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Italian Style Long Roll

Featured in Season 1 Episode 1: Dear @Sorted Food, This is a REAL Philly Cheesesteak

❑ 1 packet of yeast
❑ 2 tablespoons of sugar
❑ 1 cup of warm water
❑ ½ cup of warm milk
❑ 5 grams of amylase enzyme
❑ 4-5 cups of flour
❑ 2 tablespoons of salt

1. In a bowl, combine the yeast, sugar, water, milk, and the amylase enzyme. Let
this bloom for about 20 - 30 minutes.
2. In a mixer, add in the flour and salt and let that combine. Add in the bloomed
yeast mixture and mix on low for 2 minutes
3. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.
4. Turn your mixer back on low and knead for another 15 minutes.
5. Take the dough out of the mixer and gives it the final knead and shape it into a bowl.
6. Place your dough into an oiled bowl, rise and ferment overnight in the fridge.
7. The next morning, take your dough out of the fridge and divide into 4 pieces and
shape your long rolls.
8. Let your long rolls proof for 1 -2 hours.
9. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and place an oven safe pan into the
10. Add in some ice cubes to help to create steam and a nice color on the bread. Bake
your long rolls for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
White Bread
Featured in Season 1 Episode 2: I Tried Recreating The Popular Indian Street Sandwich at

❑ 3 ½ cups Flour
❑ ⅛ cup of Maple Syrup
❑ 1 tablespoon of Dried Active Yeast
❑ ⅛ cup of Grapeseed Oil
❑ 1 ½ cup of Warm Water
❑ Pinch of Salt

1. Get a big mixing bowl and add in 1 ½ cup of flour, maple syrup, dried
yeast, oil, and warm water into the bowl and mix that together.
2. After mixing, let the mixture activate for 10-15 minutes.
3. Add in the rest of the flour (2 cups) and a little salt to the mixture.
4. Let it rest for 10 minute for the gluten to relax.
5. Floured your kneading surface and knead it for 5 minutes. You should
have a nice supple dough once you are done.
6. Grab a big bowl with a little oil and let the dough sit at room
temperature for 1 -1.5 hours until it doubles in size.
7. Give your rested dough a little pat down after it doubles in size.
8. Take a loaf pan and make it non-stick with some oil.
9. Take your dough out and just rolled it up, put it in the loaf pan to let that
proof for 1 hour.
10.You want your proofed dough overflowing over the sides of the loaf pan.
11.Melt a little butter and brush it on top of your proofed dough so you
get a nice deep rich flavorful crust.
12.Preheat your oven at 350°F and bake it for 30-35 mins.
13.Take out your bread and let it cool off and enjoy!
Milk Bread
Featured in Season 1 Episode 3: The Most Expensive Sandwich I Have Ever Made

❑ ⅓ cup of Bread flour
❑ 1/2 cup of milk
❑ 2 ½ cups of Bread flour
❑ ½ cup Milk
❑ 1 packet or 2 teaspoons of
Dried yeast
❑ ¼ cup of Sugar
❑ 1 Egg
❑ 1 teaspoon of Salt
❑ 4 tablespoons Unsalted Butter

1. For the tangzhong, add 1/3 cup of bread flour & 1/2 cup of milk into the pot and stir
that around on low heat for 5 minutes until it thickens up, almost like a roux. Let it
come down in temp.
2. Activate your yeast; Take a medium-size bowl and add in a little bit of warm milk
(90-100°F), yeast and sugar, then let that activate for 10 minutes until it’s nice and
3. Take a big mixing bowl, add activated yeast, beaten eggs, flour, tangzhong, a little
salt and mix that up until it starts to come together.
4. Take your dough out from the mixing bowl, and put it on the floured surface and
start kneading until it starts to form together.
5. Let the dough sit, let those glutens relax a little bit.
6. After the dough is relaxed, add in some butter. It’s going to be hard to knead
with the butter in at first, but eventually, this will come together. Knead for about
5 minutes.
7. After kneading it, let it rise for about an hour to an hour and a half until it doubles its
8. Start working on your dough; put your dough on floured board and chop that into
multiple pieces. You need about 3 decent-sized pieces for one loaf.
9. Take a loaf pan and spray that down so it doesn’t stick. Put 3 pieces into the pan,
and make sure they have enough space to rise.
10. Let that sit for an hour until it just rises above the edge of the loaf pan while your
oven preheats at 350°F.
11. Beat up an egg with a bit of milk to brush on the dough, so it gets a nice golden crust.
12. BAKE! For 20-30 minutes until bread thermometer reads around 200 to 210°F
Sourdough French Baguette
Featured in Season 1 Episode 4: I Flew a French Guy to Help Perfect This Sandwich...

