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Facebook Guideline

These tips and Guidelines are a good place to start for other social media such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and
Facebook is a GREAT way to stay top-of-the-mind with your friends and family. However, you want to make
sure your personal profile is still interesting to people and it doesn’t turn into a sales page or they will unfriend
or unfollow you! Having a personal profile full of sales info is also against facebook policies.
Remember, people won’t comment or like most of your R+F posts on facebook. They won’t publicly ask you
about their wrinkles or back acne.  But know that they ARE seeing it.
Facebook keeps changing their algorithms all the time. I keep up on that in my main job, so if major things
change, I will let you know.

Team Inspire tips on using Facebook to grow your business -

Should do:
This is what I think you should do, and what others have found to work for them.
Post ONCE a day, every day. Feel free to grab anything I post and post it as your own. Keep your page
interesting. Post funny videos, post inspirational quotes, post about your everyday life, and post personal
Then, TWO to THREE times a week, post about Rodan + Fields.
Remember the Guidelines to posting before and after photos! The name of the person in the photo, whether they
are a customer or consultant, What products were used, how often, and what time frame was between the
photos. You must also have permission to use the photo from the photographer or the model. (assuming the
person you got it from got the permission from the person in the photo). You are safe to use anything I post,
Kayla Ardito, and Molly Sommers. As I know all three of us follow these guidelines. If you find one of your
own, ask if it is compliant if you aren’t sure.
Post Ideas:
Here is a guideline from Team Give to give you some ideas on what you could post on the day you are posting
about R+F:

Tips for more views:

I also post different times of the day. The best times I have seen are 7 to 9 a.m. (especially on Mondays) when
they are turning on their work computers. Over the noon hour, the afternoon slump 3 to 5 (especially on
Thursdays and Fridays). I’ve also had good luck with 8 to 9 p.m. after their kids are in bed and on Sunday
afternoons. Start posting and see what times you get the most interaction. Keep in mind the time zone that most
of your friends and family live also.

Caption your R+F posts like a magazine title. Get their interest, don’t verbally vomit everything you know
about the item. If you think it needs more info or just can’t control yourself, put the info in the first comment of
the post.

Say: Dark circles, puffiness, or wrinkles on your eyes have you hating what you see in the mirror? Fall in <3

Rather than: Our Redefine Multi-function eye cream combines powerful peptides to minimize the appearance of
crow’s feet, reduces puffiness and has optical diffusers to brighten the eye area and make dark under eye circles
less noticeable.
Post something you KNOW people will comment or see such as a funny photo of your child, a vacation photo,
or a new profile photo. Then within an hour post something R+F related.
If there is someone you are particularly wanting to see your post. Go to their wall to ask them a question,
comment on their recent post, or like a few of their photos. Do this BEFORE you post your item and it will
show up in their newsfeed.
Use the hashtag #TeamGive and #TeamInspire so people from those teams can find your post and help you by
commenting and liking it.
Comment and Like other consultant’s items. They should in turn come to your page and help boost one of your
posts also. Especially people from our own smaller teams. Let’s help build each other up!

Tools I use:
I use Google Calendar. I have an event set to repeat every 4 days. This way I am posting different days of the
week in case one of my friends is only on one day a week, I want to occasionally hit their newsfeed.
I purchase a subscription in Cinch Share. I have also used to make sure that I am posting at
least once a day. I set it up weekly or monthly as I have time. That way I am not actually ON facebook myself
getting sucked into the time wasting that it causes. I can schedule the posts to when I might be busy but a time
that is high-traffic. I use their schedule feature (referring to my Google Calendar) for the R+F posts and I set up
a random schedule for the rest of my posts such as the inspirational quotes, links to articles, funny photos, etc.
Another thing I did to help me with this is to make a folder on DropBox to save ideas when I see them. So if a
friend posts a funny or inspirational thing I might want to use later, I download it to this DropBox folder.
Ask me if you need help or training on ANY of these tools. They aren’t necessary, but I have found them useful
to me.

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