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NOT FOR SALE Lh FREE SAMPLE COPY Express Publishing Contents Essay Writing p 4 Opinion essays ... 7 For-and-against essays .. soe Be 10. Essays providing solutions to a problem p. 13 Revision p. 16 Stories p. 18 Descriptions in stories Describing people . 22 Describing places 24 Describing events 24 Describing objects 26 Letters/Emails p. 28 Informal Letters/Emails Giving news ... p. 3t Giving advice .. p. 92 Making/Accepting/Refusing Invitations p. 93 Thanking - Congratulating - Apologising ~ Expressing sympathy/regret .....nmnenn p. 34 ‘Asking for/Giving information p. 96 Descriptions in informal letters/emails Describing people p. 37 Describing places p. 38 Describing events p. 39 Narratives in letters/emails p. 40 Semi-formal Letters/Emails Thanking p. 42 Formal Letters/Emails Applying for a course p. 44 Applying for a job p. 45 Complaining p. 46 Apologising p. 47 Recommending p. 49 ‘Asking for/Giving information .... p. 50 Making/Accepting/Refusing invitations p. 5 Letters to the editor p. 52 Articles p. 88 Reviews....... p. 58 Reports p61 Essay Writing Introductions ‘Address the reader directly. e.g. Have you ever imagined what life would be lke without electricity? ‘tart with an objective statement. e.g. recent study has shown a link betvreen stress and heart disease, ‘tart with a quotation. e.g. Mother Teresa said “If ‘you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Start with a rhetorical question (ic. a question that does not require an answer). ‘eg. Are dogs really a man's best friend? Start with a problem that needs a solution. e.g. In recent years, there has been a rse in violent crime. Make reference to a strange scene or situation. e.g. Most people would feel disqusted if you asked ‘them to eot half a cup of sugar, but that's the ‘average amount that a person eats each day. Techniques for introductions & conclusions Conclusions Give the reader something to think about. e.g. In future years, we might all become vegetarian. ‘summarise the points made. e.9. To conclude, it ‘appears that the best way to tackle this problem End with a quotation. eg. To sum up, I tend to ‘agree with George Bernard Shaw who said “Animals are my friends and I don’t eat my friends.” End with a rhetorical question. eg. In any case, wouldn't doing nothing only makes this problem worse? End with an objective statement. e.9. Indeed, ‘numerous experts believe that in the future the Internet will become an even bigger part of our lives. a Match the introductions to the conclusions. Which techniques are used in each? Introductions. [7 The heavy traffic in our city i @ problem that needs to be urgently addressed, as itis causing Considerable air polution as well as a great deal of stress for drivers. [ZT ttis now considered highly likely that our fssi fuel resources will run out in the next 100 years. This means that countries will soon have to develop other sources of power. [31] Today, a huge percentage of young people are overweight, and this is mainly due to them not {gotting enough exercise, What can be done 10 tncourage young people to be more active? Have you ever thought about where your household Wraste, ends. up? These days, rubbish tps throughout the country are overlong as more and more household wast is being produced. AAs Erma Bombeck said “The odds of going to the store fora loaf of broad and coming out wth only a loaf of bread are three bili to one! For ore people, compulsive shoppin is @ serious problem, but there are ways to control it Walking to your workspace in pyjamas might seem lke strange behaviour, but thats exactly what some people do every morning. Go ( Conclusions fa To conclude, by encouraging people to use public transport and reducing the number of care. | that enter the city centre, trafic jams. in | Sr regu our energy nests orig a a | 1 Taking everything info consideration, fel ha the | | all, how else would you be abo to take a short nap | at your desk in the middle of your working day? ee somal soci simple sentence structure (eg. These days, both rich and poor people are going on holidays abroad because airline tickets are so cheap.) simple vocabulary (e.g. We need to look after poor people.) colloquial phrasal verbs (e.g. We've got to come Lup with a way to stop this.) contracted verb forms (e.g. I's « decision that's _going to change a lot of things.) informal linking words/phrases (e.9. Also, nurses ‘and doctors take care of old people in retirement homes.) friendly personal tone (eg. I'm sure that everything will turn out fine.) colloquial idioms (e.g. Getting through university an cost an arm and a leg.) use of active forms (e.g. People are producing @ lot of household waste.) colloquial expressions (e.g. it's about time the ‘government took care of these people.) Essay Writing Writing sree Formal style is characterised by: ‘complex sentence structure (e.g. Nowadays, due tothe availbilty of low-cost airine tickets, an increasing ‘number of people, regardless of their social class, are ‘traveling abroad for ther holidays.) advanced vocabulary (eg. Societys undeprivileged ‘members should be protected) advanced phrasal verbs (eg. Local authorities need to seek out ways to deal with this) full verb forms (e.. This decision is going to have severe consequences.) formal linking words/phrases (eg. What is more, elderly people are cared for by nurses and doctors in retirement homes.) impersonal tone (e.g. It is widely maintained that this issue will be resolved) formal idioms (e.g. It is often necessary to pay a pretty penny for a university education.) frequent use of passive forms (e9. Household waste is being produced at an uncontrollable rate) formal expressions (eg. The government needs to take action to protect these people. ‘Study the elements of formal style in the PR Use the words in brackets to rewrite the extracts below. informal sentences into formal ones. 1. Bad weather can make a boat journey really ed awful, (travelling by boat/be unpleasant’ Although growing up in a big family canbe _»isiom when/weather/be/bad) challenging, it may be a blessing in Travelling by boat can be unpleasant when disguise. In the first place, children in a the weather fs bad. large family are always. surrounded by alo! passive 2 Some people say going on a diet isnt worth of people. For instance, children in large" form it. (it be/often believedidieting/cause more families are never short of people to harm than good) ith. Therefore, they tend to 3. One really bad thing is you carit go very far Gevelop better social skills than those in ‘on a bicycle. (major disadvantage/eyclista/ rasa. cnaltone advanced vorsbla"Y e/they ean only/travellimited distance) | 4 You need to know some maths to find a job. (On the other hand, ome argue that being in {it belessontiaVhavefbasic maths skills/ 2 large family has its negatives. For one, in order/find employment) children in large families much | fu! Things would be better it we didnt allow cars attention from their parents as children in | om in the city centre. (situation/could/be ate ‘No Internet link or power supply; eb0ok useless depend on other equipment B Read the excerpt from a newspaper article and the task. Underline the key words. ‘Answer the questions. Less students choosing to study science The Department of Education is worried about the decreasing number of students who are choosing to study science in| secondary schools. One politician has| even proposed a plan to make science a [compulsory subject for all secondary school students. The department is| |concemed that in the future there will not be enough people qualified to work in| science careers. Others, though, claim that studying the subjects of no practical use to students. who dont plan on entering a career in a field of science. | Should erence he made compulsory | forall secondary school students? | Write an essay explaining your view. Give specific reasons and examples. 1. What are you going to write? 2 What style should you write in? 3. How many paragraphs should you write to express your viewpoints? the opposing viewpoint? a a) Match the viewpoints to the reasons/examples/results. Viewpoints helps students learn important life lessons [2] more science equipment ‘would be needed in schools 3] _] ensures there will be enough people to fil scientific jobs Reasons/Examples/Results students qualified to work in scientific research; country wont be lacking in a knowledgeable workforce lab equipment is very expensive; money could be better spent elsewhere © emphasises the importance of using evidence; better able to make decisions b) Write your essay. Follow the plan. a al Writing Opinion Essays VB Read the rubric, then the first draft of an essay. Check it against the Checklist and rewrite it to be an appropriate essay. In your English dass you had a discussion about holidays throughout the school year. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay or homework .ould students have several short holiday ‘throughout the school year? Notes Write about: 1 parents’ work schedules 2 weather conditions 3 (your own idea) \rite your essay (140-190 words) using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. ‘Some people think that having a number of short hoidays throughout the | yar would make the education system better. | Tobegin wih the holidays are out of balance. Fr example, students ony | {get two weeks inthe winter and then have six weeks in the summer. ‘Also, parents would be able to fit shorter holidays into their work ‘schedules better Few parents can take six weeks in the summer, but ‘employers wouldnt mind more spread-out holidays. So, parents and children would get more ime together. But schools close when they do for a reason. For example, in the summer itis often hot. Therefore, its sometimes impossible for students to do lessons, In conclusion | strongly believe that shorter holidays spread out over the | ‘year would be a good idea for students. A balanced school year would be | less tring for students and parents alike, Dorit you agree?! Checklist When you finish writing your essay check for the following * word length + Inclusion ofall main points + appropriate style * correct grammar, spelling and punctuation + use of full verb forms + use of linkers to join ideas ‘well structured paragraphs (make sure main body paragraphs start with appropriate topic sentences which are supported by justifications, examples and results) * two paragraphs supporting your viewpoints with examplesy reasons/results and another paragraph with the opposing Viewpoint supported by justitications/examples/results introduction that clearly states the topic & your opinion ‘+ conclusion that clearly summarises all the points and restates your opinion * variety of techniques to start/end the essay jo weting} or 10 . ind-against essay is @ formal essay in which we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a topic. |= Arguments on both sides of the topic are presented accordingly in equal detail in separate paragraphs. Our ‘opinion is stated in the conclusion. = Each main body paragraph chould begin with a topic sentence that ‘explain the idea in the topic sentence. We always give reasons or justifications/results for our arguments. We Z Y summarises the content ofthe paragraph. The topic sentence is followed by supporting sentences that further don't use contracted verb forms, everyday phrases, imperatives. We do not omit words, either. We normally vite complex sentences using a variety of linkers, formal vocabulary, full verb forms and passive forms. ‘A Outline for for-and-against essays (balanced essays) present the topic ‘arguments for with ‘arguments against ‘summarise all the | reasons! with reasons! arguments; state justfications/results _justifications/results ‘your opinion. In one-sided argumentative essays we are either for or against a topic. Note that there should be more arguments to support our opinion than giving the opposing viewpoint. a) Underline the key words the rubric, then read the model essay. Replace the linking words/phrases in bold with words/phrases from the Useful Language box. In your English class you have been talking about technology in schools Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework, Write your essay using all the notes and justifying your points. Nowadays, many schools have ‘computers and interactive whiteboards. What are the pros and. cons of using technology in the |dassroom? Notes Write about 1 makes subjects more interesting 2. students learn on own 3 (your own idea) Series of arguments supporting your point of view with reasons/justifcations/results cans eens ee ee These days, many classrooms have computers and interactive whiteboards (IWBs), How useful is technology in schools? 1) There are a number of benefits to using technology in classrooms. 2) Firstly, technology can bring @ subject to life through visualisation. 3) For example, IWBs allow students to see fa video on the topic they are discussing. 4) Consequently, lessons would become more enjoyable and interesting 5) Furthermore, by using technology students can explore subjects on their own and at ther own pace. For instance, by using the Internet on computers, they could research and write projects. 6) As a result, they would become more engaged withthe subject that they are learning. 7) On the other hand, there are some downsides to using technology in the classroom. 8) To begin with, there are a limited number of tasks that can by done using technology. 8) For instance, many IWB programmes only ofer matching or multiple choice type exercises. As a result, lessons could become repetitive and boring. 10) Secondly, using technology in schools can be expensive, IWBs and computers for example, can cost thousands of pounds, and technical support statt would need to be hired to install and maintain them. 11) Therefore, schools would have less money to spend on other things. 12) All things considered, even though electronic learning materials only offer limited types of exercise and can cost a lot of money, using technology in the classroom can make leaning more interesting and allow students to learn on their own. In my opinion, the best option is to use both printed and electronic materials in the classroom. As John Medina said, “Every students brain is wired ditferenty; 50 we should offer students a range of learning materials in their education, For-and-against essays PUES ELT TET Topic sentences to introduce advantages + There are a number of benefits to/arguments in favour of... * One/A major argument/benefit (of)... Listing points * In the first place, + Firstly, + To begin/start with, * Secondly, * Furthermore, * In addition, + What is more, * On the other hand, Introducing examples/justifications + For example/instance, * Ths is because offdue to... + Thisis due to the fact that Introducing results + Consequently, + As aresult, » Therefore, «+ Thisway, * This may lead to ‘Topic sentences to introduce disadvantages ‘+ On the other hand, there are some downsides/a number of disadvantages/arquments against Showing contrast = However, « Although, * On the other hand, +. though Concluding * Allinall, » Tosumup, « In conclusion, * All things considered, Expressing an opinion UT Ithink.. + Htongly) believe ‘pinion, + As far as | am concerned, = Inmy 1b) Is the essay in Fx. 1a balanced, ar a ane- sided argument? Give reasons. BR which two of the following sentences can replace the topic sentences in the model essay in Ex. 17 1. There is a lot to be said for using technology in schools. 2. Technological devices in classrooms make teaching a much easier job. 3. The use of technology in classrooms is definitely here to stay. 4 However, using technology as part of classroom learning is not without its drawbacks. a) What techniques has the writer used to start/end the essay in Ex. 1? Rewrite these paragraphs using other techniques. b) Underline elements of formal language in the essay. Read the rubric. Look at the underlined words and answer the questions. Employer refuses to recognise online degree |A 28yearold Londoner has been told that she doesnt he sents to become an accountant in a publishing company because she studied for her degree ‘online. Rachael Peters was initaly offered the job in’ Lakeside Publishing, but when the head of the company {ound out her degree was from an online insttution, she }was told she would not be given the postion, Peters is due to fight the decision in court. Nowadays, its possible to get certificates, diplomas and even degrees from courses that you can take online. Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of studying online 1 What are you going to write? What style should you write in? 2 How many paragraphs will you write? 3. In which paragraph will you state your opinion on the topic? 4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online? [5p Read the model. is it a one-sided or a balanced argument? Replace the topic sentences in the essay with other appropriate ones. Imagine studying for a degree but never actually going to a lecture hall. That's exactly what people who study online do. In my opinion, studying online is not a good option for a variety of reasons. To begin with, online courses are sometimes not valued very hight. For example, some employers may not consider them equal to qualifications earned from. third-evel institutions. This means that you may be at a disadvantage when appiying for jobs. Secondly, people who study online must be self-motivated. For instance, i you study at home, you dor't get support and encouragement from lecturers oF classmates. Therefore, you may find it ficult to motivate yourself to study. in addition, there are technical requirements that come with studying online. For example, you always have to have a working computer and internet Connection. As a result, f your computer breaks down or you lose Internet access, you will be unable to study. (On the other hand, there are positives to studying online. For one, online courses give you greater flexibility. For instance, you can study at your own pace and whenever suits you. This way, people who work or have children can find the time to further their education. ‘To sum up since online courses are sometimes not valued, require self-motivation and a working computer, they are nt a smart choice, despite them being useful for people with busy lifestyles. Afr all, learning is not just about studying a subject but discussing it with people around you, and that can only happen on campus, A | nero 12 ) Underline the key words in the rubric. Answer the questions. In your English class you have been talking about part-time jobs for secondary school students. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. Write your essay (140-190 words) Using all the notes and giving reasons to justify your points. | Nowadays, its popular for secondary school students |to workin part-time jobs throughout the schoo! year. What, in your opinion, are the main advantages and disadvantages of students working part-time? Notes Write about: + gaining work experience 2_ learning value of money 3 (your own idea) 1 What are you going to write? Who for? 2 What style should you write in? 3 How many worde should you use? b) Match the arguments to the justifications/results. Are you going to write a balanced or a one-sided essay? ‘Arguments [academic performance can suter [27 | learn value of money [31 | gain work experience Justifications/Results ‘a more likely to spend cash wisely; learn life skills b have better career prospects; impress future employers (© work can make them feel tired: lower marks due to lack of study time ©) Write your essay. Use ideas from Ex. 6b. Follow plan 8 on p. 10. a) Underline the key words in the rubric. Answer the questions. What are you going to write? Who for? Which points should you include? What style should you write in? How many words should you use? EE ‘The headmaster of Pemberton High, a private secondary] school in Kent, has recently told its teachers to no longer ‘arrange formal tests for students. Headmaster Peter Care| believes that students were geting too stressed because| of tests and, instead of motivating them to study, was| causing them to disike schoolwork. Instead, students at Pemberton High will be evaluated according to the quality oftheir homework over the course ofthe whole year. ‘Most schools choose to assess the performance of their students by having them sit tests, often at the lend of each term. Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of students sitting tests. b) Mark the arguments for or against, then match them to their justifications/results. ‘Arguments TT] doesnt convey overall pertormance 2 |_| motivates students to study EE stuns foo high levels of anxiety [2 ives students/teacher idea of student's, performance Justifications/Results can see which subjects need more attention; can improve bhomework/classroom performance not taken into account; students only concentrate on exams © gives students goal to work towards: sense of achievement d_ worry about getting good marks; can cause stress-related illness ©) Write your essay. Use ideas from Ex. 8b, Follow plan Aon p. 10. Checklist When you finish your essay check it for: + spelling/grammar mistakes; punctuation * correct word order * appropriate formal style and use of formal linkers + arguments for/against in separate paragraphs supported by reasons/justifcations/results * topic sentences to introduce each main body paragraph + introduction which presents the topic * conclusion which summarises all the points & (re)states your opinion * variety of techniques to startend the essay * inclusion ofall points inthe rubric Ge) Writing _ Essays providing solutions to a problem 1 An essay providing solutions to problem so frmal pie of wnt whith we stata problem and make suggestions on how to deal with it. Each suggestion should be presented together with its possible results in separate paragraphs. li Each main body paragraph should start with atopic sentence which summarises the idea of the paragraph. The topic sentence is followed by supporting sentences that further explain the topic Sentence. Our opinion should be stated at the conclusion. We should write complex sentences using formal linkers, and advanced vocabulary. We should also use formal vocabulary and passive forms. Outline for essays providing solutions to a pro! bea = TE == WW state the first solution with second solution third calution summarise all the problem examples/expected with examples/--—_ with examples/-__ solutions & state results expected results expected results. your opinion a a) Underline the key words in the rubric, 'b) Replace the underlined words/phrases then read the model essay. with words/phrases from the Useful ——— —, Language box. In your English class you have been talking about. the problem of crime in big cities. Now, your teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. Write your essay (140-190 words) using all the notes and justifying your points. Listing points + Inthe first place, + To start with, * Secondly, * Finally, + Lastly, « Last of all, Introducing suggestions/solutions * One/Another way of solving the problem would be to... + One/Another helpful suggestion/solutions would be to + It would (also) be a good idea to Giving examples * For example, * For instance, + In particular, * Particulary/Especally «like/such as Presenting results + As a result, + Consequently, « By doing this, {In big cities around the country crime rates are increasing, with many people no longer feeling safe in the streets. How can this problem be solved? Notes Write about: 1. greater police presence 2 tougher sentences for thase who commit crimes 3 (your own idea) These days, many citizens of big cities are living in constant fear of being the victims of crime. What can we do to solve this serious problem? 