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Yes, as an individual of today’s generation who witnessed the sad outcomes of some

relationships that were started early, I want to advice the ladies and gentlemen of today.

Nothing is wrong being single when you are doing it right, don’t depend your happiness to
others, that’s co-dependency. Enter a relationship when you’re ready and not when you’re needy.
Always consider singleness as a blessing instead of a curse. Remember, the more single you are
in Christ, the better you will be in a relationship or marriage. Submit to Him and let Him be in
control. Allow Him to write your love story. I know when the right man and right time comes,
the walls that we build up ourselves will surely come to fall, come to ruin. But one thing is for
sure, God will let our walls down when the man whom He prepared for us come running to
destroy those walls that we have built, and God would be his helper because our wall is God
himself. Take your time. Remember, friendship before romance, and if you are not yet
financially stable, finance first before romance. Take your time. Love grows through time,
infatuation diminishes with time. Know him better without rushing. Take your time. Love is
sweet when it ripens with prayers.

Also, no one is an expert in love and relationships but we can certainly seek for a piece of advice
from people with successful marriages, from mature adults whether in a relationship or not and
even by reading inspirational books on relationship. You can’t love what the mind doesn’t know
and you can’t love better things if you don’t even know what it is. Seek wisdom and wait. Wait
for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are
bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard. Wait for someone who respects your
boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do. Wait for
someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every
single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone
who believes in it. And lastly, wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an
illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special.

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