❑ 500 grams of white flour
❑ 500 grams whole wheat flour
❑ 650 grams of water
❑ 150 grams of Sourdough Starter
❑ 10 grams of salt
❑ Ice Cubes for baking

1. In a bowl, mix together with white flour, whole wheat flour, and enough
water to get about 65% hydration. Let that sit (autolyse process) for at least
45 minutes.
2. After the autolyse process, pour in the sourdough starter and add in some salt.
Mix that all together until it’s nice and incorporated.
3. Start stretch and fold for every 45 minutes for 2 hours to develop the gluten
4. You can perform a stretch test, you can see how at here.
5. After stretch and fold, let the dough rise in the fridge overnight until it
gains about 40-50% mass.
6. Flour the kneading surface. Put the dough on the surface & start dividing into 4
7. Start pre-shaping the divided dough and let it sit for about 30 minutes before
the final shaping.
8. Give the baguettes a final shaping. You can see how that is done here.
9. Proofing hack for baguettes at 10:36
10. Let it proof for about 2 hours until they pass the poke test.
11. Preheat the oven at 500°F, and bake the baguettes. Baking hack, adding some
ice cube on a tray and put it in the bottom because the ice will slowly melt
and release steam which will help with the oven spring and the color on the
12. After 20 minutes, turn the oven down to 450°F and cook for another 20-25
minutes until they are golden brown. Enjoy!
Pita Bread
Featured in Season 1 Episode 5: The Art of Crafting the Perfect Sandwich

❑ 2 teaspoons of dry active yeast
❑ 1 cup of warm water
❑ Drizzle of maple syrup
❑ 3 cups of flour
❑ Drizzle of olive oil
❑ Sprinkle of salt

1. In a large bowl, combine the active dry yeast, warm water, and a drizzle of maple
syrup. Let this proof for about 15 - 20 minutes or until nice and puffy.
2. Then add in your flour, olive oil, and salt. Combine until it start to come to a dough.
3. Take it out of the dough and start kneading it until it comes into a soft and supple
4. Give it a rest to relax the gluten a bit. (about 30 minutes)
5. Then once it has rested, knead it for 5 more minutes.
6. Let this proof for about 1 hour.
7. Once fully proofed, deflate it and cut into small balls. You should get around 12 balls.
8. Roll out each ball to a round flat disk.
9. Meanwhile, oil up a cast iron and place in the oven at the highest temperature that
your oven goes to.
10. Place one of your pita dough onto your pan and bake for 3 minutes.
11. They will puff up (not all pitas puff up perfectly) and you are ready to fill you pita with
tons of delicious toppings!
Sourdough Rye Bread
Featured in Season 1 Episode 7: Montreal Smoked Meat vs. New York Pastrami Sandwich

❑ 100 grams of rye flour
❑ 900 grams of bread flour
❑ 750 grams of water
❑ 150 grams of sourdough starter
❑ Pinch of salt
❑ 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds

1. In a large bowl combine the rye flour, bread flour, and water. Mix until the
water has been absorbed by the flour.
2. Then add in the 150 grams of sourdough starter and pull, shake, and fold.
3. Give it a rest for 30 minutes and then add in your salt and caraway
seeds. Give it another pull and fold and rest for 30 minutes.
4. Continue giving your dough 2 more pull and folds giving the dough 30
minute intervals after each fold.
5. After the last pull and fold let the dough sit for 30 minutes to relax the gluten.
6. Shape the dough into two dough and let them proof in a banneton until it has
doubled in size. This could take anywhere to 4 hours or overnight.
7. Once the rye dough has doubled in size, preheat your oven to 475 degrees
fahrenheit along with a cast iron pot and lid.
8. While everything is preheating go ahead and score your bread.
9. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown!
Cemita Roll
Featured in Season 1 Episode 8: How Is This Mexican Street Sandwich Not More Popular?

