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Live concert: Vinicio Capossela @Fuori Orario, Taneto, 25 Decembre 2020

Complete the finite capacity schedule of the given project, according to the following data:

− Backward scheduling with respect to the date of the live concert;

− Standard calendar for the project, considering Italian holidays (01 Nov., 08 dec.). The day of the
concert is a working day (quite obvious);
− We can break down the project into the following activities, together with the respective durations
in days (d)

Id Activity name Duration

1 Selecting the location 5d
2 Hiring staff 7d
3 Printing leaflets 5d
4 Last minute details 2d
5 Contracting sales agents 3d
6 Renting musical equipment 3d
7 Rehearsing 2d
8 Preparing transports 3d
9 Installing musical equipment 8d
10 Advertising on local TV and radio 2 d
11 Performing the concert 1d

− Tasks are linked with the following relationships (to keep the example simple, we only consider
Finish to Start relationships):

Activity name Predecessors Delay (working days)

Selecting the location -
Hiring staff 1 3d
Printing leaflets 2
Last minute details 7
Contracting sales agents 1
Renting musical equipment 1
Rehearsing 8
Preparing transports 2
Installing musical equipment 2
Advertising on local TV and radio 2
Performing the concert 3 10 d
5 14 d
10 7d
− Tasks are performed by the following resources:

Name Max. units Standard cost Extra cost Cost/use Allotted Calendar
Marketing 1 € 40,00/h € 60,00/h € 0,00 At start Standard
Technical 1 € 50,00/h € 75,00/h € 40,00 In quotes Standard
Administrative 1 € 30,00/h € 45,00/h € 0,00 In quotes Standard

− Resources are assigned to task sas it follows:

Activity name Resource name

Selecting the location Administrative
Hiring staff Administrative
Printing leaflets Marketing
Last minute details Technical
Contracting sales agents Marketing
Renting musical equipment Technical
Rehearsing Technical
Preparing transports Administrative
Installing musical equipment Technical
Advertising on local TV and radio Marketing
Performing the concert Administrative

Now, please answer to the following questions:

1. What are project’s start and end date, by respecting the maximum capacity of resources?
2. Considering only project costs, what is the weekly project cash flow, according to the data on
resources costs and their allocation in time?
3. What would be the answer to question number 2, if we consider the following cost resources:

Activity name Cost resource

Hiring staff 50,000 €
Renting musical equipment 28,000 €
Advertising on local TV and radio 18,000 €
Performing the concert 150,000 €

4. How will project start and end date change, if we consider Saturdays as standard working days (8

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