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ALIMATS ‘TOOLBOX TALK / SITE PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Operatives to ensre correct PPE is used (gloves, safety boots, highvisibility clothing and hard hat, plus ‘ekltional PPE subject site condition eg. ea prseetion et) [Ensore the Site Management Team have given consideration / approve the use of Almas. [Ensure the prepared harstanding area is lve “The era sould drive into the correct position a marked onthe Li Plan and extend etriagers. It the ground isnot completely evel asad bed is advised, to provide a more even load dist buton, ‘lima shouldbe lied int position by two people to avoid stains ~ each clean mat weighs approx. 38 kg. Each at of Alimats® consists 20 mats; Five mats to be placed beneath each erane owrigget. "Thre interlocks seth shouldbe pled on the lower layer and wo above placed at 0 to those beneath Each section shouldbe slosted into the adjacent mata cis laid and pushed into positon Toensure mals ifrfock coneetly:- The orientation of the Alimats® logo ad TD mas, ned tobe consistent for ‘ach mat which so be placed side by side inthe same layer (see photos below), ‘The top layer joint shouldbe positioned hal ofthe width ofthe completed lower layer eet) [Ensure there are no stones between the mat ayers, avoid potential point load indenton / damage ‘The standard crane mat shoud be placed ental onthe completed Alimats® confguation, Repeat tall four outiggee postions. -Enmure that all completed Alimats sets are postoned central tothe oueigaer pa. ‘Apply fl outrigger loading and observe mats for any sign of undue srs selement. If there s any concem regarding the stability ofthe ourgger pads ~ Seek advice from the Appointed Person / Ste Engine. “To finetion as intended ALIMATSW must be placed / used as specified above - not ssn below! ALIMATS” TOOLBOX TALK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEET "The Atimats Tootbox Talk was deiversd Dvr Company: "The Alimats Toolbor I Tiewas delivered oy Name aps) ‘Company: Dave Name caps) Company: Name any Company Name aps) “oman Namie apy Ls Name (easy Risk Ascssment mast be provided tothe Hirer and ‘ensite each operative who Sigatare Dave DckalQot the Hirer

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