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126. (LAM) Friedman showed that, hile peoaie do save more when they earn more its ONLY to spend later Those in work save AGAINST a tme of sickness, unemployment or olf ser ~ But because the sch, unemployed and elderysoend thei sB¥nes, Srerall CONSUMPTION doe nt fall as props pe cher. Version I: Ansuers: ONLY, AGAINST, CONSUMPTION 127. 4 Blanks [3 ARE LAM] Stars and he material between them are alt vay found n zante STELLAR sstoms called gales. ur ov gly, the nly Way system, rapaans tobe one ofthe tuo largest stems nthe Local Grous of we doven ors galaxies. The other = the Andromeda gan. STRETCHES more than one hurered thousand lig. year from one 2nd tothe other and i LOCATED azcut two mibon light-years dant ram us 128, 4 Blanks [3 LAM] “The Dag Hermarss bray af Unites Nations Headartrs in Nt York a itary designates to fsitte the work of the lnted nations and focses main an the needs of the UN Secretariat and diplomat missions. aeyone wit aval United Nations Headavarters grounds PASS, Including specalzed agencies, accredited media and NGO sta able o tte libra. Dve to SECURITY constants In place atthe United Natons Headguarers complex, the lira I at open tthe general 129. 5 Blanks [LAM] ‘The amount of sleep you need depends on many FACTORS, especially your age Newborns sles between 15 and 18 hours {37 and precenoclchiaren enoul sleep between 19 and 12 hours. Olgerchleren ang teers ness st leact nine Nout to 62 well ested. For most adult, seven 10 eight houts 2 night appeats to the best amount of sleeo. loner for some peosle sco sles mayb er was chro os menos 10 tes OF sp | you get elder, your sleeping PATTERNS change. older adults tend t leap mere light and awaken mare fequertly inthe fight than younger adults Tis can have meny causes inclusing medical conditions and medicatons used to treat them. Bul ‘here's na evidenes that older adits nes es sles then younzer Puts ‘Setng encugh slap is imgortant to your health because it boosts your IMMUNE system, which makes your body beter able Rab neste Se caer Fr yore yn ict work ropedy aot ens ick jou honed abl concentrate leno monrs memory ane pryscel performance ‘so how many hous of sleep are enough for you? Experts say that f you feel drowsy during the day — even during boring cities — you ore nat ertng enough sleep. Ako, qvelty of seen is juntas IMPORTANT as quanti, People whose sep = ‘reauertiy interrusted or cu sort ar not geting avait seep ac ein anv wer epee Che EF she Lan ae pera He orshe may be ae to IDENTIFY the cause ofscep problems nd afer advice on how to eet a beter nights see 130. 4 Blanks [LAM] For too long we have held preconceived notions of "the! market andthe’ state that were seemingly independent of local socetes and cultures The debate about cel society ltatey tout how culture, market anc state RELATE TO eachother Concern stovt ev aciety, nowever is not only relevant to cental ang eastern uroce andthe ceveling Wels. tie very ‘much of INTEREST 10 the european Unien ar wll The cll Dalogue inated by the Commission inthe 19905 was 2 fst stcmap y ie ELd avte lhtne ofccbya nt only gevernmeis-ani bisinesecra wow policy reki facies in Brussels The EU, He otter iternatona irentusens, hos 2 long viny to 20 n ting to ACCOMMODATE the Frequent oherzent interests of non governmental cgansatone ang citaen grouse. There © mreaeig RECOGNITION thet, International and national governments have to open ua to cl society institutions 181. 5 Blanks [ 4 LAM] Let us suppose minds tobe Answers: VOID, FURNISHED, BOUNDLESS, EXPERIENCE 132. 5 Blanks Rudman looks at how @ poor undetstanding of Maths has led historians to fake conclusins about the wathematca SOPHISTICATION of cary societies, Rudman'sfnel abseriatiorthat ancient Greece enim: UNRIVALLED progress inthe subject WHILE fling ta teach i t school leads to 3 RADICAL punching; Mathematics could be beter learnt afer we LEAVE school 133. 5 Blanks [LAM] ne cause of unemsloyment may be dounsuings in the trade cycle, 'z pertods of recession. another explanation of ieealn unemployment refers to structural employment. STRUCTURAL urempoyment arises irom longer-term cherges ‘the economy, afectne SPECIFIC ndustres, estons and occupations. Stuctural unemeloyment often explains rezone! Lnemployment. Some regone of tne Uk such az Centra) Scotian, ane the Nerth-Wvart have haher rates of unemployment because the TRABMIONAL heavy industries which LOCATED there Mave pone nto decine at they are REPLACED by cheaper “imparts from abroad, Tre new high tech industries based on new teemnologies tens to be based in he South Ene an alone parnculr growth corndors 134, Good customer service reltes to the service you and your emslovees provide before, during and afer purchase. For frample, 1 how you INTERACT wien your customersiimereung your customer cevce sil Can lead to greater customer Staton an 3 more enjoyable experience fr them No matter the 22 of your business good customer service needs be at the heart of your business modalif you wish to be uctesfl [bz mportant to provioe goad curtomer service to al toes of eustorar, Inusing POTENTIAL nav and xing Although # con tke extra resources, time and money, good customer service lends te customer satstaction which ean f2enerste poettve WORD-OF MOUTA for your Business, ep you" customers Maaoy and encourage them to surchare om Your Businarz again. Gocd customer sarvez can he p your ovens grow ane prozeer 135, 4 Blanks: LAM- Version 1 table and sustainable management of water resources is 8 mayor alGbsl challenge. About one third of the word’ sopulaton es in counties with mederate to high watt stess, wth ISPROPORTIONATELY high impacts on he poo. ith fespect to the CURRENT projected humen population growth, indus development and the expansion of ivzated agreuiture in tre nent 9 DECADES, ater ce-rand 2 expected te rie to levels tnt wl make te tach ofcrovidine Wate for human SUSTENANCE more cfu. 4 Blanks- 4 LAM- Version 2 Equtnble and suttsinable manogerent of veter resources is 2 maior alobel chllonze About one third of the wore’ secullton Lvs in eaurtres with medarate to hign water sess, /th DISPROPORTIONATELY righ imoacts on the pec: wth ‘Fespec to the current projected human population growth, industial develope ad the exzansion of igtedaavculture inthe nest to decades, unter demerd is expected to te fo levels that wil make the fant of provcing water for human SUSTENANCE more simeut. Snes tr eth ehment, the Untes Wahore Exvronment Programme (UNEP) has workes to fsromote sustanable water resources management practces through COLLABORATIVE approsches 3 the razon, ‘eons find plobal levels After more than 99 years, water resources manapernent continues tobe strong pla of UNE Work, UNEP s actly partioatng in addessng water sues together with partner UN AGENCIES, ther organization and donos ‘They facials and catalyse water ferource ersesments in werovt develping countries, implement projects that asst counties in developing integrated weer resource managernant plans. ceste aviereness of innovetive ternative technologies ane aie the development, plementation ang enforcement of vnterresaurce management oases, nhs 990 regulacons 136. 26/02/18 (DROP DOWN-4 Blanks- 3 ARE LAM) ‘At the begining ofthe twentyrst century, the elaconchp between standard and nonstandard language if, evident sll an uncertain one. We ate 3ta TRANSITIONAL coi: between two eras. We seam toe leaving an era wren the rules of tance Engleh, ae elected and defined by prescriptive gtammarians, totally conditioned out sence of ACCEPTABLE Usage, co that al ther usages and varieties were considered tobe inferior a eorrup, an ealied ram serous cofsderaion. And we =m #2 be approaching 97 erswhen nonsandrs usages and varies, previous den grated or ignored ae achieving ene resence fans rescecab ity within sonery reminiscent of tht found in Noole Engen, when diner vacaton in lferture We videspreae and uncortertous. sut we are not there yet Tne nse of standars Engich Mar resuted na conrortatan between the standard and nonstandard dimensions ofthe langusge which has lasted for over 200 yeas, and ths has had traumatic CONSEQUENCES which ul take some yeas to eliminate. Once people have been given aninferoty complex about the Way they speak or ure, they init ica o shake off 137. 4 blanks [2 ARE LAM] ust is an important oar of our lnes Me connect and interact ith it daly and use tas away of projecting au setidenttes tothe people around us The musicwe enjoy whether Ws country cr clas, rack rll or rop~ REFLECTS howe a= But where id musica its core, fist come from? t's2 purine questo that may not havea defitve answer Ore LEADING researcher, nowever, has proposed thatthe hey to understand the ongin of music nested smuoy in the loving bond betiean mother and child tn lecture ot the Unversity of Melbourne, Rickard Pareto AustaBarrom ptckesor of pseratic sia erie ‘the idea that music originally spawned from ‘metherese’~the playful vices mothers adoct when sceakng to INFANTS and sodsiers 138, 5 blanks [4 ARE LAM] ‘ean Piaget, the pioneering Sorss shlcsopher and psichologst, spent much of his prafessional te lstening to chen, watching chisren and PORING over report of rexesrchers around the world wha were ding the sare. He found, to put ‘most succinctly, that citer dont think tke gtounupe Alter thousands of ntereetons with young people often barely oft cnougn to fk Paget began to SUSPECT that behing their cute ane seem ney ngen|erances were trouene processes thot hao thr ovm tnd of ercer and her own special osc. Einstein cles 3 DISCOVERY "co smple that arly = gens cule have thought efit” Piaget insight opened a new window into the inner workings ofthe mind. By the end ofa wide-ranging and remaraby PROLIFIC rezearen career that spanned nearty 75 years-fram his ist scenic publication at age 10 to work sh n progrest hinen ne cies at 24-iaget nae developed sveral new Flas of sence: developments psychology, cogninve theory and wnat Game to be caled genetic epistemology. Although nat an educational reformer, he chamoioned a wat of thinking about hilden that provided the foundation for oday's edeaboeforn movements 139, 5 blanks [3 ARE LAN] ‘Omriscience may bea foise of men, but its nets of books nouledse, 3: Johasen sa, sof to KINDS, you may know 2 thing yourself and you my know where to fing itNow the mount which you may actualy knovy yourcef mast at te et, be linted, but what you may know of the SOURCES of inforraton may, with proper toning. become armost boundless Ard here come the value and use of reference books-the ‘working of one boak in connexion with another-and agclvng your own INTELLIGENCE to sath. By this means we gets near ta tat omnizcen volume when tele everthing z ever we eral get and athougn the sng vlumra or work whch tall fvarything does nt ext there isa vast umber of reference books in astence, «knowledge and proper ute af which ie ‘ssenil fo every inteligert person, Necessary as | believe reference books tbe, they can easy be mace tobe contributory te lleness, anc too mechanical a use shoud nat be mace of them. Very admiral reference Cooks come tous ram Ame", where great industry i shown, and funds for cubiching tem never seem to be short. The French too, ae eacelent at feference books, bat the terior way nich they are printed makes them tresome to rter 3. 