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ITC has recently offered a new product, Nimwash, in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, a 100% natural

action solution made with Neem & Citrus extracts that assures the removal of pesticides and 99.9% germs
from fruits and vegetables. Nimwash is currently offered in two forms: Soak and Spray.

Procedure to use soak:

1. Add 20 mL of soak solution in 1 L water
2. Dip all the vegetables in water for 15 minutes
3. Take them out after 15 minutes and rinse them with clean water

Procedure to use spray:

1. Spray the solution over vegetables
2. Leave it for 1 minute
3. Rinse them with clean water after that

Imagining a family buys vegetable each day and use Nimwash to remove germs and pesticides.
o 1000 mL / 20 mL = 50
o One litre soak solution will last for around 50 days
o 1000 mL solution cost = Rs. 188
o 188/50 = Rs. 3.76

How many families are willing to pay Rs. 3.76 extra to stay healthier? For a year, the total spending is Rs.
1372.4. For a family of 4, this is less than Re. 1 per person.


How much they find it beneficial for health? (On a scale of 1-7, 1 – Not at all, 7 – Very much)
Are they going to use it? (On a scale of 1-7, 1 – No, 4 – Not sure, 7 – Sure)
Why are you going to use it, any advantage?
Why are you not going to use it, any disadvantage?
How important is your health and family health for you? (On a scale of 1-7, 1 – Not at all, 7 – Very much)
[Can be qualitative as well]
How do you rate this product in terms of price? (On a scale of 1-7, 1 – Cheaper, 4 – Worth it. 7 – Costly)
Do you think you would use this product as well in the post COVID scenario?
If COVID wouldn’t have happened, would you use this product?
Is there anything this product could rework on?

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