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Provide first aid- Assessment

Written activity 1.1: -

Task 1.

Emergencies are eccentric. It can happen to anybody and anyplace. It is a circumstance requiring
prompt activity. Numerous crises cause an impending peril to the life of individuals included.
Circumstance of crisis range from a man to individual. Therapeutic crisis, for example, heart
assault, strokes, injury thus on has influenced a ton of individual. One can understand that a
crisis has happened through strange commotion, sights, scents, appearance, or practices. Crisis
can be perceived by following ways.

Unusual commotion: clamor which shows somebody is trouble, disturbing sound
detectable sounds, for example, breaking glass, slamming metals and so forth.
Unusual sights: Unusual sights show a conceivable crisis can pass by the
➢howeverUnusual notice: we can perceive numerous scents that are a piece of our life
when smell is more grounded than irregular, it shows crisis.
➢obviousUnusual appearance and conduct, for example, breathing trouble, sweating for
reasons, confounded or bad-tempered practices, change in skin shading.

In the wake of knowing the likelihood of risk, one ought to know about changes to the circumstance
or environment that could hurt the casualty and additionally them. On the off chance that there is
probability of peril or mischance, then one ought to stay clear and call crisis administrations to look
for offer assistance. To begin with Aiders are never required to place themselves in a circumstance
which may place them in risk. To start with aider ought to never put themselves at danger of risk or
harm. In the wake of drawing closer to the casualty, first aider more likely than not worn gloves,
checked for risk, responsiveness of casualty, then check out the scene to recognize what had
happened and perceive how responsive the casualty is. After this, first aider ought to give the
treatment inside their limitations.3Ps run ought to dependably be taken after that is: protect life,
anticipate facilitate wounds and advance recuperation. The individual security is most importantly
else so one ought to never put claim self at the danger of peril or harm.

In the wake of guaranteeing that there is no further probability of risk and mishap, and it is
sheltered to approach the loss first aider ought to check whether the loss is cognizant or
oblivious, whether setback is breathing or not, whether the loss is moving or not. for evacuating
aviation route check.

➢ Place one hand on loss' temple


➢ Place fingertips of the other hand under the loss' button

➢ Tilt head back tenderly and lift the button to open aviation routes
➢ Put on your gloves and evacuate any noticeable outside matter, for instance, broken teeth
➢breathingCheck for indications of life, for instance, oblivious, not noting questions, not
ordinarily, not moving

With a specific end goal to evaluate whether loss is cognizant or not one can touch the setback's
shoulder and ask him/her in uproarious voice 'Would you say you are okay?'. In the event that
there is reaction like opening eyes or talking or moving then loss is cognizant if not then loss is
oblivious. One ought to not move the setback unless they are in peril. In the event that the
setback is oblivious a rescue vehicle ought to be called desperately.

Subsequent to deciding the setback is cognizant check whether loss is breathing or not. Put one
hand near their mouth and nose and other hand on their mid-section and place ear near the nose.
Watch the setback for 10 seconds. At the point when taking heartbeat one ought to take note of
the rate of beat, cadence, and quality. On the off chance that setback is not breathing call rescue
vehicle as quickly as time permits. In the event that the loss is breathing, then check the physical
condition beginning from go to toe. Search for wounds, swellings all through the loss' bodies.

Next stride is to look for the help from the crisis reaction serve. Dial 000 which is Australian
essential crisis call benefit number. On the off chance that that is not working, or as an option
one call 112 for offer assistance. 106 can likewise be utilized as a part of instance of crisis yet it
is content based as it were. Subsequent to calling crisis number

➢ State which crisis benefit you need

➢ Stay on line until associated with the crisis benefit administrator
➢ Give more data as would be prudent, attempt to give correct address and area
➢ Do not hang up until educated by crisis benefit administrator request that do.
Task 2: -

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is safeguard breathing utilized as a part of conjunction

with mid-section pressure. CPR incidentally keeps up a flow adequate to protect mind work until
specific treatment is accessible. It is done when casualty is inert and not breathing ordinarily.