1140. 5 blanks [LAM] Decing to 20 to business school Is perhacs the amplect cart of what can be 3 complicated process. With near 600 {accrecited MBA programmes on OFFER around the world, be choice of where ta study can be avenwhelming Mere we exclin how te CHOOSE the ight school and cours for you and unravel the aplication end fusing proces “Probably the MAJORITY ‘oF secpleappiyng to business ronco re a3 pointin the eaveets ere they inow they WANT to shake thier uo, but they on now exzcy what they want to 20 with ter professional ves” sas stacy Blackman, an MIA admissions consultant Based n Los Angels. "If that's the case with you, lock at other CRITERIA culture, teaching method, lation, and then ick a flac asm eee Jor go wih eatin geet renin prominin. Sofie care wala cot hove to fortot this oosese™ 11. 4 blanks [LAM] {charles Darwin knew intituely that topical forests wate places of TREMENDOUS invicacy and energy. Me and his cohort of centc naturists were AED bythe Senuty ofthe Nestropes, here they collected tens of thousands of SPECIES new to soence. Su they couldr't have guesses at the complate contents OF the ain forest, and they had no oes of is VALUE 12 humankind 142, 5 blanks [LAM] Jn ap ofterscited study about countesfactuals, Medes, Madey, ane iovch (1985) found thet bronze medlists spoeered hospice tran siver medniat n television coverage of the 4592 Sunmer Olympics Medvee et sl ARGUED tnt brome smecalets compared themsehies to ath place Pnshers, whereas siver medalists comoared temssWves to gold medalists. Trace Counterfactuss were the mast SAUENT because they were ether quately diferent (gold vs. sve) or categorically Sficrent [meta vo medal rom whet ACTUALLY eeurred. Crewing on ative deta and expevimertadstuties we: hom ‘hat Opis athletes (rmong others) are more iy to mnie esurterfacial comparisons bares on treir PRIOR excectnone, cansstent with decision sffect teeny iver medalists are more ltely tobe dsapecinted because tei personal expacttons sre higher than THOSE of bronze medals. We provide atest between expectancyated versus ctegoryases proceeIng ana discuss crcumstances that tigger each type of processing 143, ‘Aleost all public saaces nowadays have avertsemants in sight, and al forms of med, from newspapats tthe cinema tothe Internet ae PRLED with advert Thi al-porvsive presence REFLECTS the value ofadvevng tous. Without, businesses of ai tyces ond izes woud STRUGGLE to nform potenti! customers about the prosticts or services they provide, a connie ‘would be unsble to make INFORMED asce:zments when locking for products to buy an servezs to ure. Without adverts the promaron of products and PRACTICES that contnbute to eur physical an psychological well-being - madicnes te teat ‘miner aliments insurance schemes to protect us, clothes and cosmetics to wake us look ard fel better ~ would be NFINITELY ‘more PROBLEMATIC then itis nd without advertisements and the ASPIRATIONS represetes in them the world wld bea ‘Sor DULLER sie. 14s, Foltore Ansa: SUPERSTTONS, CONSTTUTE us, Icing end antsinflammatories ul help WITH te pain nestling. Vigorous message OF the knot IN the muscle wil help TO relax and e250 the pain. Meanwhile, work ON strengthening ane stretching your hp, ramstring and lower-bock muscles. FOR stretching, focus onthe hamstring sveten the hip & lower‘oack stretch, ans the Ramsring & back srtch er sensthening, ‘uyside lg its 1a, Forest plays a crucial olen migration of climate change (Blanks) -Arsters: PRIMARILY, PROMOTING, INCREASING, EQUIVALENT 147 ‘The presentsnon wl éscuss copyrgnt= roles a one the intellectual (s lanks) “Arse: DIFFER, AN OVERVIEW, DETERMINE, SUPPORTED, MANAGE 1148, 5 blanks [4 ARE LAM] | sustnnable tranazortation stem is one in which people's needed desires for acess to jobs commerce, recreation, Culture and rome as accommodates using 2 minimum oF resources Apeiyine PRINCIMLES of SUSTAINABILITY 70 trosportation wil reduce pluton generated by gasoline-povered engines, noise, toc congestion, lod devaution, urban Lmatly n 2 sustainable san Francisco, almost all trips to and WITHIN the Cty wile on public trent, foot or ieyle — a ‘32008 part of rps to the lager Bay Region. Welking through streets esgred for pedestrians ans bicyes w Hbe more pleerant than wabing through thoze cezigned forthe sutemodie. Street ‘ront reall ane commerca)etabienments wil ‘ptoi0er fom the lage VOLUME of fot trefc drawn to an envonment enhanced by tees, aporonately designed "stiect furniture,” ret Eph, bieycle racks, Sercher, nd the like) and ler people. Rents and property cons wil be lowered land for ottsrect poring eno LONGER required ornecced 149, 4 blanks [LAM] Pidins are languages that are born after contact betwcen at least two languages. As many pideins develones during the period of empre and internatonal wade, one ofthe language parents was frequent a European language such at French oF English, andthe other Language parent uas the language ofthe peosle with whom the Europeans Were TRADING of whom they were clenising Usvaly one ofthe languages orovided te majorty of VOCABULARY ims ené the other provides the grammatcat structure. Wren aldans become learned asa mother tongue they become KNOWN 35 Coles. am act goMNe > cuss pidgin an creles and contact angvages at such ini book in ANY DEPTH. 150. Drag and Drop 3 blanks [LAM] ving tacked down research that is RELEVANT to your are of interest the next task & to actually make sense of that research This sector intended fo show you howto be eritel ofthe research you ARE REVIEWING an raw to check thet the EVIDENCE‘: credible and rapresented soproarately. Unfortunately th means iscussing the wavs in whic recearen ‘ndings may be misrepresented 4251. 2 blanks [LAM] Its temating to try to prove that eo looks win vats, and many scademics have ted. The DIFFICULTY i that beaity inthe ye ofthe banoler, and you cannot benale a polelars face wahout a vellofexraneaus aeludze etangin he way. Deet (George Bush porters « ering grin, ora facetious SMIRKT Ws hard to find anyone who can look atthe president without ‘ssessng him potcaly 95 wel as PHYSICALLY. 152. 4 blanks [3 ARE LAM] Jo quatiy at 2 conservancy, 2 committee must define the conservancy’: boundary elect a repreventative conservancy commizes, negotiate a legal consttton, prove the cammite'saity ta manage funds, and prosuce an acceatabl plan for EQUITABLE distibuton of vildife-relates benefits. Once approved, resstered conservancies acquire the RIGHTS to 9 sustainable ildife QUOTA, se bythe mint 153, “Three degrees does not sound fe much Gut i REPRESENTS a re in temoerture compatible with the elabal heating that ceccurred between the Inc Ice age, some 25/000 years ago, and the warmth ofthe eighteenth century. When ESrth wae col, ‘int alsin aeeetes extcell frp the plore fr ooh ws 8 Ln te US il thm Meni pe! Ler th Century when it three cegres hotter glaciers everywhere willbe me'tng in s climate of oan UNBEARABLE feat ard Grought,aunctiated with storms and foods. The CONSEQUENCES fr humanity could be uly hore; f we fall to act swt, ‘the ful impact of glob heatng could clus alone with vact populations ofthe plant and animals wth hom we share Forth in a worst case scerano, era igh -in the 22nd century -9¢ ony rerwmant of humanity Sng Outs DIMINISHED exstence ‘nthe polacregions and the few emeining dese ef on hot and ard Eth 154, 4 blanks [LAM] lf the more than 1,000 bat species worldwide, 22 are NATIVE to North America. nd while tere ave no polinatr bats nour yes, gardeners should CHAMPION those tt co Ive here, becuse they're inectuorous. These bate CONSUME mots, beetes and masqutoes, and an gt up to 509 mosquitosied cect per hour They also protect gtdens and cops fom such PESTS a cucumber beales,cutorms and eaPionpes. 355, 5 blanks [4 ARE LAM] Legal depot for printed books and papers has exten Engl aw since 2862 Whe ta ensure thatthe natn’ pushed cutput (ane thereby ts INTELLECTUAL record and future publstes hertage| is collected systemateally, and. 2s Comorehensvly a5 pase, Goth inorder to preserve the materia for he use of ture generations ardto make it vaisble for READERS thin he Gezieates legal Gepost branes. ‘The legal descst sytem ako as BENEFITS fr author and publishers: 1 Pubcatiane depcrited withthe Brith Library are made auailale to utes in te various Renting Rome, are PRESERVED fo: the bereft of future generations, ard become pat ofthe national Neri f+ Pubicatons are RECORDED in the ovine cotnogue ned will REMAIN a7 esrentol RESEARCH toch for 156. 