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1XX Informational

2XX Success
3XX Redirectional
4XX Client Error
5XX Server Error

modify /net vlan <vlan_name> interfaces replace-all-with { <interface> }

modify /net vlan test-vlan interfaces replace-all-with { 1.3 }

create /net vlan <vlan_name> interfaces add { <interface> { tagged }} tag

create /net vlan test-vlan interfaces add { 1.1 { tagged }} tag 4093

modify /net vlan <vlan_name> interfaces replace-all-with { <interface> { tagged }}

tag <vlan_tag>
modify /net vlan test-vlan interfaces replace-all-with { 1.3 { tagged }} tag 4093

# tcpdump -ni 0.0:nnn -s0 -w /var/tmp/vs_db.pcap host <vip_ip> or host

<pool_member1_ip> or host <pool_member2_ip>

Set the desired configuration (offload or any other option) to the VS_NAME

1) Enable TCP RST cause on the BIG-IP --> tmsh modify sys db tm.rstcause.pkt value

2) Since the traffic is encrypted with SSL, then you will need to create an iRule
such as below.

if { [clientside {IP::remote_addr}] equals }
{ log local0. "[TCP::client_port] :: RSA Session-ID:[SSL::sessionid] Master-
Key:[SSL::sessionsecret]" } }

if { [clientside {IP::remote_addr}] equals }
{ log local0. "[TCP::client_port] :: RSA Session-ID:[SSL::sessionid]
Master-Key:[SSL::sessionsecret]" } }

Note 1: change with the client IP used to access the Virtual Server
(aka VS_NAME).
Note 2: if you are not using server ssl profile attached to the VS_NAME, you will
be require to remove SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE, since no suce profile attached to it

3) Attach the iRule to relevant Virtual Server (VS_NAME) in question.

4) Start a packet trace -->

tcpdump -s0 -vnni 0.0:nnnp -c 500000 -w /var/tmp/SR_Number_pcap.pcap host or host VS_NAME_IP

Note: replace with the correct client IP. This should be the same
as in the iRule on point 2 above.
5) While the trace is running, please reproduce the problem. Once the problem is
seen, stop the trace hitting CTRL+C

6) Fetch a fresh QKview --> qkview -s0 -f /var/tmp/SR_Number_qkview.qkview

7) Stop TCP RST logging --> tmsh modify sys db tm.rstcause.pkt value disable

8) If SSL was in use, then remove decrypt iRule from Virtual Server

9) Using Software such as WinSCP, please fetch below 2x files from the BIG-IP:
- /var/tmp/CASE_NUMBER_pcap.pcap
- /var/tmp/CASE_NUMBER_qkview.qkview

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