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Year III Semester VI

Mental Health Nursing

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1. In Mental health assessment one of the basic and important step is:
a. Nursing diagnose
b. History taking
c. Labs investigation
d. Nursing intervention
2. It is a profound disturbance in thought contain false beliefs despite objective contradictory
a. Grandiose
b. Obsession
c. Delusions
d. Hallucination
3. Which neurotransmitter has a key role in reduction of anxiety:
a. Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)
b. Nor epinephrine
c. Epinephrine
d. Serotonin
4. The nurse would expect a client with a cluster A personality disorder to exhibit behaviours
that are:
a. Hostile and impulsive
b. Odd and eccentric
c. Anxious and fearful
d. Dramatic and erratic
5. During the mental status assessment the subjective feeling will be:
a. Blood pressure
b. Pulse
c. Pain
d. Smile
6. The nurse should be aware that the statement by a patient that would indicate an
irreversible adverse response to a long term therapy with an antipsychotic medication would
a. ‘I am not eating like I should’
b. ‘My mouth is always dry’
c. ‘I can’t seem to sleep at night’
d. ‘My tongue seems to move by itself’
7. The nurse would expect a client with a cluster C personality disorder to exhibit behaviours
that are:
a. Hostile and impulsive
b. Odd and eccentric
c. Anxious and fearful
d. Dramatic and erratic
8. During the admission interview of a client with a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, maniac
episode, the nurse would expect the client to demonstrate:
a. Ritualistic behaviours

b. Associative looseness
c. Flight of ideas
d. Delusions of persecution
9. A client with bulimia nervosa eats two sandwiches, two salads and four deserts for lunch.
After the meal the nurse would expect to observe the client:
a. Actively socializing with a small groups
b. Hoarding more food for a later binge
c. Withdrawing from the group to go to the bathroom
d. Performing excessive exercise
10. When caring for a withdrawn, reclusive, psychotic client, the priority goal would be for the
client to develop:
a. An ability to socialize
b. Trust
c. Self –worth
d. A sense of identity
11. The nurse can minimize agitation in a disturbed client by:
a. Increasing environmental sensory stimulation
b. Ensuring constant staff contact
c. Discussing the reasons for suspicious beliefs
d. Limiting unnecessary interactions with the client
12. The nurse understands that the unconscious basis of an obsessive compulsive disorder is
a. Feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness
b. Problems with being too conscientious
c. Problems with anger and remorse
d. Feeling of inadequacy
13. The systematic study of abnormal experiences, cognition and behaviour is?
a. Epidemiology
b. Ethnology
c. Psychopathology
d. Pathophysiology
14. Which of the following is a cause of hallucinations?
a. Emotion
b. Suggestion
c. Sensory perception
d. All of the above
15.  Perception without a stimulus is?
a. Delusion
b. Illusion
c. Hallucination
d. All of the above
16. Absence of feeling is?
a. Apathy
b. Anhedonia
c. Euphoria
d. Neuroticism
17. Melancholia literally means?
a. Yellow bile
b. Black bile
c. Blunting
d. Red bile

18. Tactile hallucinations are associated with?
a. Schizophrenia
b. Cocaine psychosis
c. Temporal lobe epilepsy
d. All of the above
19. A client, who was admitted to the psychiatric unit because of a major depressive disorder, is
exhibiting increasingly withdrawal behaviours. The nurse understands that eventually the
client will experience feelings of:
a. Anger
b. Paranoia
c. Isolation
d. Ambivalence
20. Irritability is defined as?
a. Tendency to become anxious in certain defined situations
b. Feeling state characterized by reduced control over temper
c. Episodic paroxysmal anxiety
d. The anxiety is not attached to any specific provoking object
21. Hallucination is due to?
a. Disorders of thinking
b. False perception
c. Delusion
d. Incoherence
22. The commonest hallucinations are?
a. Olfactory
b. Tactile
c. Auditory
d.  Visual
23. Most frequent content of delusion is?
a. Persecution
b.  Jealousy
c. Love
d. Misidentification
24. Which of the following is NOT a kind of perception?
a. Olfaction
b. Affection
c. Audition
d. Vision
25. Illusion is a?
a. False perception

b. Misinterpretation of stimuli

c. Increased intensity of stimuli

d. Confusional state
26. A kind of delusion in which the patient believes one's thoughts are being removed from one's
mind by other people or forces is termed as:
a. delusional perception
b. thought broadcasting

