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Singing Songs

for the World

Social Function
To entertain, to understand and to express the message of the song and
appreciate song as work art.

Note :
Song are aimed at entertaining the listeners. However, they are also the artists
medium for expressing their feelings. Sometimes morals are hidden in the lyrics.
The language features of a song are as follows :
1. Imagenary, used to describe feelings and emotions.
2. Rhytm, used to create mood.
3. Figure of speech.
Song Title
Song titles are essential to remind people of the songs. That’s why listeners often hear the title
repeated in the lyrics. Besides matching the title with the lyrics, it also makes the title more
Verse (The part that tells a story)
A verse is a group of lines of words telling a story that the singer wants to convey, and it also
directs the listeners to the message of the song. Hence, the length of verses can varybased on the
message to be conveyed.
Refrain (The part that is repeated)
A refrain is words repeated at the end of each verse which can also become the title of the song.
Chorus (The part that is repeated)
A chorus is lyrics of a song repeated several times with a distictive rhythm so that listeners easily
remember this part. Songs reveal the theme of the song in their chorus and the song titles are
repeated here.
Lyrics (The words of song)
Coda (The closing)
Coda means ‘tail’ in Italian and, as a tail, this part is an additional element to add a good ending to
the song. However, not all songs have coda in their lyrics.
• Refrains and choruses have lines that are
• Refrains and choruses may contain the title.
• Refrains are shorter than choruses.
• Refrains are often composed of 2 lines, while
the chorus can be made up of several lines.
• A chorus is also melodically, rythmically, and
lyrically different from the verse and it
expresses the main message of the song.
Find the structures of the ‘We Are the World’ lyrics. Then, analyse and complete the
following table.
‘We are the World’ is a single recorded by the super group “USA for Africa” for
charity in 1985. Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, the sales of the
charity jingle, which was produced by Quincy Jones and Michael Omartianfor the
album We are the World, achieved than 20 million copies, which was terrific.


Consist of

Song Lyrics Personification



Song Lyrics
There are so much happiness and sadness can we show in the world. There are some
standard ways of showing our feeling such as we can laugh to show our happiness and
cry to show our sadness. But there is a special thing which we can do to show anythng by
singing. There will be a song which can show what feeling which we feel. There is a
definition of song which we have to know first. What is song actually? And why can it
show our feeling?

Song is a piece of music with words that is sung. Actually, song has a relationship to music
because it will always be used to show someone’s feeling in every moment. Because of
the reason, we have to understand what the meaning of a song if we want to show our
feeling by it. Actually there are so many ways to understand about the meaning of a song.
There are five ways that we have to follow about the song.

● What does the instrumentation tell us about the song?

The instruments usually has a tempo and rhythm. The tempo and rhythm actually can
compose the mood of the song. There will be some feeling such as happy, cheer, sad, and et
cetera. So that, we can conclude that the soft instrument usually shows about love and
sadness and the fast instrument usually shows about happiness, angry and also cheers.

● What do the vocals and lyrics tell us about the song?

It means that lyrics usually contain about a deep message. There will be descrption about the
soul of the song and what actually the song composes wants to show about happiness or

● Who is the target market for the song? What values do the lyrics contain?
The target market usually can show what song is for. If there is for children usually will show
the cherrfullness and some moral teaching. And if there is a love song for adult, it will show
how to love and it’s impact.
● Make an initial response to the song
It means that we have to response the song by our own judging. What about our feeling
after listening that song and wat message that we can get.

● Share your thoughts with someone else

It means if we have our own judging about the song, we have to share to the pthers. So
that, we can know about the difference or the same feelings and message that they can
get after listening that song.

Beside five ways above, there will be more deep way to analyse a song. It is understanding and
knowing the figurative language that the song uses. There will be a definition about figuratve
language and the kinds of it. In the next point.
Figurative Language
Figurative language is usually used to analyse the deep meaning and it will be beyond the
actual meaning of words. There will be new insight into the subject or object of a song.
There are many types of figurative language. Some include the use of a specific type of
word or word meaning such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole. Beside that,
there are also figurative language which includes unusual constructions or combinations of
words that give a new perspectives on the world such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, and
● Simile
Simile usually uses a comparison between two things of words, such as the word “like
and as”. Example : brave as a lion, coward as chicken, as funny as a barrel of monkeys,
they fought like cats and dogs, like watching grass grow.

● Metaphor
Metaphor usually uses a statement that does not make a sense literally, like “time is a
thief”. It is only for making someone understand the connection.
Example : time is money; you are my sunshine; America is a melting pot; you are a
couch potato; et cetera.
● Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement to
create a strong emotional response.
Example :
1. They ran like greased lighting.
2. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
3. He got tons of money.

