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Individual review/ study (4 h)

Objective: To understand some scientific principles in the nanoscale, and scaling rules

Source: Slides, Rogers chapter 2

Problems and numerical solutions (2 h)

Rogers et al., Nanotechnology. Understanding Small Systems, chapter 2

2.1. To discuss in class

2.3. b)

2.10. a) L5; b) torque of 0.4% of original, or 99.6% reduction.

2.11. 0.017 

2.13. To discuss in class.

2.14. a) 8x10-15 N; b) 2.8x10-11 N; c) 3400 times greater; d) No.

2.19. 4.9  5 cans

A according to the graph

a) Why the melting temperature of gold
is not constant?
b) Which is the size of a gold
nanoparticle which melts at 600ºC?
(figure 4.11 of Rogers et al.)

a) To discuss in class
b) diameter  3 nm

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