5 blanks [LAM] “The worl’ atmaschere i forever an the move. Wind esirin motion. Samatimas airmaver sol, aivng = gentle breeze. At Rhein rcs rh, crete anes ad ufc, GENTLE of fare wel nd tits heer wl Bathe Si ‘moves trough the shy, nents up tome gavts ofthe sen anc and! mere thon others The air above these HOT spots it warmed, eacomesignter tran the surrounding a, ans begins 20 nse. aware, co) alr ils, BECaUS [CE MEAVIER. Winds ‘low becavte air squeeted aut by sinking, cold arf sucked in unde ring, warm ait Winds wl blow wherever there a DIFFERENCE in air temcersture and pressure, lays owing from high to low pressure Some winds bl inane lace, ord have & local am — North Ameri: eninook and Frances mista. Others ate part ofa huge cvculsron pattern thet sends ‘winds over the ENTIRE globe 157. 4 blanks [LAM] ‘over the last tan thousand years there seem to have baen two secarate and confienaguldingsentments throughout the history of towne and cites. ONE iste desire to start again for 3 vanety of reasons an earinquake ora rds wave may have demolshea the settlement, offre destroyed it, or the new city MARKS = new paltcal beginning The oer can be lkered to ‘the effect ofa magnet: established setiements attract people, who TEND TO come wether ar rot there any slsnring for ‘hetrarmval. the clash between Pese two sermrantsisevdentin every estblshed ey [UNLESS/whonever/whereae/une) ts development har been almost completely accidental or is lost in history. Inclantaly, many settlements have been planned from the begining bt, for @ variety of reasons, no settlement folowed the nlan. A good exemple is Curran, onthe Ce fiver i> New South Wes, whieh WAS SURVEYED inthe zecora half f the 0th century, n expectation tht ae0p!e would come to establish agrcuture and 2 small ort. But no one came. Most county tans in Neve South Wales started with an ‘rial siecy, howe grid nes ne ol there today in the peti the erga es 158. 5 blanks [LAM] Geri, the popular concenton, i inestnenbly te up with preccety—soine something try crea, se’ ncines to think, requires the fresmnecs and ewoerance and enaray of youth. Orson Viele made hls masterpiece, “Ctzen Kane.” at ‘aventy-five.nerman Melile wtote a bocka year through his LATE twenties, culminating, at age thiry-tio, wih "Moock" Morar wrote his breaktiough Piano Concerta No. 8 n EFlat-Miajr at the AGE of twenty-one. In some creative forms, ike Iyre poetry, the MAPORTANCE of grecocty hes hardened into an iron aw How old as T'S, Et when he wrote “The Love Song af res Prufoek” aro old. | 270 ol"? Twentthre, “Poets peak young. te creaity ezearcher camer ‘Gutman maintains. tina Cekszertmihaiy the author of “low” agrees: "The most creatve lic verse beleved tobe that vitan by the young” Accocing to the Harvard asychologst Howard Gardne, a leading AUTHORITY cn creat Lyric portey ita DOMAIN here talent clacoveredearh, burns righty, anc then peters ut at on early age 4159, 4 Blanks: LAM, Paris is very old—there has beer a settlement there fora least 6000 years and its shape hes been determined in part by the Aver Sein, and in part by the eles of France's ulers.Sutthe great Boulevards we admire today arerelatveW new, and were constructed to prevent any more balcades BEING CREATED by the rebellious population, that work was carla out inthe ‘riddle 19th century. The eoter Parish been IN PART e mace of nary streets and aleyrays. But yo can meee teat the work was nat only highly expensie, but caused gest distress among the hai millon or so residents whose houEeE Were SIMPLY razed, and whote neighbourhcodediappeared. Whatis done cannot usually be undone, epecally when bugings are torn DOWN, 160, 5 Blanks: LAM what isthe signficance of insbnct in business? Docs 2 reliable gut fling separate winners from loser? And st the mast valuable emctionaltool any entrereneur can possers? My observations of sucessful company owners lead metobeleve that 1 ghiy analytical tite con be e drawback At cri! junctures in commercial if, riteking s more av ACT faith thar « Caretuly Balanced choice. Fresuentiy, such moments require DECISIVENESS and aocolutecomvicton above al se. There I Simaly etme to walt for alte fact, of roam for doust. A computer program cannot tel you hov to vent and launch 3 ew PRODUCT. That journey irvslves too many unknowns, too much luck ard too much sheer intuit, rather than the ‘nfalible LOGIC that mocrinee delve" zo well Az Chekhov 236: “An arts far ie sometimes worth a zcertet: brane” — entrepreneurs aed eghtbrain thinking. When | have been considering whather to uy a company and wat aie to of, hve been BLINDED to0 ater by reams of due diigence ram the accountants ard lauversUsumly Rony to stand back from such mountains of grey data ang weigh up the realy important iesues and decide how you fel about the opportunity 161. vast year at in Germany... {5 Sans) ‘Answers: TRIP, BEEN, CONNECTING, LAND, ANOTHER 162. 5 Blanks: LAM ln The Driginot Specter, Darwin roves abundant evidence that Ifeon Earth has evolves overtime, anahe eropozed nats seleenon 35 the prmary macnanism for tat change. ne observed that inivcusl DIFFER In thar inerted ars and that selection acts on cuch eiferances, leading to EVOLUTIONARY change. althaugh Darwin vealed that variation in heabla ‘nats sa prerequiste for EVOLUTION. he ci not know precsely how organisms pass heritable wots to ther cHsoring Juste ‘ew year fer Darwin publshee The Ovi of species, Gregar Mendel wrote 3 groundbreaking paper on innertance In pe plants IN that paper, Mendel propared a modal of inhertancs in which organi rane cacatehertale une (naw calles ‘genes to ther ofspring. Athoush Darwin ais not know stout genes, Mence!s pacer set the stage FOR understancing he {ere oference: on winch evolten bases 163, 4 Blanks: LAM ‘The enutroamental impact of the global texte indus s hard to overstate, Onethid of the water used worlwide is spent femioning foorce For every ton ot cleth PRODUCED, 200 tone of wate s polluted with chemenls and heavy metals Ax ‘estmated 1 tin klowae-noute of slectnaty powers the factories that card and comb, sain and weave, and cut and srten trotnils nt everthing From Thirst towels, LEAVING Echind mountain of sod weste and a messve carbon footprint. “Where the industry is today i not rally sustainable for the long term,” sys Shrevashar Chaudhary, chet xecubve of Pratona Syntex a txtle manvfaturer ease outside Indore, cia. ‘woth something ofan“ you Bult, they wil come” att, Mr. chaudnary has stearesPratichs TOWARD the leading edge of ecosrendl tele production Under his diection, Praishe begen making sathes with organic colon in 1988, nial, the company couldn't tnd encugh oreanic farms growing coten in central indis TO SUPPLY is Factories. To meet production ‘Gemance, Chaudhary’ team nad tm convince conventions cotton ferme to change thelr growing methods Pratoha craved 1164, 6 blanks [LAM] People mocity cultural ideas in their minds, and sometimes they pass on the mosifed versions. nevi, there are Luintentional mosfications os wel, portly Gecause of strsightorard evar and partly because ineaplict deas w= hers to {COVEY accurately: there no way to dovnload hem rect Fim one brain to anther ike computer pragrams. Even native speakers of s language wll nt gue decncaldetnons of every word. So can be nly arly, EVER, thst tuo peosle Rod jrecsely the same cultura idea in ther minds. Thats wy, when the founder of s potcal or shlosophicsl movement ora felgion dies, or EVEN BEFORE, sch typicly happen. The movement's most cesotes followers are often shocked to DISCOVER thet they cinegree about whet ts doctrines —really = 165, 5 blanks LAM ‘eat enginzers have 2 passion to improve fe; a burning conviction that they can mate fe beter for everyone. Eningets ‘need to havea talent for venion and innovation, but what DRIVES ther ite convcton that they can finds bater way to Go things; «cheaper end more eficent solution to the problems of human exitence cn this planet of UMAITED resources that sweenleae Many of vs SPEND a lot of ime complaining about the difcltins and pablems a fet is easy fo fi feu with thing that rate diy Ite anus For an engineer, there esicutes can be opportunites, How con tht be made to wore better? How (an that oroceze be made more efelen?? How can COMPONENTS be mace more cheBph, more accrstely and more fr-pursose? Grest engineers ate convinced that evetying can Ue IMPROVED. nstesd of complaining, ey think of ways 168, In hs FASCINATING book carbon Detox. George Marshal argues that cecple ars not persuaded by nfermaton(1S). Our Views tre formed by she views of tne peeple with whom we mic OF te NARRATIVES that mignt penetrate tess cele, we ae ‘ore Il 0 listen to those which ofr us some wat A story which telus thatthe world is cooking and tat we have to rake saris forthe sake oF future generations sls ely to be acepted than the more teuarding ides that climate rae Estee bike by rina crit ic ed seed id rae peri al should unite to defund their feeds be eroposes tht instead of arguing for sacrifice, ENVIRONMENTAUSTS should show where the cewards mit le that understanding wht the science s5¥ng an planning accordingly isthe smart thing to do, which wll ertect your interests ‘more efecrvely than fining abuse a slenrsts. We should emphasise the ole fasioned virtues of untng nthe face of 3 fs, of resourcefulness and community acon. Projet ke the ansibon tows network and proposals fora green ew deal {elle story which people are moe wiling ta hea 167. sues is what you feel when you have to handle more than you ae used to. When you are stressed, your bay RESPONDS 2s ough you are in danger states HORMONES thet spe up your heart, make you breathe estes and gve you » burst oF spergy 7s ic called the fghtcefght stress esponse Some stress ie normal and even utefl Steer can nein if you nee to work harsor rect quiey For exemple tenn help you win race or hist an IMPORTANT icb on te ut sss happens t29 often or lasts tooong, can have bad effects. can gelnked to headoches an upset stomach, back ar, and rouble seening. t can weaker your mune system, malone it harder to ight of DISEASE fou areacy havea heath problem, sess may make R worse. can make you ody tens, or deoresed. Your elatonships may sul, and you ray nat do wall at work or schoo. 