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Lor of Loss in Plasur

0 to 10 grs Sorpio

O in • mo
A whit raiating angli han, holing lotuss or watr

lilis of whih th flowrs ar falling right an lft . Lavs

only, no us surmount thm . Ths lotus stms asn twn

th ups in th mannr of a fountain, ut no watr flows thr-

1 from ; nithr is thr watr in any of th ups, whih ar som-

what of th shap of th watr up of th ZAM .

I on has
pitur hr is on of xhaustion or

partakn so muh of a goo thing that



has n

xhaust hn no watr oms from th ntr of th lotuss .

Th lak of watr show that th lotuss hav grown ut not

pollnat, whih givs ris to suprfiial growth, an th sa

from whih thy grow has not n nourish so that any growth in

it to whih th roots of th lotus rah is oom to  arrn

an infrtil u to all th nutrints of th sa ing utilis

in th prvious ar .

Th fiv ups form th symol of th North - th Apxs

two triangls mting in th ntr . Esotrially th North

rprsnts arknss, olnss an th arrn, ut this symol

givs forth onntrat nrgy to th ntral point, whih is


nssary to sustain what lif that is lft . This onntration

raws inwar giving th apparan of a ntral pillar whih must

vntually gnrat nough hat for growth, ut not hr as this

ar allus to th wintr months of ormany . This tim of

assum stillnss is nssary for a hmial hang to tak

pla uring putrfation .

Paralsus says : Pla it Mrury) in th Philosophi

Egg, an sal it losly so that nothing may vaporat . Stan it

in Athanor until, without any aition, it gins of itslf to 

rsolv from aov, so that it,looks lik an islan in th mist

of that sa, graually rasing vry ay, an at last ing

hang into th rsmlan of lakning . This lak sustan

is th ir whih flis y night without wings, whih th first

w from havn, with its onstant influn, its asnt an

snt, has hang into th laknss of a row s ha .

This is whr all hav turn sour in natur, ut as yt too

ativ to stagnat, as thr is an lmnt of isturan from

th fifth up, th ntral up . Nvrthlss putrfation is

taking pla hanging th natur of all mattr, thrfor what is

lost annot  rovr . Th mpty ups show unfulfilmnt of

motions an sirs, an rprsnt what has not yt n

attain . This lak of fulfilmnt nourags a stat on-

tinual trying . Th Spirit is onstantly pushing to gt through

an  xprss in Mattr . This pushing is nlss hn th

imag of xhaustion i n th 5 of Cups .

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Th 5 of Cups is th 1st stag of Sulimation . Putrfation

taks pla in svn ways, an on of th svn is Sulimation,

as Spirit, an an  sri as to mak th oy spiritual .

Th 5 of Cups is olour in th Qun Sal . Th akrop

is th olour of th Sign, Jaspr R Soft Orangy R Brown),

an th ups ar th olour of th Plant, Poppy R Soft Orang

R) . Th lotus stms an lavs ar th omplmntary to th

akrop, Paris grn . Th lotus flowrs ar th omplmntary

to th ups, Brilliant Grn . Th-gs of th ups giv off

grn aura to intify th ups against th akrop . Th han

an lous ar Brilliant Whit .

With th olours of th fir lmnt xprss through th

watr lmnt oms vry intns motion with strong sirs .

Enrgy taks a nw form, whih if rgulat an transform

vrything aroun it . Ths olours rprsnt th volutionary

pross of xpansion of onsiousnss, laing vntually to th

ration of prftion . Th main sour of riv shown y ths

olours is sxual . Thos who want to surviv unr th influn

of ths nrgis must  rsourful, guiing nrgy into

hannls whr it an  us onstrutivly .