❑ 1 packet of Active Dry Yeast
❑ 2 tablespoons of Sugar
❑ 1 cup of Warm Water
❑ 2 Egg + some egg wash
❑ 2 tablespoons of Butter
❑ Pinch of Salt
❑ Flour
❑ Sesame Seeds

1. Activate the yeast -- add dry
yeast, sugar, and warm water into a mixing bowl. Mix them together and let it
activates for 10 minutes.
2. Pour the yeast mixture into a food processor, add in 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of
butter, salt (about 2 tablespoons), 3 cups of flour, and blend that for about 5
minutes. You will get a nice supple and smooth dough.
3. Flour the kneading surface, knead the dough for a little bit until it’s extra smooth
and just
let that rise in an oiled bowl for 1 hour, doubles it size at room temperature.
4. After it doubles it size, pat that down and let it rise again for another hour.
5. Once that’s done, take out your dough and put it on the floured surface. Roll
that out and cut it into a few pieces, and roll those up into balls. Let rest for
about 10 minutes.
6. Rolling out the dough -- position your hand in the chopping position and
ROLL them right in the middle to form 2 sides. Make sure one side is a little
bit smaller than the other, and it looks like 2 balls (but it’s still attached). Pat
them down with your hands, and flip the smaller size on top of the bigger
size. Pat it down flat again. Watch the rolling technique in the video here.
7. Put the dough on the baking sheet with parchment paper, brush them with
egg wash and sprinkle some sesame seeds on the top. Let them sit and rise
for 1 hour.
8. Put them in the oven at 450°F for 15 minutes and you get this nice Cemita roll.
Classic Everything Bagel
Featured in Season 1 Episode 9: The Bagel Sandwich that New York Created

❑ ½ cup of warm water
❑ 1 packet of yeast
❑ 1 tablespoon of sugar
❑ 8 cups of bread flour
❑ 4 1/4 cups of water
❑ 20 grams of salt
❑ 3 tablespoons of malt syrup
❑ 1 tablespoon of White Sesame seeds
❑ 1 tablespoon of Black Sesame seeds
❑ 1 tablespoon of Poppy seeds
❑ 1 tablespoon of Flaky sea salt
❑ 1 tablespoon of baking soda
❑ 2 tablespoon of malt syrup

1. In a bowl combine warm water, yeast and sugar. Let this bloom for
about 15 - 20 minutes.
2. Then in a mixer combine flour, salt, malt syrup, water, and activated yeast
3. Let the mixer knead the dough for about 20 minutes. Let the dough sit for
20 minute to relax.
4. Once the dough has relaxed you are ready to make bagels.
5. Start by cutting long snake like strands of the dough and then roll the dough
around your hand and form them into a nice bagel circle!
6. Place your bagel onto a tray sprinkled with corn flour and let them proof
7. Since, we are making everything bagels we need to work on the
everything bagel topping. In a bowl, combine the white sesame seeds,
black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and flaky sea salt. Set aside and
get started on cooking your bagel!
8. The next morning, get a pot of water and add in your baking soda and malt
syrup. Then bring it to a boil.
9. Drop in your bagel and let them boil for about 1 minute per side.
10. Take them out of the water and douse them with your everything mix.
11. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees and bake your bagel for 10 minutes. Flip
them onto the other side and then bake them for another 5 - 10 minutes so
that it has a good bagel crust.
Sesame Pancake
Featured in Season 1 Episode 11: 2000 Year Old Chinese Sandwich

❑ 1 cup of water water
❑ 2 ½ cup of flour
❑ 1 tablespoon of instant yeast
❑ 1 tablespoon of sugar
❑ 1 tablespoon of neutral oil
❑ 1 tablespoon of salt

1. In a mixer, add in the warm water, flour, instant yeast, sugar, neutral oil,
and salt and mix for about 1 minute until everything is combined.
2. Take the dough out and knead it by hand until it is nice and smooth.
3. Place it into an oil proof bowl and let it proof for about 1 hour or until it
doubles in size.
4. Once it has doubled in size, roll out the dough slightly smaller than the
pan that you are cooking it.
5. Spread a little bit of oil onto the dough and sprinkle both sides of the
dough with sesame seeds.
6. Also add oil and sesame oil to the pan that you will be cooking the dough
in and be sure
to get up the sides of the pan. Place the dough into the pan and
proof the dough for about 1 hour so that it can be extra fluffy.
7. In the meantime, preheat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
8. Once the dough has risen a bit, place it onto your stove top and turn
the flame to a medium heat. Make sure that you keep and eye out so
that you don't burn the dough/ sesame seeds. Keep turning the
dough so that you have an even golden brown color.
9. Flip the dough over and cook the other side in the same manner.
10.Once both sides are golden brown place the bread in the oven for
about 5 minutes so that you can cook the dough all the way through!
Choripan Roll
Featured in Season 1 Episode 12: These Three Simple Parts Make Up Argentina’s Most
Popular Sandwich