c. thought blocking

d. thought withdrawal
27. Hallucination primarily involving taste is termed as:
a. gustatory hallucination
b. tactile hallucination
c. haptic hallucination
d. olfactory hallucination
28. Unconscious defence mechanism by which the emotional component of an unacceptable idea
or object is transferred to a more acceptable one is called:
a. dissociation
b. denial
c. displacement
d. All of the above
29. A client expresses the belief that the armed force is out to kill him. This is an example of:
a. Hallucinations
b. Delusion of persecution
c. Delusion of reference
d. Depersonalization
30. Behaviour means:
a. Outward or overt action and reactions
b. Mental processes
c. Internal covert process
d. Meaningful thoughts
31. When developing a plan of care for a client who is using ritualistic behaviour, the nurse
understands that the ritual :
a. Helps the client to focus on the inability to deal with reality
b. Helps the client control the level of anxiety experienced
c. Is used primarily for secondary gains
d. Is under conscious control
32. Who is known as the “mother of psychiatric nursing”?
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Harriet Bailey
c. Hildegard Peplau
d. Linda Richards
33. Mental health ordinance was passed in Pakistan in?
a. 1901
b. 1999
c. 2001
d. 2011
34. First psychiatric nursing text book was written by:
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Harriet Bailey
c. Hildegard Peplau
d. Linda Richards
35. A 19 year old female student reports irresistible urges to overeat followed by self-induced
vomiting. Which of the features below is most likely associated with bulimia nervosa?
a. Anaemia
b. Decreased bone density
c. Dental erosions
d. Amenorrhea
e. Body mass index less than 17.5
36. A 35 year old man had an operation 2 days ago and is now experiencing visual hallucinations
and is aggressive towards the nursing staff. What is the most likely causative factor?
a. Heparin

b. Pancreatitis
c. Alcohol withdrawal
d. Chromosomal abnormality
37. Who was the first formerly trained American psychiatric nurse?
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Hildegard peplau
c. Linda Richard
d. Harriet Bailey
38. Who is considering the father of modern psychopathology?
a. William Tuke
b. Philip Pinel
c. Johann Weyer
d. St. Mary of Bethlehem
39. A 55 year old man is suffering from depression and reports that he no longer gets enjoyment
from his hobby of aircraft making. Which of the term below best describes this symptom?
a. Alogia
b. Anosmia
c. Anhedonia
d. Anergia
40. A 24 year old woman feels depressed and his felt this way most of the time for the past few
months. She is now neglecting herself care and believes that her internal organs are rotting
away. What option below best describes her possible psychopathology?
a. Grandiose delusion
b. Persecutory delusion
c. Nihilistic delusion
d. Auditory hallucination
41. Genetic background of the client in considering predisposed factor of mental illness is an
example of:
a. Psychological
b. Biological
c. Social
d. Cultural
42. An acute disease state served is a:
a. Predisposing factor/ stressor
b. Precipitating stressors
c. Appraising stressor
d. Coping strategy
43. Negotiation is an example of which type of coping?
a. Problem focused
b. Cognitively focused
c. Emotional focused
d. None of the above
44. When a schizophrenic client who was admitted to a psychiatric ward involuntarily runs
away, the nurse’s first action is to notify the:
a. Client’s family that the client has left the hospital
b. Physicians who certified the client’s need for hospitalization
c. Law enforcement officers of the client
d. Client’s psychiatrist after discovering the client has gone
45. The commonest hallucinations are?
a. Visual
b. Olfactory
c. Tactile
d. None of the above

46. A crisis can best be defined as:
a. The perception of the problem by the client
b. The circumstance that requires help other than personal resources
c. A threat to equilibrium
d. An imbalance of life
47. When reviewing the medications for a group of clients on a psychiatric unit, the nurse
recognizes the pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders is moving away from benzodiazepines
and moving toward:
a. Anticholenergics
b. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
c. Antipsychotic medications
d. Lithium carbonate
48. A client with schizophrenia is started on an antipsychotic / neuroleptic medication. The
nurse is aware that these drugs primarily are used to:
a. Control’s the client behaviour and reduce stress
b. Keep the client quiet and relaxed
c. Reduce the need for physical restraints
d. Make the client more receptive to psychotherapy
49. The nurse is aware that language development in the autistic child resembles:
a. Echolalia
b. Pressured speech
c. Stuttering
d. Scanning speech
50. A nurse is assessing a severely depressed adolescent. Which finding suggests a risk of
a. Excessive sleepiness
b. Excessive talking
c. History of cocaine use
d. Preoccupation with death
51. Setting limits is most important for which type of patient?
a. A maniac patient
b. A depressed patient
c. A suicidal patient
d. An anxious patient
52. When performing an assessment on a suicidal client, the nurse most appropriately asks the
client which of the following?
a. Do you have a death wish?
b. Do you wish your life was over?
c. Do you ever think about ending it all?
d. Do you have any thoughts of killing yourself?
53. A client who has just been raped is very quiet and calm. The nurse would analyse this
behaviour as indicative of which defense mechanism?
a. Denial
b. Projection
c. Rationalization
d. Intellectualization
54. When caring for a client with schizophrenia, the nurse documents that the client has an
inappropriate affect. Which of the following behavioural responses did the nurse observe?
a. The client’s emotional response to a situation is not congruent
b. The client has an immobile facial expression or blank look
c. The client displays minimal emotional responses
d. The client is mumbling to herself

