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Ready for CAE Revision 1

Choose the best word for the spaces below.

1. I was actually quite weepy / anxious / apprehensive of the exam results but they turned
out to be fine.
2. We were all elated / overjoyed / thrilled by the magician's performance.
3. His strange behaviour left us absolutely impeccable/perplexed/escalated.
4. At last he was able to fulfil / acquire / gain a long-life ambition.
5. There seemed to be a lot of nerves / tension / edge between the competitors.
6. They're too good. We don't hold / keep / stand a chance to win the game.
7. His clever plan signified/backfired/daunted and he ended up worse off than he’d been
8. The album enjoyed/achieved/realized an overnight success and got to the top in the
9. They’re serving some slight/small/light refreshments in the lounge area.
10. Before using the cream you should read the exposure/application/requirement note to
find out how exactly you can use it.

Transform the sentences using the keywords given. You can use between 2 and 5 words.
1. It's possible she didn't catch the train. missed
She _______________________________________________ the train.
2. He's bound to win the race. likely
He ________________________________________________ the race.
3. They'll most probably give her the sack. strong
There __________________________________________ that she'll be given the sack.
4. It's possible they won't be willing to speak to us. might
They ________________________________________ to speak to us.
5. She might turn up at the party, but it's not very likely. chance
There's __________________________________________ she'll turn up at the party.

Write in the missing prepositions.

1 The local community will certainly benefit __________ the new project.
2 We met ________ by complete coincidence – it was really unexpected.
3 It’s a good idea to take vitamins in the winter to ward _____________ the flu.
4 I hope I’ll rise __________ the challenge and deal with the new responsibilities as well as
5 Unfortunately, my attempts to persuade her to go out with me met ___________ complete

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