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Lesson Plan Topic: Earth Science- Weather during the seasons

Title: Sunshine and Rain and Snow Oh my!

Author: Autumn Derr

Grade Level: 1st

Integrated Discipline: Music and Science

Michigan STANDARDS: Make observations at different times of year to relate the amount of

daylight to the time of year.

Objective: The learner will demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of different weather

conditions expected during a particular season by illustrating and labeling pictures of the

different types of clothes they would wear in each season.



- Large white paper

- Crayons, colored pencils markers

- Black pens

Music activities

- Projector

- Internet access

- “Seasons Song”

- Paper

- Pencil

- Recording for: A Book of Seasons

Anticipatory Set

To begin this lesson ask the class, “How many of you wore a bathing suit yesterday? Why or

why not?” After a few students answer the question have another students describe what they did

wear and why they chose that. Sunshine and Rain and Snow Oh my, is a lesson that will enhance

further understanding of weather during the seasons. This lesson is perfect for Michigan because

the students will have first hand experience with the four season throughout the year. This plan

will follow a previous lesson of learning what the four seasons specifically are.


- Weather: the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind,

rain, etc.

- Summer: the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in

the southern hemisphere from December to February.

- Spring: Spring is one of the four conventional temperate seasons, following winter and preceding


- Fall: the third season of the year, when crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall, in the

northern hemisphere from September to November and in the southern hemisphere from March

to May.

- Winter: the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February

and in the southern hemisphere from June to August.

After recalling how we prepared ourselves for yesterday’s weather, let’s talk about my

daily attire during the seasons. During winter I like to bundle up in a heavy coat, long pants, a

sweater and snow boots. During the spring I wear a raincoat, and rainboots. During summer I

wear shorts and a t-shirt with flip flops. Lastly, during the fall I wear a light jacket, jeans and a

sweater. We have summer, spring, fall and winter. Each of them have their own very different

characteristics and have very different temperatures. Summer is hot, spring is warm, fall is a little

cold and a little warm and winter is cold. It is important to know what specific types of clothes to

wear during each season to prepare yourself for the weather conditions outside. The exposure to

the temperatures can be very dangerous so you need to be able to plan accordingly. Let’s read a

story called A Book about Seasons, as we listen to the recording let’s pretend to get dressed in

the appropriate clothes for the season the story is describing.

Guided Practice Activities:

1.) The first activity will be playing the “Seasons Song” for the students. Play the video off

the projector so the students can watch the screen as it is plays all three times. Please

play it one time for them just to hear and engage with the tune. After you play it once

play it a second time, but provide them with a sheet of paper and pencil and have them jot

down words they hear relating to the seasons. Now, play the song a third time and while

it is playing ask the students to stand up and dance/interpret the weather conditions

showed in the video.

2.) The second activity will follow along with the objective. Pass out the large white paper

and marker, crayons and colored pencils to each student (or you can have students help

you pass out the materials). Then have them draw types of clothes they would wear based

off the weather conditions shown in the video played. Have them create an outfit that
they would wear during each season. Once they have finished drawing and coloring their

outfits please ask them to label the clothes as well as the season they would wear it in.


After the students have completed both activities, pass out the assessment. The

assessment will have four images, each one being a picture of the seasons (on one side of the

paper). The second side of the paper will be images of different types of clothing. The students

should then draw a line connecting the appropriate clothing items to the correct season.


- 0: No attempt

- 1: Only one or two matched correctly

- 2: Half are matched correctly

- 3: All are matched correctly


At the end of the lesson I will have the students show the class what type of outfit they

made for ONE season. We will then create a seasons wall and hang up our drawing to keep as a

reminder on how to dress throughout the year.

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