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Infrahyoid muscle (TOSS)

 Depress hyoid and
1. Platysma
larynx during
 Igad
swallowing and
 Depresses the mandible and
draws down lower lip and angle
 Thyrohyoid
of mouth
 Omohyoid
2. Trapezius
 Sternohyoid
 Shrugging muscle
 Sternothyroid
 Elevation of shoulder
3. Sternocleidomastoid POSTERIOR NECK MUSCLES
 Strap-like muscle that descends
5. Splenius
obliquely across the side of the
 Broad bipartite superficial
muscles; posterior; capitis and
 BILATERAL: extend neck and
flex head
 Superficial continuation of
UNILATERAL: ipsilateral flexion;
erector spinae muscle
contralateral rotation
6. Semispinalis
 ORIGIN: sternum and clavicle
 Deep continuation of erector
 INSERTION: mastoid process
spinae (cervicis)
 Torticollis (wry neck)
7. Suboccipitals
 Rectus capitis posterior and
oblique capitis
- SCM: ipsilateral flexion, contra rotation;
Scalenes: ipsilateral flexion, ipsi rotation FACIAL MUSCLES
- SCM (stretching): contralateral flexion,
Muscles of the Eyes
ipsi rotation; Scalenes (stretching):
contralateral flexion, contra rotation 1. Occipitofrontalis
 Pulls skin of forehead, temple
and cheek, squanting, cross feet
4. Hyoid muscles 1.1. Occipital belly
4.1. Suprahyoid muscle  Fixes aponeurosis and
(MyDiGeSt) pulls scalp posteriorly
 Anchors tongue; 1.2. Frontal belly
elevates hyoid; move  Raises the eyebrow,
larynx superiorly during wrinkles forehead skin
swallowing; lies horizontally
superior to the hyoid 2. Orbicularis oculi
bone 2.1. Orbital part
 Mylohyoid, Digastric,  Pulls skin of forehead,
Geniohyoid, Stylohyoid temple and cheek;
squinting, cross brows
2.2. Palpebral part
 Closes eyelids, blinking
2.3. Lacrimal part 15. Buccinator
 Empties tear  Draws corner of mouth
3. Corrugator supercilii laterally, compress cheek
 Wrinkles skin of forehead
4. Levator palpabrae  Trigeminal nerve
 Opens eyes, raises upper eyelid  Bruxism, clenching of teeth
 CN 3 - Oculomotor
1. Masseter (open)
 Raises mandible fiber for
Muscles of the Nostrils
mastication, prime mover of
5. Compressor naris jaw closing
 Compresses nasal aperture 2. Temporalis (open)
6. Dilator naris  Anterior and superior fiber
 Widens the nasal aperture elevate the mandible
7. Procerus  Posterior fibers retract the
 Wrinkles skin at root of nose mandible
 Muscle of distaste 3. Medial Pterygoid (open)
 Protrude mandible forward
Muscles of Lips and Cheeks
8. Orbicularis oris 4. Lateral Pterygoid (close)
 Compresses lips together,  Elevates mandible (close)
purses and protrudes lips
Muscles of the Tongue
9. Zygomaticus
 Minor and major 1. Genioglossus
 Raises lateral corners of mouth  Primarily protrudes tongue
upward; smiling and laughing (CN 12 – Hypoglossal)
10. Risorius 2. Hyoglossus
 Draws corner of lip literally,  Depresses side of the tongue
tenses lip downward
11. Levator labii superiosis (CN 12 – Hypoglossal)
 Open lips, raises and furrows 3. Styloglossus
the lips  Retracts and elevate tongue
12. Depressor labii inferiosis (CN 12 – Hypoglossal)
 Draws lower lip inferiorly 4. Palatoglossus
13. Depressor anguli oris  Elevate tongue
 Draws corner of mouth (CN 10 – Vagus nerve)
downward and laterally
Muscles of the Back
14. Mentalis
 Protrudes lower lips, wrinkles 1. Superficial
chin  Trapezius, Latissimus dorsi,
rhomboid major, rhombid
major, elevator scapulae
2. Intermediate
 Serratus posterior superior
 Serratus posterior inferior
3. Deep
3.1. Superficial (Sacrospinalis)
 ILoveSpine (Iliocostalis,
Longissimus, Spinalis)
3.2. Intermediate
(Transverse spindles)
 MRS [Multifundus,
Rotatores, Semispinales
(thoracic, cervicis,
4. Deepest
 Intertransversarii, interspinales

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