Before giving CPR or some other emergency treatment, first aider ought to know about changes to
the circumstance or environment that could hurt the casualty and in addition them. At that point call
triple zero and look for therapeutic offer assistance. After that check for the conceivable peril and
check the aviation route impediment on the mouth of the casualty. Expel it as quickly as time
permits. To give powerful pressure, the principal aider must pack the focal point of the casualty mid-
section and check how the casualty reaction (check whether he is breathing or not). In the


event that breathing cannot be given still there ought to be pressure with the goal that oxygen
will be circled. Pack the casualty mid-section 100 times each minute. One ought to quit doing
mouth to mouth when qualified arrive and assumes control, when casualty begin breathing
typically or when first aider turns out to be physically not able to proceed.

The ailments transmission amid real CPR is Possible. On the off chance that accessible the
utilization of boundary gadget amid save breathing is sensible. A boundary is gadget intended to
shield rescuers from presentation to disease when in shut contact with casualty. It is most ideal
approach to control transmission of sicknesses and presentation to disease. Two sorts of
obstruction gadgets are:

▪ A level plastic obstruction: It lies over the casualty mouth and nose. There is an opening
amidst plastic that permits the rescuer to blow.
▪ A covered shape boundary: it is a pear formed gadget that fits over the mouth and nose. The
rescuer blows through a restricted valve at the top to give protect breaths.

The primary aider ought to dependably consider overseeing or diminishing their stretch. One
ought to depict the circumstance with the chief and chat with the companion or associate about
how it felt to be included so that the de stretch. Individual can assume liability for their own push
administration by taking great care of general physical and psychological well-being.

Initially aider has an obligation of care towards their loss to practice sensible care and ability in
giving medical aid treatment. Initially aider groups the learning and aptitude which are significant to
certain restorative crisis circumstance and they have obligation to give help on the off chance that
they have deliberately gone up against that part. They need to guarantee that their activity does not
build the hazard to the setback. To begin with aider ought to give emergency treatment until another
prepared first aider arrives, rescue vehicle and specialist arrives and assumes control over, the loss
hints at the recuperation, first aider turn out to be physically unwell.

It is constantly vital to demonstrate the regard towards the loss. While giving the emergency
treatment, recollect that the setback you are going to help may have diverse culture, outfits, or
conventions. So, talk with them gradually, plainly, and straightforward sentences. Continuously
take assent from setback when conceivable. They have right to dismiss the restorative and
emergency treatment, help and counsel. At the point when offering emergency treatment from
the kids, assent ought to be taken from their folks when accessible. Of the setback dismiss for the
medical aid, first aider ought not constrain them for treatment.

To begin with aider do not have right to give therapeutic treatment and one ought to never go
past the constraint. Emergency treatment has its impediments and does not replace proficient
therapeutic treatment.

Distinctive kind of data including setback's close to home detail is to be said in the reports. The main
aider keeps the duplicate of the records and this data is extremely private. Data about the way


of mischance or state of setback ought to just be passed on to crisis administrations faculty or the
work put administrator, if fitting.

It is essential to look for a portion of the questioning and directing in the wake of seeing a
mischance particularly in the event that one experiences any change in physical and passionate
wellbeing. Questioning people groups to dispose of sorrow, bad dream, flashback and so forth.
This can be acquired through working environment manager, crisis administrations
neighborhood specialist and group wellbeing focus.

