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Name: Jhon Paul Gervacio Date: September 21,2020

Course Description: III-BSCPE

A. Terms/Concept to Understand: Cite your answer in an essay form.

1. Problem Definition.
This first aspect of systems and development life cycle is basically let you define
your problem. This is consider as the first step of Software Development life cycle. I will
let example the JPC Library Management Program, a program which I've done last year.
I've defined my problem as unorgarnized and hassle system of JPC's Library. In this part,
I've ask question of what,how, and who.

What in terms of asking "What is the best software that I can do from this
problem?, How in terms of asking "How can I solve this problem" and who by asking
myself "Who will benefits from this". I've noticed that just about defining the problem, I've
already a broader idea to start my project. This is a quick jumpstart for me that can help to
gather the needed requirements on my projects, to make it more be detailed and reliable.
2. Program Design.

The second aspect of systems and development life cycle is something needs your
creativity. This is about designing a program. In my example, a JPC Library Management
Program, after defining the problem, What layout would the be the best to start with? So
probably, this should be related of my main problem which is about the library system.
How can I figure out this problem on my design or what design interface should my
program be based on?Then, I've let my design be based on the problem and not of the
design desired by myself. If you're offering a service of designing other programs, you will
always be based on the preferences of your clients,asking of what will works for them and
let yourself just improve this one. Knowing more of the design elements will helps you
ease of designing a program. Always put in mind that designed program can make your
problem be reliable. Sometimes, working in a team here is must so you can have great
collaboration for appropriate mix of designs of your desired program.

3. Coding.


The third aspect of systems and development life cycle is coding. After you already
defined the problem and designed it, this now, will be a crucial part. This is about coding
your program. This is not easy as 1-2-3 because you will be dealing of the programming
languages. Focusing on my previous system, the JPC Library Management, I've used one
of the C languages, which is C++. This a required programming language that I should be
used as what my instructor said. To start, I've based on my system design, knowing of all
the abstract function and I’ve think of the needed code to execute. Like for example, in the
first form,the Log-in form, all toolbox putted on this form will be coded to make it
functionable. It takes time of coding a program and patient is a must. Coding will helps
you more logical of dealing software program and can help you be one professional.
4 Debugging.

The fourth aspect of systems and development life cycle is debugging. This is usually
done while coding to test if you met the appropriate code of your system and if you're lucky
enough to test another form. You will normally catching up an errors of building your system
even a professional one were experiencing it. In my case of debugging the JPC Library
Management System, I've caught up so many errors and it takes me time to compile it
correctly. Debugging will helps you to establish a powerful program and it will teach yourself
for a great improvement.

5 Testing.
The fifth aspect of systems and development life cycle is testing. This is also
connected from debugging but in more broader way. Debugging helped your program just
99.9% functionable upon compiling your program, it is still not perfect. You've even
because correctly compiled your program, you will still undergo the testing process.
There's an assigned professional that can test your program. They will test your system
from the very beginning and up to the last part. You can't escape the error you've made and
need to accept their opinion for further improvement of your program. Testing has
particularly done of many stages from its unit, the program system, and of the opinion or
satistaction of your target user.

6. Documentation.


The six aspect of systems and development life cycle is documentation. This is
documenting the part of what you've done or what you've experienced from the entire
process of doing your program. Sometimes, documenting is good to be done by creating
your program from the first part and it in more organized way, the best if doing it by each
part. In documenting you will going to examine or investigate the every steps you done.
Like how you came up of your problem, the design or even error you've experienced is
included here. Documenting is much needed things because this can be served as your
guidelines for the future improvement of your program.

7. Maintenance.

The seventh aspect of systems and development life cycle is maintenance. In every
program that have been developed there is always has a maintenance. Maintaining a program
usually starts if you find a new problem in the environment of which your program is related.
In maintaining your program you're looking if your system still meet the goal of your
developed program. You will be dealing of some changes in the environment and that's why
you need to keep your program still running despite of that changes. You need to upgrade
your system and make it more functionable and must be usable from the current situation.

8. Extension and Redesign.

The last aspects of systems and development life cycle is extension and redesign.
What you will be dealing of this part is to see if there's a needed to extend or to redesign in a
system. We should consider this aspects as our system won't be boring to use or sometimes
it's not became useless. The documented file will be a great help on this aspect as this can be
served as your guidelines to redo your system if just possible.

B. Brainstorm Session:

What is Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC? And cite an example or give at
least one most popular model to explain.


Systems and Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that followed by professionals
who’s related in software development. It includes their professionalism to make a high
quality that will surely meets user satisfaction or somewhat will help the environment. It
also includes the hardworks, the costs and an effort of doing a software product. All of
behind the Systems and Development Life Cycle (SDLC) are your creativity, patients,
motivations and most of all the success you can have.

The famous model known SDLC of until now is Waterfall Model. This is the most
commonly used in Systems and Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It's easy to understand, it’s
good model and presented in a simple way. It summarizes your entire process of SDLC as it
already breaks down the information in a specific part and just need to be followed.

C. Identify and describe the following;

To identify and describe the following;

➢ Requirements
This about looking of the required information in your system. It’s simply talks
about of what to find out or simply collecting of all the needed data throughout the entire
process. You will be start of documenting information here. From defining the problem
and up to simply listing of what your software can do or the specifications of your software.
Working in a team on this part is much pretty wise here as you can do the brainstorm
activity or share idea of itself.
➢ Analysis
After looking for the needed requirements, the next phase is analyzing. It’s simply
a requirement analysis. Your works here is to analyze the every single details you’ve putted
on the requirements phase. What is something to remove and what other information is to
add. After listing the needed specifications, you will be asking yourself of how you’re
going to implement this listed specifications. Requirements analysis is intended to examine
the function of your software, the question about implementation is comes now of
analyzation and providing it with a keen details.

➢ Design
After getting a keen details from analyzing the requirements, this is now providing
a proper design on your system. Basically, this is a technical design talking of the layout
and of the main design itself. You will be noticed in the Waterfall model that it turns back
on analysis phase, simply because an analyzed requirements specifications will be a great
help on this phase. You will be needing a good design that is why the listed specifications
is such a great help and the best guidelines to start with. Always put in mind that design
will also bring life on your software and make your software be stands out.

➢ Coding
At this phase, your battle will starts now. Coding is the most crucial part and the
sensitive phase. This is now where you going to implement all of your wanted
specifications. Giving life of your software and make it functionable. It comes with
debugging your code or compiling to see if there’s an error. Always put in mind that
software specifications must be met user’s satisfaction. The characteristics of being patient
is must be needing here.
➢ Testing
After coding, you’re going to test your program now of its proper stage. In a
developing a software, you must establish your program in a more functionable form. This
is why testing is a must and sometimes you will be needing a help from professionals. They
will help you to point-out of what to improve and accept their opinions. Catching up an
error here is normal and it will require you of another bunch of hardworks .Testing will
also check of your program design, if it really meets your listed specifications. If it in a
case that it’s not, you will be needing your listed analysis on your software specifications
and you will be examining it again as what the waterfall model says.

➢ Acceptance
This is the last phase of waterfall model, after passing the testing phase. You will
feel now your hardworks. If you’re dealing with clients, clients will someone to say if they
accept your done project or not. After accepting you will need to update your software and
some maintenance and that its why it’s came back from the first phase, where you can see
the documented parts and its continuous.

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