1 Inthisway, + Therefore, + Then, 4) To-start with, 2) itwould be a good idea to have a greater + If (people... the (situation) willwwould police presence in cities. 3) For example, the authorities Concluding ‘could employ more police so that they could patrol more * To conclude, * To sum up, * In conclusion areas of the city and for longer periods. 4) Consequenty, | * All points considered, wien criminals spot police offers in the etacte, thoy would | J = On bolance, | would say (that) be less likely to commit crimes. Expressing an opinion 5) Another he yestion woul introduce tougher | * In my opinion/view, sentences for those who commit crimes. People who @ * I believe/think/fel (that) commit violent crimes, 6) in particular, should face very ‘* Itsseems to me/it is obvious (that) long prison sentences. 7) In this way, criminals would think more about the consequences of their actions and would hopefully decide not o break the law. a) Find and replace the topic sentences in 8) Last, 8) ILwould also be a good idea to setup community the model essay in Ex. 1a with other projects in cities. For example, the authorities could establish community centros, ospocially for teonagers. 10) By doing ths, there would be @ better community spirit : in cities, and young people would be more likely to stay off b) What techniques has the writer used to the street and not get involved in crime, start/end his essay? Rewrite the paragraphs 11) To conclude, 12) Lbelieve that having a greater police using other techniques. presence and introducing tougher sentences for criminals. and setting up community projects would greatly reduce the a crime rates in big cities. if this were to happen, people SL Find examreles of fommal sivien the would be able to go about ther daily ives with less fear. essay. appropriate ones. 13 Writing 14 EB Read the excerpt from a newspaper article and the task. Underline the key words. Then read the model essay and choose the correct formal phrases. Population of Trenton increasing at dangerous rate Recent figures show thatthe population of Trenton has increased by 200% in the last five years. Tis has caused transport problems inthe city, pls schools and hospitals are strugging to deal with increased demand. Mayor ony Hil has proposed expanding the cy’ boundaries while others beleve that dscouraging immigrants fom ‘moving to the city would beter sole the problem. Essays providing solutions to a problem Complete the table by listing the solutions and examples from the model essay in Ex. 3. Sr Solutions fs Examples population more evenly spread out population levels: ‘controlled or reduced ‘civil servants leave big cities ‘The populations of many cities around the world are increasing at an alarming rate, causing alot of problems for citizens and local institutions. Write an essay on how governments or local authorities can deal with te problem of overpopulation in big ces, | A recent UN report nas shown that the worlds population is rapidly increasing, This is especially the case in big cities, where overpopulation causes 1)a range of problems/iots of trouble from trafic congestion to crowded public facies. 2) What can be done/How are we going to tacke this problem? In the first piace, one way to 3) sort this ouv/solve this problem could be to expand the borders of a city, For example, housing estates and public facilities could be builtin the suburbs of a city. This would encourage people to move out of the city centre. AS a result, the population of a city would be more 4) evenly spread outvall over the place. Another §) nice idea/helpful suggestion would be to discourage outsiders from moving to the city, For instance, the 6) people in charge/authorities could ‘encourage employers to hire locals rather than ‘outsiders, while the police could introduce stricter immigration controls. 7)By doing this/So, the population ofa city could he kept at a controllable level or even reduced, It would also be a good idea for governments to move civil servant jobs outside big cies. 8) For instance/Just fan example, government departments or state-un facilities could be relocated to smaller cities or towns, ‘Consequently, thousands of civi servants and their families would 9) havelbe forced to move out of big Cites to continue thei jobs. Ail points considered, by expanding the borders ofa city, discouraging outsiders from moving there, and relocating civil servants, population levels could be controlled. This way, the ctizens of a city could have @ 410) higher standard of living/better life. 8 a) Find and replace the topic sentences in the model essay in Ex. 3 with other appropriate ones. b) What techniques has the writer used to start/end the essay in Ex. 3? Rewrite the paragraphs using other techniques. ©) Under the essay in Ex. 3. Replace them with alternatives. Underline the key words in the rubric, then answer the questions. (in your English class you have been talking about. cruelty to pets. Now, your teacher has asked you to vwrite an essay for homework. Write your essay (140-190 words) using all the notes and justifying your points [Unfortunately ‘some people do not look after their pets properiy In some cases, this amounts to animal cruelty. What can we do about this problem? l| Notes Write about: [1 background checks for owners 2 advice on animal care 3 (your own idea) 1 What are you going to write? Who for? What style should you use? 3. What should you include in your piece of writing? Essays providing solutions to a problem FB) Use the ideas in the table to write your ‘essay, Follow the plan on p. 13. Check your essay against the Checklist on p. 15. Ed a ad raat ‘do background |make sure [pets end up in ‘checks on people are | good homes people who want responsible to keep a pet a] Writing Sr) fod Tr Examples set up ‘community centres provide advice |send pet owners [got informed give financial support land guidance on |leaflets about about proper pet animal care _|pet health care Trave stricter [give long prison | treat animals laws against |sentences with respect. animal abuse encourage public to care for elderly Read the excerpt from a newspaper article and the task. Underline the key words in the rubric and answer the questions. The forgotten generation Local poltcian Tracy Hayes has expressed concern that mary elderly people in Luton are not receiving the care they require. Hayes notes that local charities for} the elderly are struggling to raise the money needed to help the elderly with many going hungry and some ‘not having left their homes in months. She believes that the City Council needs to do more to help elder people in the city. These days, for a variety of reasons, the elderly in many big cities do not have a good standard of living, with many struggling to take care of themselves without any help. Write an essay on how governments or local authorities can improve conditions for the elderly in big cities. 1. What are you going to write? 2 What style should you use? 3. How many solutions should you provide in your essay? 4 Should you justify the solutions you provide? a a) Use these examples and expected results to complete the table. Examples ‘= increase pensions, give food stamps '+ organise activities and excursions |+_ give talks about responsibilty to old people Expected Results + feel less lonely, better mental health + have more money for meals and healthcare + people take better care of elderly relatives/neighbours b) Think of appropriate topic sentences for each main body paragraph. [i) Use your answers in Ex. 9 to write your essay. Follow the plan on p. 13. Use appropriate techniques to start/end your essay. Checklist When you finish your essay check it forthe following ‘+ Have you stated the problem in the introduction? Have you summarised all your suggestions and stated your opinion in the conclusion? ‘+ Have you used formal style? ‘+ Do the main body paragraphs start with an appropriate topic sentence? Do the supporting sentences further explain the main idea ofthe topie sentence? Have you presented each suggestion together with its result? Have you used appropriate formal linkers and phrases from the Useful Language box on p. 132 + Have you used full verb forms? Is your essay within the word length? Are there any speling/grammar/ punctuation mistakes? + Have you used appropriate techniques to startlend your essay? Have you included all the points in the rubric? Check your partner's essay for Ex. 10 against the Checklist. 15 16 jel Pairs} Essay Writing - Quotations a Match the quotations (1-10) to the rubrics (a+). [4] ‘what consumerism really is, at its worst (“a Many parents are worried about the amount of violence ») is getting people to buy things that don't actually improve their ves” (Jef Bezos) [21 “Today, watching television often means | b fighting, violence and foul language and that's just deciding who gets to hold the remote control.” (Donna Gephart) c [1A atty ts @ large community. where people are lonesome together” (Herbert Prochnow) [ET The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they cart find them, make them.” (George Bernard Shaw) S]_] The greatness of a nation and its moral progression can be judged by | the way its animals are. treated: (Mahatma Gandhi €]_] Fast food is popular because its convenient its cheep, andit tastes good. | g But the real cost of eating fastfood never appears on the menu.” (Eric Schlos) [71] one’s destination is never a place, but a | new way of seeing things” (Henry Miler) [EJ ‘Fashion fades, only sive remains the same." (Coco Chanel) [BT] veo games and. computers, have | | become babysitters for kids.” (Taylor Kitsch) [TOT] “The hardest work in the world is being ‘out of work." (Whitney M. Young) Introductions/Conclusions BR Expand the notes to write complete introductory paragraphs. Which of the rubrics (a- Revision on TV. What can be done to protect teenagers from viewing such images? Some of the richest people in the world started out by making the decision to be their own boss. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being self-employed? For many families, visiting a 200 is the perfect way to spend the day. Others, though, think that all zoos should be closed and their animals moved back to their natural habitats. What is your opinion on the topic? Nowadays, many people are choosing to go on holidays in their own countries rather than travelling abroad. What are the pros and cons of holidaying in your home country? Surveys have shown that teenagers are spending a huge amount of time playing video games. What can be done to encourage teenagers to limit the amount of time they use thelr games consoles? For many people, strolling around malls looking for good deals is a weekly activity. Others, though, claim that it is very unhealthy for a person to choose shopping as their favourite hobby. What is your opinion on consumerism? In some areas, unemployment is a significant problem. ‘What can governments or local authorities do to solve this problem? Junk food is on the increase among young people. Discuss this problem and suggest what can be done about it ‘Some people care greatly about the clothes they wear and make sure they know the latest trends. In your opinion, is it important to follow fashion? These days, many people move to urban areas to look for jobs, but are there positives to spending your life in the countryside? Ex1 does each match? What type of essay is each introduction about? [1] Nowadaysiyoulcan't tun on/televisionwithout s2e/violent images. Problem berthese scenesioften appear/programmesicommonly be watched/teenagers. What/canvbe done/protect teenagersviewinglviolent images/TV? [-] Throughoutworla, population of ciiesincrease/ asimore and more people/move from rural! turban areas, Many do safind employment but! surelyihere be/postivesispending/your adult We/countryside/instead [3 tttakestot of braveryiset uplown company! butimany people/who/do so/have/great ‘success. Howeverldisadvantages/being set- employed! outweighvadvantages? Forvvaietyreasons/some teenagers/be atracted! junk food. Recent research/shows/number of people/who preferjunk food/steadily rise. ‘What/can/we do/make/people/adopthealthier food habits? [EI] Many people'be obsessed with fashion/andl spend/huge amounts/money/make sure/ wardrobe/be upto date/with latest trends. In my opinion/not be worthimake/so much efforvand! money/could/spenttar more wisely. E Essay Writing - Revision Expand the notes to write complete conclusions. Which introduction from Ex. 2 does each match? [A Taking everything into accountdespite/sress/ andirisk of failure/being self-employed/mean/ gain mosvandinot have/pressure/having to Work/someone else. For/reasonsil believelt! belvery goodlcareer choice. In conclusion/t/be/my belieffollowing fashion trenda’ be/complete waste of time/and monoy. Instead/we/should weariclothes/make us happy and comfortable. [ET] In conclusion/by informingipeopie/health ceffectsyjunk food/and persuade'them/start/ cook | irmly believelproblem can/be solved. ] Allin all/t be/clear/parentsimust take responsibility/when it come/protecting/children/ viewing violence/TV. By/choose programmes! suitable/children/andiremava/TV satsichildren's bedroomsiamountviolence/they watch/TV/ ccould/greatly be reduced. [ET] All things considered/countryside/otferirelaxed way of ifeland/sense of community/than urban areas. In my opinionithis/make/countrysidevfar better placeve Which of the following extracts (1 or 2 introductory paragraph/conclusion? Write the matching conclusion or introduction. Use techniques mentioned on p. 4. ‘Many people turn to their friends for advice about personal problems instead of discussing the issue with family members. In my opinion, your parents and siblings are better suited to help you deal with your dificuttes. All things considered, by getting enough sleep land making a study plan exam stress can be reduced considerably. | believe that students should treat exams with a serious attitude, but they should also be aware that doing badly in ‘an exam is not the end of the world. 5 Y Topic - Supporting sentences Read the supporting sentences. Write appropriate topic sentences. 1. sun For instance, homeowners could install a burglar alarm. By doing this, burglars ‘would be more likely to be caught in the act, ‘or might be discouraged from attempting a burglary in the first place. 2 For example, most cars need to be maintained and many of their paris need to be repaired on a regular basis. This means that the expense of owning a car increases even further. Read the topic sentences. Write appropriate supporting sentences. 1 On the other hand, owning a credit card is ‘ot without its disadvantages. 2 One solution could be to build community centres for elderly people. Identifying the type of essay Read the rubrics. What type of essay is each asking for? 1 A recent study has shown that more and more parents are choosing to send their children to private schools. What is your view on this practice? Explain your point of view giving reasons and examples, 2. These days, it is not uncommon for children as young as five years old to receive a tablet ‘computer of their own from their parents. What are the pros and cons of young children owning their own tablet computer? 3 Homelessness is a growing problem in many countries around the world. How can we help homeless people in our community? Brainstorming & Organising ideas Brainstorm for ideas for each rubric in Ex. 7. Use your ideas to make diagrams. List your points and the supporting details (reasons, examples, justifications, results). Developing the writing task Q Use your notes in Ex. 8 to write your essays. 7 waiting | Stories 18 Ly © Stories can be written in either the first-person or the third-person and present a series of events, either real or imaginary. ® The events in the story should be written in the order in which they happened. = We se appropriate time words to help the reader follow the events. Outline for stor cc =n set the scene (imagine you can see a events leading up to the climax ‘what happened in the picture: describe the time, place, people, event (the most important ‘end, people's reactions/ clothes, activites, weather, etc). ‘event in the story) feelings, etc Stories are characterised by + the use of past tenses e.. it was blowing heavily. James put in my coat, got his umbrella opened the door and locked the door behind him. When he reached the car, he realised thet he had left his bag at home. * linking words/phrases that show time and sequence of events eg. firstat first, then/next, afte, before thot, during, while, meanwhile, as soon as, at that moment, by the time, in the end/finally + a variety of descriptive adjectives/adverbs to make the story more interesting eg. elegant, pleasant, breathtaking, fast direct speech to make the story more dramatic e.g. “Don't do that again.” he said. Who are the main characters? Where were they? When did the story happen? What was the weather like? What were they wearing? How were they feeling? Setting the scene ie tara ory by ating th scan, Tt Iropine hyo se boing aes eure a to cetrbe te pac whoa he Sanu nea, the orasther he paonie ved ae tk corte an thet ee [i wes « tor nome’ mera ame wes fy nama Nees tors oan ae aus woes sip aimcrae od ining ae Sarda bet hands She ft hopy an oboe 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) Look at the photograph. Use the prompts to write sentences setting the scene. EB) Look at the photo and read the text. Answer the questions. ‘+ Trevor * park * yesterday afternoon * cold * suit * work on laptop * bit worried b) The sentences below start a story. Complete the paragraphs setting the scene. Ben and Kato were walking back home that Monday Itwas a rainy winleraternoon but they fet warm in their coats. They were holding their umbrellas and a pion cm oe terete chatting happily as they passed over a bridge. They Seeene caine meee were both looking forward to a quiet evening 3. Tom was diving home when it started to snow 1 Andy looked down at the river then he stepped onto the rope bridge. Techniques to begin/end a sto Itis important to have a good beginning to your story to make the reader want to read it and find out what happens. Its also important to have a good ending to your stary so that the reader feels satisfied. Ending “creating mystery or suspense 4, Tina had a strange feeling that something unusual was about to happen. eg. He would never know for sure what exactly happened, directly wedding before | addressing the reader e.g. /am sure you have all been to a eg, Wouldn't you have done the same if _you were in his shoes. asking a thetor question when nothing goes right? €g. llave you ever had one of those doys 9, Lifes Full oF surprises, int ie? feelings/moods for his ist day at work. 9. Colin felt rather nervous as he got ready e.g. | wos so relieved that everyone was safe. using direct speech cried. " /eg. “Without you, | wouldn’t be alive,” he ‘€g. “This is going to be the best hike “ever”. Laura said, describing people's reactions “Ann's excuse. ‘eg. Paul started laughing when he heard ‘9. We al decided never to go back into the woods at night. EB) Match the beginnings to the endings. ‘Which writing techniques have been used? Rewrite the beginnings/endings u another technique. | wy is it that something good always happens when things seems to be at their worst? | was at a low point in my lite with no job, no money and few friends when, suddenly, everything changed. [21] twas very late at night. Kevin coulant see because it was completely dark. He was extremely scared and his heart was beating fas. [31] When Tom woke up, the pavements wore shining with tho froah rain and the omell of freshly cut grass hung in the air. He was in ‘2 good mood, but he had no idea that this would be the best day o his ite. RE 2 2 ee ‘A. Looking back, | feel lucky to have been inthe right place at the right time. Who could have known something so small could have such a big effect? er ee B Tom felt happy. “Thank you all so much, he said and realised that he would remember this day for the rest of his life, © Kevin ran outside as fast as he could. He was incredibly relieved to see there was a police officer there. Finally, he felt safe, In the concluding paragraph we should include information about how the characters feel (delighted, annoyed, thankful, relieved, etc) Describing a characters feelings makes the story ‘more interesting for the reader. Complete the following endings with adjectives from the list: relieved, embarrassed, disappointed, uneasy, grateful, terrified, guilty, lonely. 1 Laura felt extremely 10 the rescue workers who had saved her. 2 Tracy felt to have survived such a terrible accident. 3 Despite her surviving, Peter still feels . for not doing more to help his friend. 4 Ken couldn't help feeling a little that he didnt finish the race, 5 To this day, James still gets any time he passes the haunted house. 