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STUDENT NAME: Tejasvi Annam

EMPLOYER: SolutionSoft Inc
SUPERVISOR: Samatheshini Pendyala
WEEK DATES: 1/18/2021 to 1/24/2021

Reflective summaries should be a maximum of one (1) page, typed and 1 1/2-
spaced, with Arial font, 1” margins, and 12 point. (Memo format). Full sentences

Unless otherwise directed by faculty the summaries must address the topics below to
use as “headings” to divide each reflection topic within your summary.

What was the focus of the course work this week?

This week we focused on the concepts of business ethics from an organizational

view; analyze the link between stakeholder adjustment and social responsibility, and
examine the purpose of corporate governance in values and social duty in business
to evaluate the influence of values and ethics in the workplace; examine ethical
conditions and dilemmas, and apply best methods for ethical decision-making.

What were the topics?

The topics covered in this week are the Resolving Ethical Business Challenge:
Whistle-Blower, Resolving Ethical Business Challenge: Fairness, Honesty & Integrity
and POM case study.

Memo updated 03/2020

How does it relate to your work?i

From this week's POM case study, I have learned the values and ethics that are very
important in any organization. Integrity refers to an organization should be ethical in
the unique features of its corporate culture. Any marketer needs to follow ethical
principles and values. It shows their quality, commitment, and reliability. According to
my understanding, advertising the accuracy is essential.
Most importantly, people can be seen in many ads because they can influence any
individual's thoughts. So, it is ethical and moral not to break the idea of truth, honesty,
and integrity. Thus I can implement these learnings in a good manner in my

NOTE: Directly apply concepts learned to work. If the concepts do not apply directly to
your current job, then you need to explain your understanding of how it “can be applied”
in your company.

Memo updated 03/2020

updated 3/2020

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