At the point when the individual is not breathing the CPR must be given until legitimate
medicinal administration arrives. In the first-place aider must check all the aviation route
deterrent and expel all the outside bodies from the mouth of the setback. At that point tilt the
leader of the loss and raise his/her button to open aviation route. After that Give 30 compressions
at a rate of around 100 times each moment. In the first-place aider ought to perform 30
compressions and two breaths until the individual begins breathing regularly or the therapeutic
treatment arrives. In the event that the individual does not relax for the long time subsequent to
giving CPR then we need to perform AED. AED is electronic apparatus that has security
insurance to counteract harm. It is utilized inside the initial 3-5 minutes of individual
experiencing sudden heart failure. The strategies for administrating AED are:

Ensure wellbeing - if two rescuers are available, dole out errands for every rescuer

Turn on the AED

Attach the cathode cushions - if different rescuers, proceed with CPR while the cushions are
joined, Follow the voice/visual prompts of the AED

Ensure no one touches the loss while the AED is investigating the mood If a stun is

Ensure, no one, touches the loss

Say "stand clear." Check, no one, is touching the loss

Push the stun catch as coordinated - completely programmed AEDs will convey the stun naturally

Continue to take after the voice/visual prompts of the AED If no stun is shown:

Immediately continue CPR utilizing a proportion of 30 compressions to 2 safeguard breaths.

Continue to take after the voice/visual prompts of the AED Thought and safeguard for

Ensure there is no centralizations of oxygen around the setback's mid-section, if utilizing
oxygen to supplement recitation, guarantee there is no development of different gasses
around the scene.

Do not utilize AED if setback or the encompassing is immersed with water.

Do not assemble the associated cushions and don't permit anybody to touch setback if AED is on.


▪ Ensure that the AED mid-section cushion is situated no less than 10cm far from the

Procedures for first aid management for:

1. Abdominal injuries

Injuries to abdomen are generally caused by a blunt or penetrating trauma. Medical

attention must be sought as soon as possible. Do not perform any first aid unless absolutely

2. Allergic reactions:

• Remove the substances which causes the allergy

• Stay with the person and call for help

• Give medication if prescribe

• Locate adrenaline auto injector if available

• Contact parent/ guardian or other emergency services if it shows sever symptoms

3. Anaphylaxis:

• Lay person flat, do not stand or walk. If breathing is difficult allow to sit

• If available assist with EpiPen or Ana Pen

• Call triple zero (000) for an ambulance

• Contact family/emergency contact

• Further adrenaline doses may be given if no response after 5 minutes

4. Bleeding control

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Put on disposable gloves if available

• Remove or cut clothing to expose the wound

• Check the wound for visible foreign bodies

• Apply direct pressure over the wound with a sterile or clean pad - the casualty
may be able to apply direct pressure themselves

• Lie the casualty down if not already in this position


• Raise and support the injured part above the level of the heart if possible

• Apply a dressing and a firm bandage to hold the pad in place - check circulation -
reassess circulation every 30 minutes

• Treat for shock if required

• Check circulation regularly to ensure bandage is not too tight

• Regularly monitor and record level of consciousness, pulse and breathing if

unable to stop the bleeding consider a constrictive bandage.

• Apply bandage firmly to injured area and tighten until bleeding stops

5. Burns

• Ensure safety

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Put on disposable gloves if available

• Cool only with clean water if possible and resist using other substances - up to 20
minutes for thermal or radiation burns - for at least 20 minutes for chemical burns - for at least
30 minutes for bitumen burns - if medical assistance is delayed and the limb is completely
encircled, split the bitumen lengthwise as it cools - keep phosphorous burns wet at all times

• Remove phosphorus particles using forceps only

• Cover with a clean, non-stick sterile dressing (or plastic wrap etc.)

• Remove tight clothing and objects, e.g. rings, jewelers

• Treat for shock if the burn is severe

• Ensure contaminated or smoldering clothing is removed unless it is sticking to the


• Flush chemicals from the skin, pay special attention to eyes

• Do not break blisters.

• Do not attempt to remove bitumen from the skin or eyes.

• Avoid the use of lotions and creams.

