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Learning Material 1

Read and understand the Learning Material below , then do the following exercises
correctly . Don’t forget to take a note for the difficult words in any space by consulting
dictionary. Then submit the file via Assigment . (Baca dan pahami materi pembelajaran
dibawah . Kemudian kerjakan latihan berikut dengan benar.) Jangan lupa mencatat
kata- kata sulitnya ditempat yang kosong dengan membuka kamus . Kemudian
sampaikan Filenya melalui Assignment.

Active - Passive Voice

Active Voice: ( Kalimat aktif ) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
subject melakukan suatu aktifitas/perbuatan.


S + Verb + O + ..... Artinya me ...

Passive Voice : (Kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
subject bukanlah pelaku melainkan menerima aktivitas /perbuatan .

Pattern :

S + be + Verb-3/Past participle + by..

Artinya di.../ter...

Observe the Pattern below !


1. Simple Present Tense 1. Simple Present Tense

S + V1 / V1+s/es + O S + is/am/are + V3 + by + O
a. Mother cooks the meals a. The meals is cooked by mother
b. They drink coffee b. Coffee is drunk by them

   S + do/does + not + V1 + O    S + is/am/are + not + V3 + by + O

a. Mother doesn,tcook the meals     a. The meals are not cooked by mother
b. They don,t drink coffee b. Coffee is not drunk by them

Do/does +S+ V1 + O Is/am/are + S + V3

a. Does Mother cook the meals a. Are The meals cooked by mother
b. Do They drink coffee b. Is coffee drunk by them
2. Simple Past Tense  2. Simple Past Tense
S + V2 + O S + was/were + V3 + by + O
a. Sinta bought Apples a. Apples were bought by Sinta
b. I wrote a letter b. A letter was written by me

S + did not + V1 + O S + was/were + not

+ V3 +by +O
a. Sinta didn’t buy Apples a. Apples were not bought
by Sinta
b. I didn’t write a letter b. A letter was not written by me

Did + S + V1 +O was/were + S
+ V3 + by +O
a. Did Sinta buy Apples a. Were + Apples
bought by Sinta
b. Did you write a letter b. Was a letter
written by me

Task 1
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice !
• A : John collects money for donation .
P : The money is collected for donation by Jhon
• A : Anna opened the window this morning .
P: The window is opened by Anna this morning
• A: Do you do our homework at home ?
P: Is our homework done by you at home?
• A: He didn’t ask me about you two days ago.
B: I was not asked by him about you two days ago.
• Did She draw this circle?
Was The circle drawn by her?
• William does not visit his parents every semester.
His parents are not visited by William every semester.

Task 2

Translate the following sentences into English !

1. Dia sering meminjam sepeda motor saya.

He often borrowed my motorcycle.

2. Sepeda motor saya di pinjam oleh dia dua hari yang lalu.

My motorcycle was borrowed by him two days ago.

3. Mereka memproses minyak mentah di kilang minyak bulan yang lalu.

They processed the crude oil at refinery a month ago.

4. Minyak mentah di proses oleh mereka di kilang minyak bulan yang lalu.

The crude oil was processed by them at refinery a month ago.

5. Apakah dia selalu membuka jendela setiap pagi ?

Does he always open the window every morning?

6. Apakah jendela selalu dia buka setiap pagi ?

Does the window always open by him every morning?

7. Apakah dia membagi ruangan ini menjadi dua seminggu yang lalu?

Did he split this room into two a week ago?

8. Apakah ruangan ini dibagi oleh mereka menjadi 2 seminggu yang lalu?

Was this room divided into two by them a week ago?

9. Dia tidak memanggil saya sebelum pergi kesekolah tadi pagi .

He didn't call me before going to school last morning.

10. Saya tidak dipanggil oleh mereka sebelum pergi kesekolah tadi pagi.

I wasn't called by them before going to school last morning.

Task 3

Observe the text carefully then write down the passive forms you take from the text !

Number 1 has been done for you.

How does an Oil Refinery Work ?

Before crude oil can be used it has to be processed in a refinery and converted into many
different products. Oil is first distilled, which breaks it down into gas, petrol, paraffin, lubricating
oil, diesel and other fuel oil asphalt. This is done by heating the crude oil, which is then pumped
to the bottom of a tall steel tube which is called a fractionating tower. This tower is divided into
compartments all the way up and the very hot petroleum enters the bottom of the tower as a
vapor. Crude oil is made up of a number of different ingredients and each of these boils and
vaporises at a different temperature. The vapor at the bottom of the tower are the hottest and
those at the higher levels are cooler. At the bottom of each compartment in the tower are trays
and the different vapors condense, or turn into liquid, on the trays at different levels

Petrol collect in the top trays, paraffin condenses a little lower down and the other oils becomes
liquids at even lower levels. In this ways, the crude oil is separated into the various fractions,
which are drawn off ready for further refining.

• Crude oil can be used .

• it has to be processed in a refinery
• Oil is first distilled
• This is done by heating the crude oil
• which is then pumped to the bottom of a tall steel tube
• which is called a fractionating tower.
• This tower is divided into compartments all the way up
• In this ways, the crude oil is separated into the various fractions


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