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What is Man

A man kills his wife and children, a woman drowns her children, and a man kills a child.

Two young girls are missing did someone kill them to?

A lunatic in the name of faith in his God plans and kills thousands.

A nation who centuries ago were chosen by you, then disowned you and killed your son, now rises up
fighting killing those of another nation.

Senseless mankind. So violent.

You once destroyed violent mankind with a flood.

Today they are just as they were then.

Today nations are rising against nation.

Religious leaders cry out for peace, and then send men and women out to fight and remove peace from
others in your name.

They truly are workers of lawlessness.

Is it any wonder why the Beast will soon turn on them and devour them?

My God, I sigh and groan over the detestable things of the nations.

Our religious and government leaders pray to you and ask you to bless our men and women while they
are killing our brothers and sisters that is our fellow man.

Yes, justice must be served and freedom must survive.

Should it happen at the expense of the lives of the mankind whom you love?

Man has failed to realize that faith in you is the only answer to true freedom, which is freedom from the
corruption of sin.
If we ask you our God to protect our men and women while they kill the guilty as well the innocent, are
we remaining no part of this world as Jesus said that we should be?

Can we judge nations leaders and their people as to their fitness to live. Should we hold accountable an
entire nation for the sins of their leaders or some of those who live under their jurisdiction and laws?

The innocent lives lost are not acceptable losses.

My God only you are the rightful judge and your son is the one who will carry out the righteous
judgments that you decree from your throne.

Your sovereignty was questioned.

An angel fell.

A woman was deceived.

A man sinned.

A judgment was decreed.

A promise was made,

A hope given.

When all is done your sovereignty will never be questioned again.

There is only one ruler.

He is you my God.

The answer has played out over the history of man’s existence.

All now must see the truth.

Some may try to deny but look at where we are today; if these days would not be cut short would
anyone survive?
Now I ask, my God, which is truly the right path with which I should walk?

Please my Lord, show me the way, and lead me to your throne.

Members of one faith seem to have understanding of your will, but they lack the love among

Members of another faith seem to have an abundance of love for one another, but they lack proper
understanding of your will, and they think that they will have understanding only when they get to

Jesus told us that we would be given the light and understanding and that we are to share it with others
who do not have it; obviously we are supposed to have proper understanding before we get to heaven.

Yet another faith has members who seem to have a desire to know you, but they do not believe that you
sent Jesus to free us.

Can anyone who professes to know you and follow your will get it together?

I have faith that you have always shown man the acceptable way to worship you.

We just need to listen. I know that some are.

I am trying.

I pray that I am hearing correctly.

In my life I have been zealous for you and to do your will for me.

I have also been a wicked man at times in my life.

I will not presume that on my own that I am worthy of you.

So I have been given the faith that you will judge me as I stand before you according to the grace of the
shed blood of Jesus.

Thank you for that provision of worthiness.

My Father, I give you all that I am, yes I am a sin filled man, and I am sorry that this is all that you have to
work with.

Jesus said that my path would be made straight.

I prostrate myself before you.

I want you to be in control.

Please, I beg and plea that the zeal for your will to consume me.

Let me be a light to your people, those who are saved now and those who still need to be.

Please make all that I do always bring glory to you.

Help me to remember that I can only do your will with your help.

Glory is to you my God.

Glorify your Holy name.


I love you my God.


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