❑ 1 packet of Active Dry Yeast

❑ 1 ½ cups of Warm Water
❑ 1 tablespoon of Honey
❑ 3 cups of Flour plus some extra for
flouring surface/dough
❑ 8 grams of

Salt Ingredients:

1. Start off with activating the yeast in a mixing bowl. Then add in dry yeast, 1 ½ cups
of warm water, 1 tablespoon of honey, and let that activate for 15 minutes until it’s
nice and bubbly.
2. Then add in 1 ½ cups of flour, and let it sit for an hour, the mixture will continue to
activate and rise. After letting it sit for an hour, add in another 1 ½ cup of flour and
salt (8g). Mix that together until it’s well incorporated.
3. Let the dough sit for 15 minutes so the gluten can relax before kneading.
4. Flour your kneading surface, and knead it for 5 minute to really develop the gluten
5. Once it’s nice and supple, you can place it in a bowl with a little bit of oil.
6. Let it rise and double in size for 1-1.5 hours.
7. Take the dough out and put it on the floured surface and split it up into a few
pieces and form those into nice little balls. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
8. You can start forming your bread roll with the dough ball, check out the forming
in the video
9. Let your formed dough proof for 30 minutes to an hour until they’ve gained a little bit
of air.
10. Take a razor blade or a sharp knife, and give your proof dough a little slash on the top.
11. Spray them with a little water on the top and bake them at 450 °F for 15-20
minutes. If you want your bread roll to develop a nice crispy and dark crust just
continue to spray the bread with water every 5 minutes
12. Enjoy your fresh roll!
Turkish Flatbread for Doner Kebab
Featured in Season 2 Episode 1: I can’t believe Im just fining out about this bread???

1 cup water
¾ cup milk
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 Tablespoons of salt
1 packet of rapid rise instant yeast
3 tablespoons of butter
⅓ cup of sourdough starter (mostly for flavor)
Start with 1 cup of flour but you will need more
1 egg + milk for an egg wash

1. In a pot melt the butter just so that it is liquid. You don't want it to boil or brown.
2. Then in a large bowl combine the milk, water, sugar, instant yeast, butter,
sourdough starter, and 1 cup of flour. Give it a good stir.
3. Keep adding more flour until it becomes more of dough mass. It will still be
super sticky and tacky but that’s it exactly how you want it.
4. Let it rest for 20 minutes and then give it a stretch and fold.
5. Let it rest for another 30 minutes and then give it one last stretch and fold.
6. Now you can let it rise for about 1 hour.
7. Once the dough has rested and is visibly puffy, take it out of the bowl and split
the dough into one large dough ball and then one small dough ball.
8. Give them both a rough shape and place them onto a parchment lined baking
9. Similar to a focaccia, gently push down the dough with the tips of your finger
to create a round dimpled dough.
10. Egg wash the dough and sprinkle on black sesame seeds and white sesame
11. Preheat your oven to 385 degrees while the dough proofs a bit.
12. Bake the Turkish bread for 25 - 30 minutes or until golden brown or
the internal temperature reaches 210 - 214 degrees fahrenheit.
Z-man Sandwich Recipe
Featured in Season 2 Episode 2: I recreated Paul Rudd’s Favorite KC Sandwich from

1 Tablespoon sugar
1 packet of instant yeast
2 cups of warm water
About 3 cups of flour
1/8 cup of olive oil or any oil you have on hand

1. In a large bowl combine the sugar, yeast, and water. Let bloom for 30
minutes or until it becomes noticeably puffy.
2. Add in the oil and then slowly start to mix in 3 cups of flour.
3. Once the dough comes together let dough rest for 20 minutes.
4. Take the dough out of the bowl and give it a good knead.
5. Shape it into a round ball and let it sit for 1 hour or until double in size.
6. Knock the air out of the dough and cut it into 8 equal size pieces.
7. With four of the pieces, roll them into tight balls, stamp them with the kaiser roll
8. With the other four, roll them out into logs and braid them. Check out how I
braided them here!
9. Let them proof until double in size and bake them at 390 degrees
fahrenheit for 10 minutes with the lid on and then continue baking them
with the

Challah Bread
Challah Bread
Featured in Season 2 Episode 3: Reinventing the PB and J sandwich