6 Rachael was very svneenenee BY IN silly mistake she had made. 7 Now the house was ere erdlegteve felt 8 Seeing the full moon out over the sea made Liam feel a bit. 19 20 Writing To make your story you should use: + a variety of adjectives and adverbs, such as wore interesting to the reader fantastic, gracefully, rapid, etc instead of simple ‘ones such as nice, good, well, etc a variety of verbs such as described, whispered, yelled, etc to avoid using ‘saa all the time. present or past participles to join two similar sentences into one longer sentence. (She sat down in an armchair. She was exhausted. > Exhousted, she sut down in an armchat She waved her hand and wished them a sofe Journey. + Waving her hand, she wished them a safe journey.) Complete the table with the adjectives and adverbs in the list: horrible, awful, pleasant, wide, especially, incredibly, exceedingly, terrible, ‘massive, dreadful, minute, large, happily lovely tiny, huge, diminutive, extremely, splendidly, successfully, briliant, fabulous, little, superbly. lBic SMALL BAD |GOODINICE VERY WELL. Replace the adjectives/adverbs in bold with ones from the box in Ex. 5. A) As Paul approached the 1) small cotage he had rented for his holiday, he wondered whether he had made a(n) 2) bad mistake. The area soomed 3) very quist and there was supposed to be 4) bad weather forthe rest of the week. In fact, 5) big clouds were already appearing cover his head as he got out of his car.’ least the locals are 6) nice” he thought, as he tumed @ 7) big key and entered the cotage. B) Despite feeling 1) very tired, Fiona decided to meet her friend, Kate, at a 2) small café in the city centre, Having 3) well found a parking space, a(n) 4) nice breeze blew through her hair as she walked down a(n) 5) big street to the café . When she entered, she smelled the 6) good coffee for Which the café was so well known. PB Join the sentences using present or past participles. 1. She ran out of the room. She was frightened. 2 He opened the door. He heard a voice. 3. They walked through the park. They chatted about the news. 4 She was shocked. She held her hand in front of her mouth, 5 He was boarding the plane. He wondered whether he would ever return. Read the extract and underline the carrect past tense. ‘Sarah 1) had looked/looked forward to relaxing infront of the TV when she got home, but as soon as she 2) openediwas opening the door to her flat, her dog Ned 3) jumped/nad jumped up o greet her. It was clear that he 4) wanted/was wanting to go fora walk since he 5) had been/was being inside all day. Eventually, Sarah 6) decided/was deciding to take him to the park. The ‘grass was wet as it7) had rained/was raining eartier that morning, but that 8) didn’t stop/hadn't stopped Ned from happily running around. Sarah sat down on ‘a bench and 9) was reading/read her text messages when suddenly she 10)heardiwas hearing Ned barking. He was standing over a man who 11) was lyingfhad lied on the ground. “| 12) pulled/had pulled @ muscle while | 13) did/was doing some exercises” the man explained. Sarah 14) was helping/helped him to stand up and walked him to his car. The man 15) was thanking/thanked them both and patted Ned on his head. Use these verbs to complete the gaps: wondered, asked, promised, begged, exclaimed. 1 "Where's the justice in this world?” Peter 2 “Ill never go out there on my own again. SAM ern 3. ‘Have you ever heard of such a ridiculous excuse?” Mark us. 4 “Today is the day!" Peter 5 "Please, don't tell anybody.” he us. Join the sentences using the linking words/ Phrases in brackets. 1. Bill was getting dressed. The phone started ringing. (while) 2 Ann met her friend at the bus station. They went clothes shopping together. (after that) 3 Ted had just booked the flights. His friend called him to cancel the holiday. (when) 4 There were dark clouds in the sky, They decided not to have a picnic in the park. (So) a) Read the rubric, then put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. You have seen this announcement in a new English- language magazine for young people. | We are looking for stories for our new English- language magazine for young people. Your story [must begin with this sentence: Jane sat down at a table in the café, relieved that a ong day at work had finally come to an end. | Yur son mustincude: «an animal an arguent_| Write your story (140-190 words). your story Jane sat down at a table in the café, relieved that a long ‘day at work had finally come to an end, She felt exhausted, ‘and was looking forward to having a coffee with Laura, an ‘ld college friend she 1) ii (arrange) to meet there ‘A few minutes later, a tall thin woman with sunglasses and a hat walked towards Jane's table. “Excuse ma, but | Zee sonsns (Wait) for a friend,” Jane said, Wondering why the woman 3) (notsit) at an empty table instead. Then, suddenly, the woman ‘opened a bag and 4) «- (lft) a small Chihuahua onto the table. Then, to her horror, the dog Started drinking some of Jane's coffee! “That's enough’ Jane said loudly. Vd like you to leave my table now” But as Jane 6).. vonsesewe (ShOUt) at the woman, the wooden door of the café opened and Laura entered. She was giggling uncontrollably “So, | see you've met our old friend Laura said, twas only then that Jane 6) Helen, a friend from college who 7) ¥ (live) abroad for the past ten years. Jane was delighted to ‘meet her old friend again, .- (recognise) Stories b) Put the events in the order they happened. [AT] & stranger joined Jane at her table. [B|_] The stranger's dog started crinking Jane's cates [ET dane realised who the stranger was. [| Jane chose a tabeto sit atin the ca [ET] Jane finished her workday and let the office, [Fane fet happy to see an old classmate, [EI] Jane became angry with the stranger [HT] Laura startd laughing at Jane's behaviour. ©) What is the climax event? How did Jane feel in the end? 4) Which adjectives has the writer used to describe the following nouns: day, friend, woman, table, door? ) Which adverbs has the writer used to describe these verbs: walked, said, giggling? ‘+ Try to expand the sentences of your story by adding descriptive and/or specific details. Think of who, what, where, when, how, why. Expanding sentences gives your reader more information and makes the story more enjoyable to read. eg. She left the office. WHO: Lisa WHERE: city centre WHEN: yesterday morning HOW: by train WHY: meet her sister, Ann Yesterday morning, Lisa left her office in the city centre by train to meet her sister Ann, Itis also a good idea to avoid too many short for disconnected sentences in your story. Instead, use conjunctions (and, but, although, because) and time words (when, after that, while) to make your writing flow. This will make your story easier to read. f) Expand the sentences using two to three of the points in the theory box above. She stayed at a campsite, ‘They visited a museum. They were in a park He called a travel agency. He went to the mall She opened the door. fe aaa) Stories Describing people in stories "Stories may contain descriptions of people. m When we describe physical appearance, we normally include details of eight, build, age, facial features, hair and clothes, moving from general adjectives to more specific ones. eg. Mary was @ tall, thin woman. She had o round face with bright blue tyes and a small nose. Her short fair hair made her look sophisticated, She was always smarty dressed 1 When we describe a person's character, we should always justify the qualities we mention. eg. She was 50 honest; she would never lie to you. & Negative qualities should be written using mild language 29. Instead of saying: He was rude we can say: He had/showed/displayed a tendency to be rude. or He could be rude at times a) The following adjectives E} Fil in: unstable, stubborn, optimistic, lazy, reliable, patient, describe people's physical intelligent, generous, sensitive, ively. erecta oes pete mae 1. Tina Was a(R) wsnnnnnnn Child she was always full of table, as in the examples. eee + slanting + tall + blond(e) 2. Bill could often be soe «His moods would * oval * muscular + upturned change without warning, + casual * of medium height 3. Jennifer was the most Girl in the class ‘fair + slim + freckled * green land always got good grades. ‘+ curly * straight * wavy * tiny 4 Sally was very and could get upset easily povenasiatiie Gate = ne 5 He was avery sas: man who always stayed . ae oe calm and didn't get easily annoyed. + pretty + fashi . ERENT 8 Me Blake was very snnnesseee and always donated + handsome + shabby s ss + almond-shaped + long 7 Bill WAS VEFY sonst You could always depend + well-built + round Coe 8 Her uncle was ‘and rarely changed his val, Ea mind. Height 0 9 Gina was very cnn and always expected good a = things to happen. Build 10 Robert was very . and never helped with S — the housework. oval, : Face : a a) Fill in: dull, serious, unpredictable, dishonest, witty, Eyes |°U* enamine dedicated, decisive, optimist. = 1. My English teacher was very. Nose {could listen to her funny stories for hours, -L cee 2 Kim was a(n) sosstnnesenneee Student who Made SUre Har |oendte. oe to do her homework before she went out with her friends. a : 3 Stephanie was quite . she didn't talk about casual me interesting topics and wasn'ta lot of fun to be around es wo 4 John was quite a(n) son MAN; YOU NEVE really knew what he was thinking or planning to do next. 5 PAU! WAS & oensen person; he always made b) Find pictures of people from choices quickly and confidently 6 The word I'd use to describe Tim is he always looked on the bright side of things, Sarah was a litte at times, so we didn't always believe what she told us. 8 Although he was an interesting person, Ken could be a bit 100 ... ; he rarely laughed and only talked about politics ‘magazines. Describe them to your partner. Fi 22 b) Use appropriate adjectives to describe two people you ‘met while on holiday last year. John was in his early 208 He was tall and well-built with short straight black hair and brown eyes. He was a lively person who was always full of energy. 8B a) Read the rubric, then the story and answer the questions. You see this announcement in an English-language magazine for young people, Stories wanted We are looking for stories for our new English-language magazine for young people. Your story must begin with this sentence: The day of my interview couldn't have started any worse. Your story must include: ‘© train journey * a friendly stranger Write your story (140-190 words). The day of my interview couldn't have started any worse. First, my alarm didnit go off, so | woke up late, and then | heard on the radio about heavy traffic in the city. So, | left my car at home and decided to take the train, something I never normally do. | tok a seat in the cool, al-conditoned carriage beside @ handsome middle-aged man with curly brown hair. His pale blue eyes were engaged in a book. When | looked at its cover, | noticed that it was actually my favourite novel “I love that book,’ | said, pointing towards it. The man smiled and ‘exclaimed that he did too. In fact, he had read it twice before! He turned out to be really friendly and funny. He had a great sense of humour. We spent the rest of the journey laughing and chatting together. When the time came for us to get off the train, | realised he hhad left his book on the seat! | grabbed the book and ran alter him. After searching for him in the crowded station for some time, | finally gave up and hurried off to my interview. As | entered the offce, | heard a familiar voice. Fancy seeing you here!" cried the interviewer. It was the man from the train! “What a Coincidence!" replied happily, “You were just the person | was looking fr!” Stories ea Writing 1. Which paragraph(s) contain(s) the description af a person? What does the person look like? What character adjectives has the author used? 4 Which verbs does the author use instead of ‘say’ in the last paragraph? b) Put the events in the order they happened. Use them to retell the story. [AT] She picked up the book [B[_] They had a long conversation [ET] She tried to tind the man. [D[7) She got on the train [E]__] She rushed to her interview. [F]_] The interviewer was the man she had met on the tain [GL] She sat next to a man. [H]_] The man lft his book on the train G a) Find the adjectives the writer uses to describe the following: * trafic * carriage * man + hair + eyes * station + voice b) What verbs has the writer Used instead of “said”? a) What techniques has the writer used to beain/end his story? Suggest a different way to begin/end the story. b) Find examples of direct and reported speech in the story. B® How would the story change if the main character had met a different person? Rewrite paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Think about: + who the person can be (0.9.4 lawyer, a relative, a friend). + what he/she looks like, + what he/she is like 23 24 When we describe particular details of a place, we can use our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch). e.g. He lived in @ house surrounded by fragrant pine trees that you could smell as you approached the driveway. We can describe a place using static and moving features. e.g. Static features: on top of, behind the building, beyond the city, here and there, from the port, near the river, in the background there was, at the foot of the hill, in the distance, from the top,etc Moving features: a river flew down the mountain, the fields stretched, the hill rose up from, road crossed the valleya path curved around the mountain, the road wound through the forest, an alley led to etc We can also use a variety of adjectives to describe the place. city: active, busy, crowded, noisy, clean, cosmopolitan, industrial, lively, polluted, dirty, windy, busting, historic buildings: tall, old, modern, brick/stone/marble/glass/steel traffic: congested, heavy people: friendly, smiling, hurried streets: busy, crowded, quiet, winding, cobbled, narrow village: quiet, peaceful, unspoilt, picturesque beautiful, ® a) Fill in: along, from, by, distance, top, down, beyond, covered. AS soon as | arrived at the beach, | felt completely relaxed, | inhaled deeply, enjoying the salty scent of the ocean as the waves crashed Veneer UpOR. the sandy shot. All 2) nnn the waterftont, people Wee === lounging in multicoloured deckchairs while lively music ited 3) seonee 8 nearby restaurant. | caught the aroma of grilled fish a a waiter passed 4). carrying platter of decousooking seafood. In the 5) cenrnnnnn the MOUNAINSIE WAS 6) neem ‘with tropical greenery which stretched far 7) my vision. And on 8) ofthe highest peak, there stood a magnificent temple that glistened in the sun b) Find the adjectives in the text the writer uses to describe the: scent of the ocean, shore, deckchairs, music, fish, seafood, greenery, temple. Replace them with other appropriate adjectives. Underline all the phrases that relate to the use of the senses (smell, sight, sound, taste). Read the extract below. Highlight the static features and circle the moving features. Which adjectives has the writer used to describe: the village, the sea, the beach, the forest, the clouds? Standing at the top of the mountain,Peter looked down on the quiet village. The rows of houses stretched away to the horizon. To his left, he could see the blue sea. The sandy beach curved along the coast for miles. To his right, he could see the thick forest. Above him, thin clouds filled the sky. Look at the picture. Imagine you are writing a story set in this place. Use static/moving phrases and adjectives from the table to write a paragraph like the one in Ex. 20. Stories can contain descriptions of events eg. a wedding day, a festival, a concert. We describe the event in as much detail as possible to give the reader a vivid image of what it was like. We ean alzo use a variety of adjectives and adverbs to make our description more interesting. a) Fill in the gaps in the extracts with words from the list. * chatting + felt + blew + gathered + expecting © As James caretully 1) out the candles on his huge birthday cake, | couldnt believe that he was turning 10 years old. It 2). - tke only yesterday when Tim, Sere ti ey Gn an, ey | me that he and his wile were 3) . their first child. All around Uw large rectangular table | James's school friends were 4)...... vy impatiently waiting to get apiece of he cake Theit_ | Parents, meanwhile, were happily 5) wvvesssnnane PF wih each other. That gave me the chance to sneak away to get James's present from my car. * take + selling + walked « realised felt © Linda parkea ner car and 1)... towards the | gigantic football stadium where the concert | ‘singing the band’s most famous songs. There | HH b) Underline all the adjectives and circle the adverbs the writer uses. Think of an event you attended. Write a short paragraph about it as if it was part of astory. a) Underline the key words in the rubric, then read the model and put the verbs in the correct tense. You have seen this announcement in a new English- language magazine for young people. Stories wanted We are looking for stories for aur new English- language magazine for young people, Your story | must begin with this sentence: ‘As soon as | left the hotel, | realised how important this day is to the locals. Your story must include: | (sa parade ¢ a misunderstanding |_Wite your story (140-190 words) Teal Stories Ati U1: HE ‘As e00n as | left the hotel, | realised how important this day is tothe locals It was the last day of my holiday in Cebu in the Philippines and the locals 1) = (celebrate) the Sinulog Festival. Everywhere | tumed 1 2) a) People excitedly ining up against barriers on the street to watch the festivals parade. Then, suddenly, a tall man with a long moustache led me down & busy side street. | 3) (think) he wanted to show me a tourist attraction, so I followed him obediently until we reached an area where @ group of dancers 4) (Practise) their steps. Then, | realised the man's mistake; | 5) (wear) similar colourful clothes to the dancers! But before | could explain, the parade 6) sw (Start) and | Was in the middle ofa group of skilled Philippine dancers! At fist, 1-7) (try) to dance along, and was really enjoying the rhythmic traditional music that accompanied us. Then, one of the dancers 8) (tap) me on the shoulder and said, "You don't belong here, do you?" quickly apologised and joined the rest ofthe spectators In the end, 1 9) (feel) relioved but also a litle disappointed to leave the parade. it was a wonderful experience being part of the Sinulog Festival ~ both as a dancer and a spectator! b) List the events in the order they happened. Which is the climax event? ©) How did the writer feel in the end? ) Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. Has the story been written in the first or third person? 2 How has the writer set the scene? 3. Which adjectives and adverbs has the writer used? 4 What time words has the writer used? 5 Has the writer used direct speech? Underline it 6 What techniques has the writer used to begin/end the story? Write another beginning/ tending using a different technique. b) Give the story another ending. ©) Rewrite the story as a third-person narrative. 4) Imagine you are one of the Philippine dancers in the parade. Write the story from her point of view. 26 | Stories Describing objects in stories When we describe objects we can use a variety of adjectives in the following order: Opinion, Size/Weight, Age, Shape, Colour, Country of Origin, Material - noun Instead of saying ‘He was holding a briefcase’ we can say ‘He was holding an expensive, Italian, leather briefcase,’ We do not normally use more than three adjectives to describe a noun. ‘We can add more information in a prepositional phrase after the noun. eg. He was holding an expensive, Italian, leather briefcase with a brown handle. a) The following adjectives describe objects. Use them to complete the table. + purple « light © Italian ancient * rubber * flat * heavy * red * new « black * metal * Chinese + enormous * modern « steel * disgusting * little * British + square * attractive * Egyptian Opinion | Size/Weight | Age Shape Colour | Origin | Material | Noun ‘beautiful, | small, old, round, grey, | Indian, | woollen | (carpet) b) Find pictures of various objects. Write sentences describing them. Use up to three adjectives. Read the following extract from a story and put the adjectives into the correct order. Kate was the first to arrive at the housewarming party, so she walked up to the house and lifted the 1) (brass, heavy, shiny) knocker and tapped lightly the door. Mrs Jones answered and led Kate ‘nto the living room. She offered her @ seat on a(n) 2) (elegant, French, 17th century) chair | that was near a(n) 3) (white, marble, old) | fireplace. Kate gasped when she noticed the 4) (Oriental, rectangular, colourful) carpet on the floor and the 5) (antique, glass, beautiful) chandelier hanging from the ceiling. “This place {s great!” she exclaimed. Expand the prompts into full sentences. Put the adjectives in the correct order. Entering roam | Isee old woman! sit/a(n) (old! rocking/wooden) chair bylfireplace, Sheiwear! a (woolenv/long/orown) shaw! around her shoulders ‘andireadibook. l/sin a(n) (old-fashioned/eather/ black) armchair and looW/around. There be! (beautitulftalian/oll) paintings on the walls and a (Chineseivelvetired) carpet /oniioor, The old woman/stop/read/and/look/me. a) Read the rubrics and underline the key words. Which rubric asks for a description of a(n): place; object; event; person? Answer the questions. [A] You have seen this announcement in a new English-language magazine for young people. _ Stories wanted We ate looking for storie. The story must begin | [with this sentence: ¢ was a celebration £0 “remember. Your story must include: # @ journey a restaurant ‘Write your story (140-190 words) | You have seen this notice in an English-language || magazine for teens. Stories wanted Send us your stories. The story must begin with this sentence: Alan had just finished his last year at primary school Your story must include: # a football game *agift Write your story (140-190 words). You have seen this announcement in an English- language magazine. Stories wanted We want your stories! Your story must begin with this sentence: As J entered the room, | noticed 0 young man sitting on the sofa. Your story must include: # a relative * a surprise Write your story (140-190 words). You have seen this notice in an English-language magazine for young people. Stories wanted We are searching for stories for our new ‘magazine. Your story must begin with this sentence: As soon as we found a place to park the car, we made our way to the street market. Your story must include: # a shopping list + a puppy Write your story (140-190 words). What are you going to write? Which rubric asks for a first-personithird- person narrative? Who is going to read your story? What should your story include? 5 How will you start your story? 