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1) It was a first-degree murder case that was very significant because it was seen as unjust with the

execution. Theories surfaced on whether they were the right convicts or if it was simply based on race.

2) The fact that he was a radical was very troubling to many people evaluating the case.

3) Bullets found on Sacco and Vanzetti were the same as used in the crime. A cap was found that was
similar to the one Sacco where to work. Even though the cap was large, others were found in his house
of the same size.

4) It is argued that some of the reason for Sacco and Vanzetti’s conviction was simply due to their radical
and anarchic beliefs. The car was not picked up because they argued it did not have 1920’s license

5) The use of Boda’s car was significant because it put a possible extra person at the hand of the case.
While there was a car abandoned the use of the car in the mechanic shop could have a great impact on
the outcome.

6) He was not going to say he wanted the car, he said he was at work all day which was proved wrong by
his boss.

7) On juror said the bullet was obsolete because they do not exist anymore. I do because if the bullet is
not made anymore, and the same bullet dug out of the victim was possessed by the man convicted, it
seems substantial.

8) After they were found guilty, accusations about anti-Italianism, anti-immigrant, and anti-anarchist
came into factor. In addition there were also protests and bombs set off in New York City against the
result of the case.

9) A Committee of three to review the evidence and the conduct of the trial.  Harvard University
President A. Lawrence Lowell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Samuel W. Stratton, and
retired state probate court judge Robert A. Grant. They found Sacco and Vanzetti guilty of the crime
saying that it was conducted fairly.

10) I think that the bullet and gun being tied directly to Sacco and Vanzetti had a great impact on them
being convicted, as well as their anarchic background which led to them being very controversial in the
eyes of the jury. I do believe they did it because the gun being tied to Vanzetti and the very rare bullets
being tied to Sacco. As well as there where abouts during the crime. Many lies were found which also
proposes a guilt factor, and almost everything led towards there guilty verdict.

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