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Home Made Almond Milk

Prep Time Total Time

10 mins 10 mins

Course: DIET, drinks, how-to, KITCHEN BASICS

Cuisine: American, gluten free, kids, vegan, vegetarian
Calories: 854kcal Author: Dani Spies
5 from 63 votes
1 cup almonds
4 cups filtered water
1 date
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Place almonds in a large bowl or pyrex cup and cover with enough water to come an inch or
two above the almonds. Allow to soak for 6-48 hours (I usually do them over night).
2. Rinse and drain almonds under cold water.
3. Place almonds into a high speed blender with 4 cups of filtered water, date, and vanilla. Blend
on high for 1-2 minutes or until you have a nice, light, frothy, almond milk.
4. Line a fine mesh strainer with a double layer of cheese clothe and slowly pour almond milk
through. Once all the milk has drained through the bottom, squeeze out the remaining solids*
to get every last bit of milk.
5. Store in the fridge, in an airtight container for up to 5 days.
. *Save the leftover almond 'meal'. You can lightly toast it the oven and then use it as a toasty,
high fat and protein crunch on top of oatmeal, yogurt, or as a light snack. You can also
experiment with baking with the meal, jut as your would almond flour.
7. Makes 4 cups.

Calories: 854kcal | Carbohydrates: 37g | Protein: 31g | Fat: 71g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Sodium: 52mg |
Potassium: 1054mg | Fiber: 18g | Sugar: 11g | Calcium: 408mg | Iron: 5.3mg

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