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Dosen Pengajar : Retno Ayu Hapsari, S. Gz, MNutrDiet

Nama : Haresti Marianto


1. What do you think might happen if you do not eat one of the colors of the rainbow? What
makes you think this?
2. What are some ways of eating that can help cultivate gut microbiome diversity?
3. Other than food, what lifestyle factors can affect our microbiomes?
4. How easy do you think it is for most people to implement lifestyle changes that will help
cultivate a good gut microbiome?

Answer :

1. In my opinion, maybe I wouldn’t get the nutrition if I didn’t eat one of the
rainbow colors of vegetables and fruits, because in each color there are various
nutrients that are beneficial to the health of the body.
2. The diversity of the gut microbiome can be obtained by paying attention to
daily food intake. Certain foods and diets can affect the types of bacteria in
your gut, wich in turn affect your overall health.
3. Lifestyle factors such as smoking have shown the strongest association to
influence the microbiome.
4. In my opinion, it is not easy to implement these changes, because it takes a
process to change one’s lifestyle.

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