● Personification
Personification actually is more about giving human characteristic to inanimate
objects such as animals, things, and ideas. It can gve imagination to the readers. It can
be found in children’s books, poetry and fiction book. Example :
1. The radio stops singing and smiling to me.
2. Opportunity knocked on your door.
3. The sun warmed me this morning.
4. The moon speaks to the stars.
● Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is using words that can sound like their meanings. They add fun and reality,
such as, beep, whirr, click, whoosh, swish, zap, zing, ping, clang, bong, hum, boom, munch,
gobble, crunch, paw, smash, sham, quack, meow, oink, and tweet.

● Alliteration
Alliteration is composed of the repetition of the first consonant sound in several words.
1. Wide-eyed and wondering while we wait for others to wake.
2. Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bough better butter to make the bitter
butter better.
3. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you.

● Idiom
An idiom is an expression that has a meaning that is only known to a particular group of people.
1. Kick the bucket
2. Raining cats and dogs
3. Green thumb
4. For a song
We Are the World
by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie

There comes a time, when we heed in certain call Send them your heart so they know that someone
When the world must come together as one cares
There are people dying And their lives will be stronger and free
And it’s time to lend a hand to life As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
The greatest gift of all And so we all must lend a helping hand

We can’t go on pretending day by day ‘Repeat chorus.

That someone, somewhere will soon make a change When you’re down and out, thre seems no hope at all
We are all a part of God’s great big family But if you just believe there’s no way we can fall
And the truth you know and Let us realise that a change can only come
Love is all we need When we stand together as one

Chorus : ‘Repeat chorus 2x.

We are the world, we are the children It’s true we make better days just you and me
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true, we’ll make a better day, just you and me
1. Imperative Statement Conjunction +
Send them your heart. There are people dying. There comes a time when
we heed a certain call.
2. Write the main idea from each verse and the refrain of ‘We Are the World’.

Verse 1 Persuasion to pay more attention to unlucky people

Verse 2

Verse 3

Verse 4

3. Write down the morals and your view about the lyrics of ‘We Are the World’.

Morals My View

The writers of the song remind us I think it is

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Listen to a song entitled “I Have a Dream”. Then, choose the best words to complete the lyrics by crossing
out the incorrect words.
I Have a Dream
by Westlife

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me (1. cope / coup) with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy (2. tell / tale)
You can take the future even if you (3. fill / fail)

Refrain : I believe in angels

Something good in everything I (4. see / sea)
I believe in angels
When I know the time is (5. right / write) for me
I’ll cross the (6. scream / stream)
I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me (7. true / through) reality
And my destination makes it (8. word / worth) the (9. wild / while)
Pushing through the darkness still another (10. mild / mile)
Answer these questions based on the previous song.
a. What is the message of the song?
b. Underline the expressions of intention in the lyric.
c. Do you have a dream? Make a list of your dreams here. One has been done for
you as an example.

1) I dream that someday I will have a healthy, happy, and prosperous family.





A. Song
Song is a piece of music with words that is sung. Actually, song has a relationship to music
because it will always be used to show someone’s feeling in every moment. Because of the
reason, we have to understand what the meaning of a song if we want to show our feeling by
it. Actually there are so many ways to understand about the meaning of a song.

B. Kind of Figurative Language

1. Simile
Simile usually uses a comparison between two things of words, such as the word “like and

2. Metaphor
Metaphor usually uses a statement that does not make a sense literally, like “time is a
thief”. It is only for making someone understand the connection.
3. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement to create a strong
emotional response.

4. Personification
Personification actually is more about giving human characteristic to inanimate objects such as animals,
things, and ideas. It can gve imagination to the readers. It can be found in children’s books, poetry and
fiction book. Example : the radio stops singing and smiling to me, opportunity knocked on your door, the
sun warmed me this morning, the moon speaks to the stars.

5. Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is using words that can sound like their meanings. They add fun and reality, such as,
beep, whirr, click, whoosh, swish, zap, zing, ping, clang, bong, hum, boom, munch, gobble, crunch, paw,
smash, sham, quack, meow, oink, and tweet.

6. Alliteration
Alliteration is composed of the repetition of the first consonant sound in several words.

7. Idiom
An idiom is an expression that has a meaning that is only known to a particular group of people.
•We can learn morals from song lyrics.
•Songs belong to arts to be appreciated.
•Song lyrics carry messages.
•Song lyrics consist of verses and a refrain or chorus


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