168. ‘An sore type of diamond may have come to Earth rom outer space, selena £3) calle carbonato or “black” lamonés, the [MYSTERIOUS stones 2 found in ran and the Cena ican Republic Tey 2f@ UNUSUAL for elng the calor of chataal rd full Fothy bubbles The diamonds which can weigh isnt more than 5/50 caret, ca laa have fee that looks fhe males sles. ‘Because of their O00 appearance, the slamonds a1@ UNSUITABLE as gemstones. Sut they do have indusal application and ‘ere sed inthe dri bts thet neloed sig the Param Canal Now a teem led by Stephen Haggerty of Flor internat [Unversty in vlan nas srezerted anew study SUGGESTING that te od¢ stones were rouRh?to fart By an aeterocllons lof yeas 2go. The facings were published onling ia the journal Astrashyscl Joural Letters on December 20 ‘The scientists exoored polished pieces of coroonado to extremely intense infact ign. The test revealed the oresence ot many nyarogen ceraen bonds, indicating nat tre damends PROBABLY formed in 3 nystogan-rcnervrenment such 2 hat found in space “The amar slo showed strong simile otny nanadiamonds, which are frequenty Found in meteorites. “They're aot IDENTICAL." Heggerty sic, “but theyre very smi” Astrochyscits, he addee, have developed theories precicte tht nanostamonds form easiy nthe ttaniestela explosions called supernova, which seater debris through intertel ar sace “The desorts inthe Centre| Afscon Republic and Sra he 20s, PROBABLY come rom the impact of aclemondrich acter billone of yeas 30, when South Ameria and Afra were ined. So eventhough te two damon fields are now thousands ofmmiles agar theyre termants of single, orginal deposi. Maggety estimate thatthe asteroid must have been about halls te (ane Hometeriniareter. 163. Plants end Animals re » Montreskbsses ine rock tio that begpn slaying toesther as Kies. Touring arduous for bout ve veers ater ther arozer fullength cebut in 2008, they prety much made ther records on te go url 2012, So the bane's ‘Secsion tobe slow celberate, sng tnerough on thei atect offering. alized In rom The Rumdlng,repreente 9 major henge of pace nay leengin thei own beds while recording, the band assembled the album over the coutse of ane Seasons i's feturn to ther origins, bu aloo pushes AUDACIOUSLY fuer ‘The sesthenc varies willy and wonderfully fom track to track e2¢h song Asvng town MERMETIC sea but somehow stl melding cohesvely aca body of work, Jangling guts, drums leaning towaid the oftkitereving of ila found sounds, hit of shoegase, ana uncrthodo instrumentation come together to keep the eer constantly engaged wt a feling of constant {svar They found an argue euro nest t0 9 broken VEA ane recorded bot They mode 97 emoty free zon hem ‘ampanlcrum. Tey recorded gossip on a ct bus. They rove a cassia sving Nourches. Thay somermes left metakesif they fl they were perfectly imperfect. I's tll Diy, but wit 2 fee of big procuction value that mates the album sar ‘Contemplative iyncs anchor the album through al the exploratory WANDERING. The words are dlvered melodealy, being ther potency ut lioning beyond the prezy eecthenc raves pleremg observsnons and an undeniaéle vansatonoffesing ‘The smplity f the penetrating teffzin on the Uree-sar mini OPUS “le Voulais Te Dre” = paragon of how the Ice fiortlessly cut through the instrumentation ‘curarstvocalst warren soicer sings “W's oni love. but you want t £38” encompassing how we try to ave and downplay ‘ur dase fr lave and affection, but ultimately seach ad long oe anya 170. ‘The space work for to astronaut can be insider outs , nsde they can manor machines andthe wor CARRIED out slongside te craft they azo need to male sure the SPACE. Travel ute the cet, they can see how the seeds react the ones. Some seeds company send see0s fo them to INVESTIGATE how seeds change theirbologel charter wynen OUTSIDE the cra, ey can eat up exparimants or clean vo the space ruboin a7. Sciortts make observatons, rave sssumatons and co EXPERIMENT. After thers have been done, he got nie RESULTS. Then ‘here ae lot ofeata rom scentets, she zvertets around the word have 3 PICTURE of worl. 172, ‘The Eifel ower was the tallest building in the word wien it was completed in 2888, was but forthe Work! Fir to DEMONSTRATE thst iron cous be a: strong a5 stone while einginfintaly enter And infact tre wrought tower i twice 2s tal asthe maronry Washington Monument and yt weighs 70,000 tans less! tis repainted every seven years wth SOons of dark brown paint Called "the father of the skyscraper" the Home Insurance Bling. CONSTRUCTED in Criego in 1885 (and demalshed in 1934], was 338 fet tll and 10 tories. twas the fst Oulding to effecvely emaioy a sucportng SKELETON of ste! beams and columne, slowing t ta have many more winsous than tadtonal masonry structure. Sut tis naw construction method ‘made people wy thatthe bulding would fall coun, leading the ety to halt construction unl they could INVESTIGATE the structure's safety In 1929, sutotyecon Walter Chnsier took part nan intense race wth the Sank of Manhattan Trust Comoany t Bulé the word's tallest skyscraper. ust when it looked ite the bark had captured the COVETED te, workats a the Chrysler Bulling Incked » thir aie hile ise the builing though the top ofthe oat to win the contest (auseequently losing thet four ‘most later ta the Empire State Sising). Chrysler alsa decorates hi euiting to mirror nis cee, wth obenes, massuorde, Eng hood ornaments 173. ‘hs ustanon often used isthe one thatthe monkey and the ypeurters. OX, wehave3 monkey stung at a TYPEWRITER and the claim here i basialy if you leave chance in time long enough you wil get if. Dont wory about yo, t's strange, yet it’s wonderful but leaves eroveh matter 600 milion years on eerthend vou il have if So, the monkey siting t the tpewrter the cvances are eventualy ne aroduces the comalete works of Shakesoeare but he Soazn't manage to do tn 600 milion yeas. So hat | decide 10 do is te run the numbers. | instead of eying tyang the complete work of Shakespear | ust un the numbers fr how lone would i take a menkey tying one key STRIKER second To type to be or not tobe tat Isthe question, right? On sverage how long it gonne ke my monkey Fans one KEYSINOKE 3 second. "dort knaurhow you think wauld be Maybe you could havea guest Would it be lae or more than 600 milion eas, which is the period’ fe on earth isr't suppose to have EMERGE within end vhen I run the numbers "Yo be or not #0 bef the {uesten” tales 126 tlio trilion brllon years to tye ust thst PHRASE nd a ONA STRING thet comething of that comslexty emerges by chance undirected within £09 min yeas? Again, i's mathematically posible butt’ so credible ui that Cioclé ev the i ts mein Fvar of the Chitin story inwhich Goel creating life simaly a question saying let tat be and chee wa, 374, Strest — that tense felng often connected to ming too much todo, TOO MANY BILLS to ay and NOT ENOUGH tne or ‘money — 2 common emotion tae knows FEW BORDERS, ‘bout three-fourths cf people nthe United states, Auta, canada, France, German, ta, South Korea and Ertan reported aperiencing sess on a daly bass, accorcing to AP-psos poling. Amiousfecngs were morcINTENSE dung the holdays Germans fe! stress more INTENSELY than thoze in other courtres poled. Peale inthe Unted States cited nancial pressures 2s the tos worry. Alsout haf the people polled im Sra sald they frequent er SOMETIMES ft that Ife was beyond their onto, the highest eel n the 10 counties surveyed. 175. 2s dling onthe méonesion island of J3V2 hss TRIGGERED = "mud voleano™ that has klled 28 ceoale and may ender four square miles (ten square Kiometare) of countryside uninhabitable for yeas. in 2 report released on January 23, team of Sntah ceeoreners sy the deny Uoweling Begvn when an EXPLORATORY zs vill nuneved through 3 aver of rock 9.200, feet (2800 meters) Below the surface, allowing hot, high-pressure water to ESCAPE. The water cred mud tthe surface, where thas spread across a repion 2.5 mils (4 klomters) in DIAMETER inthe eight months since the eruption began. The ‘hid vole f similar to 9 eusher or blowovt, which occur in ol cing when or en squirt tothe surface, the team =a, This welling, Rowever,seews out @ volume of mud equivalent to a dozen Olymsic swimming cook exch day. though the srupton ev az ulert a5 @ CONVENTIONAL velearo, ors than 2 dozen people dle when a natural gas pineructures, ‘The research tem, wa published their Brings nthe February ise of 654 Today, lo estimate thet the volearo, called Las, willeave more tran 11,000 people permanertldisclaced 176, Buying 2 MOUSE con be 3 deuntng process, st you need to work gut how much. budget planner Ifyou dant seady have ane. rate increases and for other UNFORESEEN EVENTS diffrent ovmershio ratio to the normal $0/50. the [ORDINARY COURSE OF EVENTS, settlement ties... group certifcstes forthe PAST a yeas, a7. Serving on 9 juny is normaly compulsory for indvculs we are QUALIFIED for jury service. jury is INTENDED to be an impartal paral capabie of rescrng a verdict. PROCEDURES ard requirements may inclus a uert understanding of the language ana the onportuity to tst jurors! neutrality or otherwise exclude jurors who are perceived as ely to beless than 17% ons of ml cae Wagornnys were being used in Germany os EARLY os 1550 These PRIMITIVE riled roads consisted of ‘wooden ris over which horse-drawn wagons or carts maved with greater ease than ever dirt reads. Wagonuays were the beginning of medern ralroses. [BY 1775, von "2d repaceo the vicodin the as and wheel on the carts. Wagonwaie evolves inte Tramways and spread throughcut Europe. Horses stil provide al the pulling gower 1765, Englishman, Wiliam Jessup designed the est wagons ‘oh fara eh The FLANGE mca grins thet ct Ws weeks ttt the Fl ths as wn eon cs thot eries over toate locomotives 179.5 blanks [LAM] {sled Chorolunems (zosess mathe of the wore”) in Teetand Sngnmathe( gacdess othe shy)n Mesa, Mount Sveret fonce went bythe Bedestran name of Peak XV among Westerners. That war before SURVEYORS stobsned that was the highest mountain on Earth, a fact that came as something of 2 surprise ~ Pak XV had seemed last inthe crows of ather {armidable Himalayan pers, mary of which gave the ILLUSION of greater eight in 1852 the Great Theonometreal Survey of India measured Eyerest's elevation 95 29,002 feet above ses level. Tis Reure remained the offcaly ACCEPTED necht for more than ane hunsre years. In 1955 f was sdusted by a mere 26 eet 029,028 (esis, ‘The mountain received it fc name in 2855 in hanor of Sir George Everest the Bitch Surveyor General Fom 1850-1888 ‘who had mapeed the indian subcontinent. He had some RESERVATIONS about having Ms name bestowed on the peck. {rauing thatthe mountain should ratainits cal appeizton, te standard pale of gcographical science Before the Survey of Indi, 2 umber of other maurtains‘anked supreme inte ayes of the worl. the seventeenth and ighleerth centuries, the Andean pesk Chimburazo was considered the highest AEs relatively uoremorkabl 20,563 foot (6.310 m), it's nce nowhere near the highest, SURPASSED by about thirty other Andean peaks onc several dozen inthe Hialay3s In 2800, the rimalayan seak ohaulagn (25,810 8,172 m) ues declared th utmte, ony tobe shunted aside m 42540 by Renchanjunga (28,208 fe, £598 m), which today ranks thir, Everest status hat been unvivale forthe act century sda hal but not ithout = feo tarts 180. 