Th Plant an Sign assoiat to th 5 of Cups is Mars in

Sorpio . Mars in Sorpio works on two xtrms ; ynami,

powrful will, or a vastating strutiv prsonality lving

to th pths of snsationalism an ngativ motion . Suh

xtrms prou popl of grat rsourfulnss, popl of

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unompromising fns mthos an lifs an thos with a

powrful sx riv an aomplish high goals or la thm into
t graation . Slf strution ariss from harour grugs or

flings issatisfation whih turn stagnant low th

surfa . Whn trapp in a ornr, th Mars in Sorpio prson

woul turn on th slf an stroy rathr than aught or

rmain ornr, just lik th Sorpion whih stings itslf to

ath . Jalousy is an inulgn of th Mars in Sorpio prson,

who wloms halthy rivalry to tst his own strngth . Slf

sarifi in what is liv givs th Mars in Sorpio prson a

sns of rirth, or lansing . This sarifi is a slf invok

stat giving rlif from th normal whih is fix an

unhanging . Th latr stat is also slf invok as a form of

surity .

Gurah of Hh isappointmnt in lov, marriag rokn

off, kinnss of a frin, loss of frinship, moral graation) .


ON MATTERS OF th Physial Boy ; Slfhoo ; Slf Projtion ; nw

ias ; nw ginnings ; rations to outsi stimuli ; th lif

for ; first nountrs :

In this position th 5 of Cups rprsnts on who has

malajust to normal lif . Strngth of sir ovrruls

isrimination, nouraging a pattrn of ovroing ons proj-

tion of ias an lifs, spially xprssion of th motions,

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for xampl, ration to fat givs p isappointmnt an to

suss is ovrjoy . Th plasurs of lif ar inulg in to th

fullst till on is ma sik y thm . An, vn thn thr ar

thos that nvr larn . This ar rprsnts th fanati . It

also rprsnts ovraring xtrnal fors whih som work at to

ovrom whil othrs ruml unr th prssur . Ths fors

aus a pltion of nrgis an at tims giv a fling of

hoplssnss . Nvrthlss, against all os on shoul kp

trying . If you an t go through th rik wall, go aroun it .

Th Ky wor is oming Distraught .

ON MATTERS OF possssions an prsonal attitu towars suh ;

prsonal stat an rsours oth physial an matrial ;

prinipls an flings ; managmnt an projtion ; ommr,

prsonal, ommrial, govrnmntal an national finanial affairs

irtly rlating to th slf :

In this position th 5 of Cups pits a loss of inom an

misfortun in a usinss vntur ; prsonal rsours o not om

up to xptation, managrial mattrs misfir ; prinipls an

flings sink into graation unlss surrouning ars pit

othrwis whn it will imply tmporary loss . Thr ar thos

aroun you that sm to hav th Mias touh an you will nfit

y pooling your rsours with thm, although thy may ontinu

to nfit an you to los . Don t spair, only growth an tak

pla now, as ontinuum of volution is in progrss . Dspair .

ON MATTERS OF short journys ; ommuniations ; rlationships ;

L66/pg 6

rothrs, sistrs, nighours ; humour ; intity ; arly uation ;

ooks ; orrsponn ; nlarging ons fil of ativity :

Communiation through th xprssion of sirs an moos is

t quit vint whn th S of Cups turns up in this position . This

ar shows a snsitivity that an tun into th moos an ns

of thos on oms into ontat . This maks goo ounsllors .

Intrprtation of othrs in this way an om istort an

takn prsonally laving flings of hurt, isappointmnt an at

tims motional imalan . Th 5 of Cups warns against travl as

thr may  an aint u t rklssnss . Euation is

gnrally along th lins of a tra an working with mahinry .

Thr is oftn a fling twn family or nighours . Th

safst ation is siln . Snsitivity .

ON MATTERS OF th n of on stag an th ommnmnt of

anothr ; th hom an privat lif ; uilings ; lan ; parnts ;

surity ; motions ; signifiant shifts in lifs irtions ; on-

rning th soul ; th oult in its pratial trms ; ivination :

Th 5 of Cups in this position shows proupation with

finanial surity . It shows onfin in usinss affairs an

a fling of finanial surity in th hom, ut th hom

t nvironmnt is gnrally unsttl with motional upsts that

la to aints . Th lsson hr is to larn slf ontrol so

that th omsti sn is put in harmony . Thr may  troul

ovr lan an uilings an possil isputs . Loss may our
through thft or amag of proprty . Watr pip an rainag

L/pg 7

prolms ar vry likly . Th 5 of Cups shows a iffiult tim,

ut this is a nssary tim to install nough issatisfation

within th slf to nourag on to fight, an th gt up an go

n to mak hangs for th ttr . Loss .

