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Dr. Zienab halem

Faculty of
pharmacy SCU
 Painful cramping in the lower abdomen just
before or during the menses .
 More than 50 % of women who menstruate
have some pain for 1 – 2 days each month .
 Divided into :

- Primary : absence of pelvic pathology .

- Secondry : resulting from pelvic pathology .


 Most common in teens & early twenties .

 Become less painful as they get older

 Lasts 12 – 24 hrs but some cases lasts 2 – 3

 Symptoms :

Cramping radiation down into the thighs and

backache , GIT syndrome , headache .

 Non – pharmacological
1- heat therapy
2- dietary and vitamins
Vitamin B 1
vitamin E , Vit. B6 ,
Magnesium , omega 3 , ginger .
 Pharmacological
Most effective when therapy started before the onset of
menstrual pain & flow .

Mefenamic acid is the first choice

500 mg twice daily
 2- oral contraceptives

Block monthly ovulation & decrease menstrual

flow .
Relieve symptoms by decrease PGs production in
the late luteal phase .

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