55. A woman is admitted to the inpatient mental health unit. When asked her name, she
responds, “I am the wife of the prime minister of Pakistan.” The nurse concludes that this
client is experiencing:
a. A visual illusion
b. An auditory hallucination
c. A grandiose delusion
d. A loose association
56. A nurse performs an assessment on a client who is taking antipsychotic medication. Which
of the following assessment data would the nurse identify as indicating neuroleptic
malignant syndrome?
a. Hypothermia, polyurea, and dizziness
b. Hypotension, confusion, and bradycardia
c. Vomiting, headache, and diarrhoea
d. Hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, and hypertension
57. A client with a diagnosis of Depression says to the nurse, “My daughter is hateful to me”.
The appropriate nursing response is which of the following?
a. Your daughter is not hateful to you
b. Your daughter must be awful to live with
c. Your daughter will be punished for being so hateful
d. It sounds like you are having a rough time right now with your daughter
58. Cluster A personality disorder include following except:
a. Paranoid personality
b. Avoidant personality
c. Schizoid personality
d. Schizotypal personality
59. When educating the parents of a teenager concerning their child’s new diagnosis of
schizophrenia, the nurse explains that:
a. The prognosis of their child is good because he is so young
b. Their child likely has an imbalance of the chemical dopamine
c. With medication, their child is not likely to experience relapses
d. Their child will very likely experience difficulty in school
60. A nurse is caring for a client with Alzheimer’s diseases who is having difficulty recognizing
objects that are well known, including people. The nurse documents that the client is
a. Aphasia
b. Agnosia
c. Apraxia
d. Ataxia
61. Magical thinking or odd belief is a key feature of:
a. Schizotypal personality
b. Antisocial personality
c. Borderline personality
d. Histrionic personality
62. Which one is the negative symptom of schizophrenia:
a. Delusions
b. Hallucinations
c. Alogia
d. Catatonia
63. Multiple cognitive deficits of dementia include all except:
a. Aphasia
b. Apraxia
c. Avolition
d. Agnosia

64. a mental state characterized by disturbance of attention, cognition, clouding of
consciousness, and perceptual disturbances is known as:
a. Dementia
b. Delirium
c. Alzheimer disease
d. Parkinsonism
65. The term schizophrenia was introduced into the medical language by:
a. Emil kreplin
b. Sigmund freud
c. Eugen bleuler
d. Jean piaget
66. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder of the:
a. Genetic type
b. Neurodevelopmental type
c. Autoimmune type
d. Anxiety disorder
67. Extreme psychomotor retardation and mutism are the key feature of which type of
a. Disorganized schizophrenia
b. Paranoid schizophrenia
c. Schizoid schizophrenia
d. Catatonic schizophrenia
68. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include all except:
a. Delusions
b. Hallucinations
c. Alogia
d. Catatonia
69. A mood disorder in which duration of at least 2 years with recurrent periods of mild
depression alternating with hypomania is:
a. Cyclothymiacs disorder
b. Dysthymic disorder
c. Bipolar I
d. Bipolar II
70. A repetitive and persistent violent behaviour of children to others is:
a. Conduct disorder
b. Autistic behaviour
c. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
d. Mental retardation

Answer keys:

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. c
8. c 9. c 10. b 11. d 12. d 13. c 14. c
15. c 16. a 17. b 18. d 19. c 20. a 21. b
22. c 23. a 24. b 25. b 26. d 27. a 28. c
29. b 30. a 31. b 32. c 33. c 34. b 35. c
36. c 37. c 38. c 39. c 40. c 41. b 42. b
43. a 44. c 45. d 46. c 47. b 48. d 49. a
50. d 51. a 52. d 53. b 54. a 55. c 56. d

57. d 58. b 59. b 60. b 61. a 62. c 63. c
64. b 65. c 66. b 67. d 68. c 69. a 70. a

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