1 package of yeast
¼ cup sugar
1 cup of water
2 Eggs
4 cups of all purpose flour
2 teaspoons of salt
4 tablespoons of butter

1. In a small bowl, combine the yeast with 2 tablespoons of water and let this bloom
for about 10 - 15 minutes or until the yeast starts floating to the top. If your yeast
doesn’t activate then throw it away and use some fresh yeast.
2. Once your yeast has been activated your can move onto the next step which is
adding all the wet ingredients to a standing mixer. Combine the activated yeast,
sugar, the rest of the water, and the eggs until every kind of comes together.
3. Then in another bowl, combine the flour and salt. Gradually mix the flour mixture into
wet ingredients. Once the dough comes together let dough rest for 20 minutes.
4. Once your wet ingredients has absorbed your flour, slowly throw in your butter pieces by
piece until all the butter is incorporated into the dough.
5. Knead the dough in the mixer for about 10 minutes more or until you get a smooth,
elastic, and supple dough.
6. Take the dough out and knead for another 2 - 3 minutes just to shape it a bit more and
to form it into a ball. Then set it in a grease proofed bowl. Let it rise for about 1 ½ hours
or until it doubles in size. The timing on this varies from room to room. Say your kitchen
is very cold, it will take longer so it would be best to leave it in the oven with the light
on. With four of the pieces, roll them into tight balls, stamp them with the kaiser roll
7. Once the dough has proofed, knock out the air and pat it into a rectangle. From the
side furthest away from you pinch it and roll in towards you to create a log shape.
Roll outwards from the center.
8. Cut out 6 pieces lengthwise (about 177 grams each) and braid into a 6 braided
challah. You can check out my video to see how I did that here.
9. Place the braided challah onto a parchment lined baking tray and let the dough rise
for another 1 - 1 ½ hours or until the dough has doubled in size.
10. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit and egg wash your challah bread.
11. Lastly sprinkle on some poppy seeds and bake for 35 minutes!
Overnight Fermented Pizza Dough
Featured the Air Fryer Series: I took my Air Fryer into a new DIMENSION…

2 teaspoons instant rapid rise yeast
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt
1 ½ cup of warm water (105 degrees fahrenheit)
⅛ cup of olive oil
4 cups of flour

1. Add all the ingredients to a large bowl and mix together until you get a
cohesive dough ball.
2. Hand knead 5 - 10 or until smooth and elastic.
3. Drizzle in some olive oil in a bowl and let the pizza dough ferment overnight.
4. Your dough should be doubled in size (if not, let it rise a little longer at room
5. Your dough is now ready to make some tasty pizza!
Rye Wheat Sour Bread:
Featured in Sandwich Series S2 EP4: I can’t pronounce this Nordic.
sandwich... but can I make it?

• ¼ cup of wheat berries
• 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds
• 2 tablespoons of flax seeds
• 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
• 500 grams of water
• 350 grams rye flour
• 350 grams whole wheat
• 130 grams of starter
• 1 tablespoon of molasses
• 15 grams of fine salt

1. The night before place ¼ cup of wheat berries, 2 tbsp of sunflower seeds, 2 tbsp
of flax seeds, and 2 tbsp of pumpkin seeds in a mason jar and add enough water
to cover. Let them hydrate overnight.
2. In a large bowl add 350 grams rye flour, 350 grams whole wheat, and 500 grams
of water and mix with a danish whisk to combine. Let it autolyse for about 30
minutes. In the meantime drain your hydrated seeds and set aside.
3. Once your bread has rested add in 130 grams of starter, 1 tablespoon of
molasses, 15 grams of fine salt, and the hydrated seeds. Fold everything into your
dough until it is incorporated and let it rest for 1 hour.
4. After the hour is up give it a stretch and fold. It will be a bit hard to do since there
isn’t much gluten in the dough. Do the best you can and then give it a rest for 30
minutes. Repeat this step three more times for a total of four stretch and folds.
5. After all the stretch and folds are done, place the dough into the fridge overnight
for its bulk ferment.
6. In the morning, shape it into a tight log and place it into your greased pullman loaf
pan. Let it rise for about 3 hours on your counter. Once you notice that it has
risen, give it a couple of scores and close up your pullman loaf pan.
7. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for 20 minutes. Once the
20 minutes are up, take off the pullman loaf lid and bake for an additional 20
minutes. Let your rye wheat bread cool off until you are able to handle it.

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