• Ensure cooling is not excessive resulting in shivering


6. Cardiac condition
▪ Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance
▪ Reassure and rest the casualty in a position of comfort, usually sitting
▪ Assist the casualty to take their medication (nitroglycerine tablets or spray)
▪ Monitor vital signs

▪ If, after three tablets or sprays over 10 – 15 minutes, the pain does not diminish, then the
condition should be considered a heart attack

7. Chocking and airway obstructions

Conscious casualty

Position yourself to deliver back blows - stand slightly behind and to the side of the
casualty - support the chest with one hand - lean the casualty well forward

Deliver up to five firm back blows between the shoulder blades using the heel of the hand

Check mouth and clear any obstructions that may have come loose after each back blow

If back blows are unsuccessful deliver up to five chest thrusts - chest thrusts are given
in an analogous way to chest compressions but are sharper and delivered at a slower
rate. Place your hand in the center of the chest as for CPR

Check mouth and clear any obstructions that may have come loose after each chest thrust

Repeat back blows and chest thrusts if obstruction not relieved

Unconscious casualty
▪ Support the casualty carefully to the ground
▪ Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance
▪ Commence CPR

8. Cold and crush injuries:

▪ Warm slowly by adding additional clothing, heating source, body heat
▪ If wet, change the casualty’s clothing if in stable environment
▪ If conscious, give warm, sweet drinks
▪ When able to stand, encourage mild exercise

9. Diabetes:


o Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance


o If conscious try to have the casualty eat one of the following: o 5 – 7 jelly
beans o 3 glucose tablets o 150ml of soft drink (not diet) o 2 – 4 teaspoons of
sugar or honey o 100ml of Lucozade
o Repeat if casualty does not improve after 5 -10 minutes
o For unconscious, do not attempt to give insulin injection. and Do not give any
food or drink by mouth

Hyper glycaemia

Definitive treatment for high blood sugar requires medical expertise

10. Dislocations

• RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate)

• Support limb in position of comfort
• Seek medical aid

11. Drowning

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Check airway and breathing
• If safe to do so, give rescue breaths while rescuing from the water
• Commence immediate CPR if required
• Place in recovery position once breathing is restored
• Treat hypothermia if present
• Suspect and treat spinal injuries

12. Envenomation:

• Ensure safety
• Reassure and rest the casualty
• Call ambulance urgently
• Apply direct pressure over the bitten area
• Apply a PIB starting from over the bite site and then wind as far up the limb
as possible to the armpit or groin
• Apply a second PIB commencing at the fingers or toes of the bitten limb and
wind as far up the limb as possible to the armpit or groin
• Immobilize the limb with a splint
• Avoid washing the bitten area, as a venom sample may be obtained
• Avoid elevating the limb
• Do not use an arterial tourniquet
• Do not remove the bandage and splint once it has been applied


13. Environmental impact


• Complete rest in the shade, no further exertion

• Remove unnecessary clothing
• Give cool water to drink
• Ensure casualty has assistance when recovered

Heat stroke

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Complete rest in shade
• Remove casualty’s clothing
• Cool casualty by any means possible – ice packs to neck, groin and armpits
• Cover casualty with wet sheet and keep wet. Fan to increase cooling
• Be prepared to resuscitate as required
• Fluids can be given if casualty is fully conscious
• If unconscious or semi-conscious, nothing by mouth. Re-hydration is required
by intravenous
• Fluids administered by a doctor or ambulance crew


• Provide shelter from cold, rain, wet ground and wind

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance
• Warm casualty, wrap in blanket, ‘space blanket’ or move them to a warm area
• Remove cold or wet clothing as soon as possible
• Cover casualties with blankets and keep them out of the wind
• Once casualty commences shivering, reassess heating
• Be prepared for sudden collapse and resuscitation.
• If conscious, give warm, sweet drinks

14. Epilepsy

• Protect from harm

• Place something soft under head
• Loosen tight clothing and any tie
• Roll into recovery position when jerking stops or immediately if vomiting
• Reassure until fully recovered

15. Eye and ear injuries:

For ear


• If an insect, attempt to float it out with warm water or clean light vegetable oil
• If immovable object, seek medical aid

