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Name of the book, Autor, personajele, locul actiunii ;

P2. Ideile principale de suport ;
P3. Punctul culminant, +exemplu ;
P4. Ce ti-a placut si ce nu ti-a placut ;
P5. Daca recomanzi cartea sau nu ;

The Maze Runner ( Escape )

The Maze: Escape is an American dystopian action SF movie. The epic final of
the Maze Runner series Thomas leads his group in the latest and most dangerous
mission to date.
To save her friends, he must enter in the Last City where it exists a badly
controlled labyrinth that proves to be the most dangerous of all.
Anyone who escapes with their lives they will receive answers to the questions they
asked at the beginning of the game.
There was a book about this movie and I was impressed by the book because the
details appear in the book and aren`t in the film.
I recommend this movie because it has as interesting story based on leader
who must unite all boys in order to escape.

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