'b) Make notes for each story under the headings: + charactors + time * place * activities * weather * events in the order they happened « climax event * what happened in the end + character's reactions/teclings ©) Use your notes to write your stories. Follow the plan on p. 18. You can use phrases from the Useful Language box. Writing _ Stories PS LETC) Starting a story/Setting the scene + He felt tired) as he had been (working in the {garden all morning). ‘Tt was (raining heavily) when | (woke up that day). Leading up to the main event * At fist, we didn’t notice + The (arty) had only just started when * The next thing she knew, she was... The main event/climax of the story ‘= They started (shouting desperately). ‘| elt sure (the car) was going to (crash). Describing people/places/feelings J * The young man near the door... * We walked (down the street) trying to. T tothe cuprsetasqusthoror etd + Imagine our (disappointment) when .. Ending a story * Ive never felt so (elieved/scared/embarrassed, etc) in my whole life E+ We knew we would never... again. | Tiss the most embarasing/excting/omazing, etc) moment I've ever experienced. Checklist ‘When you finish your story check it for the following: Story organisation '* Has your story got an introduction, main body and conclusion? ‘* Are the paragraphs clearly laid out? * Is the sequence of events clear to the reader? Do the events lead to the climax event? Structure details + What tenses have you used? ‘* Have you used appropriate linking words? * Have you used a variety of adjectives and adverbs? * Have you used direct speech and a variety of verbs? * Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes? * Have you punctuated your story properly? '* Have you set the scene as described on p. 18? ‘* Have you used any of the techniques on p. 19 to start/end your story? * Have you described the characters’ feelings in the conclusion? 7 27 an | iining General Introduction Greeting: Dear Tim/Aunt Lisa/Dad, etc | Greeting: Dear Mrs Philips, Greeting: Dear Sir/Madam, ~ + friendly, relaxed, personal style |) * polite respectful tone (e9./ Dear Mr Jones, (eg. ve been meaning to write to. | would ike to thank you for ||» serious, impersonal style (tis you forages) the kindness you showed me with great regret that | must decline frequent use of colloquial during my stay) your kind invitation) ‘expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, | * use of es colloquial language || + complex sentence structure - shore verb forms (eg. The exom (9.1 hope to see you at some frequent use of passive voice ~ had last week wos apiece of coke) |) point inthe future. instead of formal inking words - no Pronouns are often omitted Hope to ee you around) colloquial language ~ edvanced {e9. Look forward to seeing you less frequent use of short vocabulary no short verb forms next week.) verb forms, linking words, (e.. The waiter in question, @ young, chatty language (e9 Hope alli phrasal verbs (e.g Also since! | tal foichired gentlemen, then well with you) willbe arivig in the middle of |) claimed that would be required to simple inking words (.. nd, the night, | wll need someone |) pay forthe tablecloth that | had spit but, so) to collect me from the airport.) ‘the gravy on.) sign off: Best wishes,"Yours/Regards, | Sign off: Regardsikind regards, | Sign off: Yours faithfuly/Yous sincerely, (our firstname) (our fullname) (our fullname) Match the beginnings to the endings. Which ai Hi Brian! | thought I'd drop you a line to let you know A. sincerely hope that this matter will receive what I've been up to. your immediate attention. | demand a written apology. [2[_] 1am writing to apply for the post of salesperson as ae advertised in the Logan Times. Due to my work "BI look forward to learning more experience, qualifications and qualities, | believe about the offer and would be that! would be an ideal candidate for the position. | _grateful of a prompt reply. Thanks a lot for the invitation to your party. 'd love to come! ‘My reason for writing is to draw your attention to the terrible treatment | received from a member of your staff last Wednesday afternoon. D fyou follow my advice, 'm sure you'll manage to get through this. Write and let me know what happens. 5 |_| lam wilting to request further Information regarding the advertisement you placed in the Evening Herald. | _] !can't tell you how sorry | am that | missed. Let me know if | can do anything to help with ‘your party. | realy feel terrible about it. the preparations. See you on the big day! 7 |_| Ive just read the email you sent me. Tm sorry to Well, that’s al for now. Write back soon hear you're having problems but | think | can help. and tell me about your news. 28 Letters/Emails - Style a Match the informal phrases (1-10) to their formal equivalents (a-)). (71) the stat were relly awl [EL] Thanks for everything B ‘Can't wait to hear your news. [41] Im atria | cant comes [EL] sorry - fee! awful about what happened [EL] You's beter sort this out [7] | want to ask some questions [5] Tellme what to do [5 can you make it? [10] ] Cali me any time. By complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate phrases. 1. give my regards/say hello a) Make sure to sve © YOUF mum and dad from me b) Please to your parents, 2 Lam writing to fxg Lat me know a) eee if there is a job opening ») corre about vacancies in your company. 3 look forward / can't wait a) are see fOr your next email BY Herc to your prompt reply. 4 apologise / say sorry a) | thought I should . about what happened ) I feel obliged to for my behaviour. 5 all your help / your kind assistance a) | am writing to thank you for in organising the event b) | wanted to say a big thanks for last weekend, 6 Can you make it to / Would it be possible for you to attend a) a little get-together were having at my place? b) . a dinner party I've organised at my residence? — Siciesdieieactininad Tp @ | would like to express my sincere apologies. b Any advice you could give me would be appreciated. © I regret to inform you | cannot attend the event. | would like to request further information. € | was thoroughly dissatisfied with the service. 1 Your help is greatly appreciated, 9 Is there a possibilty that you could attend? Do not hesitate to contact me at your ‘convenience, 1 1 100k forward to your reply. J. I sincerely hope that you deal with this matter. = EB Rewrite the sentences in a formal style using the words in brackets in their correct form. Add any other words if necessary. 1 Email me any time, may be contacted by email at your convenience (may/contact/emai convenience). 2 If you don't give me a refund, I'l have to take further action. I must insist on a refund, or else | 7 (force/further action) 3 I'm very angry with your statt | would like (expressistrong dissatisfaction) with your statt 4 Can't wait to see you face to face. H E (look forward/meet/person). 5 | will always remember our time together ' so (always/tond/memory) of our time together. 6 Please say you'll orgve me Please ~(acceptideep/apology) 7 ve worked in retail for ages ' experience/ retail/industry) 8 I'm writing about your ad in the newspaper. Lam writing . (regard/advertisement) in the Kent Times. 29) 30 ‘Always think about the situation in the rubric. This will help you plan your writing. Read the rubric carefully and underline the key words. ‘These indicate: + the imaginary situation you will write about, who you are, and the reason you are writing. the imaginary reader who is going to read your piace of writing, This will help you decide on the writing style you should use: formal. semi-formal or informal the type of writing task the specific topics you should include in your piece of writing, Study the example below. “This is part of an email you received from | ‘your English-speaking friend. a IMy schoo! Is organising a three-day trip, to your city. Can you tell me about some places we could visit? Where's the best place to stay? Thanks, Terry | Write your 2email 1) imaginary situation, 2) type of writing task, 3) writing style. 4) imaginary reader. 5) specific topics Read the rubrics below. Underline the key words. Find the imaginary situation, the imaginary reader, the style, the type of writing task and the specific topie(s). analysis (You have received a letter from your English | pen-friend 1 hope you enjoy your time at the adventure camp. Where did you find out about it? For ‘how long will you go there? What actives will you do? Write soon, Jack Write your letter (140-190 words) [E] (‘You nave received an email from your English friend, Jane. Hello! Hope you're having a good summer. I'm mailing to ask for some advice. I'm planning to join the school hockey team this year, but I'm quite out of shape and a little | overweight. What should | do over the next few weeks to get ready for next season? | Thanks a lot, Jane | Write your email (140-190 words). ‘You were invited to your English pen-friend’s brother's wedding but you can‘t go. Send your pen-friend Tony an email (140-180 words) | apologising and explaining why you can't attend ( You are studying in England. You and your friends have recently had @ meal in an | expensive restaurant. The service was very slow and the food was badly cooked. Write a letter (140-190 words) to the manager of the restaurant complaining about your visit there and saying what action you expect to be taken. F] (‘You have read an advertisement asking for You see this advertisement in The Daily Mail newspaper. Want to be a tour guide? > Do you like working with large groups of people? We are looking for friendly and energetic, people to work as tour guides in August. Contact Andy Trevor at Londontours @ yahoo com to apply. ‘Write your email (140-190 words). people to apply tobe volunteers in a wife. | park in Australia, You ae thinking about | applying but want to know more information. | Write an email (140-190 words) to the co-ordinator ofthe park's volunteer | programme asking about volunteers’ duties, | accommodation, and what weather conditions toerpect and answer the questions. speaking pen-friend Did you find out if you won a prize in the photography competition? What was your photo Of by the way? Will the winner's photo be displayed in a gallery? Look forward to your reply, (You have received an email from your English- ate Stuart a) | Write your email (140-150 words). What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? What should you write about? What style should you write in? How many words should you use? b) Read the model and choose the correct, tenses. From: John To: Stuart Subject: Great news! Hi Stuart, Hows it going? Just a quick email to toll you all about the photography competition | 1) entered/have entered in the wildife magazine last May. You aren't going to believe this -| 2) had won/won first prize! Tm so thrilled about it! My photo was of a fox that often 3)comes/will come into our garden. | 4) lay/have been laying silently on the ground for ages trying to get the best shot. | was freezing cold, but it §) was/had been all worth it! My photo 6)will appear/has appeared in sex! montl’s magazine and it wil be put on display at a special exhibition at an art gallery in town "leven get £200 prize money! Tm s0 excited about this! | stil cant believe it. They 7) are going to presentipresent me with the prize at the opening of the exhibition on 16th August at 7 pm. | 8) ve invited/had invited my family and my bestfriend fom school to attend Well, fd better go now. Write soon with your news, Best wishes, John PR} Replace the opening and closing remarks in the email Language box. phrases from the Useful PU LT eT. T ‘Opening remarks + Hope you're OK /How are you doing?/How's everything going?/Mi! How are you? + Thanks (50 much) for your emailvetter. * Sorry | didn’t write earlier but ../S0 sorry for not getting back to you sooner. * it was great to hear from you./t ‘was fantastic to hear that Reason for writing + You'll never guess what! I... |just wanted to drop you aline to tell yourlet you know * Just a quick emaiVletter to tell you + | thought you'd like to know ing news + Y'm going on holiday... # | passed my exams + We moved to a bigger house last week, etc. ‘losing remarks ‘+ Well I'd better get going. must go now because Bye for now. + Take care and ()) hope to hear from/see you soon. + Please write soon and tell me all your news. * Drop me a line sometime. «+ Can't wait to see you. + Say hella/hi to + Email me soon_Wirite soon. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend, Yeu mentioned that your friondls had a aurprise party for you. Where did you celebrate your birthday? What was the party like? How did | you feel? I can't wait to hear all about it Write soon, Paul Write your letter (140-190 words). 1 What are you going to write? 2 Whois it for? 3. What style should you use? 4 What should you write about? for me a) Underline the key words in the rubric. ‘Answer the questions. b) Make notes under the headings: PLACE - PEOPLE - ACTIVITIES - FEELINGS ) Use your notes to write your letter. Follow the plan. Dear Paul, (Para1) opening remarks, reason for writing (ara2) place: people: i (Para 3) your feelings _ = (Para 4) closing remarks 7 Yours, (your first name) 31 | Informal Letters/Emails - Giving advice 32 Underline the key words in the rubric. Read the model. Replace the phrases in bold with other phrases from the Useful Language box. You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend Se iid I'm so lonely at my new school. | don't have any friends. What can | do? Yours, Julie Write your email (140-190 words). Dear Julie, | just received your email and decided to write & back straight away. | know exactly how you feel When | moved to London last year, | felt very lonely. Don't worry, though; there are a few | things you can do. 1) In my opinion, the best thing to do is to. join a sports team at school. | know how much you loved netball at your old school, so maybe you could look into joining the netball team at your new one? 2) This would be a great way to get to know students that you have something in common with. Also, 3) why don’t you invite some of your classmates over for a DVD or pizza night? 4) That way you'll have fun, relax and you'll ‘make new friends in no time. | tried this and it worked for me. | really hope my advice helps. Write soon and let me know how things are going, Take care, Diana BY) Use phrases from the Useful Language box to rewrite the opening and closing remarks in Diana's em: NUE ey -(d Opening remarks + Thank you for your emailetter. OF course I'd be happy to help. + im sory to hear about . but | think can help you. Giving advice + If were you/in your position, i would(n't) * You should/shouldn’t.. « It would(n’t)/might be a good idea (for you) to... + (think) the best thing would be (for you) to * Why don’t you... + Have you thought offabout ..? Expected result + This willAwould mean that do this, you wil Closing remarks + Thope that thismy advice helps. * /Let’s hope that things get betterithat everything turns out allright. * Let me know what happens. * Then,» That way... * Ifyou a) Read the rubric and underline the key words. What are you going to write? Who for? What are you going to write about? You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend homework amin two sports teams, and have alot of chores at home, its exhausting! What can do? | Regards, | David | eee ite your letter (140-190 word) ‘'m really busy! Ihave alot of | { b) Match the suggestions to the expected results. Suggestions [71] eat haathly and get enough sleep drop out of one of the sports teams [J take some time off at weekends to have fun B Expected Results a help you relax and do something different not feel tired & have more time to do your schoolwork Write your letter. Use your ideas in Ex. 3b and phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan. ‘pening remarks, expression of sympathy st suggestion with expected results 2nd suggestion with expected results expression of hope things will improve, closing remarks (Para 3) (Para 4) Yours (your frst name) Informal Letters/Emails - Making/Accepting/Refusing invitations a) Underline the key words in the rubric, Kead the model and match the paragraphs to the headings. You are organising a weekend of fun activities with a group of friends to celebrate the end of term. Write an email (140-190 words) to your English pen-friend Paul describing the weekend and inviting him to come and stay with you and join in. Hi Paul, D> Thanks for your emall. !m really busy studying for exams right now, but in a month Ibe firished! Actually my friends and Ihave been planning a fun weekend in early July to celebrate the end of term. I would be great if you could ‘come and stay with me and jon in, What do you think? > We are thinking of going to my friend Nick's parents’ summer house. its right by the sea, and we can hire | | canoes, paddle boats and windsuting equipment! In the house, they have @ DVD player and widescreen TV, so we can relax and watch fims inthe evening, > You said you might visi me tis summer and thnk this | ‘would be the perfect time! Dont forget to bring your favourite _ DVDs wth you! We an spend the rest of our holy at my place. Therel be las to see and do here | [D> Lhope you can come. Let me know so we can | ‘make all the arrangements! ° things to bring i ao 92 bing destination and activites [BT] onenra svar oon br veiting b) Replace the underlined phrases with phrases from the Useful Language box. PR complete Paul's reply to Juan's email accepting the invitation. Hi Juan, D> Thanks so much for the invitation. That sounds bilant ‘and Id love to come! You're rights the perfect te to visit you, especialy as my exams fish inthe last week of June, D> twill be so much un to goto the summerhouse wih | you and your friends. B> | have a huge collection of DVDs, so | can bring some wit me ! . | D> Wat bet gro See you soon, Paul Veen ee * How are you? * Thanks for your email, * How's i ooing? pia ‘+ I'm writing to invite you to... * I'd love (it) if you could come. * it would be great if you could come. nth mets et * Why dortyou nae? oang mete '* I hope you'll be able to make it. * | hope you cancer. « Cartwattoste you." ese lt ie eo toon pole nay raja get the chance. pang ee oaeeny '* Thanks (so much) for the invitation (to ...). * Thank you for inviting me (to ...). * ... sounds lovely/amazing. * I'd love to come. * It would be (really) great to come with you. '* It’s (really/so) kind of you to invite me. Closing remrks See you then. * I can’t wait. * I'm (really) ioking forward tof» Thnk gan er htng me. * Thank you once again for the invitation. iefusing invitations Opening remarks/Refusing '* Thanks (so much) for the invitation but... * Thanks foriviting me to... it Im afraid cant come, + im sorry but l won't be able to make it + Unfortunately t won't be possible for me to come. ‘Closing remarks ___ * Thope we can get together soon. * Again, I'm User eat mae « rm ony hove toms this EB) Rewrite the email to Juan refusing the invitation and giving reasons (140-180 words). Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan. Dear Juan, (Para) opening remarks, reason for writing (Para 2) refuse invitation giving reason (Para 3) express disappointment & wish them a great time (Para 4) thank for invitation, closing remarks Yours, (your frst name) Writing _ 33) 34 Read the extracts 1-4. Which are: beginnings? endings? Which: expresses thanks? congratulates? apologises for something? expresses sympathy/regret? Underline the words which helped you decide. Hi Mark, Thanks for your letter. 'm so sorry to hear about your broken leg! You must be so disappointed ‘bout missing the football final. ! know how much you wanted to play. Sorry again! | really didn’t mean to make you wait on your own for so long. To make it up to you why don't we go for a pizza over the weekend? | will pay for everything, of course. Best wishes, Sophie Dear Eri \'m writing to say | saw the article in the local paper about your artwork! You did so well to ‘win frst place in the contest between all the schools! Well done - you must feel really proud! ‘Anyway, Id better go now but, once again - thank you! No one has ever done that for me before! See you soon. Yours, Maria Read the rubric, then complete the letter using the phrases below. your birthday last weekend. Write @ letter (140-190 words) thanking her for planning the picnic and also for the gift she gave you. + It was the perfect thing to do + | also have to thank you for rll never forget * I'm so touched that * Thank you so much + really enjoyed themselves + Thanks again * Thanks to you Informal Letters/Emi Apologising - Expressing sympat e Thanking - Congratulating - y/regret Dear Lisa, GO Hope youre doing well. 1) for the wondertul btnaay picnic last Saturday. it was such a great idea and 2 : the amazing time | had! [2_] You put so much hard work into making my day Gl» 50 specall The food was delicious, especialy those chocolate cupcakes which were the best Ive ever tasted! The games you thought up were fun, too. Everyone 3)... vn MY coe - ‘on such a beautiful spring day! Eos the money you ‘organised everyone fo give me as a git. m so happy you remembered that ive been saving up for a new [ap!09 aN) nn everyone contributed a bi of money to help me buy it ce got enough money to buy the laptop prow! i vo for making my birthday he best one ever Youre a great rend! Love, Alison Match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs 4), thanking again, closing comments thanking for the day; activities you did ‘opening remarks, reason for writing thanking for the gift vom> Your English friend Lisa organised a picnic for Suggest opening and closing remarks for the letters below, as in the example. Use phrases from the Useful Language box on p. 35. 1. Congratulate your English cousin Sam on passing his driving test Hi Sam! It was great to hear from you. Congratulations on passing your driving test! Well, 'd better go now but, once again - congratulations! | hope to see you driving your new car soon. Best wishes, Harry 2. Apologise to your English friend Paul for forgetting his birthday. 