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Diet-related health problems are due to an imbalanced diet or unhealthy eating habits such
as consuming insufficient or excess nutrients over a period of time

-Is a condition whereby the body accumulates excess fats, which can lead to adverse health
-Body mass index (BMI) is in unhealthy range of 23 n more
-High intake of carbohydrates and fats can cause too much energy to be stored in body
-Carbohydrates and fats are main source of energy for body
-If you regularly consume more energy than what you need, you will start to gain weight
over time. This is because the extra energy is converted into fats and stored in the body (EG
eating too much ice cream)
-People who are obese are more likely to suffer from health problems such as coronary
heart disease, hypertension and diabetes
-Can also lead to emotional problems such as depression
-Good eating habits and healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of obesity
-To maintain healthy weight, it is important to achieve energy balance. Energy balance
occurs when energy intake is equal to energy expenditure. Means that the energy from our
food intake is the same as the energy we use during physical activity. Hence, we are able to
maintain our body weight. To do so we can:
-Increasing the consumption of low calorie food such as strawberries, cabbage, broccoli
-Cutting down on the intake of fats and sugar (icecream)
-Exercising regularly

-People with a greater waist circumference have higher chances of getting chronic diseases
such as diabetes, heart disease or hypertension
Male: 90cm and above
Female: 80cm and above


-Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart
-Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart
-Condition that is caused by the blocked arteries of the heart. This reduces the flow of blood
and oxygen to the heart
1. Excess cholesterol and fats form fatty deposits that stick to the artery wall
2. This slows down or blocks the flow to the heart
3. The heart lacks oxygen and may lead to heart failure
-A high cholesterol intake can cause coronary heart disease. Fatty deposits are made up off
cholesterol, which is a type fat produced in the liver. Cholesterol is a waxy substance
produced in liver. Found in body as well as in animal products such as egg yolk, milk, offal
-Unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical exercise are also among the causes of coronary
heart disease
Health risk
-Clogged arteries can result in chest pains, heart attacks or even SUDDEN DEATH
-Another word for heart attack is angina. It is chest pain or discomfort. May feel like
pressure or squeezing in your chest
-Diabetes, hypertension and obesity can increase the risk of coronary heart disease
Preventive Measures
Risk of coronary heart disease can be minimised by:
-Reducing the intake of food that is high in cholesterol and fats such as burger and fries
-Consuming food with healthier oils such as olive oil
-Exercising regularly to maintain a healthy weight

What can be consumed to lower cholesterol level and why?

 More fruits and vegetables as they contain soluble fibre
-Is a condition whereby the body is unable to utilise glucose in the blood effectively.
-Glucose is a simple sugar found in honey and most fruits such as apple and bananas.
Therefore, blood glucose levels remain constantly high
-Insulin is released by our body to help our body cells use the glucose. It helps to keep our
blood glucose levels within a normal range for our body to function properly
-A person with diabetes does not produce enough insulin or the insulin is not working
effectively. Therefore, the glucose level rises above the normal range
-A high intake of sugar and fats in the diet and a lack of exercise can lead to diabetes
-Poor healing of cuts and wounds
-Excessive amounts of urine
Health risks
-Over time, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves and
blood vessels. People with diabetes are also at greater risk of developing serious
complications such as heart diseases and stroke
Preventive Measures
Risk of diabetes can reduced by:
-Maintaining a healthy weight
-Having a balanced diet
-Having regular meals to maintain blood glucose level

-Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which blood pressure in arteries is
too high
-Too much sodium in our diet may lead to hypertension. When we consume too much salt,
water is retained in the blood. This leads to an increase in blood volume, thus increasing
the blood pressure
-Blood pressure also increases when blood vessels become narrower due to build-up of
fatty deposits. This leads to arteries in the heart becoming blocked
Health risk
-It is also known as ‘silent killer’ as most people with hypertension do not show any
symptoms. However, this disease can lead to other health problems such as stroke, heart
attack, kidney failure
-Risk of hypertension also increases when a person is obese or suffering from diabetes or
kidney cancer
Preventive measures
-Risk of hypertension can be reduced by
-Cutting down amount of sodium and fats in your diet such as fries
-Seasoning food with herbs and spices such as cinnamon powder, ground coriander and
pepper instead of salt
-Eating more fruits and vegetables
-Consuming less preserved and processed food such as luncheon meat
-Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising regularly

-A condition where a person has a low count of red blood cells. As red blood cells help to
transport oxygen in body, less oxygen is being carried around the body when the number
of red blood cells is low
-A lack of iron may lead to anaemia. Anaemia is caused by an insufficient intake of iron
which is used to form haemoglobin in red blood cells
-Haemoglobin is a substance that carries oxygen in red blood cells
-Lack of energy and feeling weak
-Shortness of breath
Health risk
-Females are at a higher risk of developing anaemia as they lose blood during menstruation
Preventive measures
-Risk of anaemia can be reduced by
-Consuming food rich in iron such as spinach, raisins, egg yolk
-Ensure a sufficient intake of vitamin C as it helps our body to absorb iron

What do pregnant woman need more in their diet and why?