4 blanks [LAM] Wilt Disney World hes become aslgrimage ste partly because ofthe luminosity fits cromeultural anc marketing and party beenuse is UTOPIAN spects ropes! coweruly to rel needs nthe expat SOCIETY Disney's maretngis unique Desmuse coptured the symbole essence of CHILDHOOD but the company Aas gained acces to ll public shows, comic books, del, {paral an EDUCATIONAL Hm stripe all point tothe parks and ach ather 181. 1m the southern cone especially, tom Venezuela to Argentina, the replon rising to overthrow the legacy of external dominstion af the past centuries and tre cruel anc destroctve soca forms that they nave helpesto extol ‘The MECHANISMS of imperil corel -yelence and economic warfare, hardy 3 stan emery nLstn America ~ ar losing their effectveness a ign ofthe shit toward independence. Washington Ie now compelled to toarate governments tat the best rou have cravn intervention or reprise hroughovt the eg:0n a vierant ARRAY of popular movements provie the bass for 3 meaningful democracy. The nsigencus populations, a fin = rediscovery of ther pre-Columbian legac, are much more atNe and infuental, particularly in FolWia These developments sein prt the result of» phenomenon that has teen cbze-ed for some yenrsin Latin America: As the lected governments Secome more formally demozratc, ctzers EXPRESSED an Incessing dillusionment wth demecrate Inatitusons. They have sought fo construct democretic systems based on popular participation rather then elite and freien DOMINATION 182. if you see 3 move, or 2 TY acvertiserent, that imolves& fluid behaving in an unusual way, it war probably made using technology based onthe work ofa Monash researcher Prafersor lcueph Maraghen who pioneered an influential METHOD for interpreting the behaviour of quid hel undesis ‘most cecal eects involving uaterhas been HONOURED with electon tothe Australian Aesdemy of Sciences Drofeeror Wonapnan, ane ef only 27 members elactes in 2011, waz recogn eed for cevelopng the method of Smocthad Bertcle Hydrodynamics [SPH] which hax applications in the fle of astrophysics, engineering ard pnyilogy , a well movie specal eects Hi recearen started n 2977 when he ted 10 use computer simulaton to decenbe the formation of srs and stellar ystems “The algorthrs avalable at the tne were INCAPABLE of describing the comalicste systems that evoke cut af chaotic lauds of gerinte grt, Professor Monaghan, and his colleague Sob Gingold, took the novel and effece approach of replacing the fd orgasim the Smulaton wth large numbers of particles with properties that BAIMICKED those f thea SPH has become @centiltcln etrontysies, were it iscurrentl used to simulate the eslution ofthe universe afer the Big Bong, the formation of sors 2nd ‘the processes of planet Bulan. 183, “The AESTHETIC vares willy and wonderful fram track to track, each cong having is own hermatc seal but somehow sil meld COHESIVELY 25 3 bosy of work Janging eutrs, drums leaning towar the ofkiter suing of Dilla, Foun zounes hint of shoegsze, snd UNORTHODOX instrumentation come togsther to lees the ear constantly ENGAGED with 2 feeling of Constant evolution. They found an antique guiro next to 2 broken VER and recorded both. They rage an empty ge ound lke @ timpani drum They recoréed gossip on e city bus. They brought in clesical string flourishes. They sometimes lft mistakes if they fot they were perfect imperfect. I truly OI, but wih feel fig aroduction value that makes theslbum 184, “The recipe for making any cresture i writen ns ONA. So last November, when genetics pubihed the near-complete ONA sequence ofthe long-estine! woolly memmoth, there was much speculation about whether we could brig this Sehemoth back to Ife Creatng 3 living, breathing creature from 2 genome sequence that exists onl ina computers memory is not posstoleigitow. Sut someone Somedays sure to tiy PREDICTS Stephan Schuster, = MOLECULAR biologist at Peonsyvania Ste University, Unversity Pak, and @ DRIVING force Send the marmatn genome areject 135, [UWS eracustes Racha Abboud and Anne Ford, whose story fst mppeared in Gradlife in December 2008, have SUCCESSFULLY risen trough the ranks to be APPOINTED Assceats st leading western Sysnay low frm, Coleman Greg Laver. The ‘tomotion marks the CULMINATION of many years of hard wore for thet legal EAGLES wo ae the fst tora to ths LEVEL ‘eam the firm's Cadet Layer program with UWS 186. 3 blanks [LAM] Jeseoh Engelserger 3 plonserin insist robotes, once remarked "can't DEFINE roost fut know one when | zee one." {you consider all the ciferent MACHINES geaple cll robot, you can see that Its nearly impossible to come up wth & COMPREHENSIVE defniton Everybody hes a iferent ie of hat conatutes 4 rbot 197. No two sping ae the came, not even IDENTICAL turns Parents offen PUZZLE Db0Lt why thelr chldren ar 0 bferent rom fone another Theyil say, "brought them | up all the same’ They forge that what DETERMINES our behasiou n't what hepnens tous buthaw we interet what happens to vs, ane no tivo peonle ever see anything exactly the seme way This summer, 41 USC alumni and fends participated in expeditions to the Canadian Arctic and the Irzendary Northwest Passage. Presertatons, conversatons and learning accompanied thei exporaton of the grest OUTDOORS aboas the ‘Russian lagged Akademie lf, designed and bul in Finland as «scenic “seach vesse te 1989. ner bricge was ope to ‘poser erty 24 hours a dey. Experts on BOARD prevented on topicyncdng climate change, wide, iat cline ned history and early European explorers UBC orofessr Michael Bers ise gage 28) presented onthe sue of Arte sovereignty, 2 GROWING csure of cebste or Ice melts new chipping routes open, and natural recourcer BECOME 2cess le Recommends prestip reading wt late UBC alumnus Pirre Berton’ book, The Arce Gra. 189, Before effective anaesthetics, sugary vas very cde and very painfuliefore 2200 alcohol and opium had LITTLE succes in cp ern operas Ligh gs ease IDEN bei ne US, bt ald eae al int ed ies REMAINED corsccus.ther (used from 1846) made estiests totally unconscious and ites 9 long tme. However ¢ could rake patents cough curing operations and 2c aftaniard. twat hgnly fammable and waz TRANSPORTED In heavy 322 bottles chloroform (usec then 1887) wat vey effective with ew side afecte, Homeve, Ree dificl to get the dove right and ‘ould il sme neople BECAUSE OF the eect om tein near An inhaler helnes to reguate the sozoee. 190. 5 blanks [LAN] >romoting ood customer service must stat atthe top. if management dose! ease how important ths ASPECT oftheir busines i theyll be at an istont DISADVANTAGE in their nsurtry Good customer response EQUATES te oy customers bition ae he cornerstone of ay sucezzfulbusieze Ne mater RoW muer money you vet in your MARKETING, you dant have the fundamental laments ofyour business rg, I's WASTED money, 191, 4 blanks [LAM] hat weno epee te nce apts fie rede soy og Es hcg wenn pny cE ‘throughout the history of Egyet, those thet STUDY the Eeyrtienwritrgs have siscovered thot muse seemesito become more Imortant in what scales the ‘chsraonie’ PERIOD of thar stor. TNE Was the nme wen the EEvatan dyrashes of the ‘haraohe were established (around 3109 BCE) and music war FOUND IN many art of very day Egyotan We. 192. 3 blanks [LAM] withthe increase In women's PARTICIPATION in the labour force, many mothers have less ome avalabe to undertake domestic ecu. Atte same Ere, thers hes been ncrenuig recogriton thatthe fathers role and RELATIONSHIP uth chilis iniportant.& father con have mary ROLES inthe fami, roging from income provider to teacher cares laymste an ‘ele model. Therefore, balancing paid work and farly responsible canbe an mzortanticus for oth fathers and mathers in fae, 193. 4 blanks [LAM] Mart important of alls the fat that fr each new knlet-pantomine crested atthe Part Opera curing the lly Monarchy, new score use sracuces, The reason fortis ample: thes baletpantommes tls stones -caborste ones—ane music ae fonsidered an inclspencable tool in geteng ther across te auclence. THEREFORE, music had tobe naw created 0 ft each on alc Barna fr cortnew Euler; eect, ut Oily one dann fi the Ope sarkosy areal ANOTHER woe the enletpontomme hnreto. 