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Team/Product Sprint Name/# End Date

Put the team or product name in this box. Most teams name their sprints, using farm The end date of the sprint goes
animals, simple numbering, whatever here. This is usually the date of
works. Put that here. the retro, not a go-live date.

Sprint Goal

The overall goal of the sprint goes in this box. It shouldn’t take much more than this space to fill out, somewhere between 25
and 100 words at most. Example: “The goal of this sprint is to allow customers to place one or more items into their shopping
cart, be able to remove them, and have a visible representation of it viewable in the UI.”

Demonstration Items

This is the list of things that will be able to be shown at the end of the sprint in a demonstration setting. Example: “During the
demo, we will show: adding item(s) to the shopping cart, the cart itself with the item(s) showing, and allowing the customer to
remove the item. Further checkout will not be shown.”

Definition of Done

Many teams have standard definitions of done that don’t change sprint to sprint, as well as definitions of done that are
specific to the sprint itself. The definition of Done is:
 All code committed to mainline
 All unit tests pass
 Demo works in staging environment
 At least one performance metric/monitor constructed

Key Metrics

There are two main types of metrics to consider: usage and performance. The actual measurements aren’t as interesting as
what is being measured at this point.

Example: We will measure:

 Latency on adding and removing items from cart
 Load time of the shopping cart page
 Raw count of item adds and removals per hour

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