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MUS 3301 Assignment #3

Dr. T. R. McKinney

Construct a sentence presentation on each of the following basic ideas by reiterating the basic
idea in the two blank measures that follow it.
Your reiteration should be exact, a sequence, or a response, as appropriate to the harmonic
structure of the given basic idea. You must use each type of reiteration once.
Keep in mind that an exact harmonic repetition need not involve exact melodic repetition.
Label the type of reiteration used in each example (exact, sequence, or response).

#### 3

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bb 6 j
&bbb 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.
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? bb 6 œ œ œ œ œœ œœ ..
bbb 8 œ œ œ J

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