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Andi Anjeliati (P13.1587). "Identification of Pregnant Mother Experiencing

RSU Bahteramas Gemeli in Southeast Sulawesi Province, under the guidance
of Mr. and Mrs. Hasbuddin Winda Triana.

Background. Gemeli case at the General Hospital of Southeast Sulawesi province

Bahteramas number of pregnant women with gemeli In 2013 totaled 16, 2014
amounted to 10 people, and in 2015 a total of 11 people.
Research Objective. To identify pregnant mother who have gemeli in RSU
Bahteramas Landmarks Sulawesi province, in the review based on maternal age,
gravidity, education, and employment.
Research Methods. This type of research is descriptively. The population in this
study were all pregnant women have gemeli from 2013 to 2015 with the number
37, the sampling technique used total sampling method.
Research Result. for ages and there is lots of 20-35 years amounted to 28 people,
and a little at age <20 years amounted to 10 people, for gravidity abundant in
Gravidity III of 16 people while gravidity IV amounted to 6 people, for education
is widely available on the SMP amounted 19 people while for universities
amounting to 8 people, to work many housewives are numbered 27 people, while
about 10 people for civil servants

Keywords: Gemeli

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