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As part of the course requirement for EMB 101, students will write an 1800 – 2000-word research paper
on any one of the following:

1. Analysis of the short term and long term impacts of any major event in Bengal from 1757-1971
2. A critical assessment of any historical figure in Bengal from 1757-1971
3. Analysis of a major anti-colonial or anti-feudal popular movement in Bengal (1757-1971)
detailing the causes, the participants, and its successes and failures

The paper needs to be analytical and thoughtful and based on a critical review of relevant material. It
needs to be in the student’s own words. Any statements or phrases from any authors or research material,
must be correctly cited with the title of the paper, the author’s name, and the specific page number. Exact
words must be in quotes. Remember Wikipedia does not constitute an academic resource. Any
plagiarism will lead to an F grade for the paper.

Submission deadlines:
1. Students need to submit the title of their paper and a one paragraph description to their teacher
before 4th November.
2. A first draft is expected by 30th November.
3. The final paper is due on December 19th.

Teachers will be available for any discussions on the paper.

Plagiarism Warning

BRAC University requires students to act in an honest manner. Copying from another
student or copying from published or unpublished or electronic sources without appropriate
citations or quotations is plagiarism. Such dishonest practices will automatically result in
students getting zero marks. Additionally they will be reported to the university authorities
for further disciplinary actions. You should also note that extensive quotation from the same
source, even if properly acknowledged, does not demonstrate your understanding. Such work
cannot receive a high grade.

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