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Since you called this a statics problem, I will set it up as such with a resistance force
acting on the barge.
R: resistance force (equal and opposite to resultant force)
r = R*<-1, 0>
T1: tension of left horse at angle theta1 from canal. Use a unit vector based on this
t1 = T1*<cos(theta1), -sin(theta1)>
T1: tension of right horse at angle theta2 from canal. Use a unit vector based on this
t2 = T2*<cos(theta2), sin(theta2)>
Condition of angles:
theta1 + theta2 = Phi
The reason they are added is that they are each measured in opposite directions from a
common line. Phi is the measure of the angle between the ropes (60deg). I express it as
a symbol, to show how to solve the problem for any set of data.
System of equations:
T1*cos(theta1) + T2*cos(theta2) = R
T1*sin(theta1) = T2*sin(theta2)
theta1 + theta2 = phi
We have 3 equations and 3 unknowns (theta1, theta2, and R). The analytic expressions
resulting are extremely messy, so I will omit the process and show the numeric solution.
I have a computer program that knows how to do this, but a graphing calculator will
work as well if you have this on a test.

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