9 printes booker of Ree” ta forty peges in length, which uns 20/4 inthe (per lobby (kate opera bret), and nich ad out tre pos n palnetauang deal scene by scene cite slo cok It upon themselves to recount the pots jaf bath ballet-eantomimes anil opera| other REVIEWS of preiares So di the publishers of souvenir loums, which also featured citures of famous PERFORMERS 2nd of scenes rom forte blletpantomimes ard 194.4 blanks [LAM] Reading san active process, nota PASSIVE one. We slays read within s SPECIFIC context, nd this affects what we notice and hat seems to mare” We sa have 2 purpose in reading a text, nd this wil snape nov, we APPROACH Our purb0ze and background knowledge wil leo DETERMINE the trstagias we ure to ead te text 198. Dictatorship int « moder concert Two thousand years ago, curing the period ofthe Raman Republic, exceptional powers were sometimes even by the Senate to INDIVIDUAL scttor sen 93 Sultana lve Caesr The INTENTION ws tot the Stetatsrsnp would be temeorary and that t would mala POSSIBLE to take swt and efertwe acron ta deal wth an ‘emergency Ther s same DISAGREEMENT a5 to haw the ter shouldbe applied today. shoul tbe use ints cigial frm to Seserbe the temporay erecae of emergency powers? Or con it nov be APPLIED in 9 much brooses sense ~ a common 4196. (2nd May) Bees need two diferent kinds of fos. Oneis honey made rom nectar which actualy ss us thats olectea inthe heart of the Nowerst9 ENCOURAGE polinaton by insects and other animal. Second come fom golen, ie fine coudery substance In yellow, consisting of microscopic grains STORED fram the male part of a flower oF trom a male cone It contains 3 male tenmete that can fertilise the Female ovvle, which is TRANSFERRED by vind insects or ater anima Let us go with the honeybee fom her flower to the hive and se what happens. Most bass gather only allen or acta. Ashe sucks the near for the Hower, ls STORED in her special honey stomach ready to be transferred to the honey making bees ‘othe lve 197. 5 blanks [LAM] (2nd May) ‘ind is ar moving sound. Some winds can move a fat AS 2 acing ca, over 100 miles an HOUR. Winds can travel around the ‘art Wind CAN make you fel cold Seeauve you love eet fram your body FASTER when itis windy Weather forecasters feed to KNOW the speed and direction of the wind. The strength of wind Is measured using the Besufort scale fom wind force when there ino wind, to wind force 12 which cen damage hovses and ouilngs and fe calles hurricane force. 198, 4 blanks [LAM] (2nd May) [About 10000 year go, people learnad how to make oth. Woo, cotton, flax, orhemp was frst spun nto thin tread, using fs asindle The thread was then woven into a febric. The enles weaving machines PROBABLY consnted af ite mare then a Dai of sticks that held 9 set of parle! threscs, calles the wrap, while the crossthead, called the wes inserted Later ‘machines called looms had reads that separated the threace te allow the wef to ba inserted more EASILY A lece cf woos, Caled the shuttle, holding # spool of tread, was parsed between the ceparete threads. The basic PRINCIPLES of pining and ‘weaving have stayed the same ust the present dy, though during the industrial revolution ofthe 18th century many ways ‘were found of AUTOMATING the processes, With new machines uch a the spinning mule, many thresceccule ee spun atthe Sametime, nd, with te help of deve like the Thing shut, broad pieces of cloth could be woven a reat see 199. 4 blanks [LAM] (2nd May) ecerth, research into embryonic develapmant has gen us an even better insight into Row major structural changes might elucidate pdeien f raneefs. Wi bom amicrladl ik Here ay tet er Wlesioh ence eiclorsnenia el “ouseieeping” ganes. Developmental gence ae those that ae excressed during emoryani develooment, andthe proains (CONTROL the symmsty, stelatal development, orgen placement, and aural frm of the developing arial IN CONTRAST, “housekeeping” genes are expressed during the animals daly Ife to generate protein which keep the cals, ssues, and ‘organs in the body functioning propery. AS you might euepect, mutations in developmental genes can have radcl ‘conequnpes for Body farm: ane Kineton, hares muta iy Shouscteepiog® genes Seal by AFFECT the health nl reoreductve were ofthe post embryenie in 200. 4 blanks [LAM] (2nd May) Seminars are not deviened to be minilestures Their educttonsl ROLE is to provide an opportnity for you to disuse interesing and/or ciel aepecs ofthe course. The fe founded on the ASSUMPTION tnat 2 aly by senvey trying use the knowledge that you have acaured fom lectures and txts that you can achieve an adequate understanding ofthe subject. if you do nat understand 2 goat is highly UNLIKELY that you wl be the anly person te the group in that poston, you wl Inveraby be undertaking » SERVICE fr the entre grou if you come to the seiner equipped with questions on matters ‘which you fel you di not uly understand 201. BLANKS [3 LAM] (1st May) ‘Daud Lunch s professor and head of educston at charles Darwin UnNersty. PRIOR to this he was sub dean nthe Faculty of ‘ducati and Creative Arts at Centrl Queensland Univesity and fourdaton head af the UnNesty’s Nooss CAMPUS. Dass career in educetion began at primery achoc| teacher in Queensland in the early 1980's end PROGRESSED to four principal postons, Savi resenren interest oredominate in tencer esueaton vith porculorntevestn Busing teaenercopaaity to smact s changed wor 202. 6 BLANKS [3 LAM] (1st May) [Aherta ic a book of plants, describing tele sppearanc, their properties snd how they may be used for preparing sintments and medicines. Tae mesieal use of lars Is RECORDED on fragments of garyrus ane cay taclt: fom ancient yet sarrans and China that date back 5000 yea's but document uration far older stl, Over 700 herbal remedies were deta nthe Papyrus fers, en Egyptian txt writen in 1800 80 round 65 8, » Gnex phyicien called Dictate vote herbal rat ums TRANSLATED int atin and Arabic Known a8 Iter mesa bechme the most influent work en mesicinn plants in bath Canton and aime words unt the ate {17th century A lusuated ranusorist coy ofthe text mace In Constansncple (modern-day stanbul sures forthe sth century, The Ast printed herbals date feom the davn of Europaan pining inthe 2480s. They prowded valuable information for apothecaries, viote ob tw to mate the ile and aotons PRESCRIBED by physicians 203. (1st May) Itis important to EMPHASISE the nee for hor work ns an essen part of suing Inv beer fart many stent are ‘tempted to think that they can succeed by relving 09 what they Imagine to ke the'r natural tity, thout bother net sed ‘the expenditure of efor. To tte an analogy some oeople pater te more o ass instan: GRATIFICATION which comes fom watching tlevion adaptzton of 2 classic navel othe rather more LABORIOUS proces of reading he novel tslf Tnose who PREFER uatching television to reading thetook ae les ike to study aw successfully ules they rapialy acqute a TASTE for texebaced materials 208, (1st May) Leadership is all about being ernted sermisson by athersto enstherthsking It isa bestowed orl uthorty that eves ‘theright to orgnnse and creche efforts ot there. Bt morn puthonty dees not come fom smal mene peo sffectvly or communcsing better or being abe to matwate. comes from many SOURCES, incising being authentic and eruine having ntsgrsy and showing realand deca understanding ofthe business m question. Al these FACTORS Bulle, confidence. Leaders ose moral author fr three reasons: they bshave UNETHICALLY; they become plagued Ly sel doubt and lose their aniction; ar they ae blinded by pave, loceealhawateness and thus lose CONNECTION with thase the lead as the context, ‘round them changes. Having sid ll this, i her to be atsumed thet f someone beromes a leedey, at some paint they understood the diference betwen right and wrong Iti up tother te ABIDE bya moral cde and up taus to ensure thatthe moment we susgect they 20 not, we Re them or vote them aut 205, (1st May) “The ret ofthe universe sons to be mde of» mysterious, ins ble SUBSTANCE cae dark mater (25 nersent] ana force that repale gravy sown a= dark energy (70 percert). Sclenbst= Rave not yet OBSEAVED dark mater sect It oasa't interact with baryonic matter and fs completely visible to light and ather forms af electromagnet radiation, making dark rater inoossibie to detect wth current instruments, But scientists are confident exists because of the gravitational efecs it appears to nave on galaxies and galony cluster, 206. For many fiatyear students the University may be thei frat experience Ining aay Sram home far an extended peri of time. tis dehnte break from home. In my cont of wew this is te Best hing that you ean de. know you have ts fend for Youre cook anc clean after yourlt asa look after yourcefwithaut your aaerts but he tuth © some cme in Your He you we going to have to part with lovely Muremy and Daly But they are arly justa phone call uy anit i relly good to rive some GUALTY TIME wvthout trem. The fe feu weeks canbe ane pevoa. There may be concerns about forming {enésep. When nev" students look around, @ may seem that everyone eles self-confident and socal successfull The realty stat everyone is having the same concerns Increases personal Feedom can feelboth wonde-tl anc frightening Students can come and go as they choose uith no oneto hasse™ them, The strange enuronment ut new kincs of procedures and new people can create the sence of being on 38 ‘emotional ler costar Thier normal and ta be expected. You meet s0 many mare pope in the ell than youstayed at home. The main points about Iiing avy ram nome ae [No PARENT! You don't have to tel them were you're going wn you've going with, hat time yu'Ibe coming, wy youre 207. C5. Lewis, or ack Lewis s he preferred tobe called, as bom in Bellas, eland (now Northern Ie) on Novemeer 28, 1898. 42 was the second son of Alert Lows, a luyer, and Flora Hamiton Lew. se older Grater, Warren namin Le, vi was known a Ware, had bean Corn three years EARUER in 1895, Lewis's ary childhood was relatvely spay and cafes. In those days Norther land was not yet PLAGUED by biter chil Strife, andthe Lewis were comfortably off The famiy home, called Litle Les, was a lege, gabled house with dar, navrow fesseges ond am overgrown gnrden, wihich Wemie end Jack plays in anc) EXPLORED together There wns elo» drary tot fine erommed vith bookt tio of lcs favortes were Tresure in by Robert Loui Stevenson ana The Sere Garcen BY Frances Hodgson Burnet, ‘This someuhot idle boyhoos come to an end for Lewis when his mater become il ane died of concer in 1908. Barely» morta afte her sth he tue boys wers sent auay From nome ts goto esrding school nEnzlnd, Lewis hated the schoo withits strict rules and herd, UNSYMPATHETIC headmaster, andl he mised elf eso Fortunately fochim the sero cozes in 2840. and ne vine abet return elon, er yest, however he wat sent back to England to sty Ths time, the EXPERIENCE proved to be mostly positive Asm teenager lew lene to lve pastry, expecily the works of Vegi tnd Homer He also cevelones wo interest in maser lanquates, mastering French, German, and aan 208. ‘The exzonentil growth ofthe infernet wes HERALDED, inthe 1960s, ax revlutonsing the production and DISSEMINATION ofinformaton. Some gacple sa the internet as 2 mears oF DEMOCRATIZING ses: 19 knowledge. For pzople CONCERNEL with African development it seemed to afer the sorsisiity of LEAPFROGGING over the technology exp the! separates frie ‘rom aovances nsustrsized courts. 