinary actions will be worse than others depending on the gravity of
the situation. As referred to in section 4, tardiness and unexcused absences will result
in strikes over time. You will also receive 1 or more strikes when breaking policies and
rules. After receiving your 8th strike you will be subject to school disciplinary actions
such as detention, referrals and possibly suspension.

6.3 - Conflict Resolution:

When employees in the workplace have disagreements with one another we must face
the issues. We will determine how serious the argument and problem is, then we will
meet with the employees and figure out a reasonable compromise.

6.4 - Termination Procedures:

Blue Bans reserves the right to terminate any employee’s occupation without notice.
You will then be escorted off the premises and you will receive your final check in the

1. Employee Evaluation

2. Letter of Reprimand

3. Letter of Dismissal

4. Letter of Appreciation

5. Meeting Attendance and Agenda

Employee Evaluation

Employee Name: __________________________________ DATE:

_____________ Executive Name: ___________________________________
Executive Signature: ________________________________

● Consistently performs at a high level; manages time and workload effectively to
meet responsibilities.
SCORE ________
(out of 10 points)
Communication Skills:
● Present during google meets; actively contributes to breakout room
discussions, and can be easily contacted when you need something.
SCORE ________
(out of 10 points)
Cooperation and Teamwork:
● Respectful of colleagues when working with others and makes valuable
contributions to help the group achieve their goals.
SCORE ________
(out of 10 points)
Time Management/ Due Dates:
● Completes tasks when asked to do so and gets it back to you in a timely
manner. Completes projects and all other team assignments on time.
SCORE ________
(out of 10 points)
Attendance/ Availability:
● Always present during google meets and breakrooms. Able to communicate
with them outside of the classroom if something needed to get done. Actively
SCORE ________

(out of 10 points)

TOTAL:​​ ___________
Re: Letter of Reprimand

This formal reprimand letter was written to inform you that it has come to
our attention that you have violated the employee policies. This has been
noticed by several of your employees and has been brought to the attention
of the company leaders.

If these actions continue we will have no choice but to terminate you since
we need what is best for the company. This is a strict letter and shouldn’t
be taken lightly.

If you feel what was told to you is wrong you have the right to schedule a
meeting with the CEO to talk it over.

Please take this letter seriously since your actions after this letter won’t be
taken lightly. Here at Blue Bans we want to see all of our employees do
well. A copy of this reprimand will be placed in your official personal file.


Re: Letter of Dismissal

We are sorry to inform you that your employment with Blue Bans has come
to an immediate end. With all the violations you committed and all the
warnings you ignored, we felt that it was best for the company if we let you

Your last paycheck will arrive via mail on our payroll dates.


Re: Letter of Appreciation

Due to your excellent work ethic, positivity, and respectfulness to abide by

our policies, you have been selected to earn an extra $100 to your bank

As a company we wanted to thank you for all your contributions and your
fantastic effort in keeping Blue Bans a wonderful place to work.

We hope that this bonus strives you to keep doing what you are doing and
encourages you to still be a wonderful role model for all the other

Best regards,

Meeting Attendance:

Student Signature
Auerfeld, Brett
Bedoya, ​Stefeany
Borman, Tyler
Brennan, Sarah
Coppola, Max
Decker, Cailyn
Keeney, James
McCabe, Matthew
Nassar, Jamison
O’Sullivan, Ryan
Schmid, Thomas
Soria, Anthony

Meeting Procedure:


1: The CEO will let everyone know who has a meeting and when they have

2: At the set time by the CEO, whoever has the meeting will be in a
breakout room on google classroom

3: Let the meeting begin and write down useful topic discussed in the


Head of department(s) signatures:




Meeting Overview:

Main Point(s):

Vital Information:


Non-Disclosure Act:

Blue Bans will keep all employees and department heads information
confidential from other companies. By signing below you agree to all the
guidelines and rules set forth by Blue Bans. It should be understood that
failure to follow the rules and guidelines stated above will lead to a possible




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