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This house believes that universities should allow their students to choose the method of

assessment (e.g., written test, group project, research paper, etc.) for the subjects/courses
that they take

This house believes that high-profile crimes should be discussed purely in academic
platforms (e.g., in documentaries, educational systems, and museums).

This house would makes news reporting on drugs, vaccines, and other related substances
subject to the approval of an independent panel of medical experts.

This house would ban public figures with pending criminal cases from defending their
supposed innocence outside of the court (e.g., through social media, TV networks, and
news outlets).

This house regrets the act of converting to the religion of your partner as a display of love.

This house, as an individual migrating to another country, would break up with their
significant other over pursuing a long-distance relationship.

This house believes that public displays of affection (PDAs) do more harm than good to

This house supports the US ban on Huawei.

This house supports the extradition bill between mainland China and Hong Kong.
This house believes that the battle against climate change s best fought through courts.

As a response to excessive food consumption, this house would allocate a fixed ration to all

This house believes that the 1% should shoulder the costs of going green.

This house supports he removal of Filipino as required subject at the tertiary level.

This house regrets he rapid expansion of online school.

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