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Begin by taking a deep breath,

And when you’re ready, release and let yourself let go.
Let go let go
Taking another deep breath,
When you’re ready release
And let go
Let go… let go

Another deep breath in…

And when you’re ready

Release and let go…
Let go…
Let go…

Begin by checking in with your body making sure that you’re comfortable making any
adjustments necessary to make sure that you feel at peace and in ease in your body, do it
now. And as you’re doing that jus take in another deep breath.

And realse and let go

Let go… let go…

With every inhalation you’ve taken notice the expansion that takes place within yourself as
you’ve taken that oxygen feeling yourself expand… expand… expand…

With every. Breath in, you feel yourself perceive, receive and notice here expand, expand

And with every exhalation, every breath out, let yourself notice letting go… letting go…
letting go.

Every release at the breath being away for your conscious mind to choose to surrender and
let go… let go… let go…

And just like an air balloon lets go of sandbags for it tor ise for it to expand for it to lift into
that space f air of height. You do the same.
With every inhalation, you expand and go higer and higher and higher, with every exhale
with every breath you let go yuou release and you let go of any bags, any thoughts, anything
that has been part of your da yor has been part of your day that you’re ready to surrender
and let go… let go… let go

Now, in your mind making a decision that you’re ready and available to receive guidance
making that decision in your mind ‘I am ready, and I am available to receive guidance, I am
ready and I am available to receive guidance.

And with every breath in, expanding and rising higher… higher… and higher…

With every breath out letting go.

And in your mind ‘I am ready I’m available, x 2’

Your future self, your hşgher self a part of you, who you are right now, a beacon of
inspiration that is calling you forth a presence of love clarity, confidence and certainity, that
is inviting you to proceed to move forward and tos mile to feel the joy and the love that is
pulling you into your next past that present such as you. Offering you the ‘yes! You’ve been
ready to move forward to expand and to proceed.

Your higher self, your future self knowing the best part and the best way for you to move
forward in life and joy and create an experience and answers that you seek that part of you
that reflects wisdom and clarity and confidence.

In your mind, whichever supports and honors you let yourself invite this part of you in this
moment right now. You can chose to say the words:

I call forth my higher self, I call forth my future self…

Find the words that will allow you to invite that part of you in right now in this moment in
this moment.

And now letting yourself from your heart center receive, open up and say yes to the clarity,
the guidance, the inspiration that will be received.

With every breath opening up your heart, to receive that guidance, the inspiration that will
be received.

As you continue to take in deep breaths, let yourself notice what you see, what you hear,
what you feel, what you notice.

As your higher self, your future self reveals itself to you right now, notice what you notice.

Notice what you see, notice what you hear, notice what you feel, as your higher self reveals
itself to you, right now in this moment.

As best as you can, let yourself perceive your presence, perceive the love, letting your
intuititon, your higher self, your future self be received in a way for your human mind to
perceive and receive what is gonna be offered what is gonna be inspired and what is gonna
be given.

Knowing that you’re loved knowing that you’re safe and knowing that you’ll be guided with
love to your highest and your best.

And now, let yourself ask a question, a question that you’d like to receive guidance,
inspiration or clarity for. Taking unity breath. And releasing when you’re ready.
Allow your question to be set in your mind or out loud. And now, let yourself receive,
receive, receive the guidance and the inspiration that is being given to you right now.
Receive, perceive, receive.

And now taking a moment to ask another questio. Another question you’re wanting to get
clarity for guidance or inspiration. Taking in a deep breath and ask your question. And
receive, perceive, receive.
Receive, perceive, receive.

And taking a moment to ask one more question if you want. A question that you’re wanting
to get clarity, guidance and inspiration for. Taking a deep breath, receiving receiving
receiving taking in the answer, the clarity, the inspiration to your question. And release
when yoou’re ready.

And now, your higher sefl, your future self has a message for you, a message that is going to
inspire you and lead you forth with confidence, clarity and peace.
Your higher self is delivering a message that is going to inspire you and help you to feel
confident in moving forward and taking in a deep breath and releasing when you’re ready,
and let yourself receive x 3

Knowing that your higher self, your future self are gonna be a part of you that are going to
be leading and guiding you along the way that you’re open and available to receiving
guidance that will help you move forward with more clarity. That will help you setep into
confidence and inspiration every day.

Remaining open to the insights that are delivered in love and with love. Trusting that you are
being led, you are being guided, you are being loved.

You are easily going to remember all the guidance that was given, all that was received,
feeling inspired, feeling confident, let yourself smile as you take in a deep breath and release
when you are ready.

And taking another deep breath as you wiggle your toes knowing that you’re gonna
remember all insights that were received, all the answers and the clarity that were part of
the moment. Taking another deep breath as you wiggle your fingers, feeling calm, feeling
peaceful, feeling loved and supported. And another deep breath as you move your head side
to side.

And another deep breath in, and releasing when you’re ready.
And when you’re ready, you can gently x 3 open your eyes

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