 Iron. To support needs of the growing foetus

-Is a condition where there is difficulty in passing out solid waste from the body. A person
who has constipation has less bowel movement
-An insufficient intake of dietary fibre and water may lead to constipation
1. Our body absorbs water and nutrients from the food we eat. The remaining substances
which are not absorbed by our body will form waste products such as stool and urine
2. When we do not drink enough water, our stool will be hard and dry, making it difficult to
pass motion
3. Insufficient intake of dietary fibre also results in hard and dry stool. Dietary fibre helps
absorb water, which will soften our stool * pg 50
Health risk
-People suffering from constipation will feel bloated and experience abdominal pains. They
might also have increased risk of developing colorectal cancer
Preventive measures
-Consuming food rich in dietary fibre such as wholegrain cereals, nuts and beans, apricot
-Drinking more water
When have constipation, what would happen?
 There will be too much friction on large intestine and it will starts to have holes
Why would large intestine be infected?
 Faeces will be embedded on holes and cause infection as bacteria is high in bacteria
Why will there be blood in stool?
 Irritation of the bowel may cause blood in stool during bowel movement. May occur
due to an inflammation in the anus
Why will stool be yellow in colour?
 Due to phlegm and infection
What happen if water and dietary fibre is lacking in diet?
1. Constipation
2. Piles
3. Diverticulosis
4. Diverticulitis
5. Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer
-Is the cancer of the large intestine that starts in the colon or the rectum
-Cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the large intestine develop and multiply rapidly.
Cancer can occur in different parts of the body
-Insufficient intake of dietary fibre can lead to colorectal cancer. Constant constipation also
increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer
Health risk
-Cancerous cells can also spread to other parts of the body, destroying important organs
and disturbing normal body functions. If left untreated, cancer can lead to death
Preventive measures
Risk of colorectal cancer can be reduced by:
-Ensuring a sufficient intake of dietary fibre by eating apricot, broccoli and whole-grain
-Blood in stool, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhoea

-Condition where there is low bone mass or decreased bone strength as the bones in the
body have become weak and brittle. This causes spine to curve forward, making it difficult
to walk
-Occurs when bones loses calcium more quickly than body can replace. Calcium maintains
strong bones and teeth. Therefore, when bones lose calcium more quickly than body can
replace, it will leads to loss of bone mass that causes bones to weaken and become more
prone to fractures
-Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium. A lack of vitamin D will also result in
Health risk
-People suffering from this will have a higher risk of getting fractures. Bones can break or
crack more easily, especially at the wrist, back, hip areas
Preventive measures
-Risk of osteoporosis can be reduced by
-Consuming food high in calcium such as milk, sardines and vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to
absorb calcium into bones
-Keeping bones strong through regular exercise such as walking and jogging

Examples of fishes
-Sardines and anchovies as they have soft edible bones that provide calcium

Why is it important to consume enough calcium during childhood, adolescent and early
 As bone loss begins after age of 30-35

As you age, your bones become?

 Thinner

-Is a psychological condition whereby a person is overly concerned about his or her body
image and weight
-Caused by the fear of becoming fat
-People suffering from an eating disorder either fear being fat or feel fat even if they are
not. This leads to extreme eating habits
-A family history of siblings/parents with an eating disorder may be a possible cause of
eating disorder

Group of people at a higher tendency of developing eating disorder

-Teenage girls and young women
-Teenage girls who have siblings and parents who are overly critical about their body
weight or appearance
-People with depression and anxiety disorders
-People who are experiencing stressful transitions in life
-People who need to control their weight due to their type of work such as athletes, actors,

Preventive measures & treatments for them:

-Nutritional advice
-Medical treatment
-In severe cases, hospitalisation

-They restrict their food intake and also exercise excessively to lose weight
-People who are anorexic are usually very thin and underweight
-Brittle nails, dry skin( not enough water) , hair loss, intense fear of being fat, loss of
menstrual period for females, constipation ( not enough water+ dietary fibre)
-Can lead to severe health problems if left untreated. May lead to permanent aliments such
as brittle bones as the body is deprived of calcium
-Will also be an increased risk of heart conditions such as irregular heartbeat. This may
lead to death in severe cases

-They eat in excess and then feel guilty and try to compensate in extreme ways by forced
vomiting or excessive exercise.
-Usually, people who are bulimic have low-self esteem and are unable to maintain a stable
-Swollen salivary glands in cheeks ( stomach acid), sores in throat and mouth (using
fingers to irritate it), damaged teeth and gums (stomach acid), repeatedly eating and
purging, extreme concern with body weight, frequent dieting
-Can result in binge and purge cycles which may damage the digestive system. May also
lead to dehydration and a chemical imbalance in one’s body due to constant purging
-Heart and other major organ functions may be affected, resulting in organ failures. This
may lead to death in severe cases

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