9. Express your sympathy to your English friend Steve as his dog has just passed away. 4 Thank your English pen-friend Jane for a gift she sent you Informal Letters/Emails - Thanking - Congratulating - Apologising - Expressing sympathy/regret i] (Your Ergish Fiend Peters band has st won ft pra ha] SOY (d talent show. Waite an email (140-190 words) congratulating Peter and asking when you can see the band perform: B] {You have received an email from your English-speaking friend +m writing to say thanks for + just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for + Thanks so much for + Itwas so kind/good of you to Closing remarks + Thanks once again! + Itmeant alot to me. ‘Apologising Opening remarks + I'm writing to say sorry for + I'mso sorry aboutfor + just wanted to say sorry for! apologise for + Im afraid. Closing remarks * Please forgive me * | really feel terible/awful about it + (realy) didn't mean to do that/upset you, ete + Thope you aren't too upset with me. Expressing sympathy/regret ‘Opening remarks + 'm (60) sorry to hear aboutithat * Its too bad that + You must be so disappointed about. + You must be feeling (relly) fed up/ upset, etc + Try not to worry/feel bad, ete. ‘Closing remarks «If can do anything (to help), please let me know. + Once again, 'm really sory. I'm so sorry! Congratulating ‘Opening remarks «I've just heard that (you passed your ‘exam ef)... and | wanted to congratulate you. ‘+ was so happy to hear that + You should be proud of yourself! eae a z 2 I didn’t do very well in my exams. | don’t know what | did wrong, How can | do better next year? Yours, Laura Write your email (740-190 words) (You borrowed a raincoat from your English friend Matt but yo ‘ioped it. Wite an email (140-190 words to your friend explain what happened, apologising and offering to replace the coat. (You have received a letter from your English pen-friend, We really enjoyed having you stay with us at our holiday home. Did you have a good journey back? What excursion did you enjoy most? Write baok, Helen write your letter (140-190 words) b) Read the answer to rubric C. Rewrite the underlined sentences in the correct style using phrases from the Useful Language box and your own ideas. Dear Matt, 41) 1m writing to offer in for damaging the raincoat you lent me, Unfortunately, | had a litte accident with it during ‘my hiking trip. 2) | sincerely apologise — | know you really liked that coat. | was hiking in the woods with my group when the coat got caught on a branch. | was getting lft behind so | pulled hard on the coat to try to release it but the sleeve ripped from the top tothe bottom, 3) Ldeeply rear I dont think the coat can be repaired, 50 please let me replace it. 4) would be grateful it we Could go shopping one Saturday soon and choose one together. Im really sorry. 5) Ltruly hope that we can put the matter behind us. * Congratulations on ... (+ ing form) | Yours, + Well done for... (+ ing form) es + You must feel really proud/thriled/ l a ena a I acted ae Write your answers for rubrics A, B & D in Ex. 5a. Use Closing remarks | ¢ Once again congratulations +m really proud of you a) Read the rubrics A-D and underline the key words. What type of email/letter does each ask for? What could each be about? Decide in pairs. phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan. Deer (your iend’s fst name), a1) _apening remarks, reasons for writing __(Paras 2-3) _develop your topics (Para 4) closing remarks Yours, (your first name) C) Writing 35 Read the rubric and the model. Replace the phrases in bold with alternatives from the Useful Language box. You're arranging a trip with some friends to the | Glastonbury Festival in England this summer. You know your English pen-fiend Jamie has been there before, | Write him an email (140-190 words) asking about camping facilities, food and what things they can do there. } Hai, Hons evcyting gg? in toed ve thes yon {pela tm pang 690 tone Gastenuy Fett! wi some of yen Bs sone Fino you wet ters nope you dot ming Task your lew quests Fst ofa, how at you caged en you vette festival. 2) How did you find it? 3) What did you think of the facilities? Also, 4) | was wondering if there are any good quality tod eal a the festa 5) Bo you tink be ‘good idea to take a camping stove with us to prepare: Berown eo? "lad ovine and some ct my toot bands ae playing this year! 6) | want to find out what else there is | todo atin etal ou Wl you oy he not | gang aan hs ye, maybe Se you Het! hans Eo muc your hp and hoe eee you son Best wishes, Mario ees ee ee ‘Asking for information + Would it be OK to ask you a few questions (about) ...? © Do you know (i)..? * lalso need ‘toknow .. * What did you think of ...? * What about .? «+ Theard that... .1s that true/correct? * Can you ‘ell me/let me know ...? « What’s/Where's, etc the best ...? # | was wondering (whatiwhere ..). Shall well ./lsit @ good idea to ...? ing information + ve sent you ... which will help you i i ‘* To answer your question about... a *You asked This is ‘Here are a few about/So you want to know about what | found out (about) tips for... # As far as... is concerned, » As for sn the best thing to do is ../you should .../if | were you, 'd../why don't you ...? 36 Informal Letters/Emails - Asking for/Giving information PY Read Jamie's reply and fill in: ve helped you, If were you, you'll have a great time, | wouldn't bother, As for. You asked, To answer your question, Dear Mario, It was great to hear fom you. | loved Glastonbury last year so I'm sure 1) 2) about camping. Well, the facities are very basic, but it was great fun! The ground is usually muddy, though, so don't forget to fake somo watorproo! boots 3) food, 4) . taking a camping stove. There's a wide variety of cheap food slalls selling tasty dishes from all over the world 5) about what else goes on atthe festival, well, here are dance areas, circus shows, comedy acts and much, much more. 6) . I'd just wander around. [hope 7) I've already bought my tickets, s0 let's arrange to meet up there! Best wishes, Jamie Underline the key words in the rubric. ‘Answer the questions. Write your email Follow the plan. You have received an email from your English- speaking pen-friend ES I My family would tke fo go on a two-week tour of your Country, Can you give me some information about ‘what places you would recommend and why? What is the best way to travel around? Also, what’ a typical Gish that we must ry? | Wite bac, Mark | Write your email (140-180 words) 1 What are you going to write? Who for? 2. What information should you include? 3. What style should you write in? Dear (your hiend’s fst name), (Para 1) opening remarks, reason for writing (Para2) description of place and reason (Paras) suggest best way fo travel around (Para.4) suggest typical dish and explain why (Para5) closing remarks Yours, (your first rame) a Read the rubric and the emai Match the paragraphs to the topics. You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend In your last email you said’ you were going 10 the cinema with your bestfriend. What does helshe Also, what makes helshe special? White soon, Fiona Informal Letters/Emails - Describing people a ‘Complete the table with words from the email in Ex. 1. [Age: middle-aged, elderly, Height: short, Weight: overweight, slim, Fac long, oval, square, Hair: bald, curly, Eyes: green, brown, Nose: big, bullon, hooked, Lips: thin, hee [Special features: wrinkles, glasses, | | look lke? What is he/she tke? Waite your email (140-190 words), Hi Fiona, D> Thanks for your emai My best rend is Debby and she's inher le teen ike me. We've been trends ever since our very fst day at primary schoo People often comment about how diferent Debby and | look, While of medium height and alte plump, Debby is tal and qute skinny, She ikes wearing Tshits and jeans. Debbie's got shoulderiengh, stalght, fair har, ull lips. and nas some teckles above her cheeks. Her most impressive Teale, though, is her eyes whch are blu, E> Debby’s very motivated. She sets | goals and always works hard to achiove them, Also, she’ avery open-minded person, Shes always wiling to accept new ideas. Sometimes, she can be @ bit impatient, but Ive got used to that over the years! D> A in a, Devbie ts very special to me, Wee very close and hopetuly wel temain so for many years to come. | Actually, we plan to apply to the same university when we finish school! What about you? Tell me about your best fiend in your next emai All the best, Laura [ATL] the person's appearance [BIL] the person's character [CT] who the person is [DIE] how you fee! about the personiclosing remarks CHARACTER: energetic, sociable, .. NOTE: When we describe negative character qualties we use mild language. Instead of saying: He' disorganised. we can say: He's bit dlsorgonised. EB complete the sentences. Use: aggressive, dishonest, mean, selfish, decisive, considerate inventive, self-confident. 1. Petra can be at times; she can behave ina Violent way when she gets angry. 2 Mark is a(n) Person; he is very helpful to others. 3. Helen is she is sure of her abilities, 4 Tony is ‘he is only interested in himself 5 Mr Green is a Person; he is unkind and cruel to people. 6 Bobis a rather person: he tends to tall lies. 7 Paulis he's got a lot of original ideas. 8 Steve is quite he's able to make up his mind quickly, a a) Underline the key words in the rubric. What are you ‘going to write? Who for? What about? You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend, {like to know more about your family, Which member of your family are you clusust iu? Whats his/her appearance ike? What is he/she ike? White back soon, Teddy _ Wr ar 40°790 wo) b) Make notes under the headings. Appearance - Character. Use the notes to write your letter. Follow the plan. Dear Tey, (Para 1) opening remarks, who the person is (Para 2) person’ appearance (Para 3)__person's character (Para 4) your feelings towards the person, closing remarks Best wishes, (your fst name) 37 38 GB ® Urdertine the key words inthe rubric. Bo the questions. ‘You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend. | ‘You must be back from your holiday in Malaysia by now. What was the resort you stayed in like? What activities did you do there? Did you get to | explore other areas, too? | Write soon, | Pauline | WR your eal TAO TSO NOT 11 What are you going to write? Who for? 2 What should you write about? 3. What style should you write in? 4 How many words should you write? 'b) Match the paragraphs to the headings. What tenses has Rachel used? Why? ae! Dear Paulin | D> sorry it's taken so long for me to write back, | but I've been on holiday for the past two weeks. | ‘Anyway, | thought I'd drop you a line to tell you | | about the 1) nice time | had in Malaysia. It was such | a(n) 2) nice country, I'm sure you'd have loved it > Aithough the resort we stayed in was 3) not | good, it was well worth the money. It was situated | | right next to the sea with its own 4) nice beach. We | spent most of our morning sunbathing there, enjoying the 5) nice weather while sipping ice-cold | drinks from the resort café. | BD In the evenings, we went out to explore the | area. There were many 6) small food stalls nearby | where | sampled a(n) 7) good variety of 8)nice | local dishes. We also went shopping at the 8) nice | night bazaar. The prices were so 10) good that | | ended up buying a whole new wardrobel | D> Allin all, Malaysia is a 11) nice place. I'll send | you some pictures as soon as | get them developed. | You should visit it one day. Write back soon and fill_| ‘me in on what you've been upto this summer. | Yours, | Rachel | ‘A]_] how you feel about the place and recommendation [BL] name, location of place [EL] description of resort and morning activities [D1] evening activitos Informal Letters/Em: Describing places ©) Replace the adjectives in bold with: scenic, memorable, expensive, hot, little, wide, bustling, cheap, amazing, secluded, delicious. PR) Think of appropriate adjectives to replace the ‘ones in bold. You can use a thesaurus. It was the 1) nicest holiday I've ever had. There were 2) nice sights to see and we enjoyed some of the 3) nicest scenery in the world. The choice of activities was 4) big, too. We spent our afternoons walking through the 5) nice parks and sampled {6) good French cuisine in the evenings. Its a pity you weren't there. It's a truly 7) nice city with 8) good people. a) Underline the key words in the rubric. ‘Answer the questions. You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend. id you have a good time on your schoo! trip? What was the place like where you visited? What did you enjoy most? Write back, Frank Write your letter (140-190 words) What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? What should you write about? What style should you write in? How many words should you use? b) Write your letter. Follow the plan. (ep Dear Frank, (Para 1) opening remarks, reason for writing (Para2) escrito of the place me (Para3) what you enjoyed most (Para4) feelings; recommendation: closing remarks Yours, (your frst name) Informal Letters/Em: Note: An event can be a festival, a sports event, a celebration, an exhibition, a lecture, a ceremony, ete. the rubric. a a) Underline the key word: ‘Answer the questions. (You have received a letter from your Englsh- speaking pen-friend. What's your favourite annual event in your country? What do people do? What's special about t? Yours, Harry | Write your letter (140-190 words). 1 What are you going to write? Who for? 2 What should you write about? 3. What style should you write in? 4, What tenses should you mainly use? Why? b) Read the model. Replace the opening and closing remarks with other appropriate ones. Dear Harry, ‘Thanks for your leer. There are lots of evens all over Scotland, but my favourite is the Braemar Highland Games, held on the first Saturday of September. It has sports, dancing and traditional music. The festhal Is run by a charity who spend months. ‘organising the attractions and events. Athletes spend all _year training to win special events like “tossing the caber’ ‘throwing big bits of wood and ‘putting the sto ‘throwing large rocks. During the games there are alot of things to do, People watch the sporting events and shop at stalls selling local crafts and food such s stoves, a potato and meat stew. There are also highland dancing and bagpipe playing competitions for vistors to enjoy. Overall. going to the Highland Games isa fun experience and an exciting showcase of local culture! If you ever come to Scotland, make sure you don't miss i! Best wishes, Lavender in: experience, a must, memorable. 1 Itwas such a day, I'l never forget 2 really recommend the festival, it's 3 I's a fantastic way to the local culture. Describing Events wa | Writing a) Underline the key words in the rubric. What are you going to write? Who for? What tenses should you mainly use? Why? { You have received an email from your English friend, i Did you have a good time at the sports event? What was it ke? What did you see? Let me know, John ‘Write your email (140 -190 words) b) Read the email and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Dear John, | Itwas great to hear from you! | 1) (have) a great time at the Wimbledon Championships last wook. It2) (take) place every year over two wooks in Juno in London, but | only 3) (go) for one day. From what | heard, the organisation of this year’s amare took months. The —groundsmen (start) preparing the courts two months | bine ent ta he Sa) | (begin) seing tickets six months ago! Als, the athites a (train) fora ong time beforehand | was so glad to be there even for one day. The event is very famous and people from all over the world had ‘come to see it. The tennis 7) - (start) at 11 o'clock. During the breaks, people 8) (chat) happily while they 9).... (eat) the traditional Brtish dessert, strawberries and cream. ‘Allin all, my visit to Wimbledon 10) (be) amazing. The tennis was so exciting and | —- (get) to meet my favourite player, Roger Federer! Wry dont you get ticket for next year? | Love, | Penny Think of a festival in your country. Make notes Under the headings in the plan. Use the notes to write your letter for the rubric in Ex. 1. Dear Harry, (Para 1) opening remarks, the name of the festival ‘and where/when i takes place (Para 2) preparations for the festival (Para 3) what happens during the festival (Para 4) _feelings/recommendation, closing remarks Best wishes, (your first name) 39 40 Read the rubric and the model. Put the verbs in the correct tense. | You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend How did your first day at your new school go? What happened? Tell me all about it Laura | Write your letter (140-190 words). Dear Laura, Thanks for your letter! You won't believe what wD) . (happen) on my first day at school When | 2)... (arrive), | was really nervous. | 3) (walk) around the ‘school for fifteen minutes before | found the right classroom. When | finally got there, | was late and everyone 4) sennnnens (alt@adyisit) down. They stared at me as | opened the door. Our teacher welcomed me and showed me to my desk. As 5) svn (walk) 10 my Seat, | could hear people whispering and talking. | was neariy there when | suddenly 6) (trip) over ‘and fell to the floor. My books 7) (fly) everywhere and the whole class (start) laughing at me. | was 8) ccnacaonn so embarrassed! Luckily the girl next to me, Diana, 9) (help) me collect my books, At lunchtime, she 10) sons (SOW) Me around and NOW wee good friends. Well, 'd better go now or I'll be late for football practice. Write back and tell me what ioe “ (happen) in York! Yours, Emma List the events in the order they happened. Add a surprising element to the event in the story and suggest a different ending. Informal Letters/Emails - Narratives in letters/emails 8 a) Underline the key words in the rubric and answer the questions. You have received a letter from your Engiish- speaking pen-friend ‘How was your trp last week? Did anything ‘exciting happen? Let me know! Ben Write your letter (140-190 words). What ara you going to write? Who for? What should you write about? What style should you write in? How many words should you use? b) Make notes under the headings. Who: wh Where: Events In chronological order before the climax event: Climax even ; End of story/Feelings: rt EB Use your notes to write your letter. Follow the plan. > ‘Dear (your friend’ fist name), (Para 1) opening remarks, reasons fr writing (Para2) events leading up to climax event (Para3) the climax event (Para 4) what happened in the end, feelings & closing remarks Yours, (your frst name) Semi-formal Letters/Emails - Thanking Match the sentences. Which ones: thank? ask for/offer advice? refuse an invitation? apologise? give/ask for information? Informal Semi-formal [411] Thanks a lot for inviting AI would be grateful it you me. could offer me some advice. 2]_] Why don't you do a B I hope you will accept my summer course? apologies. [31 what a shame | can't © hope I've been of some make it! assistance, 4 |_| What do you think | D_ | would tke to thank you for should do? your kind invitation [51 teantttett you how sorry Could you tell me the best Lam. way to reach your house? [61] Hope r've helped you. F Lam sorry that | will be 7] _] What's the best way to tunable to attend. {get to your house? G It would be a good idea if you did a summer course. PB Read the rubric and the model. Replace the underlined phrases with more polite ones from the list. * look forward to hearing from you * In addition » all your efforts + | am writing to thank you * Kind regards * Please Contact me + Thank you once again * Despite being a litle frightened * send their regards + such a pleasant one * greatly enjoyed the experience * Dear + would be delighted to return * | shall never forget + What | most enjoyed You have received an email from the organiser of a summer camp | you recently attended, hope you enjoyed your time at the summer camp. What activity did you lke best? Say hello to your parents. It was nice to meet them. let you know if we organise the camp next year. All the best, Teddy Sawyer ‘Write af email (140-190 words) responding to Mr Sawyer and ‘thanking him for organising the camp. 1) HiMr Sawyer! | 2) Thanks a lot for making my stay at summer camp 3) so much fun, 1 4) bad a bil | really appreciate 5) all you did to ensure we had a really lovely time, 6) The best thing was going kayaking. 7) Even though | was scared to death, | am glad | took part tis day that 8) wil alvays tick in my mind. | '9) On tp ofall his, twas really kind of you to give me a lt back to my house. My parents 10) say hi and have invited you to dinner next ‘Saturday evening. 11) Let me know if you can make it | 12) ssid bole, hanks a ogansing te tp. you are rung | ‘again next year, | 13) id love to go again. | 14) cant wait to hear from you! | 15) Yours, Stephen Faulkner fa) Writing _ EB) Replace the phrases in bold with phrases in the list. * Thank you very much * be of assistance + | am writing Dear Mrs Rogers, 1) Thanks a million for inviting me to your school’s fundraiser. 2) | thought | would drop you a line to see if | could 3) lend you a hand with the preparations. eine [B] * please do not hesitate to contact me + look forward to seeing * I hope that this is everything that you needed to know 1 Well, I think that's everything! Ifyou | think of anything else, 2) just give me a | call. 3) can't wait to see you atthe party! a) Underline the key words in the rubric. What are you going to write? Who for? ‘You have just spent a week at your English friend's cottage. Write a letter | (140-190 words) to your friend's Parents, Mr & Mrs Stephens, to thank them for their hospitality and explain how much you enjoyed your stay. | b) Write your letter. Follow the plan. Dee eT ‘Opening remarks ‘= Thank you so/very much for ‘+ Lam writing to thank you * | just wanted to tell you how much | enjoyed/appreciated, ete Closing remarks * Thank you once again (for) + Itwas really kind of you to I shall never forget Dear Mr& Ms Stephens, (Para 1) opening remarks, reason for writing (Para 2) thank for hospitality: comment on the experience (Para 3) explain how much you enjoyed your stay (Para 4) restate thanks, closing remarks Regards, (your full name) 4 ae| Formal Letters/Emails - Applying for a course 42 Applying for a course 4 > Parographs 2-3] | Dear Mr smith, —~ reasonis) for sge/qualifications/studies closing remarks Dear Siz ‘writing + reason for choosing the Madam, course (your full name) Read the rubric then the letter. Replace the informal phrases in bold in the letter with phrases in the list. ‘+ Ihave enclosed * | am keen to further improve ‘= Lam writing to apply for a place ++ would be of great benefit to me ‘+ currently attend + | achieved ‘look forward to hearing from you soon. + I would be most grateful if you would consider my application. You see this advert in your local newspaper: Student Exchange Programme ] Local students (14-18) are invited to apply for a| position in our student exchange programme Students will spend two weeks in March in an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. Apply in viriting stating your qualifications and your reason for wanting to be part of the programme. Write your letter (140-190 words). Dear Sir/Madam, [> 1)1 really want to take part in the students’ ‘exchange programme you run in March. | feel | am ‘an ideal candidate with much to gain from this ‘opportunity Be | am 16 years old and 2)I'm a student at Lakeside Secondary School. in my and-ot-term exams, 3)1 got A grades in most of my subjects, including English. | also take part in the drama club, ‘where | have recently been cast for the lead role in an English play. Bm 4)1 want to get even better at my English in order to apply for university overseas. | believe the opportunity o spend time with native speakers 5) can help me a lot. Therefore, 6) please think of me. [> 7)1'm posting further detalls of my education ‘and qualifications to date. 8)1 can't wait to hear from you. Yours faithfully, Francesca Andretti TTL ‘Opening remarks + am viriting to apply for aplace on + | am interested in applying for a place on Qualifications + Ihave completed my (third year of secondary school, language exams, fist aid training, et). + My quzlifications include ... « Ihave experience (oh Reasons +... would be a wonderful opportunity for me. +1 would benefit greatly fom... Closing remarks +I would be grateful if you would consider my application. » | would like to be considered for the course + Find enclosed (my CV and contact details/a letter of reference from...) + | look EE forward to hearing from you. * Do not hesitate l to contact me if you require further information. ‘| would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience, FB Underline the key words in the rubric, then answer the questions. {You see this advert in your local newspaper: Brunel University - Summer Course in English Literature Students aged 16-18 are invited to apply for a place in our English Literature course in August. In your application please state your qualifications and your reasons for wanting to be part of the course. \Wiite your letter (140-190 words) What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? What should you write about? How many words should you write? What style should you write in? EB Write your letter. Use phrase form the Useful Language box. Follow the plan above. Formal Letters/Emails - Applying for a job | weiing of j == I == Yours sincerely, Yous fl (your full name) Dear Mr Smith, Dear Sir/ ‘Madam, reasons) for waiting * age/qualifcationsistudies + personal qualities/ previous experience ‘losing remarks Read the rubric, then the letter. The letter has been written in the wrong style. Replace the phrases in bold with phrases from the Useful Language box. You have seen this advert in the Oxford Eagle newspaper: STAFF WANTED ‘are you a bookworm? Can you speak English well? Wico Ow! Books is looking for a part-time shop assistant 11 am -5 pm, weekends only. The ideal | candidate must be well-organised, polite and reliable, Apply to: Miss Angela Carter at Wise Ow! ‘Books, 5 Harrow Way, Oxford. ‘Write your letter (140-190 words). | Dear Miss Carter, 41)1 thought I'd write to you about the ad inthe Oxford Eagle on 7th May fora parttime shop assistant. 