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1. What is the correct hierarchy when providing accommodations to a customer?


2. True or false, for Depot product we first offer standard exchange.


3. List the HA products NOT eligible for On-Site Exchange.


4. List the states within the continental USA, NOT eligible for On-site Exchange.

5. True or false, On-site exchange is when Samsung sends a trucking company to deliver and
install a replacement unit at a customer’s residence.

6. True or false, customers with TLW Recall can only be offered SRA Exchange?

7. True or false, when replaced through a store credit the replacement product has the
remaining warranty from the original, or three months. Whichever is longer?

8. True or false, when replaced through an ASC exchange, the replacement product has the
remaining warranty from the original or three months. Whichever is longer?

9. True or false, a standard exchange requires the customer to primarily ship their product to
us before their replacement is shipped.

10. How many units must be available in the inventory list when providing an Onsite exchange
for an HA product?

11. What accommodation would a customer from Guam with an IW unit purchased from Best
Buy would be offered if they qualify?

12. What’s the formula to calculate the tax percentage from a customer’s BOS?
13. What is the dealer number to provide SRA for a 42” DTV purchased at Fry’s Electronics?

14. True or false, if the RTM clerk provides a new Dealer Info, it must be updated.

15. What is the final refund amount for a Gas Dryer costing $799.99 which warranty ends
07/30/2021 with a tax percentage of 10%?
R. $879.98

16. What is the e-coupon amount amount for a Chromebook costing $495.95 which warranty
ended 11/01/2020 with a tax percentage of 6%?
R. $525.70

17. How long does it take for a customer to be contacted by the store once all info has been
sent in?
R. The customer is contacted within 3-5 business days

18. What accommodation should we offer a customer that lives in CA with a DTV purchased
from The Home Depot?

19. What if the customer lives in Hawaii?


20. If a customer paid $458.31 for a unit which warranty expired 05/05/2018, and was offered
an E-coupon, how much would the coupon be for?

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