For eyes

• Irrigate the eye and wash the object out

• If this fails, touch the corner of a clean wet cloth to the object and lift it off the
• Refer to medical aid if vision is affected
• Cover the affected eye if appropriate

16. Fractures:

• Check for warmth or pulse to the hand If no circulation gently and carefully
adjusts the position of the limb until pulse returns
• Treat any wounds
• Pad bony prominences
• Apply adequate splint
• Secure splint above and below fracture
• Reassess pulse or return of color/warmth after splint applied
• Apply appropriate sling
• Reassess pulse or return of color/warmth after sling applied
• Adjust bandages or sling if required

17. Head, neck and spinal injuries


• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Apply a cervical collar only if trained to do so treat any wounds
• Complete rest
• If unconscious or drowsy, put casualty in the recovery position while
supporting the cervical spine
• Allow any CSF to drain freely – if in recovery position, put the injured side
down with a pad over the ear to allow drainage

Spinal injuries

• If airway is not open, use jaw thrust or manual opening of the jaw rather than
extending the neck
• If unable to control airway – carefully remove the helmet while ensuring the
minimum of neck movement
• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance
• Extreme care in initial examination


• Always maintain the casualty’s head in line with the shoulders and spine using
manual support. Ensure the head is supported, not pulled, or pushed in any
direction. If trained to, apply cervical collar
• Position on spinal stretcher and use head- immobilization device if trained to
do so and equipment available
• Treat for shock
• Treat any other injuries
• Maintain body heat
• If movement required, use a ‘log roll’ using 2-or more people to assist you

18. Minor skin injuries

• Wash your hand and wound with clean flowing water

• Stop the bleeding
• Clean the wound
• Remove any dirt

19. Poisoning and toxic substances:

• If the casualty has collapsed call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance.
• Ring the Poisons Information Centre for advice on 13 11 26
• Rescue breaths and chest compressions if required
• Monitor the casualty at all times

20. Asthma:

• Shake inhaler and insert mouthpiece into spacer

• Place spacer mouthpiece in casualty’s mouth and give 4 separate puffs of a
blue/ grey reliever puffer
• Give 1 puff at a time
• Ask the casualty to breathe in and out normally 4 times after each puff
• Wait 4 minutes. If there is little or no improvement, repeat the above sequence

21. Seizures:

• Place something soft under head

• Loosen tight clothing
• Roll into recovery position when jerking stops or immediately if vomited
• Reassure until fully recovered
• Remove any excessive clothing
• On recovery, assess victim’s breathing – if not breathing normally – give CPR
• Do not put anything in the victim’s mouth


• Do not restrain the victim

22. Shock:

• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance

• Put on disposable gloves if available
• Control any bleeding
• If conscious, lie the casualty down with legs elevated and bent at the knees
• If unconscious, recovery position with support under the legs to elevate them
• Reassurance
• Maintain body temperature, but DO NOT overheat
• Treat any other injuries

23. Soft tissue injuries:

• R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, elevation)

• Avoid stretching or massaging the injured limb for 24 hours
• When the pain subsides, start activity slowly and in moderation
• If pain persists, seek medical aid

24. Unconsciousness, abnormal breathing or not breathing:

• Reassurance
• Remove the cause of anxiety, if possible
• If fainted, lay casualty flat with legs elevated
• Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance if no improvement.

The anatomical features of the respiratory system involve those structures of the body that
conduct air from outside the body to the lungs and those elements that control and facilitate the
process. There is the absence of normal breathing when there is problem in functioning of lungs.

Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides extra oxygen to the tissues of the body through the
lungs and is provided to a casualty as a supplement to normal respiration. It is usually done when
person is having problem in breathing. Certain injuries and conditions lead to a loss of ability to
maintain oxygen to the body at the required level. Oxygen therapy provides a regulated flow of
supplementary oxygen to ‘build up’ to the necessary level. Oxygen therapy is usually delivered
by a face mask, but nasal prongs can also be used.

