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Savannah Barrett

FD 200 Foundations II: Christian Worldview

Personal Reflection – Rethinking Worldview by J. Mark Bertrand

Chapter 6 – Not What You Think: The Reality of Wisdom

Three Main Points

1. We often are misguided in our views of wisdom; we often define it by what we see in

media, or hear in culture, as a sort of mystical enlightenment. “WISDOM is not what

you think” (Bertrand, 2007).

2. We may tend toward defining wisdom in our terms, rather than aligning our definition

according to God’s. “Wisdom is not what YOU think” (Bertrand, 2007).

3. Wisdom is not in the mind; it is in the actions in one’s surrendering to God in obedience.

“Wisdom is not what you THINK” (Bertrand, 2007).


 Wisdom, to a Christian, means seeking Christ as the ultimate goal. This may mean trials

along the way, or pleasure, or (most likely) both. However, regardless of our

circumstances, Godly wisdom seeks to obey Christ and seek Him above the pleasures or

sufferings of this world.

 Bertrand evaluates possibilities behind why wisdom is personified as a woman.

Naturally, it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion; however, he brings out an

interesting point through a story of one group of teenagers he was teaching; when asked,

one of the boys said that wisdom is represented as female “because you want to chase it”
(Bertrand, 2007). While seemingly immature at first glance, this comment could actually

have some meaning upon deeper investigation. Wisdom is something we should strive

towards, seeking in earnest and working to be worthy of receiving it. It should be

treasured, not objectified; it should guide and influence our actions.


I need to keep in mind throughout my daily actions that Christ is my end goal. It is not a

sin to take joy in the beautiful things He brings me in life, nor to seek out beauty where I can.

This should not take precedence over my pursuit of wisdom and the Lord, however, nor should it

deter my ability to endure whatever trials life may throw at me. I must keep my perspective

fixed, lifting my eyes to the hills, as Scripture says, ever pursuing Christly wisdom for my next

course of action.

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