ON MATTERS OF lov givn ; rativity of slfhoo ; th rativ

will ; hilrn ; ntrtainmnt ; rration ; spulation ; sports ;

th arts ; gamling ; fulfilling potntiality :

Lov is givn in suh xss that it oms ominating an

ovraring . Rjtion is flt aus othrs annot rturn lov

t in suh vloity . This xssivnss turns stal vry quikly

laving issatisfation in rlationships, making a rlationship

short liv . This is a position of graation for th 5 of Cups

as vrything is on in xss . A prson an gaml his lif

away unr this influn taking onslf to th guttrs . 0

anothr si of th oin th 5 of Cups rprsnts orom an

loss of njoymnt in th normal form of ntrtainmnt whih las

to ithr a . mor rfin lifstyl or to mor xoti forms of

ntrtainmnt . Plasur amitt in unu gr nslavs th

Will, nor lavs jugmnt fr . Turning Point .

ON MATTERS OF siknss gnrally u to work prolms) ;

mploymnt : mploys ; rlationships within th work nvironmnt ;

onflits ; srvi ; ons sns of srvi ; th aquiring

skills ; psyhology :

Boun srv th ns of othrs with rwar only in

L66/pg 6

rmmran . In work rlationships thr is a loss of

frinship . Th ssn n for oopration has n lost

laving nothing to hol rlationships togthr . If qurying

aout work it shows a possil loss of position, for a usinss it

shows a loss in rvnu . This is not .a fortunat position for

th 5 of Cups, laving littl to  hop for . Psyhologially

on an tak on th fatst attitu whih os littl for th

futur . In aition to this vry littl nrgy is lft to mak a

nw start . Ilnss is vry likly whih vn mor hinrs any

progrss . aoption of slf-ntrnss volvs, or has

volv whn th 5 of Cups turns up hr . Loss in Prosprity .

ON MATTERS OF marriag an ivor ; ontrats ; th othr party ;

omptitors, avrsaris, an known nmis ; partnrships ; puli

rlationships ; soial intration ; th law of ompnsation ; what

is laking ; th workings of karma :

1 Unr

vry litl lif,

th aov mattrs th 5 of Cups pits that thr is

will, or nrgy lft to ontinu what sm to

 a goa situation . Somthing outwighs th situation foring

you away from th ntral pivot . With nothing to hol th ntr

togthr vrything appars to fall apart . This happns mor on

th motional lvl than any othr lvl . A fling of an mpty

pit is lft from th aov mattrs . Th workings of Karma tah

th mastry of alonnss ; nthusiasm an motional an physial

riv is laking . A grat al must  xprin for you

s aov th lous . Popl hav a vampirifi afft on you .

I Draining .
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ON MATTERS OF ath an rirth ; aints ; ffts of othrs ;

rim an rtriution ; lgais ; wills ; othrs stats an

finans ; joint rsours ; moos ; sx ; spiritualism ; rjuvna-

tion ; mystiism ; transformation ; psyhothrapy :

Emotional intnsity rivn y strong sirs prominats in

this position until thr is nothing mor to giv ithr to

or rlationships . Sx oms an at

t usinss, partnrships

finans ptr out,

without fling or for slf-gratifiation,

inhritans om rain if any om your way at all, in any

vnt thr will  onflit with lgais, taxs t . A ath

annot  mourn as thr is nothing lft to giv ; joint

finans om mattrs of ontntion . On th sotri si th

5 of Cups rprsnts sxual magi in its most asi slf-

gratifi form, whih only rsults in lokags of th aura

ausing sphrs of stagnation an futur isas . On a mor

a positiv si if wll aspt, it rprsnts psyhi powrs .

This ar also shows riminal tnnis an a violnt, sun

t ath . Emptinss .