External chest:

Diaphragm is a flat, smooth muscle attached to the lower six ribs, the sternum, and the spine. When
relaxed it is convex in shape, forming a ‘dome’ beneath the lungs. When the CNS stimulates the


need for inhalation, the diaphragm flattens, enlarging the chest cavity, and allowing expansion of
the lungs.

The intercostal muscles are the small smooth muscles between the ribs. When contracted, these
muscles expand the chest cavity in an outward direction, providing an enlargement of the chest

The upper airway consists of those spaces and structures that assist and guide the movement of
air from the nose and mouth to the ‘wind pipe’.





Person feel difficulty in breathing when there is obstruction in upper airway.

The inhaled air moves through the upper and lower airways to the membranes of the lungs, into
the alveoli. At this point, the oxygen content of the air is selectively moved through the walls of
the alveoli.

Suction is a vacuum device used to remove foreign materials or fluids from the casualty’s
airway. Yank Auer suction, y-suction catheter is two types of suction device used for removing
foreign bodies from casualty’s mouth.

The first aider must have enough knowledge of using such equipment.

Written/Verbal Questions: -

1. What are the steps in performing CPR on an adult?

The steps of performing CPR on an adult are as follows:
• Kneel by the side of the casualty
• Place the heel of one hand in the center of the casualty’s chest
• Place the heel of the other hand on top of the first hand and interlock the
fingers of the hands
• Position yourself directly above the casualty’s chest and, with your arms
straight, press down on the sternum 1/3 depth of chest
• Release all the pressure on the chest without losing contact between the hands
and the sternum
• Give 30 compressions at a rate of about 100 times a minute (a little less than 2
compressions a second)
• Compression and release should take an equal amount of time


2. What should you consider when applying appropriate first aid procedures?
For applying appropriate first aid procedure we need to ensure
• Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in accordance with
Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines
• Provide first aid in accordance with established first aid principles
• Ensure casualty feels safe, secure, and supported
• Obtain consent from casualty, caregiver, registered medical practitioners or
medical emergency services where possible
• Use available resources and equipment to make the casualty as comfortable
as possible
• Operate first aid equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions
• Monitor the casualty’s condition and respond in accordance with first
aid principles

3. Who should accurate details of the incident be reported to?

It is important to record details of the casualty’s physical condition and any changes,
including management of the casualty and response to management. Accurate details of
the incident should be report to the supervisor or manager of the organization.

4. How should records and information be maintained?

It is important to maintain records of any incidents and injuries that occur in the
organization. We need to Record as much detail as possible about the incident/injury, the
equipment involved and action taken to prevent a similar incident.

5. What psychological impacts can be felt from a critical incident?

People might suffer from depressions, nightmares, flashbacks, stress, and physical
complaints can occur from a critical incident.
Some people might suffer an immediate or delayed emotional response to the situation.
The way people respond might differ but symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares,
depression, and a wide range of physical complaints can occur so it is important to
debriefing after incident It might be beneficial to seek some form of debriefing or
counselling, especially if we suffer from any changes in our physical or emotional health.
We can find out about professional counselling and debriefing services through your
workplace supervisor, Emergency Services, your local doctor, or community health
center writing down what happened and your feelings about it talking with a friend or
colleague about how it felt to be involved
6. Why should you participate in a debriefing after an incident?
Some people might suffer an immediate or delayed emotional response to the situation.
The way people respond might differ but symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares,
depression, and a wide range of physical complaints can occur so it is important to
debriefing after incident It might be beneficial to seek some form of debriefing or
counselling, especially if we suffer from any changes in our physical or emotional health.
We can find out about professional counselling and debriefing services through your
workplace supervisor, Emergency Services, your local doctor or community health center

writing down what happened and your feelings about it talking with a friend or colleague
about how it felt to be involved.


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