209, Now that doesn't mean that painnes isthe ony sod sve. o that you should become a SLAVE to scare, unadorned writing formality and ornateness have Uhl: place, and In competent hands compledty can cary us en @ izyng, breathakeng Jautney But most stucents, most of the Eme,shovld strive to be sensibly mpl, to deve » baseline styieof short wore Sctve 5 vers and eianveh smole centences CONVEYING clear aezonz or ienstie. es acter, makes arguments c2ze fellow i increases the chances = busy reader vil bother To pay attention, and t [ts you FOCUS more atetion an you moments of rhetorel flourish, which donot edie sbenconing atogetter (se the upcoming section an rhetoric) 210. Japan learned krowiedge fom Chins ANSWERS: hated, explored adapted 212. 4 blanks [3 ARE LAM] ‘Timing fs important for revision. Have you noticed thet curing the scso0! day you get mes when you jst don't cre anh longer? don't mesa the lessons you dan' ke, but the ones you find usually ag OK. But on some cecaiens you jus can't Be Dothered with You may have other THINGS on your mind, be Cred, restless, oF looking forward to what comes next \ihotever tne reson, tht parsculn lesion doer get 10D percent efor from you The same is tus of revsion. Your mentsl and phsicsl atutuce are IMPORTANT. if you try to revise when you are tred 2 totaly occupied with somthing see, your evan willbe naficlent and just about wortese. you eparoach it fecing fresh let ane hart will be 0 much easier ane you wilearn more. faster However, f you make no plane and jst is na ite Bt of ravson when you Feel you arobably wert do much reson 212, 4 blanks [LAM] Distance learning con te highly beneficial toa nr varity of ceople Fam young students wan to expand their horzonsto adults leekng for more Joo securty. With programe that allow learners of all ages to tale courses for fun, personal ‘vancerent and egress alstanc learning can meet the NEEDS ofa cvese poaulation Ferhaps one ofthe most notable and often talked about ADVANTAGES of distance learning is the flesbiity. The majority of rogram allow students to lean when ane whare fs converient for them. For THOSE who are struggling to eslance their stance learning goals with working 2 ful-tenejob and taking care of a ary, this kind of flabity can allow many peosle to buraue education ho would nat others be ble to-do 30, SINCE there are no or-eamgus courses to attend, stents con lez from thar on homes, at work oa th unch ores an from virtual anyhere itn intemat aezben.Forzome. can ‘even bea big source of savings onthe fuel costs and tne required to comm tet clases 213.4 blanks [LAM] Develeing computational thinking helps student to belier understand the world aru her Many of us hoppy dive near vitnout UNDERSTANDING wnat goes on under the Bonnet. So Is it necesary for chdren to LEARN how to rogram Computer? after ai zome exper: eay coding one ofthe human eile tht wll Dacome obzoite az arta teligance Nevertheless governments believe coding i¢ on erent) sil Since 2018 the principles of comauter arcgrammine HAVE FEATURED on Enalandscurneulm for chilaren from the age of fe a when they sar primary senooL ‘Whvie not al cian wll become programmers, Mark Marti, a computing teacher at Sydenam Aigh Schoo, Landon, argues ‘hot they should earn to understand what MAKES computers work and tr fo solve prolems asa computer might since the lat papa reform, several proposals have been OFFERED to mate the Western calendar more useful or REGULAR. Very fe reforms, such ae the rather diferent decimal French Rezublin and Soviet calendars, hed gained offi ACCEPTANCE, eut each was put out of ure shortly fers introduction. 215, 4 blanks: LAM ‘The Petvhes Forest is home to some of the mast impressive fsals evar found and more are being siscoveed each year at 32 eration ¢ EXPOSING new euldance. Fosi found here show the Forest WaE Onc 2 tropes reBlon, FILED wth towering trees and extrcordinary creatures. More tran 150 diferent species offossized plants have been discovered by palzortalogsts and evidence INDICATING ancient nabve pope who inhebited ths reion about 10,000 years ago have beer ‘CONFIRMED by archeologists 216, 4 blanks: LAM, ‘olen the s2¢ech of schemy, an esl form of chemist in which peosle tempted to turn metas nto god, hele othink back to a time when there was no scence: no atomic number or weight. no periodic chart ro Ist of elements. To the AALCHEMISTS the universe was not made of leptons, bosons, gluons, on6 quarks. istend # was made of ubstances, nd one substances), yalnut oi-eoud be just a PURE rs others, sivereven thouen modem CHEMISTRY would son heterogeneous and the other homogenous. Without krowledee of atomic stuctures-how would ft be POSSIBLE tote 247. 4 blanks: 2LAM Interior design is = profestionaly conduct, practicednsed process of planning and relation of nti specs anc the ements within Interior Ses fe CONCERNED with ee funeton end operation ofthe sence te sfety and emeieney, assthencs and sustainably The wore of an ntriar designer eraus upea many other DISCIPLINES, cuch a enviton mera psychology, achitectre, groduct design and , aesthetic, in telaton to a wide range of bullng spaces Including hotels Corporate ancl pubie spaces, school, Rossi, private residences, shonping mall restaurants, theaters and irport terminal 218. 3 blanks: LAM ‘The sack of Australas ewclngs s EVOLVING, wth current homes having more bedrcoms on average than Roms ten years ago. atthe same te, households are getting smaler on average with decreasing proportions of coupe families with chiren {rs INCREASING couple only and lone person houscholls This erie EXAMINES the changes is houtehol sie and number ‘of bedrooms fam 1984-85 to 2003-04 219.4 blanks [LAM] ‘The narmative ot nw an order i locates unde mentaly atthe eve oFinsvival gui and esponsibility Criminal nets ae seen = ncivdualivee of personel responsibilty and CULPABILITY, to wtich the tate rerponde by way of policing, PROSECUTION, asjuccaton and punishment. ‘Tris isbut one LEVEL st which crime and eriminalzustice con be aalised The problem isthatso often anahsi ends there at the level fri action, CHARACTERISED in tmz sponse 220. & Blanks [LAM] Poychology a6 a subject of study has latgely developed inthe West, since the late ninetzenth century During ths pero ther. has been an mmphasis on scienic thinking. Secause of this emhasis, there have hezn mary scent stuesin psychloay ‘which EXPLORE ciferent aspects of human nature. These include stades ints how boloey(ahysc factors) influence human ‘perience, how eeople use their SENSES [tcuch, taste, smell sient and hearing] to get to know tne world how peoole {Sevelon, why people Behave in cetain ways, how memory works, how ceaple develop language. how aeoale UNDERSTAND ‘anc thin about the world wnat motvates people, why people have ematione and now personality develops. These scent INVESTIGATIONS al contrioute to an understanding of human nature 2221. 5 blanks [LAM] Climate ic te word we USE for weather over long period oftme. The deserthas adr climate, becsuse theres very UTTLE rain. The UK hos a temperate ciate’ WHICH means winters re. eral mild AND summers, generally, don ge 19 hot 222, 4 blanks [3 LAM] ‘We now know through the work of neurozcentits thatthe human brain s wir to mimic other peopl, and tis mimicry invclver-actnl flirty psc experienc the oer. Homan tc TEMD TD ae actions that they se Prysoiognly, our bran Ince crror neurone. whien REACT to achons that ore seen af if we ote ding the actor ‘ourselves. largely an unconscious and sutomate experiance. When we hes” peosle speak, observa ther Yocal MUANCES, Watch thelr posture, gestures, and facal expressions etc, neural network in our rains are emulated by the “shared representations” generating feeings within us thet REALECT the EXPERIENCE of those we ae observing 228.4 blanks [LAM] Opportunity cost incorporates the notion of scarcity: No matter what we do, thre abun rederofl We must rade of one thing for another Secauze resources are ites avd ea7 be ures in otferen ny. BY ACQUIRING SOMETHING, we ze UP resources that cou have Been uses to scaurre something ace. The NOTION cf opportunity coe allows us 2 measure NE lwase-afl The opportunity cost of something what you sacice to get Most decisions INVOLVE several alternatives, For ‘romole, i you spend an hour studying for an economies exam, You have one less hour to pursue other acbities, 7a {etermine the opportunity cost of an activity, we look at what you concer thebestof there “ether cites. For oample, ‘sup5056 the ALTERNATIVES t9 studying economics are studying for = istory exam or working in ob hat ca) 510 er Pour JF yu Conair Fe tiny a tir ins of you Sve then wanking en Ye epee eat shy enor the 4 exe points you covlé have receives on history exam # you studies history ietend of economies Alternately \worting she best alterntve, the opsertunty cost of studying economies ithe $10 You coulé have earned instead 224, 4 blanks [3 LAM] “The overall result of two or MORE forces acting on an objects called the resultant force. The rezuttentof two forces ie a ingle force, which has the same effect a the to frces combined if tne forces plan abject in OPPOSITE directions, the sbe ofthe resutant ean be founs by subtracting one force form the ther ifthe forces are EQUAL. they ooionceenen other 225. 