ON MATTERS OF rligion ; mtaphysis ; philosophy ; highr stuy an

uation ; lgal systms ; morals ; institutions of larning ; long

istan travl ; xploration ; puli ommuniations ; th

olltiv min :

Conrning uation an stuy th 5 of Cups shows somon

going through th motions of larning ut in ssn not larning

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at all . Th min just osn t tak any mor or giv any mor .

Travl is finitly not on, an if on ignors th avi not to

travl, aints or a loss may our . Conrning rligion, th

path you ar sking os not hav what you n - look ls-

whr . Communiations with th puli - ar lok in on •w ay or

anothr rsulting in no ontat . Thr is an ovrall suprfiia-

lity with th 5 of Cups in this position . Suprfiiality

ON MATTERS OF puli honour ; status ; amitions an goals rah ;

ahivmnts ; profssion ; th othr parnt ; auss for isgra ;

rognition ; intity :

To travl a straight ours through lif you must larn an

xris slf ontrol maintaining a vigilan on isrimination

of what is right an wrong . B awar of your strutiv tnn-

is an prvnt thm from hinring your vlopmnt . Th

imprsonal approah may pav a path ut it maks no frins ;

on t  afrai to show a littl ompassion at tims . not

work suh long hours as tirnss grows into stalnss an on

ay you will wak up wonring what its all for, if you o not

alray fl that way . Thr is a tnny to unrmin suss

an happinss . Th 5 of Cups in this position also rprsnts

malprati . Th Ky wor is Malprati

ON MATTERS OF frins ; inom ; soial allians ; lgislation ;

ons attitu ; group ativitis ; govrnmnt, ounsllors ; lov

riv ; spiritual an intlltual aspirations ; ials ; fulfil-

mnt ; what you yil an how you nfit othrs :

L66/pg 11

Th 5 Cups in this position shows th misfiring of

plans, goals unotain an propos gathrings anll .

Profssionally, sarifis ar willingly ma to srv futur

intrsts . Rassssmnt an rstruturing of onrns unr th

aov mattrs is iniat . An air of mlanholy is spra in

group ativitis laving a tast of isapointmnt . Ths groups

vntually isprs . Th of Cups is not favoural for

starting up nw ativitis as somthing or somon always falls

short of xptation to pull th task through . Thr ar

unoutly isputs . Th Ky wor for th 5 of Cups in this

position is Rassss .

ON MATTERS OF rsponsiility an ontriution othrs ;

humanisti onrns ; karmi ts ; unrsolv prolms ; hin

rsours ; th unonsious ; sorrow ; halth afflitions ; srt

nmis ; hospitals ; srt soitis ; slf unoing ; total

intifiation :

I Th powrs of volution an transformation ar gratly in

man in this position, whih apply prssur from th unon-

sious, ut ar hl ak y th onsious as it osn t want

hang . Thn, in tim on will rah a stat of mntal an

motional xhaustion . Th 5 of Cups shows litl to no ontriu-

1 tion to othrs along with a rjtion of rsponsiility . Thr

ar a grat many prolms unrsolv whih wigh havir an

havir ovr tim . Evntually somthing has to giv way, foring

ithr a fight to ovrom ostals, or omplt graation .


Halthwis it rprsnts hamorrhois, vnral ulrs, urinary

prolms, ovaritis, urthritis, lymphati ostrutions . Th ky

wor is Exhaustion .


5 CU2s
- oo± - Lor of Loss of Plasur

First Stag Sulimation - mak oy spiritual)

In 1st position : Distraught

In 2n position : Dspair

In ?r position : Snsitivity

In 4th position : Loss

In 5th position : Turning Point

In 6th position : Loss of Prosprity

In 7th position : Draining

In 8th position : Emptinss

In * 9th position : Suprfiiality

In 10th position : Malprati

In 11th position : Rassssmnt

1 In 12th position : Exhaustion



Lt th Stunt first stuy th ovrall pitur of th ar, thn

stuy ah tail . Stuy th olours .

Now lt th Stunt look at th ar an fl its virations .
I Writ own your ovrall imprssion .


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Now paint this ar with th aov sri olours . An

outlin rawing is suppli with this lsson .


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