2) | really want to go for this ob. am 17 yeas old and am curently completing my A Loves in Engish, History and French. | will be string university in ‘September and have been accepted for a course in English Literature at Oxford Brookes University. Moreover, 3) 1 am really good with computers, having achieved an A grade for GCSE level computing, In addition to this, 4) 've worked as a volunteer in the school library. My duties include organising the catalogue, dealing with enquires and answering the telephone. As a native Engi speaker wih excellent communication ski, 5) think I'm appropriate for the post. 6) Fve sent you my CV and reference llr fom the school librarian 7) Call me on 12456789 if you need to ask me anything. 8)1 can come for an interview any time 9) Can't wait to hear from you. Yours sincerely, Donna Shelley Useful Language Opening remarks ‘Tam writing to apply am interested in applying for the postion of. advertised in yesterday’) +1 am writing with regards to your advertisement wich I readin * With reference to your advertisement in * | would be very interested in applying for Work experience * Ihave. years’ experience of working (as) “have been working asa. for the last. years. * Yeats ago | worked (as) was employed (as) «Tam highiy proficient with Personal qualities * (Despite my ack of. experience I feel that | would bbe an ideal candidate... «1am considered to be a (hardworking and.) person who is aso (reliable...) BH «consider myself to be (punctual, .) BB closing remarks = + enclose my CV and a reference (from my previous employer). would be gratefulif you would consider my application. + will be avilable for interview... + Please contact me on. regarding any queries you may have. * | am available for an | interview ary weekday morning. * I would be glad toattend an interview at any time. *| would appreciate a reply at your eariest convenience, * I look forward to hearing from you. a) Underline the key words in the rul What are you going to write? Who to? What style should you write in? You see this advert in the Croydon Post newspaper: ‘Small computer shop seeks reliable and * personable assistant to work throughout July! ‘August. No sales experience necessary, but knowledge of computers essential. Apply by ‘email to Steven Alen at sallen @ rapido. ‘Write your email (140-190 words) 'b) Which of the following (A-B) would you use to start/end your email? ‘A Dear Steven, B Dear Sir, Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Mary Smith Mary Smith eae e cooeeed ©) Write your email. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan above. 44 om ___ Writing Formal Letters/Emails - Complaining ‘© Letters/Emails of complaint are written when we want to express our dissatisfaction regarding a specific service or product, They are normally written in formal language with an impersonal tone. However, we GY should never be rude or insulting. l The language used depends on whether we want to complain in a mild (or strong way. & In a formal letter/email making a complaint you may use a mild tone for complaints about minor problems, or a strong tone for complaints about more serious matters. Sess s mcecnmenesiigieanan {Outline for letters/emails of complaint _ EE Ee Dear Mr ones, reason(s) for ‘complaint(s) with action to be taken, Yours sincerely, Dear Sin writing justification(sVexample(s) closing remarks Yours faithfully, ‘Madam, (your full name) Underline the key words in the rubric. Then read the email BB ® Read the Useful Language and fill in the gaps with phrases. box. What tone is the email in Ex. 1 written in? + to my great dismay * demand a full refund * express my strong dissatisfaction with + refused to offer me a replacement b) Rewrite the first and the ‘to take further action + make matters worse last paragraphs of the email in + treated with great disrespect, ‘a mild tone using appropriate * offended by this accusation phrases from the Useful Language box. ‘You recently bought a digital camera from a shop, but when you got home you discovered that the camera was faulty. When you took it baack, the salesman was rude to you. Write an email (140-190 words) to the head office of the company complaining about the poor service you received. Peers Opening remarks mild ‘am writing in connection with/on the subject of. + I wish to drawfbring to your attention ‘0.4 problem which arose due to Strong * Lam writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the disgraceful treatment |receivedithe attitude of your staff +1 am writing to complain about the appalling behaviour of../the shocking Dear iMac, D> | am ang 1 the servi tat |rseves in your ehop. | was ld a fuly gta camere and | vas 2) > Last Setay ring, ater a get del of rout and research, | bought a. ZX850 dg! camera. fom yout shop quality of on. The camera was clearly faulty. Mild: B> To) the way the salesman treated me when | gj * | feel that am entitled toa refund | attempted to return the camera was disgraceful. He first accused fn ra ola inthe me of opp and breaking Iceni him is wasnt he | |, OMA uEDD or refund. | was deeply 6) Ei strong [D> Needless to say, | was extremely annoyed by this incident. | | * Linsist on/demand a full refund/an 7 and a writen apology or else | ville forced peers o 1 promptly, | shall be forced to take Yours faithfully, (@__legal action/take the matter further. Formal Letters/Emails - Complaining Read the extract. What tone has the writer used? Rewrite the extract using a mild tone. | feel | must protest about my recent stay in your hotel. The ‘quality of the service was shocking: the staff were extremely Unhelpful and | was appalled by the accommodation | will never stay at your hotel again. I demand an apology and insist that you provide me with a full refund, Match the problems to the tuations. * TV © coffee table * running shoes * coat * glass * handbag 1. The stitching on the strap was broken, 2. They were the wrong size and the laces were ripped. 3. There were scratches on the screen. 4 The rim was chipped. 5 There were scratches on the wood. 6 The lining down the left hand side has spit. Rewrite the sentences using a strong/mild tone accordingly. 1. Iwas utterly disgusted when [learnt there were no more window seats. 2 My wife was less than pleased to hear that her luggage was in Helsinki 9. Heel that lam ented tw a refund, 4 1am writing to complain about the coat | recently ordered from your website. Read the rubric, then the letter. Replace the informal phrases in bold with more polite ones in the list. * quite frankly * | do not consider to be * express my isappointment following + | look forward to your prompt reply * in addition + Firstly + | am writing to you * would appreciate a * As you can imagine You recently went to a business meeting in another town. You booked a hotel, but the standard was very poor. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel explaining the problem and what action you can expect to be Laken (140-190 words) Dear Sir, D> 1)1 thought 1'd drop you a line to tell you 2) how angry I was after the two nights | spent at the Excelsior Hotel. BB 9) Now, the website claims that the hotel is ‘within walking distance’ of the town centre. In fact, itis five Kilometers away, which 4) 1 don't think is ‘walking distance't 5) Another thing is that the map on the website is wrong, > In addition, my room was not very clean so | asked to move, but the second room was just as bad. The staff were not particularly helpful, either. 6) If 'm being honest with you, the only reason | 7) You can probably guess that | was not sorry to leave. | ‘am not asking fora refund, but 8) I want to get a written apology or explanation. Furthermare, | would like to see your webeite changed to more accurately reflect the hote’s details. | am sending a copy of this letter to the mayor, and 9) it would be good if you could write back tome soon. Yours faithfully, Henry Dupont PA) 2) Underline the key words in the rubric. Answer the questions. ( You recently bought a tennis racquet onjine but you received the | wrong racquet by mistake. You asked for a replacement and were told it would arrive in one week, but there has been a long delay with the delivery. Write an email (140-190 words) to the company | explaining the problem and what action you expect to be taken, What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? What should you write about? What style should you write in? How many words should you write? b) Write your email of complaint. Use phrases from the Useful Language box and the outline on p. 44. = Writing _ 45 wet | Formal Letters/Emails - Apologising 46 [Gj Read the rubric, then the letter. Undiertine the correct a= (1-9), You recently did some voluntary work at a local sports centre, teaching young children how to play cricket. The owner of the sports centre, Mr Granger, wants to present you with an award for your good work and has invited you to a ceremony. Unfortunately, you can’t go because you're busy and you have to refuse the invitation. Write a letter of apology (140 -190 words) Dear Mr Granger, I'm writing to 1) thank you/say cheers for your invitation to the awards ceremony. | am 2) really excited/extremely proud that you believe my work to be worth an award. However, 3) lam very sorry to say thatit's a shame, but | won't be able to attend, Unfortunately, | am 4) in the middle of/currently taking my exams at school, and | do not have any free time, §) That night, | am planning to be/On the night of the ceremony, I will be at 2 revision group run by the school, which | nave agreed 10 lead. 6) People want mefit is very important for me to attend 7)1am extremely honouredil feel happy that you would like to give me an award, and | am 8) sadivery sorry that | will not be there to receive it in person. 9) Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconveniencell'm really sorry for any problems that this may cause. Yours sincerely, Ethan Nis FA} Read the following letter of apology. Rewrite it in formal style. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Hi Mr Jenkins, | wanted to write and say sorry for scratching your car with my bicycle. 'm really sorry for the damage. This is what happened. | was riding my bike to school very fast and turned into the parking lot. | didnt see your car in time and scraped the handlebars along it, causing a big scratch in the paint. | feel realy bad. | wanted to apologise to your face, but you were in meetings all day. | thought Id write to you instead to say sory. To make up for it, | can stay after class and help to clean the Classrooms. | dont mind helping to tutor the younger students in my free time. Also, my parents said that they will pay for the damage. | hope that’s OK. Anyway. like | said. I'm really sorry about this. | hope you can forgive me. Yours sincerely, ‘Alice Channing Veer UCT Opening remarks +m writing to offer my sincerest apologies for + Please accept my deepest apologies (for. +m writing to say how (very) sory | am for + | would like to express my regret for. + I sincerely regret (¢ing form) Explaining + It was not my intention (to/for that to happen)... +I believe the situation resulted from Apologising «1m (extremely) ashamed of (my [J behaviourytray sory for not understand how inconvenient! annoying itthis must berhave been for you. I Closing remarks + Once again, please accept my sincerest apologies 1° am realy sorry forthe inconvenience caused. a) Underline the key words in the rubric. What are you going to write? Who for? What about? (You had a birthday party and you were, playing loud music. Your neighbour | complained. Write a letter of apology (140 - 190 words) explaining that it ‘was a special occasion and that it won't happen again b) Write your letter of apology. Follow the plan. ‘Dear Sir/Madam, (Para) opening remarks & reason for miting (Para2) further detaisiexplanation forthe apology “(Para’3) ——_repention of apology & closing remarks Yours fathfuly (your full name) Formal Letters/Emails - Describing objects | LL gaa ia a asking them to check if a piece of luggage which was left at the hotel has been found. ‘© This means that we have to write in a formal style and provide a detailed description of the item we are looking for, applying descriptive techniques. Wy ral outline for form: greeting Sara eee mails including description of ol =n Seca * oneeranaie ee eee sign off ‘To describe objects you should use a variety of adjectives. Always list | opinion adjectives (e.g. pretty, cheap, strange) first, followed by fact adjectives. They are normally listed in the following order: size/weight, age, shape, pattern, ‘colour, origin or material (eg. small, round, silver frame). Any | special features are added afterwards (e.. ... with @ photo inside). in the table below with words from the list. + Middle Eastern + green + round * striped light * nylon + modern * square * Japanese + checked * stylish * heavy + wonderful * blue * ancient * wooden Opinion Sizel Weight ‘Age Shape Pattern ‘Colour Origin PR You recently stayed at a hotel and you left your bag behind. Look at the pictures and the prompts, then complete the letter to the hotel. Make sure that the adjectives you use are in the correct order. What type of letter is it? = & (Italian/small/plastic/green/ ——_(red/woollen/old) pair of gloves. cosmetic bag (pink/eleganvleather) wallet (orange/leather/small) diary with a snap fastener Dea Sir/Madam, | am writing to inquire about 1) in a room at your hotel on 2) TWAS 3) ron Inside the bag there was 5)... In the event of the bag being found, I can be contacted on 2220222 during evening hours. Yours faithfully, Tanya Martins which | left with 4) EB) Underline the key words in the rubric, then writ ‘email. Follow the outline above. your Material You spent a weekend at a hostel. When you returned home, you realised you had left a small backpack there. Write the manager aan email (140-190 words) explaining the problem and describing your backpack and the items inside. ~ > 47 iat Formal Letters/Emails - nea Writing Recommending/Making suggestions © Letters/Emails of recommendation are formal letters/emails we send to a person in authority (e.g. a museum ‘curator, a teacher, ete) to recommend a person for a post, a place for an event to be held, a person to be hnutninated for sth, ete or when we recommend improvements tn a The size of the venue is 5) the most important thing/our first 3). ae cen Consideration, ‘The Norwood Hotels function room can JB excellent communication skis, | fry 6) comfortably accommodate 250 people/fit 250 in it, so 7)it believe that he would represent the ‘would therefore be a good optionit's a good choice. 8) Also, it's parehg na fe 5 {got a big dance floor with enough space/Moreover, it contains a sizeable dance floor with adequate space fora live band. Liters Bm As well as being spacious, 9) the food at the hotel is goodithe hotel offers excellent catering services. They are able to provide a buffet with 10) different kinds/a variety of hot and ‘cold food, which would be 11) cheaper/more cost-effective than having a sit-down meal. In addition, soft drinks are included 12) at no extra costfor free, which 13) would definitely be appreciated by the studentsithe students would love. [D> To summarise, | believe that the Norwood Hotel would be 41) a pertect place/an ideal venue for our end-of-term party. 15) 1 would be grateful if you could inform us of your opinion on/Please tell us what you think about this matter 16) as quickly as you can/at your earliest convenience. 17) Best wishes,/Yours sincerely, ‘Megan Turner 48 B] + would be an ideal choice ‘will take my comments into consideration + Lam convinced that + | would highly recommend Allin all, 1). Historical Museum 2) for aur schoo's year educational outing. 3) pga ee —EEEa [E] + would tnd it fascinating + have no doubt + | am writing to nominate it. hope that 1) Mystery Beside the | Thames for the English-language novel ofthe year. tis well written and suspenseful, and 1 2) that your readers 3). EB) Use phrases from the Useful Language box and your own ideas to rewrite the letter below in a formal style. (‘You see this notice in your school newspaper: Teacher of the Year Award | Who do you think is Trenton Secondary School's "Teacher of the Year’? If you want to make nomination, please wnite a letter to the headteacher, Ms Newell In your letter, mention the teacher's qualities and what they've achieved forthe school Write your letter (141 190 words), Hi Ms Newell, | am writing for class 108 to suggest Mr Timpson, our history teacher, for the lil of ‘Teacher of the Year: We believe this is an honour that we should give him. First of all, Mr Timpson's character means he should get the tile. He always makes time to listen to what pupils have to say and he never punishes us for not understanding something, This does not mean, however, that he doesn't want us to work hard. What's more, he sorted out a serious problem for the school, Students had nowhere to exercise indoors, s0 he raiced the money to have the basement converted into an indoor gymnasium. Now students can exercise all year round, whatever the weather. Cleary, Mr Timpson is a great teacher and he should be the Teacher ofthe Year. | hope you will agree with us Best wishes, Dean Monkton ESL Recommending a person + .am writing (on behalf of...) to nominate/put forward ... for +... is an ideal candidate/choice for + makes him/herithe perfect choice (for... + On account of histher/the * | firmly believe he/she deserves + I would (highly) recommend... for the + Thope you will take my/our nomination into consideration, Recommending a place ‘+ Lam writing (on behalf of...) to recommend for +. the ideal place for + firmly believe that «The... is (conveniently located/reasonably priced/within walking distance of ... etc.) + Taking everything into consideration/n summary, . + VWie hope you will consider my/our recommendation. + Please inform me/us of your decision on the WU matter. a a) Read the following rubrics and underline the key words. What are you going to write? Who for? What kind of recommendation does each rubric ask for? What style should you write in? [A] (An organisation that encourages young people to study science gives an annual | "Young Scientist of the Year’ scholarship to school students who excel in the subject. Write an email (140-190 words) to the head of the organisation, Mr Grahams, nominating a classmate of yours for the scholarship and explaining how he/she would benefit from it B] {Your town council have asked local young people to nominate the ‘Top Attraction for Teens’ in your area. Write a letter (140-190 words) to the town council nominating the place in your area that you think is most interesting for teens, and explaining why you | chose it b) Write your letter/email. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the outline on p. 48, 49 fe __weting | Formal Letters/Emails - Asking for/Giving information 50 Replace the informal phrases in bold with more formal ones in the list. ‘+ Thank you in advance for your assist ‘I would be grateful t you could provide me with some further details * | am writing with regards to ‘+ Lam interested in applying for a place on one of your courses * | would appreciate it if you could attach Images * itis stated in your advertisement * | would like to know the exact dates on which they take place + about the teaching staff in the schoo! + Took forward to hearing from you (You have seen an advert for an English summer school | that offers intensive courses in English. You are | interested in taking 2 course. Write an email (140-190 words) to the co-ordinator of the school asking for information on: when the courses are run, the teachers, ‘and what accommodation is offered for foreign students. | Dear Si/Madam, B> 1)! decided to drop you a line about the advertisement you placed in the Logan Times ‘concerning your summer school. 2)1'm seriously | thinking about going on a course, but 3) it'd be | good if you answer a few questions. | > Firstly, 4) your ad says that the courses are four | weeks in duration, but 5) let me know when exactly | they're on. This would be important as | have some | prior commitments during summer. > Also, could you tell me 6) who's going to teach _ the lessons? | expect that the courses are taught by | trained professionals, Finally, could you give me some | detals about the accommodation available to students, from abroad? 