3 blanks [LAM] Diferenti cates of price change can also shape concumation patterns. To SATISFY their needs and wants, consumes sometimes cnocee to SUBSTITUTE sponding on 2 eartcuar product or service with spending on an hernabve produ or service in rexponte to a RELATIVE prce movement ofthe Items. All ter factors being equal, consumption expenditure Volumes would be exnectes tore more songly on spending anton: sbieet to wer rates of price nition 226, 4 blanks [2 LAM] ‘The lol ofthe Eelensfc method was set out by John stuart lin 1883, nawas ames! the method afeference A simele xamoe of what Ne meant ti Ist take two giazeee of water hich re IDENTICAL n vary respec. ntraduce afew orope fink into one of thece @lasees The water changes calourl according to Mil’: mathe of diference it safe to acum that the enange inthe enlour ofthe waters dve to tre INTRODUCTION of new Factor the independent varinbie-in this ae, theirk 227. 5 blanks [3 LAM] xporute to gun wolence mates adolescents wice as LIKELY to pergetree carious volcan the next two years accordingto versity of Michigan STUDY. Recetchers found tere ea slstanl cause and EFFECT rlavonshia betwen exposure an petpetation of silence Icey &. Gingenbcimer, # doctoral Student in health behior dnd heh uci, analyzed five year of data from sdolnsents ingin 72 neighorhonds in Chiengs Bingenheimer i led author ona paper thie wees journal Science 228. 4 blanks [2 LAM] tempts o apa psychological theories to education can fle on the translation ofthe theory, Therelore, set 229. 5 blanks LAM 2 new interdaisinry centre forthe study ofthe frontiers ofthe universe, fom the test sabatomic partie to the largest hain of gales, hes been formed at The University of Tes at Austin. The TeiasCoumalagy Centr wil be awa for the niversit/s ceprtments of Astronomy ans Physi to COLLABORATE on search that concerns them both “This centre vl ‘ring the two deoarementstogetnr in an ares here they OVERLAP-n the physics ofthe vary cary univers" said Dr. Nes! ‘Bans, Astrromy Department chat. Astrnormialcbservtons have reveles the arecenc of dark mater and dak emery, DISCOVERIES that challenge our knowledge of fundamental physics. And today's leading theories 9 physics INVOLVE enegies 10 high that no Earth-boune particle accelerator can test thers. They need the universe az their LABORATORY. Dr steve Weinberg, Note) urete and protersor of phys atthe ners, eales the Centre's advent = very excthe sevelooment forthatsepartmen. 230. 5 blanks LAM. “The foteign goicy ofa state, Ri often argued, begins and ende with the border No doubt an exaggeration, the harm nevertheless has an ELEMENT of truth. & sta: relation with fs neighbouts, atleast n the FORMATIVE yess, are geaty INFLUENCED by is frontier pai, especialy when there are o SETTLED borders.Empire ulders inthe pest sought to extend imaersl frontiers for 2 varety of reasons: subjugation of kings and orinces to exin their allegiance (os well as handsome ‘witues forthe cafes of the tte, and, secunty of the ‘ore of the emote from external smack by establishing acting of buffer states in areas ADJOINING the rontets. The history of Bitch empire inslawas/e diferent tis maortart to notein thie connection thet the concent of international boundaries (betveen te sovereign tats), demarcated and delineated, wet vettoemere in Inon uncer Maznal rule 231. § Blanks: LAM, Fm is where art meets commerce AS Orson Welles sald: "A palrtar just needs a buch and the wnter jst needs a pen, but the producer needs an army And an sem needs money. A producer jst lie an entrepreneur, te RAISE mney to make ‘lms First we reed to find an orginal! idea or @ book o” 8 play and purchase the ries, then we need money's develoo that Ides often 3 reasonably emall sum. BESIDES, to commision 2 itr forthe screenplay ion something ou woule want 2 famble your own mane on, 50 ou find a part. We are lucky Mere nthe UX, a5 wahave Fim, 83C Fs and the UX Fil Cour ll of THESE are god places to develop an iden Producing in tain every diffrent io producing in America or EVEN. Europe becnute the ceonamis syramicie steve 232. 4 Blanks: LAM Team Lab’ cig) mural othe entrance to Tolos Shytes, one of the worlds monster skyscrapers. s 40 meties long an lnomenseyydetaied. But HOWEVER mace thi form of digital art becomes — andit a form subject to ramoant inten — Imola’ theoses about seeing are based on more modest and often presgtl sources. neath devote of comic books and cartoons (no sutprines there, then eomputergomes, he recognised when he started t look at atonal npenese er at al those forms had sometning IN COMMON: something noout tre voy they cantured space. n is cecpline of physics, Nake hd ‘been tant that photographic lanses, ALONG WITH the conventone of waster ar, ware the logis! way of ransforming tives dimension inta two, conveying the real world onto a fat surface. BUT Japanese adits employed “s dierent spatial logic ashe saiinan interview int yeer itn callebo ore, thats “uniquely Jepanese” 288, 4 Blanks: 3 LAM Life expectancy at birth i: one ofthe most widely used and intznatonally recognised Indicators of population health focuses on the length of ife RATHER than its quality, ane proves = useful summary ofthe general heath ofthe pagulator Wile an indicator describing how long Butralians lve tat cimultaneauely takes into account qualty of Iie would be esinble summary measure of progrestin he aren, curently ro such medsure exists and ties hy te expectaney arth used asthe tain Progressing cator are. Dunng the decace 1996 0 2008 Ife expectancy st crth improved for coth seus. [Agel bom in 2000 could exnect to reach 83.9 years of age, WHILE 2 boy could expec to veto 79. years. Over the decade bas fe exsectancy increased SLIGHTLY mare than as (31 compared with 2 yeas). Thik saw the gap between the Seue te exsectancy decrease by one year to 4 yrs In the longer ter, increases i fe expectncy also occurred over most af the 20th century. Unfortunately if expectancy fn shares serozz the whole ponuiston thavgn, Geng lower n Tzman'a ane tne Nerthemn Tetitry, end fer Aboriginal ane Tore Strat blender peoples 284, 4 Blanks: 2 LAM. Nutoton celernete ae constantly makingne dzcovele, For his reason, ne nesd to reve. 235. Books and articles highlighting intractable debt, coverty and development abound in both the academic and posulr lterature. Ts addiron to the debate bot trely anc iteresong AS subsumes the economic debate to the broader so politcal, environmental and insttutonal cnteat of debt in devslogng courtes. Debtfor-Develosment Exchanges. HIStory fa Hew Aopicatons i INTENDED for» wide usienceinciading: ecceics rom a ange feces (neludingaceaunting {and finance) non-Government organisations (NGOs): chil society groups: and, bath deotor and creditor governments a7 buble sector orgnzaten. Professr Ress Suckley, suthor ans ecto MAS DEVELOPED an interratons arctle inte area of (420 rel’ and ths book i the outcome of an Australian Reseerch Councl (ARC) Discovery grant to exolore debefor evelopment mechanisms that relieve debt, improve development outcomes FROM si, 2/2 practcally and politcal tftrctive to creitors and CONTRIBUTE to regional security {tis commonty sid by anthropologits hat the primitive man is les inividuel then hie man. This ar element of rath Smeler socetes cal for. ans provide opportuntes fr, for SMALLER iver cf inavidualskils and ozcupstions tn the mare complex and ADVANCED socits, and 2 a resutt those who lve toc conte: are LESS ndulal. In this sense, Inahidualsm is @ necessary product of modern advanced socey, snd runs though alts acts 237.4 Blanks [3 LAM] st would be reassuring to think thatthe electorate choose who to vote for based onthe candidates track records and future poley oromses. IN TRUTH, many of us ere sieved simply by the way thet poltcins look. Consider @ 2008 study thet asked Sues students look 2t mule ars of unamila French political canaidates ans I each case to selecttne one who leaked ‘most competent Mas ofthe time, the cand:ate selcted by students AS looking the most campetert was ab the one wad hoo rel ife sectoral success, the impleaton being tat voters toe hod been shaves bythe encidates appesranee (there lie eugence that appearance and comzetence actually CORRELATE!.Uncurprsingy, being anractve sl Melos wn votes, especialy inne fie in aeace Hire, loskng tustuorthy = mare of an advantage). Other seer har shown that re more ltaly to vote for male ane female candidates witndeener voices Gas ese ASA pd ey sae OS ae ors oss gy See ‘miture of acid and perosce. Thus, it may not be the IDEAL pace for le to exist 2s was thought possbiy to be the case VIRTUALLY aie information we nave sbovt Europa comes from the spacecraft Galle, whicrcomoleted te mzion ta study Jupiter ands moons close up before NASA dramatically crashed tint lupe in 2008, ALTAOUGH the genersl perception of Europa is of froten cus of water ice harbouring at subterranean acean kilometres bel, eeenrchers studying the most AECENT measurements sy light relctes fom the moon icy surface bears the spectral hngerprint of hystogen peronde and strong acs. HOWEVER they accent that cul just bea thin surface dusting and might not come from the ocean below, 239, Comparing the intelligence of animals of ferent species ix dificut, how do you compare « dolahin and a horse? Payeologtt have a technique for ooking at ntelizencs thet DOES not rear the eooneranon ot the animal iysivee. The ralseve see of an indudua's bran Is 3 resconable ieicaton of intllgence. Comparing ACROSS species snot as Simple an lephant wil have 3 larger brain than 2 human simple because is a large beast INSTEAD we use the Cephslaston Indes, ‘ibien compare the sizeof on asimal's rant the sie ofits body Based on the Ceahalzaton inden, the brightest enimals onthe planet are humans, FOLLOWED by great apes, porpoises and clephants. As 5 general RULE animale that hurt fr 2 ving (ke canines) are smarter than strict vegetarians (You dant ness ‘th inteligence to outemar leaf of leuce). Animal that ve neil grove ae hays emarar ane have large EQ than solitary animals

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