7) Id love if you could send on some pictures ofthe accommodation available, | [D> 8) Please get back to me ASAP. 9) Thanks a lot | for all your help. Yours faithful, | Gary Lemon | the rubric, a) Underline the key word: ‘Answer the questions. You work at a gym and have received an email from ‘a member of the public | am interested in becoming a member at the {aym. | would like some information about the gym’s opening hours, the membership fees, and what equipment is provided in the gym. Kind regards, Sam Davies | Write a reply to Mr Davies's email (140-190 words) What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? What should you write about? Whet style should you write in? How many words should you use? b) Write the email giving information using phrases from the Useful Language box. Follow the plan. Useful Language ‘Asking for information Opening remarks + Tam wing to enquire abouvin connection with/with regards to. » would greatly appreciate tif you could provide me with some information/further details on. + it would be Useful tohave information concerning... » Would itbe possible to let me know..7 + tm really interested in finding out + Iwas wondering if whether losing remarks + look forward to hearing from you/receiving + | ould appreciate a response at your earliest convenience, + | would be grateful ifyou could reply as soon as possible (regarding) + Thank you in advance for yout cooperation! assistance/help), « Thank you fr your attention regarding this matter, 1G Giving information Opening remarks Je mvirting in response o your email requesting information on...» lam writing to inform you = Regarding your request for. » The following information may prove useful. + Please find enclosed... « Folowing your recent eteremail Closing remarks + Thope | have been of assistance. » Please do not TE hesitate to contact mefus if you have any further (| aUestions. «Please inform mel if We canbe of Shy further assistance Dear Mr Davies, (Para 1) opening remarks, reason for wniting (Para2) first question with supporting details (Para) other questions wth supporting detalis (Para 4) closing remarks Yours sincerely, (your fullname) Formal Letters/Emails - Making/Accepting/Refusing invitations Ye. s Letters/Emails making/accepting/refusing invitations are formal letters written to @ person in authority (eg. a teacher, the Mayor) relating to a formal event. s We need to sound polite and respectful F | We do not use contracted verb forms, everyday vocabulary or colloquial, everyday phrases. Outline for formal '2 formal the reason for ‘give further details ofthe closing Yours sincerely, resting wing, mention the eventihank the person for remarks (your full eg. Dear event and where! _the invitation/give reason name) | MrSmith, when it takes place/ for refusa/mention feelings acceptrefuse ‘about attending invitation a) Underline the key words in the rubrics. What are you going to write? Who for? What should you write about? [EE] (eam seochar has naked polls wrtara lair oF | present prizes at your schools sports day on | 21st March. Write your letter (140-190 words) ‘You have received an invitation from Mr Franks, the manager of an animal shelter which you | “volunteer for, to attend a charity event on 7th “June which he is organising to raise funds for the shelter. Write an email (140-190 words) refusing the invitation giving reazons. (‘You have received an invitation from your] neighbours, Mr and Mis Franks, to attend their son's graduation party. Write a letter (140-190 words) accepting the invitation and expressing your feelings about the event. 'b) Which rubric (A-C) does the model below match? Dear Mr Franks, 1) Iwas glad to receive your invitation to attend the charity event on 7th June feel quite honoured to have been on the invitation lst. 2) Unfortunately, | will be unable to attend the event. | have a prior engagement on that day. The football team in which | ‘am a member has an important match on that date. Te match takes place in Manchester which means | wil be unable to return in time to attend, Otherwise, | would surely be there. | am sure it wll be a great occasion 3) Once again, thank you for the kind invitation. | hope the event is suocessful and that a huge amount of money is raised for the shelter. Let me know i | can be of assistance somehow, | would lke to donate £100. kindy send me details who to send my donation to, Yours sincerely, Tilda Francis 2 Si EE oo srs/emails making/accepting/refusing invitations: ©) Replace the phrases in bold with other ones from the Useful Language box. Useful Language Opening remarks +1 was delighted to receive your invitation + Thank you for your kind invitation to + 1am very grateful for your invitation to Inviting +I wish to invite you to attend + Tewould bring me great pleasure if you could attend + itis with (great) pleasure that | invite you to attend +I would Ike to Invite you to attend + tt would be an honour to have you as a guest at Accepting + 1am pleased/happy to accept your invitation to + tt gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation + tt will be my pleasure to come to Refusing * Unfortunately | will be unable to .. + I regret to inform you that | will be unable to * 1am afraid that | will be unable to + Please accept my apologles as | will not be able to Closing remarks * Once again, thank you for the kind invitation. If "Please let us know ifyou are attending the event or rot by (date). [+ Hoping for your presence on that day + Please respond promptly. BR Choose one of the other rubrics and write your letter/email. Follow the plan above. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Writing 51 Pai Formal Letters - Letters to the editor Le 52 \\\ W ___ Letters to the editor of a magazine or a newspaper are formal letters we send to a publication about issues concerning the readers (usually following the pul ion of an articleynews report on the topic). We ‘can express the pros and cons of a topic, give our opinion or discuss a problem and suggest solutions. For & Against a @) Underline the key words in the rubric. Read the letter and replace the topic sentences with other appropriate ones. The Evening News More people choosing to live in apartments than houses 'A recent report from the City Council shows that there has been a significant reduction in the number lof houses being builtin Trenton. The report suggests that this is because more and more people are [choosing to live in blocks of fats instead. Isit better to lve ina house or in a block of fats? Write a letter to the editor explaining your view. List the advantages and disadvantages, giving specific reasons and examples Dear Exitor, |lam writing regarding the article in Thursday's edition of The Evening News concerning the number of people in Trenton who are choosing to lve in apartments. There are Points to be made both for and agaist this choice. Clearly, there are some advantages to living in a flat. 1) In the first place, lvng in fat is usually more secure. 2) For Instance, in a block of flats there is always someone ‘around, and your front door is not accessible from the street. 3) As a result, people in flats are less likely to be burgled. 4) Secondly, the maintenance costs are usually low in flats. For example, people in fats share the same plumbing and electricity systems with the rest of the building, 5) Therefore, if something goes wrong, you do not need to pay for repairs by yourset ©) However, there are some disadvantages to consider. 7)To start with, flats may not be good environments for children. For instance, flats do not have gardens for children to playin, 8) Consequently, children in flats are less likely to get enough exercise. 9) Furthermore, fats can be very noisy. 10) For example, you may be able to hear your neighbours easly. 11) This ‘means that you may have dificity sleeping, 12) Allin al, while living in a fais not perfec, the securty it bringe and the money you seve on maintenance make it worth the drawbacks. | believe its an excellent choice and completely understand why citizens of ‘Trenton are choosing flats over houses. Yours faithfully, Leonard Hughes ) Replace the linkers in bold with suitable alternatives from the Useful Language box. DS TET Introducing points * In the frst place + To start/begin with + Firstly “First (of all) « For one thing ‘Adding points ‘Furthermore + In addition * Additionally * Whatis more + Moreover * Second * Secondly Introducing the opposite point of view * However * On the other hand * At the same time * That being said + Then again Introducing examples * For example, For instance, etc Introducing results ‘sAsaresult, + Consequently, + Therefore, Expressing opinion + In my view, # The way Isee .. Concluding ‘In conclusion + In short « Allin all « To sum up ‘To conclude * All things considered + Taking everything into account | beieve/feel (that) ) Underline the key words in the rubric. ‘What are you going to write? What style should you write in? You read an article in Monday's edition of Halsford Express about the popularity of package holidays and have decided to write a letter to the editor (140-190 words) discussing the pros and cons of this issue. 'b) Match the pros and cons to the examples and results. Then write your letter. Follow the plan. ‘more convenient does not allow flexibility ‘can know detailed information of holiday usually in busy holiday resorts [21] Mlights, accommodation, meals pre-booke less stress while on holiday crowded places where only tourists stay; don't experience true culture of place brochures with photos, etc; less chance of disappointment [a] _] Paid for accommodation, ete already; not possible explore without losing money as | weting eer Dear Editor, (Para 1) reason for writing, state the topic (Para 2) _ arguments for & justifications/examples/results (Para 3) arguments against & justifications/ examples/results (Para 4) summarise all the points, state your opinion Yours faithfully, ‘(your full name) Opinion a a) Underline the key words in the rubric, then read the model letter. his is an excerpt from an article you read in a local English-language newspaper. ‘Yesterday afternoon, the Mayor of Brentford, ‘Adam Potts, announced plans to close the town’s library. Potts claims that the library's closure would. | save the town a lot of money that could be better | spent elsewhere. As Potts said, “In the digital age, | fewer people are reading books in paper format, so | don’t see the point in keeping this facility open, White a letter to the editor of the newspaper giving your thoughts on the topic. eae Sir/Madam, | am writing with regard to Mayor Pots’ plan to close the town library. 1) L strongly disagree with tis proposal and believe it il have a negative efect on the town, 2) Inthe first place, the closure ofthe library would deny people the opportunity to read a variety of books. For example, many people from lower class backgrounds simply dont have the income to buy their own books. 3) AS a result ofthe library losing, they would be less likely to read, and their education would sufer 4) Secondly, closing the library would deny students a quiet place to study. For example, many students from big families with busy home environments come to the library to read in peace. If we closed the library, these ‘students would struggle to prepare for their exams. 5) To sum up, 6) Lam totally opposed to Mayor Pots proposal to close the town library as | believe it will be very damaging to Brentford denying citizens access toa variety ‘of books and a quiet space to study. Consequently, | hope that the Mayor wil reconsider his plan Yours faithfully, Laura Rodgers 'b) Replace the underlined words/phrases in the letter with synonymous words/phrases from the Useful Language box. Beginning + 1am writing to expressigive my opinion on * am writing with regard to fin connection to Expressing opinion * 1 (do not) feeV/believerthink ... + in my opinion, * | am (totally/completely) opposed tovin favour of +I (strongly) agree/disagree with Listing viewpoints ‘Firstly, * Moreover, « In addition, + Furthermore, Introducing reasons/examples ‘For example,/For instance, * such as In particular, + because/as/since + In this way, Introducing results Therefore, + Asa resuit, + Consequently wy Concluding *To sum up, * Allin all, * In conclusion, Read the rubric and underline the key words. What are you going to write? Who (0? What style should you write In? This is an excerpt from an arti you read in @ local English-language newspaper. eee Ss Due to an increase in muggings, the town councl has decided to install CCTV cameras at spots around the town centre. While most people welcome the decision, some have voiced concems about privacy issues Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper (140-190 words) expressing your opinion, Match the viewpoints (1-4) to the reasons (a-d) and results (i-iv), Then write your letter. [LT invades people's privacy 2I helps identify criminals [311 aleters people from commiting crimes [411 Jost of running CCTV cameras expensive to install, need employ ufficers to monitor Police view physical appearance of criminals criminals see cameras throughout town citizens recorded without being aware i money wasted, better spent on police patrols {i less likely to risk committing crime in that area lii_use as evidence against criminals in court iv footage of people could be used without permission ply Dear Editor, (Para 1) reason for writing, state the topic & your opinion (Para) first viewpoint with examples/reasonsiresults (Para 3)_second viewpoint wth examplesiteasons/resuls (Para 4) summarise all the points & restate your opinion Yours fatty (your full name) 53 aooe a weiting | ee 54 [Solutions to problems] problems Underline the key words in the rubric, then read the model letter and replace the words/phrases in bold with words/phrases from the Useful Language box. This is an excerpt from an article you read in a local English-language newspaper ‘According to figures, the town is attracting fewer visitors, o the council has agreed to spend £50,000 in order to attract more tourists. Exactly how the money ‘willbe spent will be discussed at future meetings, Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper making, suggestions on how the money should be spent. Dear Sir/Madam, |lam writing to make suggestions concerning the money the town council plans to spend to attract more tourists, Increased tourism would help the town considerably, so We need to spend this money wisely. ‘One suggestion could be to advertise the town as a tourist destination. For example, the money could be spent to place advertisements in national newspapers. By doing this, more people would consider our town as a destination, Another suggestion would be to make Trenton a cheap destination for holidaymakers. For instance, the town council could use the money to subsidise hotels and restaurants, so that they could offer cheaper services. Consequently, tourists on a tight budget would be more likely to visit our town. In summary, | think that advertising the town and making it a cheap holiday destination would be effective ways to attract tourists to the area. | hope that the local council takes these ideas into consideration, Yours faithfully, Terry Golding a Read the rubric and answer the questions. This isan excerpt from an article you read in a local_| English-language newspaper. [A report has shown that the citizens of Winchester recycle less than any other town in England. Mayor ‘Adam North said that he would soon be introducing a scheme that would attempt to increase recycling} in the town. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper giving erate eee a Seem | Who is going to read your letter? What is the reason for writing the letter? What style should you use? How many paragraphs should you include? Match the suggestions (1 and 2) to the ‘examples (a and b) and expected results (iand ii). [EIT send eatets about reeling o each household [ [| provide more recycling bins 4 install recycling bins in each residential street, ive information about how to recycle i. citizens put rubbish in correct bins li convenient for citizens to recycle Use the ideas in Ex. 8 and words/phrases in the Useful Language box to write your letter. Follow the plan. ESTP Stating the problem + Evidently * Clearly » It seems that » Recently Stating need for action + itismecessary that. * Action must be taken .. + Something must be done + Steps/Measures should belmust be /need to be taken Solutions/Suggestions * A possible solution is + One/Another way to solve this problem + One/Another solution would be to To introduce expected results/examples IE « By doing this... « This way... * Consequently, Uf + Asa result. Therefore, .. » In particular + The effectconsequence/outcome would be that * This would mean that ..* For examplefinstance Concluding + In summary, #In conclusion, « To sum up, Expressing an opinion (U+ inmy opinion/view, + | beleverthink/fee! (that) + It seems to mets obvious (that) Dear Ector, ee (Para 1) reason for writing, state the topic & your opinion (Para) frst viewpoint with examplesireasons/results (Para 3) second viewpoint with examplesieastrishesuls (Para 4) summarise all the points & restate your opinion Yours faithfully, (your fullname) WW Articles Writing " ee ®& Articles are pieces of writing usually published in a newspaper, magazine, leaflet or on the Internet. The style depends on the intended reader, but articles often have a semi-formal style and a friendly or neutral, tone. = The main purpose of an article is usually to express an opinion or to describe a person/ place/event or experience. = However, it may also have an added purpose such as to provide formation, make a suggestion, give advice or recommend something. Therefore, articles require the use of narrative, descriptive and argumentative techniques, depending on the purpose. | Outline for articles) REE introduce the topic develop the topic develop the topic "summarise all the points & make final comments Ji ule Introductions & Conclusions Opening and closing paragraphs need to use techniques that draw the reader in to read more of our article (introduction) and leave the reader satisfied and/or leave them with something to think about (conclusion). “These techniques include: ‘+ offering a general thought or objective statement e.g. Today, it's the clever people behind the scenes that ‘make a television show successful, rather than the actors themselves. + addressing the reader directly e.g. Can you imagine ...? Have you ever ..? *+ using a quotation e.g. As Theodore Roosevelt said “Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but ‘great actions speak to all mankind.'” ‘+ asking a rhetorical question e.g, Wouldn't we all prefer to lve in a world without pollution? a Look at the paragraphs A-D. Which are: introductions? conclusions? What techniques have been used Can you imagine throwing a handful of powder in someone's face? It may sound unusual, but it’s what you would expect to encounter during Holi, the festival of colour in India each? (On the whole, Rome isa delightful city with alt to offer. Whether you want to go sightseeing, shopping or just experience the exciting nightlife, Rome can salisty your interests, | recommend tas the perfect holiday destination to suit all tastes and budgets Thelieve William Saroyan described it best when he said Allin all, | believe Luis Figois admirable not only for his career a football star, but also for his ‘charitable work for those in eed. f only all great athletes ‘were such excellent role models! “No city invites the heart to come to life as San Francisco oes”. San Francisco is certainly that: an exciting city where once you have arrived, ‘you never want to leave, 55 56 Writing a) Read the rubrics. Which asks you to: explain and suggest? describe and explain? (You see this notice in an | international magazine. + Whats your favourite | hobby? | + Why do you enjoy doing it? + What advice would you give to someone starting it? We will publish the best article | . and give the writer £2 Write your article (140-190 words). (‘You see this notice in an | international magazine. + What isthe best festival you hhave ever been 10? + What was so special about it? Write an article answering these ‘questions. The best one will receive two tickets for the festival of your choice. Write your article (140-190 words) b) Read the models and match them to the rubrics. What plan does each follow? Replace the underlined sentences in Model 1 with other appropriate ones. Read the Model 2 and replace the adjectives in bold with adjectives from the list. ‘+ numerous * entertaining ‘+ most popular + impressive * bustling + amazing * spectacular * incredible + unforgettable Which techniques have been used in the opening and losing paragraphs in the models in Ex. 2b? Write alternative opening/closing paragraphs for each model using a different technique. Although cameras can be expensive, the pleasure of teking the perfect photograph makes it a worthwhile investment. Thee is nothing | enjoy more than capturing a moment in time. This is why photography ismy favourite hobby. There ate_a-number of reasons why | snioy_photogranhy. To begin with, photographs are ike memories. They capture moments in my ife that | can Took back upon and smile about Furthermore, photography helps me to appreciate the world around me. In particular, wildlife photography has given me a newfound fondness fr nature. Ifyou ate interested in taking up ph should take in consideration a few things. The best advice | can give you would be to invest ina high quality camera i would aso be a good idea to enrol ina photography couse. This wil help you to become familar with your camera and learn to take great photographs. To my mind, there is no better hobby than photography. After all, as David Bailey said, Photography isthe means by which we lam to see the ordinary” EP What is the best festival that you have ever been to? Last year, | went to the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh and had the time of my life! The Fringe takes place annually in August and lasts for 25 days. Itis the 1) biggest arts festival in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year. The festival is a celebration of performance at, in particular comedy and theatre. However, there are also 2) good. dance and music acts to entertain the 3) big crowds. ‘The best thing about the Fringe was the 4) big number of things to see. It hosted more than 2,500 performances in 275 venues located across the city. During my time there, | watched dozens of '5) good shows, the best of which was ‘jump!’ -a 6) good dance act inspired by martial arts. Then to top it all of, the festival ended with a 7) nice display of fireworks above the 8) nice Edinburgh Castle. Allin all, the Fringe Festival was a 9) nice experience that | would highly reeammend to anyone. With so much to see and do, who could possibly get bored there? ‘An article should have a title which summarises the main topic in an interesting way. The title should be eye-catching because its purpose is to attract the reader's attention. Titles should be short and contain key words. a a) Read the titles. Which title best matches each article below? Give reasons. A. Reading Trends B My Town is Perfect © AGreat Place to Live D Books to Read E How you Can Keep in Shape & Get Fit F The Need to Stay Fit [7] You see this announcement in an international magazine: if you could live ‘anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live and why? The best article will be published In next montis issue of the magazine. [21 Jan international finess magazine Fas asked its readers for articles about the importance of keeping In. shape What acvice would jou give someone who wanted to get fit? The best article wal win £200, '3]_] Your school magazine has asked for articles from students on the topic of reading, They want students to write about what kind of books they like to read and why, and say why reading is important to them, b) Suggest an appropriate title for each article in Ex. 2. (ei Writing _ Articles a) Read the rubrics, underline the key words and answer the questions. [A]| You see this announcement in a sports magazine Simply the Bese We're looking for articles about famous athletes that have made contribution co sport. Give reasons for why you admire chem. ‘The writer of the bes article will receive tickets for the World Cup Final! Write your article (140-190 words). You see this notice on your school noticeboard, ‘What is your most memorable holiday? | Explain what happened and why it was so memorable. The best article will appear in the school magazine. | Wte your article (140-190 words) You see this announcement in a film magazine. Comedy, Action or Romance? ___ Which type of film do you prefer and why? | Write us an article telling us what you think. The best article will receive £150, ‘Write your article (140-190 words). 1 What type of article is each asking for? Who for? 2 What can you write about? b) Now write your articles. Use any of the techniques mentioned on p. 55 to start/end the article. Give each an interesting title. Follow the outline on p. 55. Use the following checklist to evaluate your pieces of writing. Checklist When you finish your article, check it forthe following ‘+ Are all the points in the rubric covered? *+ Does the article have an interesting title that summarises the main topic in an interesting way? * Is the article divided into paragraphs? * What techniques have been used in the opening/closing paragraphs? * Isthe style appropriate? ‘+ Has a wide range of vocabulary been used? + Are there any grammar/structural mistakes? 57 jo wetng| | aad 58 Gz |® A review is a short description of a book, film, play, website, magazine, concert, game, TV programme, shop etc. Its written to inform readers and to give them our opinion/recommendation. Reviews can be formal or informal, depending on the target audience and the publication. e.g. If we write for a lighthearted magazine such as a school magazine, we use informal style. li They can appear as articles in ‘magazines/newspapers or as part of a letter/email. & The introduction should contain some background information about the book, film, play, book etc (i.e the name of the author/director, type, setting, name of ‘main characters ete). & The mai ‘body normally consists of two paragraphs: one about the main points of the plot of the film, book etc we are reviewing in chronological order; the other contains general comments on ‘the plot, main characters, acting, directing etc. We should never reveal the end of the story to the reader. ‘The conclusion contains our personal opinion and whether we recommend the film, book etc or not to the readers. We should justify our opinion with reasons. ® Present tenses are mainly used to describe the plot. ‘We can use a variety of adjectives to make our review more interesting to the reader. Outline for reviews | ‘ARTICLE: background main points of plot general “ARTICLE: information (00k, film, play ‘comments personal opinion with LETTER/EMAIL: game), regular reasons; recommendation opening remarks; ee LETTER/EMAIL: reason from writing: your opinion with reasons; background recommendation; closing information remarks a) Read the rubric and underline the key words. (You see this notice in the library of your English-language school Reviews wanted English language magazines ‘We would like students to send in reviews of an English-language magazine they have read so that we ‘can decide on the best magazines to buy subscriptions of for the library "Your review should include information. ‘about the type of magazine, what regular features it has and the quality ofits articles and graphics. Write your review (140-190 word: b) Read the review. What is each paragraph about? Complete the plan. ©) Which adjectives does the writer use to describe: the film magazine? editor? feature? ‘graphics? photographs? D> iri a Bish fim mageane that =) was frst pubshed in 1969. iis the biggest | / selling film magazine in Britain and is also |_ distrbved internationally s curent editor is Mark Dinning and itis released monthly \ BD Most of the magazine consists of >) reviews ofthe latest fims as well as previews of flms that are coming out in the near | | future. One regular feature ofthe magazine is Classic Scene in which the transcript of famous film scene fs printed. Empire is also Para famous for its ‘Pint of Mik’ feature in which J film stars are asked unusual questions about everyday ie > wnat | find most impressive about Empire is the qualty of its articles. The magazine is @ joy to read, and its articles include the rght mix of humour and analysis. Also, the magazine has very impressive graphics. Superb photographs of flm scenes and sets realy give you an Insight into the fims being reviewed. D> Alina would igh rocommond thie magazine. Its an entertaining read that wil tell you everything you need to know about the fim industry today tt (Parag Choose the correct word. 1. The film had an impressive cast/seript with lots of recognisable names. 2 The Motorcycle Diaries is a wondertul fim based on/set in the lite of Che Guevara. 3 The album reached/became number one in the UK char. 4 The novel isnt well-writen, but it has an interesting twistscript at the end. 5 I cant wait lo see Spielberg's latest fm. t's sure to be a hitilop! {6 Robert Pattinson tells the story/plays the part of Edward Cullen in the Twilight films. 7 My favourite section/chapter of this ‘magazine Is their reviews of latest films. 8 The story has such a dull/ tragic end that you won't stop crying Read the model and choose the correct words. Dear Timmy, BD Thanks for your email. You asked me about my favourite film. Well, without a doubt, its Godzilla This American science-fiction monster film was directed by Gareth Edwards and came out in 2014, > Godlzita is 1) basediput on a film of the same fname thet was 2) released/published in Japan in 1954, This film, though, is 3) directed/set in the modern day. The 4) main/star character is Ford Brady who is 5) played/acted by Aaron Taylor- Johnson. The 6) plot/scene focuses on Ford's attempt to find out how a nuclear plant was mysteriously destroyed in Japan. He discovers a terrible threat to humanity that has been hidden for ‘generations BD What | liked best about this film was its 7) ‘unimaginative/ amazing special effects. The monsters looked remarkably 8) realfrue, even though they were Created by computer graphics. Also, the cast is 9) excellentdramatic, with Taylordohnson giving a 10) 4great/high performance. > Goszilla is a film 11) impressive/well worth watching, especially it youre a scifi 12) fan/ spectator. You'll be glad to have It as part of your DVD library! All the best, ‘Adam a a) Underline the key words in the rubric, then read the model and match the paragraphs (1-4) to the headings. ( You see this advert in an English fashion magazine | Reviews wanted [D> Kendra’s Fashions isa clothes shop in Kent, England. Itis located in Henry Steet, close tothe citys main square. It was founded in 1958 by the late Kendra Oakley, and is now run by her daughter, Grace. It is one of the most popular shopping spots inthe city > The shop is very spacious and has two floors. The ‘second floor is for men’s fashions while the ground floor is for women's. As its slogan ‘Something for Everyone’ suggests, Kendra’s Fashions prides itself on having a wide selection of affordable clothes for both men and women of every age and taste, B> The shop has always been particularly popular with teenagers and is famous for stocking clothes that match the latest teen trends. The most impressive feature of the shop, though, isis staf. The salespeople ae alvays kind and help ‘and never make customers feel pressured to buy an item. > | thoroughly recommended Kendra’s Fashions to teenagers on a tight budget who want fo keep up to date With the latest fashion trends. t might not have the variety of clothes superstores, bul ts careful selection of clothes and helpful staf make itthe prefect shopping destination. ‘The World's Best Clothes Shops We want to write an article about the best clothes shops around the globe and need your help. We are looking for reviews of clothes shop, | where you live. Your review should include information about the shop's layout, staff and| ‘what kind of clothes it sells, The ten best reviews \will receive @ £100 voucher! Write your review (140-190 words). [A]_] shop description [BE recommendation [ET] background information onthe shop [DT general comments b) Answer the questions. 1. What adjectives does the writer use to describe the shop's: layout, clothes, staff? 2 What phrase does the writer use to recommend the shop? 3. Rewrite the text to give a negative review of the shop, What phrase could you use in the Conclusion to give a judgement about the shop instead of a positive recommendation? writing] | Reviews Read the reviews. Which is a review of: a website? a video game? Write an appropriate recommendation for each. 1) !¥ yout having citicuty competing a tricky level of your favourite game, log on to Levelbeater and get the assistance you need. On Levelbeater you can find links to various tips and cheats that will help you complete hundreds of well- known games. And if you can't find the answer to your question, you can leave a question on the forum. Levelbeater has thousands of members from around the world who are continually helping each other to become better gamers, 2) I nterscape, you take on the character Harold Pinsley, a normal everyday accountant who wakes up one day in a strange place with no memory of his past life. You direct Harold through numerous adventures as he tries to find ‘out who he is and why his life has changed so dramatically. The gameplay is excellent with many challonging puzzles to solve, and the life a Hollywood animation. And best of all, nterscape like graphics sometimes look more is available on all modern consoles. IN ieee te ee ————_—_—_————————— eer Cy Background film/book tells the stary of set in... # The film is based on... by was directed by General comments Positive ‘The cast is excellent /The film has a quality cast. * The script is excting/fast moving/clever. + The plot is thriling/aripping/interesting/has an ‘unexpected twist * The special effects are (absolutely) stunning/sensational/amazing, + Itis beautifully written » The costumes are The film/story is very well developed. «It has a(n) unexpected! shocking/predictable ending. Negative * The casts awfuunconvincing. + The scripts dullooring, + The plot is boring/predictable/ unimaginative. + The special effets are unimaginative. «itis badly written. + The costumes are plain. + The character are poorly developediiveak. + The ending ic aisappainting ' | Recommendation i + It’s well worth seeing. + It's bound to be a box- office hit. + I's a highly entertaining read, «It's @ mustsee. *| wouldn't have missed it for the world. + I wouldn't recommend it because. + It isa dreadfully boring/briliantfexcitng read. * Itisa spyladventure/fantasy/sc-fi ete story. + The ‘The film ‘magnificent. * The characters are very convincing/ a a) Read the rubrics (A and B). Underline the key words. Answer the questions. 'A] (You have received an email from your English- speaking pen-friend, | aaa One of my favourite hobbies is playing online games. I'm always looking for new ones to try. What's your favourite online game? Who |, erated it and what's the gameplay ike? Maybe, Id be interested in playing it, too! Write soon, Wendy Write your email (140-190 words). [B] ( You have read this announcement in an Englsh- | language music magazine. | Reviews wanted for music albums. ||in next months issue we plan on creating alist | Jof the Top 50 music albums ever. We need your, | |help to decide which albums are included in the list, 0 send us 6 review of your favourite album. Your review should include information about the band/musican, the type of music on the aloum, and what you find most imoressive aboutit Write your review (140-190 words). 11 What type of review do you have to write? 2 What do you need to include? 3. What language would you use to recommend the online game/music album? b) Write your reviews. Follow the outline (on p. 58. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. Checklist When you have finished your review, check that you have included: * correct grammar, spelling, punctuation + the correct tense(s) & style + background information inthe first paragraph ‘the main points in the second paragraph + general comments in the third paragraph * your opinion with reasons & your recommendation in the conciusion + appropriate opening/closing remarks (letter’email) + avariety of adjectives + allthe points mentioned in the rubric, * not revealing the end Ze '= Reports are formal pieces of writing we write for a perso ‘They normally contain a description of something (e.g. how well a business is performing) and often include our ‘suggestions or recommendations for future action (e.g. how sales could be improved, how to attract more visitors, W Reports authority (e9_« teacher a business manager, et). etc). @ The information in a report is presented in separate sections under appropriate headings. = We normally se present tenses when writing reports, but past tenses can be used for reports related to past events (eg. a ‘report assessing an event that has already been held). & A report usually starts by stating who it is addressed to ‘and what their position is, the writer's full name and his/her position, what itis about and the date. [Outline for report Sines Clearly state the purpose of the report and what it contains. tis entitled Purpose or introduction. oa divided into sections, each with its own sub- heading. Each main body paragraph should present a separate idea. We should use appropriate linking words/phrases to join these ideas and make the information as clear as possible for the reader. ere ae erase ponent ee at Underline the key words in the rubric. Read the report and write the headings (A-C) in the gaps (1-5). { Your work as a secretary in an English-language primary school and have received an email from the headmaster. 22 ai Z We need fo fnd suttable places to bring the students fr field tips, s0| want you to vist Frankin Science Museum Wie 2 report about the museum including information about hings to 9e and do thre its facies and how much admission casts | Write your report (140-180 words). Educational exhibits Introduction A To: Harry Lamont (Headmaster) B © Other features D E From: Deirdre Purcel (Secretary) Subject: Frankin Science Museum Date: 15th September 20_ Recommendation Prices & Booking ‘As requested, the purpose of this report is to describe and assess the suitablity of Franklin Science Museum for educational school trip. 2 1) Firstly, there are over 200 educational exhibits in the museum. Many exhibits ae interactive allowing students to do actual experiments under the supervision of trained assistants, 2) Secondly, the museum has excellent facilities, 3) especially for young students. A science-hemed play area is available for small children while there is also a large git shop, 4) although many items are rather expensive. The museum has a café which serves a variety of refreshments and sandwiches. 4 5) Lastly, the entrance fee is £4.50 for adults and £3.50 per child, For large ‘groups, the museum requires two-weeks’ notice. Discounts are available for school groups, depending on the numberof students who visi 5 6)In conclusion, Frankin Science Museum has a number of fascinating educational exhibits and excellent facilities. 7)! would strongly suggest that the school organises a day trip to this museum. PR Replace the words/phrases in bold in the model report in EX. 1 with other appropriate ones from the Useful Language box. Useful Language Introducing * The purpose ofthis report is to ‘+ As requested, this is my report on Listing points ‘Firstly, Inthe fist place, To begin with, * Secondly, ‘Furthermore, + Finally, «Lastly, Expressing concession + Although/ThoughWhite * Despite the fact that ‘Adding emphasis + especialy/particulrly + in particular Expressing cause/effect + However, * By doing this, we could/would * Doing this would... «In this way + We could ... # Asa result, + Hf we (id this), Expressing opinion + Ibelieve/feel that) + | am convincedi/confident that ‘Making suggestions/recommendations * I strongly recommend + «would be avery suttable for ‘+. would suit the needs of Concluding i * In short, » In conclusion, 7.0" the whole, © To sum up, *Allinal 61 a aie 62 Complete the following sentences with the linkers in the list. Compare with your partner. + un the whole + furthermore “despite the fact * firstly + in particular 1. The hotel's dining facilities, ‘were very impressive. 2 son that the hotel has excellent facilities, its high room charges make it an unsuitable venue for the convention. 3 . the town hall is an excellent place to host the event. 4 , this candidate has ten year's experience working in the retail industry, , she has worked in a number of different positions. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to make them have a formal style. Make any other necessary changes to the sentences. 1 Visitors should be able to book their tickets online, Visitors should nave the option to bookiof ooking their tickets online (haveloption). 2 | wrote this report to check out whether the Trifle is a good restaurant. ‘The purpose . (assessiquality). 3 Some people call the National Gallery the artistic highlight of Dublin The National Gallery (describe). 4 Everything I've learned makes me think a day trip to Lakeside Gardens is a good idea. Taking everything into consideration, (highly/recommended/taking) 5 The museum has got many interactive exhibits The museum (features/numerous) 6 There are very few vegetarian dishes to ‘choose from The choice (limited). The paragraphs below are written in the wrong style. Replace the phrases in bold with phrases in the list to make the paragraphs more formal. ‘+ are quite reasonable * there is no option * offer such payment options + in contract to @ Membership fees at Pebble Gym 1) aren't so bad and there are special offers for students ‘and pensioners. However, 2)you aren't allowed to pay for membership on a monthly or ‘even hait-yearly basis. This is 3) different from numerous other gyms in the area which 4) allow you to pay like this, + is easily accessible + a wide selection * excellent value for money * is located * there is a lack of options * On weekdays © re cngtsne 1 can be found inthe centre of thay ad 2) te wot ito te get there Dy Wain of bu. The resiaurant has 3 te of ethic Chinese doheo, athough 4) there’ ot much fr vegetarians 5) During the week tere fan at yreavntmenus wikis ¢)a greet eal ‘at present + would appeal * for this reason * consists of + furthermore * interior * to be improved 1)Right now, the shop, which 2)has two floors, mainly sells academic books and adult fiction. 3) Because of this, there are not many books that 4) are interesting to children or ‘teenagers. 5) Another thing is the 6) inside of the shop as well as its window display are quite unattractive. These features certainly need 7) work to bring in more customers. a Rewrite the extracts in the correct style. 1. You can find Sunnydale Sports Centre just outside Trenton. You need a car to get there because there aren't any bus stops around. But there aren't a lot of parking spaces outside the sports centre so you might have to park in the street. 2 | think that Ailwee Caves is a OK for the | ‘school's end-of-year trip. It's a bit far away, but you've got to say that i's cheap, and the | kids will learn a fot from it. Underline the key words in the rubrics a) Read the rubric, Then read the comments (A & 8) and answer the questions. and complete the table, 9 You are the head librarian in a college library. You completed a summer course ina language school have received an email from the dean of the college in England, The owner of the tour guide company | you work for has asked you to write a report to see | ‘You work as a tour guide and have recently to attend. Write your report (140-190 words) commenting on the school's facilities, the teaching staff and the cast. ‘Some teachers are impatient with struggling students, ‘There were interactive The faas de not include the cost ‘of accommodation and meals. ‘whiteboards in each Special deals are available for groups and families. All the teach are fully qualified with b) Now write your report (140-190 words) Using the following heading: Staff, Exhibits, Purpose, Recommendation. ithe school would be suitable for other employees Gp You are the assistant coach for a football cub in siraie neg a seh qualifications and qualities. ‘Write your report (740-180 words) ‘your town. You have received an email from the Chairperson of the club. mena oc crerancte ‘Write your report (140-190 words). 1 Who are you and who is going to read your report? 2 What is the purpose of the report? 3. How many main body paragraphs will your report have? 4 What headings can you use? 5 What style should you write in? a ‘Write your reports. Follow the outline on p.61. Checklist When you finish your piece of writing cheok it for: * appropriate introduction ofthe topic (stating purpose and content clearly). * use of subheadings to introduce each part of the report. * appropriate formal style. *+ appropriate use of formal linkers * spelling/grammar punctuation mistakes. * correct word length, * appropriate conclusion (summarising all the points & including your recommendation/opnion). es 63

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